Eas sterile nn Se nee Oe THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily amd Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD.. PRINCE RUPERT. 8.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISINS—S® cents ger inch Contract rates on apphcation SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico— Damir, Hx per month. or $5.0) per year, immadvance. WeExty, $20 per year. Al Other Countries— Daily, $8.0) per year; Weekly, $2.50 per pear. strictly in advance HEAD OFFICE Daily “iews Baiiding. Third Ave.. Prince Rupert. B. C BRANCH OFFICES AND AGEVICIES New Yorx—National Newspaper Bareaa. 219 Bast Dard St.. New York City SaaTtie—Puget Sound News Co Lospen, Excuanp—The Clougher Syndicate. Grand Trunk Bailding. Trafaigar Susscersgzes will greatly oblige by promptiy calling up Phone 95 im case of noo-delivery er attention on the part of the news carriers. Daity Eprrrox. Mr- ere about ¢ jeavé Ottawa. and there are indj-} Special Commitiee of Senate to Take Evidence of Prairie Pro- vinmees or Heavy Loss by the Defeat of Reciprocity. cations that par prorogued im the next few days. li is time, there-j fore, for those interested in mai | Otta March 28 The sma! = pepirie ‘ take : na nto what this premier and party] of many romises has accom-/ plished so far. and also what t Right Hon. R. L. Borden and his} ganization i postponed mdefimn Ne Temere tangi WOMEN AS JUDGES “Two Lawyers of Gemiler Sex Sit ‘ in Paris. {f precedence &@ prominent awrer As ju0ce she ac- i herself well LIQUOR LICENSES » THE DésILY NEWS. ENGAGEMENT RING TRIAL Judge Decides That Engagement Rings Are the Property of the Girl Whether She Marries Donor or Not Mathieu's Syrup of Ter an¢ Cod Liver Of not only stops 2 cough but cures — it Its tome and restoranve ces enabic the system to pansaonently throw off a cold. tor c for large bottle. >oic everywhere. 2 }. & MaTEIET CO. Pree. SEERBROOKE MATHIEUS SYRUP or TAR & © COD LIVER OIL { | | Fel Pate or Asture nem ane © mer @end foc Sew Ddastrawc Catalogo = CLOUGEER SYNDICATE. +49 Spedina Avenue, TORENTC. OUR NEW WaTeD CHIGNOS very bgt & weight. mor: easily adageed oly BH S@AaTEE OF PURE LONG EAR. w Dumguewe us eectrre Leen trom #620 Aftrem aL OCEDEESE B42, FOXBERR VY ROAD. BROCKLEY. Lon~von. S.E ENGLAND. | LYNCH General | M erchandse BROS. aso somco.s ota somnceens otsomns beso bs er ~~ Y et ee le Pee ee Oso | OOM "©< umber in Quebec to be Largely , : Recucec The Right Hor is a fierce iookinge ul ie Ohareer appears rocking herse. from i SUPREMACY OF THE EVENING mands of tomperans e 145 ACRES JOHN DYBHAVN .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Pree Labor Barean m Coanection ist Ave. and 7th St GEO. BRODERIUS., Prepricter : ~ Open for Besisicks ms are in accodance iess liquor selling im capila: The resolu- The r ‘ sasen for the! tions provide that an indemnity S30 sha De paic et every prince: supremacy} aper t that the evening ne ”_ Ger the said act The new re person who loses his license un- paper is ‘ me paper ‘ i8\ eulations are to go into force in published taken home or else delivered ai) the the heme by carrier boys The evening hews paper is reac Dy number the busy busniessman at his fire- we side al the close of each day. It is in the home that the housewife. afier the day's duties are per- paper © scan the Agents. tf next day. evening and'May. 1913 It is provided that revenue to be derived from the 60 licenses shall be equa! t« that derived from the existing ACCIDENTS—The only com- plete protection is a policy with the Ocean Accident & Guarantee) ‘ : aie he Gorporation, the largest casualty} formed, pick: up the ; evening insurance company in the world.| advertisiné| The Mack Realty & Insurance ©o., a ee ane i 225 Gh Si. IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS SAMUEL HARRISON v. P. G. GAMBLE WOTARY PUBLIC. Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS POR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert - and Stewart ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H. R. Love, Prop., Pr — Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Righi. Engine rs ork and Genera! Repairing Agents for hnperie! Gasoline Motors. Phone Biue 269 - P.O. Box 957 ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS | eee Shop, Hays Cove J. B. ROBERTSON _[encinig © Goad Setetting Cerner of 7th St and 3rd Ave. ss: The Newest Thing in the larger cities in Chill- les Grass Seds. Morris Rockers are among the tat- est arrivals at At The Big Furniture Store Entrance 2nd Ave., cor. 6th St. CARTAGE and STORAGE G, T. P. Transfer Agents OPPICE—H. B Reackester. Centre it Phone @, —— ; London's Beg in Men's Taibo Ing the World s Bot opimron The | ts Set by the tarmous ifanches, are recog i allors To meet th a ~ Rego” Montrea the latest Lor | 4 LOnGon patter thee nei the girl. At the hear- rned ik the roung and Vacha! paid the costs pulation 300.000 alty & Insurance Rzo “NEW ago told he eer bree aise “1 0- hat tempor- Zon cir marriage, anc ngs, promising her request The price $10; meiuc- no extras—we pe seu te MRE “IP ASHIONS ror MEN’ Miss Grahanu 3 3 the ee) egea Let ws send you—free of a copy of our style magan published) “ Fashion dlustrating the “ New \} Lendon-made models { card brings this to you free with 2 fine selection of m a ample self-measuremen have r recovers was tree Geel ihe rings Dept. o P.O. Box Lanada s 70 mile 530 square mules, ¢ f Canada’s total your bills? Coul THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWEE <=" HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE if vou were burned a policy im the Com- Builders’ Supplies 10D Fire Assurance Plumbers Supplies Assets $11,000,008 Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District N TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWAR easy terms w ¥ NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. tne REGO’ Clothiers, i; KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ? istrict | FARM | piialthy iting Knits ‘at: Ceemtinitily eioan a0 LANDS |! YOrk’ tw of and Montreal, You Are on the Bench YOU—the Public—are the judge. On good opinion and your good word een success of the advertised article. of advertising will induce you to buy a second what you do not like. No advertising wil! the bad effect of a dissatisfied buyer. For no an That is why advertisers must and do mainte the quality of their goods. Advertisers realize that to turn thew outiay for advertising mt profit tbey must give good value. Thty are not looking for time sales. First sales, l cases, would not pay for the adi tising. To be successful, they must make stead) customers. So, quality is being put m to doid ibe trade that advertising produces. Thus, to be sure of quality, one naturally turns to goods that are advertised. And isn’t it only rea- sonable? : TO MANUFACTURERS You who make good goods and do not advertise —show ¢ in*your product. Advertise it. Let the public know that you stand back of your go maintain their aigh quality. Make your trade name the recognized standard in your line Advice regarding your advertising problems is avai through any g advertising agency, or the Sect of tbe Canadian Press Association, Room 303 uilding. Enguiry involves no obligatwn on part— so write, if interested? msd