FAQS rOwX TEX tJAILT KXT7B r EYES Lieeneee for Numounts Full-Tue Frames, The Newest in Eye-Wear Max ax H Red Cross Dance Held At Telkwa SMTTHERS, July 31: The Telkwa Red Cross branch of th: local organization put on a very successful dance in the Telkwa hall on Friday evening nearly $200 was raised for Red Cross work. PHONES IS and 19 Dole Pineapple Juice 2 tins S'-az. jkJ. vi Woodbury's Soap Deal lc sale. 4 bars for Nabob Cot Green Beans 2 tins 23c 26c 23c EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge rhone 261 for Appointment neiioroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties Rain Showers Hamper Haying Are Benefitting Grain Crops And Gardens In Bolkley Valley, However SMTTHERS. July 31? Haying when weatner k betas hampered by fre quent snawers oi rain ana occasionally an all night rain. During 'the season when the hay waj Telkwa, and all the othet growing the moisture was looked centres in the Bulkley Valley, ha. and hoped for by the farmers In been very active in This work and vain but. now that the harvest Is their efforts and contributions on. the rain is bothering them and have been greatly appreciated by is not appreciated so much ' al- Climas Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin P.O. Box 573 Mussailem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" CHKS&OCOaOQDOOCSilOOOOOO 2 PL.N TOUR SUJI3IER 2 SALADS AS VEGETABLLSg o o o o a a a ARE PRICED REALLY LOW HERE o o o o ""p gTomatoes Lb. lOcg 5 Green Onions 2 hnchs. 5c o oRadkbesi.bunches- - Sea . o Celery ...15cr gCukes 2 tor .J-JSig; SParsley Bunch 5co' 2 S CHTKHJOOOOOOO ooooacooooo 47c Heinz Tomato Ketchup A 4 X 2 bottles Sugar-Krisp Corn Flakes Each packages Limit 3 to Each Customer Ayfmer Sweet Corti-Each tin Hedlund's Sandwich Spreads Each 6c 10 c 7c Limit 6 to Each Customer lJW000OC9C00J0O0OWK0H0K0O0OO0O0O0 2 WMAIKINSIW o DOCHJOOOOOO Canned Foods Malkin's Best Tomatoes 2's. 2 for Malkin's Best Baking Powder Ea 3Ialkin's Best Fruit Juices Ea. . . . 2oc fi laHHn'siBest Dated Coffee Lb. . . 45c Libby, JIostanT- LUMBER CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 Phone 116 o o o o o o o o o o 23c 19cl o 8 o o o 2 0O0O0OOXKWCfOOOOKOh. ) Retno Peas' are arriving with each,' train QCn Slhn g at 3 lbs. PalmoliTe Soap Giant size, lc sale. 3 bars OI r for COJII'LETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPT UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention .English People (Are Not Afraid Miss Marion Coombes Writes Prom' London, England, To Local Friends "People, except for a few of the : hysterical, arent afraid." writes Miss Marion Coombes, formerly of this city and now In London. England, in writing to a local friend iAs far herself Ml Pvimhoi mvi i that she is torn between two emo- f nd' tions nn tn retnrn in her Hn. In Canada I near Vinmnnri anH J" Ontil results. i SO Cfianteci&i Slow Bvrnfng CIGARETTE PAPERS MOM UMlt MADt CHIROPRACTOR) SUnley Vfl Colton, D.Ch.a Wkriaie'-rilock, Phone 619 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized .Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONIC 157 Notice Senior Matriculation Parents and guardians desirous of having their children take the Senior Matriculation course at the Booth Memorial High School please notify D. J. Mafheson, Secretary of School Board, City Hall. Prince Rupert, before August 15th. Applications are Invited from out of town pupils Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY HOLIDAYS Book. Tour Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write JIRS. DUNN Jlatiett, Queen Charlotte Is. b.c. FAREWELL jHorse Shies At AT LUNCH!!!!oose' !ntfrlor , 3Iembers Of rrince Rupert Cham ber Of Commerce Oathered At Luncheon For Formal Adieu To F. A. MacCaltam She is in the service of a company T . in London which buys machinery' yesraay for Jute and cotton mills as well! as tea plantations In India. For a while, after the outbreak of war. sne was called out with the Civil Nursing Reserve but. as bombins Whifflets From The Waterfront ent. President W. M. watts, presld-'home, ing. explained, that the event was in honor oi a member who and casualties in Lnndnn f,n leaving wiinin tne next iew devekw a, mi!rht ha h r Kamloops. He said he knew he; pected. she waa released to eo spoke fcr 311 Present when hc 531(1 back to office work. Frank MacCallum had been a good (Citizen and had always taken his " .share of responsibility in any t ---- i cause or movement or work that had Inspired confidence In his In tegrity and he offered sincere and hearty congratulations to him on! his promotion. Members of the Chamber were sorry to have him go. In thanking the members for this evidence of their friendshln and goodwill. Mr. MacCallum spok? 1 of the enjoyment he had taken in carrying out his duties as a member of the Chamber and as president He and Mrs. MacCallum had tried to live as common cltliens For nine and a half years they had been residents of the city and they had tried to make friends and maintain them. He hoped that members of the Chamber going -south would make a point of visiting them at Kamloops where thej hoped to spend the next four years. He expressed confidence that Prince Rupert was on the move and. while he regretted that the present prosperity was due to war. he felt sure it was the beginning of a more stable prosperity. Mr. .MacCallum also spoke of the excellent work done by the secretary of the Chamber, Arthur Brooskbank. who was the mainstay of. the organization. This was concurred in by Mr. Watts. Brighten Lives V Of Service Men Girls of