PAO TWO THX OAILT HXWS HARTT and CLARIDGE MEN'S DRESS SHOES DAILY EDITION Prlced From $6.50 Greb Work Shoe Solid Throughout Priced From 83-95 Jack and Jill Shoes lor Misses and Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert "Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid in Advance, per month By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By Mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion - Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER Of TUB CANADIAN PRESS $5.00 0 3.00 9.00 J02 .25 Tt fyvfn Praea Is czcluslTdv QUUed to use tor republication of all ne-vs Ctrpttcl oMiud to U or to XL Associated Prcas In this paper and alao Ux 1 Wednesday. July 31, 1940. NAZI GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE ! Evidently the Nazi government of France does not like being put in the category of an enemy government and is making protests to Great Britain. That will not avail in the least Great Britain cannot afford to be squeamish about what to do and what not to do. She will probably take such action as is likely to help her in winning the war. BRITAIN THE FRONT LINE un TWTC WINNERS1 Defeated Irish By Score Of Five To Two In Well - Contested Gilbuly Cup Football Games ls in put u tjuuutu hic a liers reff reed the game. The dilhuly Cup standing to date: ff DLFAPL Velvets -2 0 0 .8 4 4 Fusiliers 0 113 6 1 Dry Dock 0 113 4 1 MINE TRAGEDY JOHANNESBURG. July 31: CUssiFl E 0 SNAP for Range local un puall&bed t&ereui. ! anH eonner FOR HALL quick sale, FOR RENT Monarch FOR SALE 1939 Dodge. Custom built Apply Macey's Confectionery. (181) Great Britain is Canada's front line of defence. The1 for rent First class room Canadian minister of national defence announced yester- board. Phone Green 873. day that Canada would soon have two complete division! -- r in Great Britain. This it is understood would include! "EfONAI- c tanks, airplanes and all the various departments making'NOW is the time to get a up complete military units. , government ob as cierk. NEED ASSISTANCE In carrying out the duties of registering all the people of Canada, an appeal was read to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce yesterday by the Minister of War Services. While there has already been a considerable response by Prince Rupert people, it is evident that more will WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Most of the cities of Canada have local committees organizing the sale of war savings certificates. Some of them have been very successful. In all centres the certificates are going out well. There is no reason why Prince Rupert may not do just as well as other places. The money is needed and the people have it to invest. The banks pay a very low rate of interest while the rate on the certificates is considerably higher. We hoj)e the honor of Prince Rupert will be sustained in this Empire emergency. GUARDING OF TREES the protection of the forests from fire with his patriotic training. ,The defence of Canada applies to forest fire prevention as well as external enemies. Defending the forests Is an immediate personal I TORONTO. July 31: (CP) War- contribution that every citizen can time places a new ana higher undertake. J value upon the forests of Canada' "It Is sometimes forgotten that! and the new value In this case forests never destroy themselves, goes almost wholly to the wage- They are laid ln ruins nearly al- J earners, merchants, supply houses ways by the carelessness of human : and others furnishing the employ beings. Thousands of forest ran-1 ment and services that enter Into gers work from morning till nights the manufacture of lumber' and to save the splendid resources of ( paper, according to a statement this province from reckless ac-j of the Canadian Forestry Assocla- tlons of fishermen, campers, smok-j tlon. ers, berry-pickers and settlers. ' The statement goes on: -Now ' "Every forest fire Is a blow to. that the Dominion government has our nome-iana ana tne conse-lssued a call for the organized de- quences of fire grow steaaily worse fence of ..Canada, a new reason Is as the timber supplies becomes provided,. and a. new. opportunity less and the distribution of forest given for every citizen to Includewages grows greater." rosiman, wusioms uien, oieno , etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M, C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. WANTED be required. The government is anxious to have most ofiWAOTED-Goodsl2edrowboatsuit- t Vip vvni-k ilnnp hv vnlnntat-v hpln it, nrAor tn boo,, ,!., thJ able or outboard. Box 13 Dally J News. i i. a. x -Li. tm j . i cubis to tne lowest. pqssiDie minimum, ine registration takes plate on August 19, 20 and 21 and T. W. Brown is inl charge of the work in this electoral division. FOR SALE Ivory bedroom set 1 Bookcase, Chesterfield, Over SPORT CHAT 21, is at the top of her game, as t t,.if v.iw-i arf-w she demonstrated recently by win- three more goals to their total "J J ? Tram-Mlsslsslppi cham- stuffed chair. Cottage piano, 'pressed Canada" in 1935 on her trip Desk. Phone Blue 506. 