THE DAILY NEWws — = — —————— ee avo 0 versides DY0S.| WANTED: rarent sizes of wood hoists. | WITH JAP e nre | Phone 89 Cor, Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars JOE BAYLEY V iberts Blo Second Ave. RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT HA E M O Vv E D We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections PRE ed ck a Five and Six. Submit your listings. w tek edieee ‘ United States and aiasaecea ne mae Writer Claims) to larger and more up-to-date prem- For Sale Lot 40, block 16. i, P : $6006 os h, bala g. Gorgon : ‘ ee! at ctoria Boxer Double- ises at 209 2nd Ave., opposite or Sale OCK 10. sec. rice ). cash, balance MUNRO & LAILEY Servian eee oe Society! croachments of Russia afd Crossed His Prairie Friends by| the News office. —_—— 12 and 18 months. Look this up. ssa 0. etary Japan in China. Coming to Prince Rupert. Sisal Stork Building, Second Avenue. Meetings held ‘Ist and 8rd f ; ' Sees aly oe Paperhanging and High Cla eee = Sere i toe Caspentery Union tial” | New York, March 27.—A Wash- If an Edmonton s ng writer | ee Sian ‘Wert a enblets we etacan ‘ PATTULLO & RADFORD io G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM. ington special despatch says that] is to be eredited Ba ley ‘ts sal y- Telephone 83 UART & STEWART Secretary P.O. Box 991 President | (Ollowing immediately upon the! antagonized a | f his prairie} Beh ACCOUNTANTS -!- AUDITORS heels of hurry orders to the/friends. It is claimed that his |” O. Box 120 Phone 166 Green ’ , 4 2 No. 280 3 sowerful American armored| manager gave one of Butler Building Phone is aa d |} Manager gay ne of the athletic ee a : — F Prines Rupert Pi0, BaxSst | 7 -Onnene-“8 — 0 “00-00 ] cruiser squadron to speed fromi|associations of that city le suis, FRED. STORK Hawaii to the Orient and the ad-| promise that he would pe turn 1] —_ mission by Admiral Sir CGyprian| meet any man wi cht | ’ ~ Vv . STT, B.A. ¢ a! gh be ened spied” - Voc, couse: ~General Herdware - 4| Bridge of England that a oer teed hosen. With this understs and-| Light and Power gritish Columbia en ST of Manitoba Bars petonees and Al- | i J jclash is “not out of the question/ing a fighter was imported, prep-| 2 Ks ¥ CARSS & BENNETT if Builders’: Hardware ? Oise, a — piesiioerh eon perations were made for the en-| Shaataie calees stan Peron Birk $ Beautiful Cut Glass Barristers, NOTARIES, ETC. | Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves bbe fn mal ya att we oS ene nt, but Joe, when in-|% grecsric light, power, bells, phones, ee sae--Albert Block, Second Avenue. ; |jington Wilson, acting secretary| formed, turned down thy propo-| water heating, etc. ierce ilverware alae errs _ 1 eee Graniteware Tinware @)of state, and Alfred Mitchell] sition, claiming that hi injured| Stock of lamp shades and gen | NOME sioae css cae. eee reer ea eee sinitptbitapitte G es . se . : sritis t as O° var ahs ol eral electrical supplies carried. 3) WM. S. HALL, L. D.8., D. DLS. pubbdey AME aikacnal copeesst ae its 3 ‘ - nan Z : } Is brought within reach of every DENTIST. er AVENUE tative of Ambaasatior Bryce. to-| is explained ae sabe dene W. R. LOVE i buyer in BRITISH COLUMBIA by ow Bridge Work a Specialty. ‘ 1 ap | , sical iky : . | Electrical Contractor } our thorough, far-reaching mail * “hel ations skitfaily treated. Gas and =e 00 #] day. it was discovered that he had ar- P Oise der =e. oe a1 order service vee can supply Henry Birks & Sons al anasth s administered for the sei ——— After the conference it was ad-| ranged to fight in Prince Ry pert va wedding presents from these ~Hioake lines ‘to any customer in the — Jewellers and Silversmiths Province promptly and at mod- Geo. E.T, erate prices. All goods will be Managing Director ston of oe oth. scinoe aIIOEL fi-12 mitted that the erltical situation} This is construed as a gross form | $$ es ency in China was the sole topic of} if the doubie-eross, >———_—__— Ea = Jex.M.Manson B.A. W.E.Williams,B.A., G40 discussion, na WII I JAMS & MANSON Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers| Alarmed by (le menacing at-| STRIKING SUMMER WEAR Che Standard. prepaid to your nearest railway st a ; titude of Russia and Japan, who} —— ; : : hie ak Vi - BC. sarristers, Solicitors, ete. | | xpress ce 2 y > ancouver -i- WL. Barre CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS] evidently have determined — to| Directoire Skirt and Stocking Very | er ee ta imation Prince Rupert, B.