PAGE POUR 44M Vacation Days Are Here Better Have an Extra Pair of Glasses With You for Emergency Fine Watch, Clock and Jeuclery Repairing Hand Engraving-Expert Optical Service CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge rhone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF DIAMONDS Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for "The June Brides" Dennis Dineen Is Farewelled Duthie Mine i Shipping Ore SMITHERS, June 7. A large Another Carload Ooes Forward To rwmber of the railroad employees Smelter and their friends of Smithers -travelled to Burns Lake to attend i smithers oune i,m 7 4 . -m"-mmm PHONE 116 I 9TUMSHIPS I I COMMgNlCArtOHf I Bn0BtaT I COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLEis'S BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PIIO.NE 117 I HOW MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? l i0ATt ba!hroT a model of convenience and beauty? Are " 1 ,ou Proud to a show it t0 your guests? o s v CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports BS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Louise Princess Charlotte Princess Alice June 1st, 15th, 29th June 8th, 22nd June 26th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 21st, 24th, July 1st, 5th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from iA'fc. General Agent rnre H..nrt nr. " "' V t,lVHJnteresing t0 know when reading the Daily Newal that the bj.i. ' 1New Deonlp nf tho vhnU Ai- I Sec Our Latest Models of Kitchen Sinks g I SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED g Phone 174 PLUMBING and HEATING P.O. Box 274 S g Easy Terms Arranged If Required S rhqmhfl, ft Vfl... ...V. . ... THE DAILY NZW3 News of Northern Districts VISITING INTERIOR TERRACE . .UNITE AT The Village Commissioner have, put three men to work at the i ore which Is thers before going to Burns Lake pavlng very we d ,t tfl n0rth but he was asked to try and and Mrs. Dennis Deneen. The town' to reside and, having reached the fow prices prevamng , r thes' .establish an assayer at the plant as well represented at each of the i WESTS? eating snuiuy ior vaiSrS Vancouver! tU The operators. at.,ht zr , Messrs. 5 lat th' '"n"'l c; . ... . . . . Kellv and wucre e wui iaKe up resiaence. .. ,... , - n it it xrrP Ra,n Needd (visited the camp for the occasion.! AULD AFRICAN KIRK ADELAIDE, South Africa, June 7: (CP) The 1820 Settlers' Church! here, built In 1840, 20 years after i MISSED CENTURY n A nnrcnv r-- t -. , -.. i 4-, ,., -UI1C ,.4l .4V. ... .VUUU.UUIIUI me congregation, nas -Oldest Inhabitant of thU Leic I Mrs. Geoffrey Hamlin of Terrace la visiting with her sister. Mrs. Is-,aac Martin, prior to the carlv de parture of Mrs. Martin and family , r - ativ v V. Hi " a ws4-rf v " er In ,n the lhe Bulkley BulkIy Valley Valley rema,n remains lhe ine 102nd I02nd Battery Baltery at at Prince Rupert Rufrl tin. i . .. .. . i. home k. i tu . . . .:. marked JU 100th anniversary TtiresTe the second oldest PreS'te PreSbyt"lan an did I StTtfl f?" T u ,WarV,ne and d and time has ar- on holidays and is visiting church in the Union hS'hrte months of ... a r good soaking rain la,.. will ui with his - parents. Mr. and 4v. Mrs. 444o. Max 1-" quite djy and It Is hoped that rain lUlcry m Prtnce Rupert I 1. m m not lar on. crops have doe very well so far but will neH SAND WITH WAR art Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized M.Hi VALENTIN DAJKY PHONE M7 Stanley W. Colton CHIKOPKACTOlt Wallace Block Phone 610 Handyman Home Service Painting, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now. Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. THE OLl GARDENEK FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for (a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 23c . Wholesale Distributors .. ii. iuamin co. Id. I l Till: MI-IIKMK l'ii ht K HHITIMI KtLI MiilA l rilOIIATH i. it., m.m,, .r ,fc, -Ad-.i.i., Art-Am iT . 