Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Wands Fresh to strong southeast winds, unsettled and mild wlth rain. XXIX No- 3 MANY ARE ARRESTED IN PRAGUE Ihouandi of Czech Are Taken Into Cuilody Oil Espionage Charges pRAOUE. Jan 3: CP Arrettt 'of nearly one mousana lormer CzeclioS; tvaK army omcors, iwo i?urna;,s(s and several members of the Slodi munitions works central fHce are disclosed. Author!" t:", iX.i hat the arrett had ii -. t....j bee: tri"" ' nuipiciwn naving jlrtn P laad information on the m' ftr.r:;' ci oerman troops aur-ot he invasion 8koda employee ire itrper'.cd of stealing plans (or bul;' : manufacture MORE RAIN IN TURKEY flood! In Earthquake Zone Be- tome Iten Worse With 1200 Frrson Loiliig IJvet ITRTHER QUAKES ANRHAIU A new earthquake h reported to hare levelled ten Tillies In the Yozgad area, idclni U Turkey's earthquake dimit l last week as the Hirer F-iphnlet broke Its banks, tprriJiflf terror In that reiion f nibtta Antaolla, There Is pink hi the Yoifad area owing I Ikt shocks. Ilundredt of kiiMiip hare collapsed. The dull tail, however, Is expected it U illght. The Euphrates floods irt espected to Increase the erilroated dead to 4S.200 in the combined disasters. ASKHARA, Turkey. Jan, 3: 'CP) Tit her .rrentlal rains Monday nuird nf- havoc in earthquake- r kin) Tirkcy. swelling flood j are believed to have hiuied t laM 1203 deaths in ad- P? Mnn'.mf latet MtlmnLM fmm !,k.e Anir'.l-j rarlhmik. ritulr I If .if werk Mare th dead at 43.. tes hnr..'ss at 500.000. CANADIANS DECORATED imiincnWird Fljlnr Crosses for Fair In Recognition of Valor In War Action LONDON Jan. 3: (CP The Air Winery announces that the Dls- j'-r-SUiiicd Hying Cross has been warded U iwo Canadian filers I rf-diUon 0f vaoroUS TCrTiccs a enal warfare. One Is Squad- j oa uaaer John Griffiths of Wei- i-wa. Ontario, and the other Pilot Wlcer Selby Henderson 0r Win-Both participated in daring cton acainst the enemy. NAVAL MEN PROMOTED jut. Commander II. W. S. Souls- At Present Here, Itecomes Commander Ottawa t-.. . ...... : '"uninir W n I iri ,t 8 RestlBOUPhn hn im J 10 the rank 01 commander m..i brcn P,ftecd charge of - instruction at the Royal J"nr College at Kingston, It Is Soul .Commandcr W. S. Pli nt Es(lmalt and at V ' l Pr,nce R"P?rt. has also MWnd;, ranic ot A ft SMALLER U-BOATS Imp..rtanl Change In German Naval Policy Is Ileporicn ! Relations Strained ' STOCKHOLM. Jan. 3 : (CP1 Diplomatic strain Soviet Russia and Esthonla reported here. Esthonla, It is said, Is reluctant to be drawn Into war against Finland, her neighbor across the Daltlc Sea. NORWAY HAS LOST MOST Twenty-Four Ships Have neen Sunk In War at Sea With Loss of 99 Lives OSLO, Jan, 3: (CP Norway Is', bellevcr, to be the heaviest loser of I the neutral nations from the war at ;rp, Havas sea. She has lost tweniy-iour snips iiHiiaN, Jan. . - slncc the war be8an and 09 of her News Age ncy r eporU hat ( Dji,alJorS hnve becn drowned or km. I. abandoning nhnnHnnlntr the wc" bUllalliK Ol 7 " , .... iu. s V lo. of the Norwegian Irelgh er submarine i and Its now m m chrUtmas a fleet of small U-boats of from disclosed. She Is be ta 200 tons. will be pa have m mim Qf turn the small undersea craft ou A ton SwcdUh ,hlp much more quickly bu also iost -during the last few have the disadvantage ot be W awe to stay at sea no longer Hun m. days nt a time. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. mmln Only a few of the victims were identified. The fire appeared to break out in .ill hree wings of the apartment simultaneously. It was apparently caused by a boiler room explosion. The number of Injured Is tentatively estimated at twenty-five. SABOTAGE AT TRAIL This Was Allegedly Plan of Three Enemy Aliens Now Iteing Held At Nelson NELSON, Jan. 3: (CP) Sergeant C. W. A. Rarwis ot the provincial police said last night that three enemy aliens, whose identity was not divulged, were being held by the authorities following seizure of correspondence aimed at sabotage of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. plant at nearby Trail. The correspondence was seiied some time ago. The sabotage was allegedly set for Christmas Day. A Canadian soldiers' leave centre to be known as the Reaver Club Is being organized In London by a special committee under chairman ship of Hon. Vincent Masscy, Canadian High Commissioner. A read ing room Is being provided for the use of the troops. The Dally News will be on file there for the use of service men from this district who are In London. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RRITJS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 'PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3,1939. One of the Ftsm. f.;..:.g roiunu that have made life ai.ytXng b . . a.sant Un e&v.e: m4uer a Nt. . ,t Fi..aua -.ion. right tikjng Ume out Ir im a long ski trek The light maculae -gun the m an n uie foreground carries on ha back is adurd equipment with the white -clad patrols that swoop down in surprise attacks on the It . ticopi These ski troops are credited w.Oj the rout of the Red forces In Northern Finland this week.. White -clad uf ibf t-uunv ru;;.. itt'. art shown etatiug an isiU-aircraft gun in the Petsamo region, where the Finnish troops staged an jjaruu come-back, hurling the invading Russians back oall fronts. Bulletins PATTL'LLO GOING HAST VICTORIA Premier T. I). Pat-tutlo plans to leaTe next Monday for Ottawa. He will discuss land settlement with federal authorities and will alo be In the Dominion capital at the time of a meetlnc en January H of both Canadian and American sections of the Alaska Highway Commission. BEAUTY RETURNS FOLKESTONE. Eng. Soldiers are today guarding the return of Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Milford, Lord Itedesdale! daughter, whose Nordic beauty Is said to have charmed Hitler. Unity became ill in Munich before the outbreak of war. The London Evening News asserted she Is to be operated on Utt a gunshot wouna in mc throat. Other reports say Hitler personally arranged tin' return of the girl. - UN-AMERICAN REPORT WASIIINGTON-TUe Congressional activities un-American committee delivered a fifteen hundred word report on its two-year Investigation today. The report declared that not more than a million Americans were seriously affected by subrersive activities which were now declining because of the International situation. MINNEAPOLIS APARTMENT HOUSE FIRE FATAL FOR EIGHTEEN EARLY TODAY Holoca? vA in Prairie .Metropolis This Morninjr Caused i Hy Roller Explosion Flames Appeared Simultan- j cously in Three Places MINNEAPOLIS, January 3: (CP) At least eighteen persons were killed when an early morning fire ravaged the Marlborough Apartment Hotel here today. Morgue-keeper John Anderson said that four hours after the fire seventeen bodies were in his morgue and there was at least .. . I one more In hospital. War News U-BOAT ATTACKS SWEDES NEW YORK Mackay radio has picked up an "S.O.S." mesMige from the Swedish steamship Klr-una saying thst she had "been fired upon by a U-boat, sinking slowly and require assistance." She gave her position as about five hundred miles north of the Azores. Meantime another Swedish ship. Svarton, 215 tons, is reported torpedoed by a submarine off the northeast coast of Scotland with twenty of the crew missing. ITALY WATCHING KOMI Italy is watching carefully any move on the part of either Russia or Germany to more in- .' to the Kalkans. Such a movement would possibly bring Italy into the conflict. NAZIS DRIVEN OFF PARIS There was anti-aircraft fire in Pails last night as Nazis planes were reported attempting to reach the French capital. However, they were driven off. TACOMA TAKEN OVEP. MONTEVIDEO The German freighter Tacoma, which sailed a few miles down the River Flate from here on New Year's Day after having been given an ultimatum to leave or submit to internment, has had her Nazi battle flag taken down and a Uruguayan guard crew has taken charge ot the vessel. She must remain here for the duration of the war. ACHILLES AT RUENOS AIRES MONTEVIDEO The British cruiser Ajax, flagship of Rear Admiral Sir Henry Harwood, entered Montevideo today under special permission from Uruguay for a 48-hour visit. The Achilles has entered Buenos Aires for a similar LAKE K1AXTI, Jan. 3: (CP) Army lumberjacks on skis are pursuing hungry and freezing remnants of a scattered Soviet dlriskm into a wilderness, of. forest 'and snow near the central Finnish-Russian border following the battle near Lake Kianti which the Finns won. Thousands of Russians were left dead fol- ON.R. TRAINS For the East ,, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6.pja. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 p.m. PRfCEf S CENTO 'innish War Now Looms DARING FINNISH SKI PATROLS SMASH R ED INVADERS Germany Is Talking Of Jumping In Actively. On The Side of Russia jSugjjests That Action of France and Great Ikitain May ; Spread Conflict Norway and Sweden May Also ! Pile In BERLIN, January 3: (CP) The Russo-Finnish yar ; ?ive& evidence of spreading to other nations. Authorita tive Nazis said today that uerjnany would be forced to take an active part in the war if France sends Alpine troops to Finland's aid. They declared that this was a military matter but did not say what form the assistance - . would take. Landing of French or jT'IKUVTC1 T'fT T British troops, it is argued here, r I Vi Vi S ft 1 1 I oW mean that the Allies are es- a aav a, ivy am ill MORE REDS Another Russian Division is Threatened With Destruction Huge Red Losses Red Efforts To Cross Waistline Definitely Halted tablkhlng a foothold In Flnlaud, "thus spreading the war." Already Russia Is reported to have appealed to Germany for assistance in setting its industrial and economic house in order. Collapse of the Russian military campaign In Finland l. rapidly bringing affairs of the Soviet to a head. Norway and Sweden have already intimated that entry of Germany Finland's into the war against Finland would result in their even more active, co operation with Finland. SUBMARINE WAS SEEN But No Attack Was Made on First Canadian Division Transport "f ' LONDON. Jan. 3: (CP)- During deadlock there. Irked by the backs, Russia is continuous set-now reported to uie transport oi me secona conim- CCPENHAOEN. Jan. 3: CP jgent of the First Canadian Division Finnish ski patrols in the central 'of troops for overseas service from Salla sector were reported yester- Canada to England, a submarine day to be threatening another Rus- was sighted, it was disclosed yester-slan division with encirclement. It day. but there was no attack. A was believed that another major destroyer In the convoy, on sighting engagement was shaping up, siml- the submarine, dropped a depth lar to the virtual destruction of the charge but there was no indication lG3rd. Red Division in an engage- whether or not it took effect en the ment near Suomusalml on Sunday., U-boat. A Russian division approximates 18.000 men. Seven red divisions have been concentrated on Karelian Isthmus In an endeavour to break a. CABINET SHUFFLE have massed about five hundred Changes Expected In French Wat thqusand men as the spearhead, Administration-Daladier .Meets ' for a major offensive against the Gamelin -Flnijlsh Mannerheim Line of the ' rs.areuan isuunus. rresn iroops PARIS. Jpn. 3! (CP) PrertiWr are said by the Finns to be ready rARilATd DaiadIer of rs.anee rofl. for , a tremendous push against ferred yesterday wlth General Mau-the Finnish fortifications which 0ameUn commander-in-chief .have been described by the Rm-'of the Allied forces. In French po-slans as comparable to the Oer-iUUeal clrcles the possibility of a man Siegfried Line. 'cabinet shuffle Is being discussed. There only remains In Finland J A maJor debate in the Cnambei. ot today the trapped l6th Division. De utles next week ls expected. 17,000 men at full strength, and about 2,000 stragglers who fled after the battle of December 29 and 30. VW Russian prisoners said the offi- ( cers machine-gunned the troops to ; force them Into battle. The battle definitely halted the Red efforts. to cut across Finland's waistline. ; Active Steps Against I.ILA. Expected Russians Repulsed j to Follow Special Session of I UELSINGFORS. Jan. 3: The Dail Today Finnish high command announced; today that a Russian infantry attack on the Karelian Isthmus was repulsed "with heavy losses." Western Front Is More Active EIRE HAS ROUND UP DUBLIN. Jen. 3: (CP) A mass round-up of the outlawed Irish Republican Army Is expected to follow a special session of the Dail which opened today for the express pur pose of considering the taking or measures to repress the organiza tion whose activities In the way of demonstrations were taken to guard against disorders during the session of the Dail. Seven alleged members of the Irish Republican Army were arrested yesterday in connection with the PARIS, Jan. 3: (CP) There was.theft of munitions from a maga-renewed artillery activity by both-zlne In Phoenix Park Just before t sides on the Western Front today. OhrLstmas. A considerable? nuantltv stay for refuelling and provision. ;JThere ajso patrol and aerial of the stolen arms and ammunition ing. Artillery, Pati'ols "Were Busy activity. and Aircraft Today has by now been recovered. 4