0 A Ileaii t if ul WW WHlntMtday. January 3. 1040, TH2 DAILY WW8 " m Is Buried With Catholic Rites of the Annunciation to Falrvlew Cty. Cemetery. Rev. rainera cnam-pane and Adam officiated. Pall-beur-r.. were LouU Amadlo, J. Cal-derone. Iuls Mazzet, A. Monte-sano. o. Dlcklno and A. Morego. The late Mr. Coco had been a r. ident of Prince Rupert for yean. Hi ra 52 yeara of age and a native of Italy in which country hU . , ,d father liven Hotel Arrivals PHONES 585 m foliate Toilet Soap Offp 1 no All for 3 Caohmrre Bouquet ?oap, i IloMfe lotion - 25C A ior Itlnto Heal 1 Urje 0I I small--For Lot Deal 1 larte Lus JJEjC J I.UI .Tup (,Unt IUo Wheat I'ufft- Each 25c M Arrow Soda- 22C Per pkg. Saxar CliP Corn 2C 11ske-3 pkgs. l)irie FUe-P-r pkg 10c Prince Rupert I Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Newman. mntnl Ye-Uerday Mernln of Late ""'"oh; Dorreen Jack, Victoria; ldora Hotter Slcann Arena, Coi'-HiJv.iii r. WHI Known I4wal' ftntf M" E- Campbell, ner 2nd. Ave. and 6th. St After- Fhherman P". Pltahka. aNJt To matt Per tin FREE RT?I R. Towtwend, Blllmor: Mr. and Mra. E. Ch and R. J. Mathews, city; Roy E. Nelbton and K. Rad-cllff. Dundas; Ivan Ekdah!, A fifty cent eiassinea ad, vrji often make yna many dollar. LINZEY & DAVIES Good Fresh (iround Coffee Per lb. 1 l. Tea-Per lb. 2'a 40c 55c lllpolile Matlo Whip Op 3 flavors. Per 1kg I1rt Grade Butler- i:nlin IVathf Kf At,V' Per tin Pork and Bcann XVI fftp 1 lb. size, each Oranges Doien 20c 25c 35c 12c ocrec -oooooooooooooooooooooooouooooooooooooooooooooo DecoratedTiimbler With Every Iurchasc of Effervescent Fruit Saline (KnKlish TyH?) IlothlFnr 39c Ormes Ltd. yim Jhonecr Druqgists 81 & 82 The Itexall Store ruM Opeit Dally from a.m. till 1C p-n. Sunday anH Holiday from 12 to- 2 m. ami ? t 9 i ' ocwooockoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I!F, TO- INCREASE W rRKT Or Nanaimo Wellington Coal At the mine of one dotUf per ton ami the Increase In ,rc!jJ rates, commencing- January f,. 19W. Intlon Coal will be as follows , our p.rlf es on . Phone 118 and 117 m m a Nanaimo Wellington l.umn8ackfd. delivered. Per ton Nanaimo Wellington Mine Il.ti8acked, del., Ter ton Nanaimo Wellington Lnmp-Hulk, delivered. Per ton - ' Nanaimo. Wellington Mine Hun-Bulk, delivered. Per ton Albert and McCaffery Ltd I LOCAL NEWS NOTES l , 1, lAiice Arm; u b. uttie; Dundas noon ant evening Open Balur-Polnt; O. Blngr. Barrett Roelc: Mrs. day. tf. . .... i ... ii Dan Ma,n nd Donald. Bunnyslde;. lTUWJS VBn- W of the dry doe atari re- urm-""- ' - ' r , wmrai vrneraay mc""s - io" oamion- and P. turned to the city on the Prince Chandler, Rupert thU morning from a holi-Iday trip to Vancouver. 8 o o 0 o 8 O' George Dolson of the . Fisheries Co-operative Association returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morninir after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home in Vancouver. Some fifty couples attended the dance staged last Wednesday night in the Moose Hall In connection with the visit of the University of British Columbia basketball team at that time. Music was by Bobby lie Id's Orchestra. Thomas Anderson, manager of the Tucfcs Inlet reduction plant, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after spend ing the Christmas and. New Year holiday season at his home in Vancouver. The plant Is now reopening following a two weeks' suspension of operations over the holidays. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure continues low off the British Col umbia coast and Is relatively high east of the Rockies. The weather has been unsettled throughout this province. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh southeast winds shifting to south. Part cloudy and mild with occasional showers. BRITISH TUNE DOWN KKUSSKLS A BrllUh plane, pururd by two German Mewr-whmldts over German territory, today felt in flames in BeUlum, killing one flier and Injuring two other seriously. Timely Recipes CREAMED Tt'RKEY 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 2 A cups -uj diced uivvm eold turicey where his family now resides. i luur nine miii Melt butter, add flour, blend Port simp,on U 1A g well. Add heated milk and cook 10 01 minutes In a double boiler, stirring a well. Add turkey. Heat thoroughly. 