1rrr4,, ulJvT ' in. i K Mhrr, made . . the Jrd iNtrlrk H. l,orh. d an .1, iTid ,;' " Wl..? th" nirn,.h .,m.v properI). Terlfw , T ,.r. ,h r f July OATKI. th. HI, day of Jul... A. I. NTH I SI AN A. WATT. Official Admlnl.ira..r. Prlne. riup-rt. H.r'. TIMIIKIl At.K srwj hU-4 tnd-r. will b br ' Mmtrin Kore.t.r ITInc. IIuprt. ' ' l"-i Mian noon on th. Zlth day Jun lf. fo, ,h. purcha., of '- X2IWJ IB Mathleaon irhannel ' H. mlfM-k and Raltam. T 2 .h,. will b. allwl fr Vmth-r partlulr, 0f lha- Chl,f V tori 11., ,he i,trktl l.r I'rln. Ilprl. III'., Ilanrr, iTn. OcMfi rail.. u.r ' CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths MrfcC. E. Black, Proprietress Dr. J Munthe Wishes to Announce That he has taken over Dr. II, O. Johnsen'a practice at 416 4th AVENUE EAST 1 KITWANGA Resnrvnlr to elve it an - - Hon. W. J. Asselstlne Tours Skeena annual cleaning. Durlne the Woman's Auxiliary And 1 1 h A r?Ammimlti 1111 tj.j White 1 And Omineca Districts rainy months gravel and sand Is Cross Orjaniiatiom Heroine brought down by the mountain- One SMITHERS, June 7. Hon. W. J. ueam which feeds the water Asselstlne. Minister of M.nes, ac- tyatem and te deported n,to the KITWANOA. June 7-Last Frt-uompanied by E. T. Kenney, M. concrete reservoir. .day afternoon the member of the L. A. ffir Skppna. nrrlvprf in Rm I. Vltn-nnv'i kronrhx nt IVi t 4 " . ft uihiivii 14 , 4 1 C 14 min'i Aiivlltarv nnH tk fnrmu J " - - O -" I W.441.M41V V BllJ 4.M.. ... V 4. I ....... W ............ J M.. V W , , I & I over the country and make ac- at Terrace from Prince Rupert to White Cross decided to become quantance with the people, this take over from Constable Kels-ione. being the first visit of the minis- berg who has left with his wife! At a mceUng in the MlMlon Iter tn thl HlttTlrt rtlirlntr Vile claw nr,A fmolln f.. Pkamilnn, :llnnu nil H I ...... -I wv ....... atn; U1IU ,4411114 IV vUviUnH. U4. .v4v Ull t 171 C ClVttlPU here he visited the Glacier Gulch laway and the former President of . v, ..4, f our young people icii ior M,t "" .-.uAiiwry, m. m. lng coal mine and Dockrlll coal prince Rupert by Tuesday's train Bright, having retired from office mine at Telkwa and was very well tn take th pvaminatinn in music because of Ul-health. the miuinn. Impressed with what he saw. by the Toronto Conservatory. ary'a wife, Mr. N. Hayhurat. waa Mr. Asselstlne was met at Sml- Th .,rv fiMuinm elected nrexrident hv arvi.imntLnr. mers Dy warn conneiiy. MiA for Master Allan Dubeau, Master M- Semideeka. formerly active Omineca, and they left for a tour nhsrii Apnr anrl Mitt Flettv Mar. I leader of the Dinner U'hit Pmu 01 intj ummeca district on Monday Kay. ' mbmrng. ( While In Smithers Mr. Assel- stine met members of the Omineca .N M M H K K N M44411W4. VI 4 Mlf Ulltldll IstlilUUUlA movement, was made honorary president. aio by acclamation. Former members of the White Crass were Invited to a nartv In - ... . . . . . ,v a I Ail ritUAJ CTe- .......wo - ..u ... w.c ,i.i8. a n picnic picnic supper supper waa WM served served a farewell ,1 party . . being , given , there ..1 carload "i44C4iio, of thlrt to .. f Anoiner d iate.d - him " upon """" the establishment wusum- . three dances In the district to During the evcnlngTa aacred ' 1 trio .lor Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dineen. .u. ,. nf th mnii ni, f r,. attend last JUturdav nicht. at u.. ... . . . . i, , ivuinHiuira a mis ween loaaea ...m.o v 4 mite -" . suiik ur Mrs. Alice Derrick Mr, Dineen has been roadmaster , Rupert which has th Dthle mine, another In Hazel-!M from tne Duthle mlne gQ f0f, proved to be of Mary Bryant and MIm Eathtr ac mat place. :V9rri fn iv,-. c,u.. tu.. . so much hmeflt tn th nnumMnr. ton and still another at Burns Lake.! jnhnn -j . w 4t a444474bci. 4 .no intiii- i-. "" j .w.tiwii, aiiu a wiu was aiao ren- h. . . Mr. Mr. Dinneen Limneen was was , located located . at at Sml-1 Sml-' , grade a sUver.iead ,,.,.,, ." '5' and and sma small mini mining nni- people ni of .v,- the the tne ... la" alter belne being a a farewell farewell for fnr .Mr.' Mr 'h.,. k.. ... u V rpn a snort speech waj made by Mrs. H. Wllltsqu. followed i by a few words of welcome to al former White Cross .mfmbers by1 the president. Mrs. Hayhurat. Replies, expressing earneat appreciation and thanksgiving, weri irlven hv Vtsttki.. n.i.Li . to take up rwidence at Pouce Coune 1 Derrick. Solomon Bryant. Edwrtl ""C4tT Mf"n was recenuy Talt. Mra. F. Johnson and J Hav- v. .us ,cr- i,TJ mu " .c miiwui mic rwpjiry nurat. resident ralasiortary. The meeting was brought to a clote wun prayer by Mr. Hayhurat. PROTEST SOCIAL UK Ell iAl t TOWN June 7- ippi be much appreciated by the farm- on- .The CoUlson family has When Cape Town dto eotJ ili "e - grouna o v is so now uuw getting pCllin " U1 " memoers '- w a wim v tne ar- to buiw a mni-i u. w..T ni,4 J. i ,4 1 , ... . tlllan, In n.l t 4 I - '4..viul UWI IUU ML Wable moisture to continue In a' L ' T. (CP.