345 5th acrws the Dominion with her hus- Avenue East. (179) . band, the late Hon. Joseph Lyons, .. . then Prime Minister of Australia, FOR SALE-McClary Range, Heat- , uiin a leading rt ln cam. " S;.?i?lDg ,f UiU?" Radl0, ln Australia to stop spreading etc. 525 6th Ave. West. 179) f , rum3rs and M ht and (tf) 180) Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave, W. Phone BLACK 735 THL SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racket by the only aalmea canning company with an all the year round earroli cf value to fifth columnists and the German-Italian cause generally. Addressing 800 members of the Country Women's AssoclaUon the other day rhe urged all to refrain from such talk and reminded her audience of the precepts of St. Paul, who said: "Whatsoever things are rue. whatsoever things are honest . . . whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are of good re port, think on these things." Dame Enid asked country women to help their country by doing the DAIRY IS ! DEFEATED Now .that Patty Berg has desert- -j . ,,, Mv. thru fHrW i r.i tn Fraser Street and who help to make the tournament ..nir. r .v,. North who hare seriously threatened for' Star In Intermediate League several years, may be hard to stop j Last Niiht -, n tne iihu unuea aiaies niuonsn In the third game of the Ollhuly women's golf championship at jn incermediate Softball League FootbaU Cup series last night Pebble Beach. California, In Sep- fixtures last night Fraser Street de-Velvet defeated Irish by a score of tember. They're Marion Mlley of feated Dominion Dairy to 1 while 5 lb 2. The game was Interesting Lexington. Ky.. Charlotte Glutting sur also took the measure of and well played throughout of Rock Springs, V. J., and Doro- the dairymen 28 to 9 tn a alugfes. Tne opening goal of the game ' AUm; ?a Tlie Tbc- teams re: Kentucklan has played In seven Fraser Sreet-Arney.Pavllkis,Bll. came easily in the first half when nationals, reaching the semWinaii Andersou. Our- Billy Gomez, for Velvet, drove the oillis. Vvckovleh. . imji t.u-. n twice and the quarter-finals once. vth Pntuk. Scherk. .Soon after Cameron put Velvet ,utuf sUm0t two up by headln? the ball into f" w" the goaL After Velvet's second n sf?lI:'mals,.by s?to tK,f-goal the Fusiliers seemed to liven by- wn blg 'hr?at fr Pebble Beach. She beaten in was nn i Omwri ttei in ouiek sue- nnminlon Eulrv MacLean. Hebb. Blackhall. Gomez. Anderson. Mc-Keown. Schaeffer, StromdahL j North Star Berg, Astori. Sim-undson. Santerbane. Zbura. Roy. eession-one bv Mellann and the the 1940 fInal3 ov B" Jameson wjtenkc. Bird and Perkins. other bv Davis. Thus the half of Anlo. Mls$ Jameson, Just Dominic Montesano was umpire. ended in a two all deadlock. MOTOR C1CJJSTS RESPOND nlAncHfn vvHr or Po f-tx Rarff 4rt - . . . . m. . .Mn. while the Irish were held score- ? "T ' s " -cape towh. Juiy n: ur less. Those who scored for Velvet u-UI j3quUi Arrican mintary auinonuei 1 were Dickens. Cameron and Ritchie. 1 1 OnAAnn ViA Ui. el peuuuu- ;nad good response to a special - call for experienced motor-cyclU Another pair of golfins starts 4n ,iitt with th mpcnannM such a vide-open affair are El!zar . beth Hicks Jul iLbng Beach,' CaU- TONGAS HELPING fornia. and Mrs. Estelle Laws n DURBAN. July 31: CP t Among Page of Chapel Hill, N. C. The 320oo natives of the Tonga, or Califomian went to the semi- friendly Islands, in the Pacific, finals of the national last year. tL inivnipnt nt nhnut tliioo has Mrs. Page won in 1937 and In 1933 bttn collected for the British Red wai runner-up to ratty uerg. ene cross ,cp' was medalist In 10S8 and 1937.4 -A European worker was killed 1 others' ,haring me honOQr w and three naUves seriously injured nMv ta th. inrwf work at hand in a blasting accident in the mines Lag IrwJn of Tjpper Montclalr here. N. J.. Georgia Talnter of Fargo, N. D.. Jeanne Cline of Bloomington, 111.. Phyllis Otto of Atlantic. Ia, 'Jan? Gothran of Greenville, 8. C, Maureen Orcutt of White Beeches, n J . Eileen Quinlan of St. Paul. ;M!nn.. and Bea Barrett of Lafay-'ette. Minn. Quotes St. Paul iSSiSI Against Gossips Dame Enid Lyons of Australia One Of Wartime Campaign Leaders MELBOURNE, July 31: (CP) Dame Enid Lyons., whose strong personalty as wife and mother lm- for war funds." Grow more vege tables," she said. "Grow more than you want and give some to a local hospital, thus relieving pressure on hospital funds and releasing more! UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: ISA. CATALA EVERY TUE8- T.S.S. CAROENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:31 pjn. 10:30 p.m. Doe Vancouver. Than. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Ferebase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK 3. SKINNER, Prince Bapert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 863 MacKenzie's Furniture AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 6 only Hope Chetts in beautiful walnut panel. Lined with Tennessee cedar. Absolutely moth proof. Regular QQ I $38.60. SALE PRICE Phone 775 3:7 THIRD AVENUP rJILlJl.U.TJlll 1 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 I Can Ride for Price of One Wednesday. July 3i i84; 1 KITCHEN CABINET At C WASH STANDS From RANGES 3 WICKER CARRIAGES Each 4 RADIOS From 4 $8.00 88.00 S.R, M9 j j j SUPREME REFM5HMENT L i Ji OZ. 85 OZ. 40 OZ. -MlfJ $J3 2M $3M - r TMis clon tvfsr CO UB This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8-30 a m. to 3:30 pJtt. Phone GRLEN 911 Used Furniture 10 IRON BEOS Each 4 WOVEN SPRINGS Each 10 BEDROOM TABLES From 3 MORRIS CHAIRS From 3 CHINA CABINETS From . - S2.00 and $4.00 S2.50 S1.50 t0 85.00 S5.00 816.50 816.00 81.50 4 EXTENSION' TAHLKS 84 00 6 KKCONDITIOMI) C1C HA COS HA CQC fill ?XU.UU ?4UUU) iJOUtUU 85.00 4 ENGLISH PRAMS QQ 6 GRAMOPHONES QQ OL'I! AUGUST FURNITURE SALE STARTS THURSDAY. 1st CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc. Call cr Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Atents for Trans-Canada Air Lines "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlocv Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia