STEP Into Spring With TAILY EDITION "Hartt Shoes" Do jaa dure with many the habit of eataJoxinr. people by the appearance of their footwear? We can think f no better ay U J prate ap for tpriar thin U order a pair f hand tome aew Hartt' Shoe. Priced I no S7 TO 12. EXCLUSIVE WITH Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FJHEICJE SCFZBT KBTTT57T COIXMBIA Pgfffrf-.rd JEmy ACeirvca. Except Eniij. by Prtae Expert Da2j Newt. Lfrr.nxl. TT-ird Amae H. r: PUT Urn Ui,SArr-Eor Member af Andit Barra. t Ltrralatnms TfrarsiaT. April tt. m. ersnip nas lessened any threat to Japan from Siberia. In aarble article in a recent issue of the Japan Time3 and Mail, George Gorman sums up the results as follows: "The unsurprising victory of Finland must confirm Japan jn its own security against bear raids. If a few men.m nightshirts slithering on skis can take much of the hide off the great bear we shall have to concede that the . Russian symbol is more Teddy than Ursus Horribilis. The '. tfinter wa a bad time for a hibernating bear to choose for an expedition after easy honey. ; Japan's inteiest, and China's concern too in the proceedings aroond the ilannerheira Line, lies in the lesnon to .te drawn from the Soviet disaster. The failure of the -(jammer and sickle to pierce the Finnish shield is just another evidence that Russia cannot win a war. Gone is .Vladimir the Saint' who gave Russia something worth lighting for with the aid of Cyril; no more are there gi-antg ike Ivan or Peter, both Great, or Suvorov, Skobeleff otJ Komarof. 'The military history of Russia has been a strange mixture of devastating defeats and occupations by the hordes of Tartars and of Tamerlane, with periods of expansion by absorption. Poland has been set apart by nature as a recovery ground for Russian arms: when the national spirit ebbed there would be another invasion of Po-Iarid,lhe Poles being an obligingly yielding people. i , - " .In trigue has played a moi-c spectacular part than battle in the expansion of Russia to its present eight million -three hundred square miles (less than Tsarist Rus-jsia.) Now the Russian Colossus has engaged a coarse board of intrigue by inviting the German giant to lend jjcjj ttgiuusi, ine r inn miugei. I a tj to a ar?r Harh hont PootbaE yesterday Alpha heat Guc- toff a teat of two to nthmc B rain which dtTfacait and aoot- la Hat first half got away to a aoad start and Haitb? arored b a lone In Jar aceood half Gacnana preaaed ban Lewereti got amy and Lewrrtt seared the second for Alpha on a oaa from Ctoeone The teaaas were ar foDon: A4pha CMderwoodL Hanada j Hottay captain. Woodsade. Clr- son. SataUBOto. Johnson. Moore. Lrwaratt. King. Breec Oaaaaaa Denning Ifrrt JEnJer Spent. Deli. "Sasaajoao. Hingst-jo LontafiAafL Amey, iioidea and Aa- YANKS BEAT ATHLETICS Feain't Pi triune and Home Hun Defeated Maekmen Ton f jvv uTATnipns l Philadelphia adth u i av (Til a.,aa W A -a7 H-m KlaaMaN KaMlar Accordmg to press reports the ty ef Alberni is ex tmSg DCCtinea DUJd mill U bf wjtahhhpfi in tht ritv An juttw- i w ZT!L 8mmb . t . ft- - - b - iw ay vnacc roofer raent is oeing drawn up and an eminent King's Connie! has been retained to look after the interests of the city along ritb the legal department of the municipal department l&f the pro; xncial government. Alberni's city solici tor is watching the other eminent lawyers to see that thev do not get away with anything and the municipal counci is watching- the lawyers and the citizens are watching the itvgasandteeiimientUwyere. With such an array of, watchers it does not stern &s if Alberni is likely to ge? -iaqx further with its pulp mill than Rrnee Rupert did with that six million do liar affair that we remember so well One or two workers who are not watchers might be more u-efuL We hope they get the mill and make it a succe.