2 Serve in dressing rings or potato g . baskets. . Di 1 - 2' Keep up to date. AOiise regu g I sds. Do you? 5 o o 8 O Auction of Lots o Notice Is hereby given 2 iiuhlie sale of Lots 2 to that a 13, ta g elusive, of Block 3, D. L 251. R. 5. o,C. D. will be held at the office of g the Government Agent. Prince Rupert. 0n January 22nd, 1940, the upset price being $25.00 per lot. AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD At FURNITURE rmait Block over Mussaiiemn Store-, 3rd Ave, on THURSDAY, JAN. 4th at S:30 MI. Instructed by the owner I will sell by Auction the following articles-Settee, 3 Lounge Chairs, 2 Wicker Chalrsr library Table and Chair. Victor Portable Oramaphone. Monarch Range. Singer Sewing Machine Simmond Bed with Deep Sleep Spring Filled Mattress, 1 Single Bed, Bridge Lamp, Card- f.-ui. n tjii(t Wardrobe with m..ii Mirror. 1 vanity ureter. Electric Nestco Roaster. 2 Hot miP chest of Drawers, Medicine 'Cabinet, 2 Kitchen Tables, Electric V . . . . -x. w tff I Fixtures, Pots, r-ans, uuw, Must Be Sold Ternw Cash Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER For Vaneourei Tuesday Catala Thursday ss. Prince Rupert Friday Ss. Prln. Adelaide Ss Cardena January 3 and 18. Ss. Princess Norah From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala Tuesday ss. Catala For Ocean Falls- vice Phone 13 Taxt tr. A. M. K. Davles Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Anyone taking hats or coats by mistake from New Tear's Dance at Moose Hall, please exchange at Overwaltea store. 2 Major A. Madden D: S. 0 M. C. of Vancouver, senior Roman Catholic chaplain for Military District No. 11, after having been here for the last few days visiting the local garrison, sails by the Princess Norah this afternoon on his re turn south. Local school teachere returning I to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season in the south Included Miss E. A. Mercer, Miss S. A. Mills, Mrs. B. Walker, Miss Joyce Edgcumbe. Miss E. P. Orassle, Miss M. Shlel, Mias F. Wilson. Miss Irene Mitchell, Miss Mary Easthope, Miss Wayman. J. B. Wilkinson and C. II. Lclghs. Steamship Sailings 1:30 pm 11:15 pjz. 10 pm. . 10:30 pjn. 5 pjn pjn. Wed. Ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday Ss. Princess Ss. Pr. Adelaide- 4 p.m. ss Cardena pjn; January H and 23 Ss. Princess Norah sum For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p ru Friday Ss. Prince ' Rupert 2 p.m From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 9 p.m For Alice Arm, Naat River and Port Simpson I Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. .From Alice Arm, Naas Hirer and ll :30 am Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert ... 11:15 pjn Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wed Ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-January 12 and 2ft Ss Prince John 10:30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands January 10 and 24 Ss. Prince" John a.m. For Alaska- Wednesday s. Pr. Rupert 2 p.m January 14 and 28 Ss. Prin cess Norah - a.m. from Alaska-Thursday ss. Prince Rupert - ? p.m January' 3 and 18 Ss. Announcements All advertisements m this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge Jan. 10. After the Show Drop in and try our deliclom Milk Shakes and Sodas Also our Candy stock l com- pleteand fresh Mussallem's Confectionery J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Mdf. Building Permits Here In December In Excess Ot 1938 The Job of stripping the old mining camp at Anyox, following ' its abandonment, may take the better part of the next 'two years and as many as seventy-five men may from time to. time be employed. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co. is taking out the machinery and equipment while the Atlas Iron and Metals Co. of Vancouver Is removing the scrap which Includes the contents of the houses. Regular shipments of salvaged goods from the camp are" being sent 0ut weekly aboard the steamer Catala. Miss Ruth Wilkinson R. N.. af ter spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson, is sailing by the Princess Norah this afternoon on her return to Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Woman desires house work. Apply Daily News. (5 OOOOOO0OOOOWKHJM0OflWHWO-g MISS YFKI o I Dressmaker 1 Ladies and Children's 5 Altera I ions Moderate Price O Phone GRCE' 880 a g 727 FRASER ST. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiKr VALENTIN DATRY PnONE 857 THE SEAL r QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by tbt onlv almes eannlag company wftn aof all the" year round payroll fit Prince Rapen NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Arentie Housekeeping1 Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress (Centra) Hotel) Fresh Skimp BOAT W.SX. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK Manitoba Judge Dies Suddenly Mr, Jtntiee . T. (J. Taylor Away in Winnipeg Passes Building permits-Issued In-Prince f , D , J;.JZ f rwJ wnmrPEO, Jan. 3: fCP) Mr. IVUJCi b UUilllg Hit. sssiisv - cerober 1939 were as follows: Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, store building, Waterfront Block F., S5.000. Silversides Bros., alterations to store. Third Avenue, $15. Mrs. O. W. Kerr, repalre, Borden Jim Uracfln roturnvrf tn fh Street. $200. city on the Prince Rupert this! Oeddes, repairs, Sixth morning from a visit to Vancouver :rtT",uc "" uu City of Prince Rupert, general repairs and alterations to Prince Rupert Club building, $350. The total building value In Prince Rupert for December .1939 was $5,925 as compared with- $1402 hi. December 1938. Will Take Two Years To Strip Old Anyox Gamp (Justice V. O. Taylor of Manitoba's Conrt of King's Bench, died sud denly at the age of sixty-one. Mr. Justiee Taylor was a former Mani toba Conservative leader. Five Persons In Hospital Recover Those WW Were nurt In Cana dian National Derailment Are Doing Well the derailment of a Canadian National Railways westbound passen ger train one hundred miles east of here near Malachl, Ontario, on Monday. It's the cunrmattib effect of advertising that counts. OPENING ! UP PORT Frlneisr Peace Returns To San Waterfront Following lint Shipping Tie-Up ! SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3: (CP) Peace returned to the San Francisco waterfront today with the approval of Congress on Industrial .Organization ship clerks ani employers of a strike settlement formula. Details of the port reopening after months of tie-up are being worked out today. Ralston Gets Commons Seat WINNIPEG, Jan. 3: CP Five Minister of Finance Elected Hy Ac persons are receiving' hospital elamation In Prince Edward kreatment and doing favorably Island here after sustaining Injuries In OTTAWA, Jan. 3: (CP) Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of finance?, yesterday gained a seat In the House of Commons when he was elected by acclamation as Liberal member for Prince in a Prtnce- Edward island by-election necessitated ' by the death of A. E. McLean, Liberal. MacKenzie's Furniture COCOA DOOR MATS AU sizes and shapes to- fit your door. From, each Floor Brooms Better grade, each Cotton Comforters Each Flannelette Sheets Pair Phone 5 61c 8c $3.t0 $50, $3.04, $3i0 I - m fsHssHssHsissskikiHI Designed for use with Television Attachment We bring you the latest RCA Victor improvements in finer radio reception in this brilliant new RCA Victor Model A-5. It is carefully balanced for the most efficient reception. Come in and see the difference this and other advanced features make. It's 1940 in radio-now ... be sure you're up to date. fucRAE BROS. fljf 'I LTD. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! IIm i OCEAN FALLS and POWELL 6IVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert ererjr THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tram leave Prince Rupert for the 'East. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fare, etc., call or writ City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. VttM