-Not only! ...i-inciii a7cu ' cuswnw "low as an ot ' "interference Airican Alrlcana. satisfactory j manner are the picture in the trc nni i. Mjyai ACaQ- Danper nf fnrcf f irA. i- Pmv strnni?iv war innu u.. ti i - una aa XiOU 1J1- " U UUb VLSI1! ( creasing with each day of contlnu- tors are reminded at every turn they' ed dry weather. To date there has muU uke shelter on air raid alarm' huiu me sianea in the district "a "iere a and buckeU In all ajtid JlKtlift'rwt tht;.u , .I corneM teVet start- df?- um- POOR MiVS n,r,-.- ; MANCHESTER, June 7: (CP)-J. nte thOUSana -...-. nnn..i.B. PrlPH n.1.1.1. . . . vj, ui nisi! novensi. nax ,. wople rwd the Dally New,, it suggested cheaper brands of tobac!' Save thCm What T f CXempted 'rom hjh wri liae OT SfU taypt an tk.t j . IDOKA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed, Thurs, Frl, 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. pwji agea men might uvu ie aepnvea of their "last con solatlon." (Langa. a native settlement t-ina i resident gathered to protat the with Cut Rate Shoe Store Exclusive Agents Kedettes V5t Comforfabfe and Cacti a 0nt 2-19 Th Prlm companront for your Plr clothe. S- B"'ght colon in wuh-tble cotton, with a toft ptd-likc rubber sole. IN THE HI TKKMB Ol KT OK IIUITIMI urn i in ritdinri: In the M.ttrr of the "AdmlnUtr.llon Arl" . .. And wm" AdmlaWrator with S3 Will uuwMtd 0 the EataJV rf Benj-nla Fr th City of Prtnce Ritprrt. Ivlrui 11 pw-Htm lndfbtd to th asjLd itxiitl 30Ui day of Jun 1040 fallin. ZZ Ett4, luring rtwtl onJy to H clatei Um In my handa. Iftth Viy of May A. D. 1940 NORMAN A. WATT, j GAY MUSIC FILM HERE ! Kay Kyer and Ills Orchestra In That'. Klcht You're Wront" At Capitol Theatre Kay Kyser and his popular radio lorcneatra make their Initial film appearance In "That's Right -You're Wrong." which la the feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at present. Tne theme la that of many hilarious trouble that encounter Ky-er and hla muatctana when they abandon a weekly radio program to accept a handsome Hollywood offer. Slde-apllttlng complications arise when the group reach the film capital and proceed to proceed to make a picture. Blended Into the atory are five song hits 'The Answer la Love." . nappy mrihday to Love." "Fit to be Tied." "Chatterbox" nH -n,. ! Little Red Fox." Well known vocal- imvm inwni me aonga. Adolphe Menjou has the co-starring role In the picture with Kay Kyaer. others in the cart including such favorite aa May Robeon. Lu-cllle Ball. Edward Everett Ilortou. Roacoe Kama and Moroni Olscn. If you nte sometiung to swap try a Classified Ad. 'AST TMfi o ft l.i J I I I ! I trwk in (tie VU:v4 title wa eonferr-f by Chartaa II f .r K , Crown. (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One 2 Shu. . Z ",fi"l " ' W nd ;( Kay Kayser In "That's Right i ou re Wrong' With Anoi.piii: MFN.,0(, MAV KOBSOX KDWAHIl i: IIORTOX (At 7:3 ail( ) () Al):n New, SportlUht xflti COMIXO SAT O.Mt ll Rathbonf. Vltl ""urn in itlO" nRo.N7.-r wins mud NEWINQTON r CP-tr John F. : farmhand aid ' ,. married here t. j i bouaem-M. au- j-, tHle from an uiK J MU aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOtyOCtKOOOOflOSOOSWOOMOl 4 j Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafinn. Chappinp and Diaper Hash. A Baby Feed-mjr Ilottlc Free with each purchase Both for 40 Ormes Crer Pioneer Druggists The Iteiall Store Phones 81 Open Pally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. a i Stall orders Filled Mtaoooo0ooooooeooMoooowo CUT RATE SHOE STORE TIUKI) AVE, "RUPERT BRAND Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncw Rupert Co. Ltd. British ColnmH