-. JAPANESE OPINION' In new of event that have happened in the pa it i mteresting ta read Japanese opiuMMi on the? Flnrih it yasjon in the Japanese-American Review. That journal editorially says: 5 , wMighty little Finland, in approximately three and .one-half months of heroic resistanee, has bowed to an inferior army of vastly superior numbers. In her epic 'struggle she has written one of the most glorious chapters in all military history and has enhanced the admiration all the world has had for her. In her hour of surrender she . is as magnifieant as in her travail of battle, ami morally, in the eyes of the world, the triumph is hers. t "She has turned Russia, which hurled helpless hordes la reckless abandon against her, into a craven beast of a bear instead of the mighty prowler her propaganda had schooled the nations to believe she was. Moscow has wtm "bijs of. territory at a frightful cost in human lives in numhers that probably never wiH be revealed. And Rus-sia, jn winning her tiny bits of added territory, has won fomethihg el?e the contempt of the world, eroie Finland, in her masterful defence, has great-Iy i t; helped Japan. By exposing the faltering weakness of the Spjiet military machine and the stupid quality of its lead- eaaS4ed the New York Yante-s to defeat Phnadeiaraa Ataletasa 4 to 1 to trie only Bar Leacne haartaaD plyl yeMerday AB other eaas vere poatooaed an armmt of taeiement -reather Ptre taonaaco r.b Rapn payi to tet them Wr -hat TfK wither More prople are ailing for "Lutlj" than err Utorr. rillirr too kiltrr nor too ret. LUCKY IGLII I ".mMh llln" for etery tatie. A.W for It by name. Othtr fmmout malt btragtit BURTON type ALE SILVEK SPHINC STOUT Cot Brev,rlf. Umilrd Tail adTertlment it not pubUthed or dUpUyed by the Liquor Control Botrd or by tit Oorcrnrntnt of v Brltlth Colnmbla. Ha. '.d.rup Tll THS CUULT 5XW3 Tofhitj in Sports SOCCER IN -HOME OIL- RAINSTORM; MALKINS Alpha Defeated Ojatu y Tmm to S3 ha HUH Xb Jannr Scm4 .-Oarae Hame Oil. 1169; 3rers lott. Uattlaa. ML Third Caate Haroc OH. K6J, " - . a Am m . .... KrHer's KViay aeaonc tor the Wat IaOBFaa Of M final IMM Cnaaa KcBaat TUI lalkln-. gWnaar bjtp lo ten nanoBMO) Total . Canker Hone Conrad of the flame Oil CcmneU PDwn 7;-' I r 6 .f. TVaJ D-IJi. L XO r jce 1. - tKj 'i rov Score vat xx S&Sov. 524 130 -.. 129 - 180 Ill 72 1 2. ..... .si: i IT .... 221 - 250 131 - 32- Dick Irvin To Become Coach For Canadiens m 184 m 227 Jit - ..itu,nu 1 t 183 111 187 It -. m -tM IMS 1 14 - - 1ST - i: Ml- i 170 119 164 262 172 134 33 2 128 162 131 204 141 32 m 2 10 iU 220 144 128 22. 134 183 183 128 130 352 3 34! T." -aiding tor the final third IT " ' s teaaoo to daU la aa 'foUoTn: ' H - Oil ' 7 i M-" 10 8 10 E'r 8 10 8 I D, a and T O. a n l I Old Country Soccer! EnrJish Cap Ktalaya South Port 1. Oldham Athletic 0. Seottia Cup Keptays. Airdrleonlana I. Dundee United 3. English Replay Reading I. Cardiff CUy 0. Torquay 5, Swindon 0. Wattord 2. Northampton l Sonth C Brentford 1. MUlwall L Chetoa 2, Arsenal 2. Sooth S Brighton. 3, Boornemottth. 3. Western Ererton 5. Tranmere 3. Seattfeh West Albion 3. Dumbarton 1. HaniH ton 4. Third Lanark a Quen of South i. Celtic 3. Rangera 3. Ayr United L Clyde 3. St Uirren 1. Qaeen'i Park 2. Motherwell 2. ' Scottish Eat Arbrbatfi 1. St. Johnatone 2. I Dunfermline 2, Klnga Park Dundee 7. 8tnhoarmnlr 1. Falkirk 3, East Fife 0. TORONTO, April 12: iCP) Manager Conny Sraythe ot the Toronto Maple Leaf. said, yesterday that Coach Dick Imln will o to Montreal to coach the Canadlenj. Keep up to date larty. AbtUe recu I. m scat. sm TT3K9 1 saa. and ata aeeretity. Ute.Uada Brand, after a vtt Stewart There Mr Seou ha intweaaa, left on nut evenine train far a trip l China aa and J Law, wtkear Utey ill retarn to San Ptmnrtaro. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Print Car-ert C Dopiaut. T. MHO. B. WANTED a. t Srweaiirife Pins Ta E Played Twmaciww Onasby. Dx a Baaaar. C. O- Up Ntf art Qmilif j im i Play LaO. BWf and & WW, TanBBWaaX Vif ht lin and Mn R JL Ojanondk, Qaeear Charlotte IvJjr.d Re a Anra- ianae OS and Uaftint W play ham Uiwi: on Praaar njfht tor the Fire W.-M iPm Dnnnm, Leacae channaVinahin Last night the final thtnt ftzmm played. Bom Oil rMncamr Jnr fche pvnod by la aieaai Mre inree aaiaea to aH nctary over the ranatnc up Uil-ktns vtule R. D 8 and T O. von twa nail M one aec Banter ta tfiaat eadang bb In. x tit Haaae ON thru an to nn a aprcaU. ptar-off MaMaa and Banxm to d- thtrd whanen. Thai paay-otf vaa Ucfctljr enaieated vith only a few paanU enartinx the tate teams an tse afareaate -IIH for Htae OU. 3117 fat Mai- mR ua u ior Baairrs. mjuom had won the atcand third. The nune rea la the ftrK '. FOR SAL: roa SAIXBaby chlcka from Tlf-(. oroaa new Mood Jeafcora breedlac) . wV 11 w. fnil leu 81 per HA Ateo nw aaa hm cftKKj I2J per, 100. Apsteny't Poottry lrm. Mat- iaB CKy. BC u i SALX Han, tw lata A- Py eTeatogs 1683 Aathrme Ave thaat pJayatf mere: FOR SALE Fire room aoae on Ftest fame-Home OH. 1V72: to tou. EtgMs Ae. Eaat and BaaUn. 9U. Maete. llfiQ. 1 Alfred StiMt Mu. n. FOR SAIi-5.7 Doman aaa aagtoe. complete h abaft, propeller. AtvaUr-Krat ayatean Prase im Apply Daffy Neva tU 20 WANTETteafl hoaae or flati IJ6I Oreen . ,n 297 137 332 2 WANTED - Purntohed home, ttfht boaaekeeatog roam, or ap. artawnt Apply Bx 1. Dally LOST LOST On April jacket Revard. Newt Off tee 6. pink ppry nirrironi laee Dally JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o 160 S 139 2 VELVET 1CT CRT-Wf. SUA KM and GOOD MEALS At thr S U and I CAFE 170 32 324 131 148 2401 Ittj 139: 32 J. H. BULGER Optometrist taf Rant fUdt , NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Artnoe RooKkeepfnc Apartraentt Hot Water Heated! Mra. C E. Black. PraprtetreM fCentral Hotel) WOOD for SALE $7.50 per Cord PHONE 459 SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining HMittA ItOLLEtt AUt vk Fresh rjcal Raw and Pasteurized M1H VALENTIN DAIRY "KIN 132 THE OLD GAKDENEK FERTILIZER A Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contain VI Urn in B The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper pro-iWMt.a mlM 'ntlclde ? funhe PMfmlaI ele menu for a iteady urowth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet TeUay-lOc, 25e - II. Malkln Cn niii ij m lai 0 .11 . .J r MM, To wtf cnoravmg , naoti "Wort Mf. Vt Wo a nWMm . SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES mm STEAMSHIPS CD Aieamera Leie Pnoea Kxoert lor . T-S-S. CAT A tA nERT TU ES- T.SA C A Kill i DAT. liit -av Dae VncTr. Tharv bjw. Larrr Sa ox. Grapefruit Juie MalUnV Bet Park and Bean 3 for 25c 24c bHbbbbbV V mf JEaaaV"! L&D.Tea- latent CHp over bit Lb. UUV a lIMta. ! Vanroctrr MaMst If Contract. pteae Parha TWkrt, j ruMTT uuurraauon noiiui( Keaertauo i t .- FRANK J.SKINNEX. PHnre lUpert Act Tb!r in.; L1NZEY & DAV1ES I pkr Jif Ftaket, 1 Larte Ran! 1 Lart Lax. and 2 Lift boor Soap CaUilc Soap-10 eAkea for .Soap FUkev 3 lb for Groc 26c 34c 25c 25c ers FttEE DELIVEKY Pboa Corn FUkrj 3 pk. Hliat Pi 3 to Mailing rV 1 Pberrir 15c Nabob Rak rt-or like Puff 3 : r 1940 Model ASa-O"' You can't be satisfied tbete dayi with anythlnr ) rauio pcricciiun qi iilja iuiim tnori -r Bros, radio terrire brinci it to your home. Easy Terms Trade in Allowance lit Nabob Tonufc- JJ( NEWS from the WAR ZONE the Rreathtakine Speed of Intcrnsiion Developments Rctuircs KLA Victor DEPENDABILITY STAMINA IvEK To Keep Pace With You know the bidden qualities are tbert whenever you tee the name RCA Victor Radio Headquarters