¢ G.T.P. WHARF grab vast “spheres of influence,” Much Peekaboo May Be the MONTREAL, tirely satisfactory Our illus- - | sr oe See os sabe | THE STANDARD is the National trated catalogue is the great me- PRINCE RUPER1 of China, it is understood that dium between our store and the eee England, through Counsellor The Paris dressmakers’ most | Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion bein Write for it: it will be JOHN E. DAVEY H Gunes, has expressed her desire] startling contribution to milady’s}of Canada. It is national in all its allel eae iinkvodr aniivebn TEACHER OF SINGING to enter into a practicah allianee| wardrobe this year is to be a new) aims, hee: z ; with the United States. skirt, very narrew, with a slit at t ' t onsiv - . 'PIL OF WM. PUXON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., DON., ENG! N : ; . Ba ; 7 oe : é It uses the most expensive engrav: { Neither department of state/the side extending well above the|ings, procuring the }hotographs from : aia eee nor Gunes would deny that the/knee, A trade announcement TO=| oi): over the avould. GEORGE LEEK & co. SI M PLI C IT y two re aa ees, aor Te ike oes ote aie | Its articles are carefully selected end | as - piesa rs en eee — ers had decidec Oo acl in concer , ie directoire stocking, ‘ LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, srt a hide. sku ; j}its editorial licy is thoroughly | weal i reeaal sg sy eee to maintain the integrity of|made of silken net work with very| ; po . my e COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS pers iereenestls :Ob se Sercegs, pee China. large meshes, is to be worn with | independent, j Fire, Life and Accident Insurances En OUN. | : } ; Poa A subscription to ‘The Standard Skeena Land District—District of Coast Bg ; ¢ Ott Ubootion capabilities are .é It is understood the two coun-|the dress, as it is said the effect Hanged. eee Ebon See household word Wherever sports- tries will insist on being awarded| will be striking.” | costs $2.00 per year io any address in Take notice that 1, CAROLINE JOHNSON PRINCE RUPERT men congregate, and Greener guns : } } * | of Vancouver, Bb. U., occupation marrie have won the world’s highest portions of any proposed new} ——— | Canada or Great Britain. | woman, intend to apply for ermission to ciaiticepasieetbial ates : es . : , . | sii ali id ea as os tas A purchase the following describe ands; a Tantiaenedh 6) its tiikeesar ao China loan, British Columbia equals in TRY IT FOR 1912! | Commencing at a post planted at the JOHN DYBHAVN Port iat Stes poe aatecns It is also understood that, fol-| size Manitoba, Ontario and Mat 3] | ‘ $0 chains; thence east 3. chains, "themes al cirmteeet Thenh fastening extant lowing the departure of the ar-| jjime Provinces combined, Montreal Standard Publishing Co., | Lot Block Price north 60 Chains iv the southeast corner of Real Estate Loans imitated by gunmakers all over the mored cruisers California, South | | ° . Py) Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains alo’ i oe f j : ) s Xi a, ce eR i ST as wits ; { and 2 16 $2,100} south line of Lot 3062, thence north and Insurance world. fu ; Dakot and Colorado, the de- Limited, Publishers - ; 2) gxp| chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence sea ceree deals conueaael tt coal g7 Beit eee Choicest liquors and cigars 17 16 $1,050] west 40 chairs along south line’ of Lot 19 8rd Avenue Phone 384 stonesrpits aid the” iter i ca vteaa partment is making ready to send Rave | 3065 to point of commencement, contain- ; eS hase ed tion of "a second quicker than any the armored cruisers Maryland . } Call and see us; we will give |!98 960 acres, “CAROLINE JOHNSON, 2 You get all these advantages if and Pennsylvania, the battleship} a en _ |you a good deal on terms. DatediDed cosviees A. Carr, Agent, THE IROQUOIS your gun is a Greener. Oregon and the protected cruiser} | Pub. Jan, 18, 1912 38 Grades to Select From St. Louis and Raleigh to the i | Ci aie eee ae POOL apiece China station. SMITH & MALLETT | Skeena Land District—District of | coast Ss wt, THIRD AVE. ‘Take notice that Kathleen Agnew 0 on- GEND 'FOR c. is 8O om e to you in event of a fire or acci-| the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or EAI - = — dent. Tee the Insurance People.| ca ara iy hot Se st less to the east bank of the Hocsali River, n } re wines Cor. First Ave. Peres mm ms rep » 2m | outh of Falls River Slough, thence fol- Hotel Centra and 7th Street Phone 150. # BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS | lowing bank of Falls River Slough easterly THE H ] COMPANY 0 OF B. f Ltd, and northerly to point of commencement, ropean and American plan, steam = Roya ote ‘lJ ” Re ew Knox Hotel is runon the European | to contain “0 aerer, Inore or less. | | | thence southerly along said east bank to } me uted, modernisas senieneny Rates per —_—_—_—_—__ 2 ie . First-class service. ran the paeeet ort | KATHLEEN AGNEW. 31.00 to $2.54 B y : f rf : or: Third Avenue and Sixah St. mprovements, siete e _ Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Peter Black - « Helge Take notice that” . “Lemuel Freer, of Rene eeaneaes | F M. DAVIS BOAT HOUSE Meets in ine Foignsbtin Block Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker,’ in- | ok thacsrncarabseme eee neciew areas Dining room. and weigh. s . ery Tuesday Evenin tend to apply for permission to purchase HAYNER BROS. | restaurant —AND— General Machine Shop and Ship’s All ra of a avai , the | te, following described lands: - ia t e ers > or } ane 5 UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS | SSS Her brows went up, the scales b Carpentering. Also agents btn 0 ‘aun caiatici on tall Tr ohoot ta a eee poet piantee op ou Funeral Directors } ee ee went high; banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline city are requeste Nelson Cannery, marked L, F.’s S.E. corner, ; : s : AES ’ | Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- the lodge. thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains i Ave. near 6th St Phone No. 86 rley & Burgess, Props / Maud Muller stood and said, cessories carried: in stock. henge: east along. the “shore “to point of Co ‘Ob, my!” | Launch: d Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf eee , commencement, containing 40 acres, more | { |Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver RR A. DOUGLAS, N., G. or less. : ¢ | rn 7 LEMUEL FREER, Straight to a Turkish bath she} as follows: — a aoe W. G. BARRIE, Sec. Dated Dec. 7, Agat. i | Pub, Jan. 5, 11. . 9 E. L. FISHER E | it Off . ra os plan |“Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. eorgetown s i And cried: “Reduce me ‘if yo g } . . xc usive erin $ re | 4 ” C | Skeena Land District—District of Coasi Funeral Director and Embalmer | 8 can! Camosun - Saturdays al 10 me SONS OF NORWAY Take notice cust ieonebes W. Agnew of | i e re d . semen : —in— : 3 eee pueusl nent ce HARGES REASONABLE Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | S ill C Ltd. Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7/Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation civil en , » stet . E P ’ ay | ae gineer, intends to apply for permission to THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. REAL ESTATE They teamed and rubbed, they and Monday morning, respectively awml oO. p. m., at 349 3rd ave. All Nor-|purchase the following described lands: OPEN: DAY AND NIGHT pounded Maud | Svanieaia sore Aunlataae Commencing at a post gues at the g 9 : ; eBlé s ore p Bp. ¢ 5 2 vous1,000 pair. Terms. 16, Section ti) Wo felt herself too thick and | fh Coast district, thence. south 40 chains mors Lot on Eleventh St., Block 28; $2,800. broad. None safer on the coast than these two Lumber : 95; see. 40 east bank of Soossi! River, thence “| LOt On Market place; $9,100. fine passenger steamers westerly to mouth of Falls River Slough, Lot on Second Ave., Section 1; $2,500. But when ‘twas done they sighed: | | and then ao yene bank arent Slovan ; } Kitima ranch 0 ie . : Good lot on Sixth Ave., Section 7; $600. | climbed the hills : | tends 10 apply described lands: v | Cal! on us before ordering. | Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains FOR Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Section 7, over- And paid the health professor's Commencing a post, planted four from the ‘creek -shore, thence south 30 ) ree 525 each. Terms. | miles east o ne D 3, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE Lote 40 and bo" Block 34, section 7; $650 bills. five miles north of Atyansh, thence west MA KE | $y chains, thence west 40 chales, to Boat el ; ighty chains, thence south eighty chain : of commencement, ¢ 8.8. PRINCE JOHN weet stein in Section 8 on easy terms, m1 thence east eighty chains, thence nore OFFICE: aetna more or less, MICHAS BEGANIS. { ains Bi-monthl . >rince ort Building & Invest-| Sie cre t ivi an 1ard AS) eighty chains to point of commenceme * “and Gana Seer ae te eeewart Agents Ba eieited. gone Ae es in 10 he nner as lirm ane i | erty A aster aesat EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. YOUR coneaitakies. barr. E, Cowell, Agent. : 2s ails | > a ot. 'r-Weekly Train Service Prince Rupert ahante easease Townsite. And weigh ie the same upon the] Dated Oct. 31, 104 Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Pub. Dec, 9. to Van Arsdol We have several blocks of lund in, the nd welg le = | Pub. Dec. 14. aia nee Lakelse, Kitsumkalum and Bulkley valleys scales. | | — seeteaiameeesiadiet berms 5 5 2€ -- ict of Coast For all information apply to at from $7 to $25 per acre. | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | MONEY Skeena Land District—Distr . —_—_ Ee : ke notte: that 1, Paul Curtiss, clerk A. E. MeMast Range 6. Ta er, Gen, Agt. GT. P. Wharf With ‘Indian clubs she sprained) vax : , aa ee of Victoria, inwad to apply for ermnesion = é Ss § § Take noti that I, Dagobert Auriol, of intieienisiecicinlia ite it for all Atlantic Steamship Lines —INSURANCE— Se aan | Nanaimo, B. C,, occupation miner, intend to purchase the following described A Dds: ee e her dat to apply for permission to purchase the WORK cart eee at 8 Dost: pis ao McCaffery & Gibbons And broke her mother’s bric-a-| following described lands: ee Ht east “Doundary end .spoah Ave: (8) Cohaa brac Commencing 8! (8: a8 Tenn Cealte ape eee thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 : THIRD AVENUE : peoushesst commer Ol bel tes Te chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west plication to purchase No, 1683), District 30 chains to point of commencement, con- of Coast Range Five, thence south forty taining 180 noes chore Gr leas. * She rolled upon her bed room| chains, the ne we t forty. achains.. thence AND 2 PAUL CURTISS. | in sence @ y s 2» ee 1836 1911 floor [Sereaint of commencement, containing .160 Dated vet. 93. bei” Cowell, Agent, ey Until her form was bruised and | acres, more or et anal AURIOL YOU Pub. Dec. 9. ry The Bank of sore. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Sieeemaed rail Bored Janusry 26th, 1012. | | skeena Land District District, of Cassis. LEE EN ub, Dec. ¥. | Take notice tha ame. . She drank no water with her | of Vancouver, cont ation rekl estate agent, Am ca ‘ : . ere NT ORI SE TT tn eT intends to @ ‘or permission to pur- B.C. ( ; British North eri meals, Skeena Land Disteiet District of Coast By Buying Lots 1 to 5, — Fee tne al pi ae described lands: os ' oas arvic. 2, ‘ ; + ; a > Od. . . 7 S A norvigg -— Famous Princess Yet still she made dents with} yay. potice tat 1, William” Fraser, of 41, Section 7; $3,500; 42 so commencing at 8 Eez* ante A apaat sip trong British Bank, with her heels Spokane, Washington, occupation fariner Owned and operated by the feet frontage. direction from the Naas River, and about e AS Bri . intend to apply for permission to purchase G A 'iieankDactficsRaliwayibn eight miles north of Alyansh indian village, Princess Be tri Connections Threaghent the whe following cencgee Se an ie about — zum y thence north eighty chains, thence saat a ) ie , 2 , © Cs a ce World. She tried each vain experiment— Pinon 1 rie and Pinree’aniles and. & the American and European plan. eighty chains, ae ee cigty ebaing, Saturday, March 23rd at 1 She jumped, she danced, she/half south from End Hu, Banks Island, Exeellently furnished, with STATE ? SOSROO ERS > .m. —_ : , nce BO shains, 1ence Wes 0 sok For Victoria, V n ma i bowed, she bent. thence eevance. north 40. chains, thence |f steam heat, electric light, and all REAL E f JAMES uta ee ‘otorla, Vancouver and Seattle a 0 chains to point of commencement; tone: ing abso- to aaa Forei Drafts east 40 chains D Dea Or lr aleay Theeast modern conveniences, being ee Dated: Oct. as 1941 ab ° General Agent At last she went and gave it up more or less rin.csast :WOARE lutely first-class in every respect. == ; Me YY = ailclemeieeeniei Agents in Cunada for the Colo- And on fat making foods she'd : fred Dawson, Agent, The appointments and service I HAVE ~ _ ee PRIN sia] tala London and West BUD. pabe'March 23, 1942. are equal to any hotel on the LAND LEASE NOTICE CE . : ani | eee: ; coast, RUPERT FEED C0. Indies, We have special facilities |g). caid she had concluded that) Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast} BARGAINS a = ey ; : $ i » r , . * : S } trict— District of Coast Renge 5 for handling business with Great | When folks are fat, they are fat. prince Rupert at t onetlon beabaian, ae ieee that 1. Alfred Christian Garde of Big stock of all kinds of Britain and foreign countries. intend to apply for permission to pagent: da EVERYWHERE io teuet iaseel for’ permission on ta lense 70 Garden Seeds, Timoth . : , {Of all sad words heard round-| the following described lands: el Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. | eres of land mre Oe pas | mir Cloy 1 Grai ps Drafts on France, Germany, bout f futaiion wont a Atehtae ae a half miles | | Somenanaras at this bost planted 1-4 mile east ver anc arain - : our miles . " — os arene of the Tyee Station, G and approx ew End Hill, Banks Island, thence m Seeds, South Africa, Australia, Neo The saddest are these: “Lm Sora Te cnains, thence west 40° chains, io chain, thonce gaat 2 chainy then ce south 25 Mail Zealand, India, China, Japan aa! getting stout!” thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains (more or less) to railw thence Mail Orders Prompt Att nd. ] t , " el z chains to point ol commencement; conteln westerly 25 chains (more or Mere) Fat ing ; ly Attended to West Indies bought and sold, —Life. ing one hundred and sixty acres, more "I G. A. Sweet, Manager. s | grade to or or fae cominencement and ae A — R ‘B h B bi Hi seit } GEORGE GRAHAM. | 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert fae aia tai ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE Priac upert Branch — ritish SOlumbia has one D 4 te Jan, 31, 1912 gents lternaional Stock Food : aver , ; Dated March 5, 1912. | Pub, Feb 3, 1912 {hundred and twenty banks, Pub. March 23, 1949. beeen ALL KINDS OF i F. S. LONG, Manager. FEED