Australia to Write to Boys Overseas MELBOURNE. July 31: (CP) No member of Australia's fighUng forces need worry about not getting letters while he Is abroad for thlr will be one of the main functions of the newly-formed "Blots" Club. This club the letters of its UUe epitomize its object, brightening the lives of the services is composed of girls who will send to all members of the fighting forces who desire them cheery letters and magazines and newspapers at frequent IX THE IPKKME COl'KT )F HKIT1MI t OLl M HI A - IX FHOIltTE In thr Mattrr of the "Administration Art" i And 1 In the Maltrr of thr VMtlt of WltlUm Irr, Hrrrsivd ' TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hit Honcr Judge Ffcher dated the 28Ui day I of June A. D. 1040 I mui appointed I AdmlniatnOor of the Erfale of WWIam 1 Duff, deceawd. lat ot the City of i Print Rupert All penoos are hereby ; required to pay the amount of their ' tndebtednena to '.he Extate to me forth vKh and all pemms baring claims ;agfcaaat the aaid Estate are mrulm! to 1 file them properly verified with me on lor before the 3lt r Auimat IBM), fall. In which I ahall proceed to make dl 1 UttMMca car the aid Eatet harlng re-' gard calf to claims then in my hand. , DATED at Prince Rupert. BrtUah Col-umjbia. lu 29th day of July A. D. ' NORMA.V A. WATJ" Offkial Admlntrtor. . Woman is injured dlyl; Strange Animal I Visits Smithers Mexican Ant Eeater, Brourht By Tourist, Excites Much Interest was for the good of the town or; his fellowmen. He had done that) SMTTHERS. July 31: A tourist work willingly without thought of travelling bi a California car reward He had been active in the created some entertainment on TA rvnee nt n-hlVi Vi - nnlXLaln Ktrpct for th rhlMnn nnn ,tU VAUOd PIUUI lit NH HUH ' local president He had served sev-'day last week when he produced Having been delayed by loading eral Tears on the hospital board i a Mexican ant eater, which he canned salmon at Wales Island and-13 rnember of the Chamber of carries with him in his travels, and the Naas River. Union steamer Commerce, he had been a useful ,and nad it performing on a tight other antics. It . catau, Capt Capt James James Tindlav Tindlav re- re- committeeman committeeman and and had had carried carried rope rope and ana doing doing the executive of the local organi- though it will be very beneficial to.turned to port at 5:30 thi aft-r. but his duties faithfully as Dresi-Iwas the first one of these animals the grain and the gardens. 'noon from Stewart and other dent during the year 1933. ever seen In Smlthers and dogs; northern points and sailed at 6:30- XIr- Watts went on to speak of inal Decame too cruious were no for Vancouver and waypoints. the manner in which Mr. MacCal- ,on m getting out of the way . lum had endeared himself to all when tne smaller animal took af-! Dally News Cl&sxit.m . nnn. sorts and condition of twmi. in ter them. I i tne city. As a bank manager he' i Canada At War 25 Years A20 July 31: Germans forced the'd Vistula River between Ivangorod and Warsaw. Admiralty announced j 1.550 persons killed to July 7 as!; result of German submarine at-i1 tacks on merchantmen since the ! start of the war. Advertising is n urvestmeht riii !J. H. BULGER Optometrist RotI Rank Rldr CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 5c and up Hot and Cold Water. Sbower Baths Mrs. & E. Black, Proprietress NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proorietot "A IIOMK AWAY FROM liOMIT R:cs 75c up 50 Roomt Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phon Ml p.o. Box IM Dr. J. Munthe Successor Ze. It O. Johnsen Now II;. Ills Office In the BESNER RLOCK TIIE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. MalkJn Co. (P.R.) Ltd. I SM1THERS Major R. L. Oale. recruiting oi-ficer for the Cariboo district wai at home to Smlther last week ti nrMuntkmi for the re- raoval of hU family to Prince SMITHERS. July 31: Mrs. Harry he is engaged in hi while Wearne of Quick met with an ac- George ddent last evening while returning present work. MI have enjoyed every day of home from the Quick post office , the nino mri a half vnn T hat ch. - rirlinz a? Constable and MTS. w J. IWW been in thfe ritw and i h nnor i . ttkwi anH calf .arrived In Smlthers on maay "j tavriac a , - kicked at the city or the weather were encountered in the road. The evening and have taxen up rel resi- if the? bank had decided to horse became frightened and threw deuce in tne tvui aparwicut leave me here for the next four Mrs. Wearne off. She struck on Main Street, uonsiaoic uuu the other "the desire to see it P"Hy satUfled. through over here." I retire. I should have her head and was injured. A doc- recently transierrea irom n - w . ' .. . . i T-rt t Rmithrs in tne service sjkn ior was caiiea irosi onuiocn uu " ' th- cith of the reply of F. A. Mac- Mrs. Wearne was brought to the, of the provincial police Callum to a formal address of re-.Smithers Hospital was identified uith th staff nf," "ic J I me many uJtuu ui wic i.muj ffpSSdSStSsr1 h: e tnt fff,the,throu8hout hope Prinee Rupert Chamber ot "lt the injury Is not serious. lie works in Prince Rupert, left here a a few few years years ago ago for for England.' England.:: . ,uncn" w- u.ne 01 ne MKn. tauums nonor in we uommoaoreiana Mrs. wearne. wno nas oeen I in England attending school for There was a good attendance the past few years, has Just ar- of members of the Chamber pres- rived at Montreal on her way Otter Besner of Prince Rupert was a business visitor in Smlthers last week and took advantage of the occasion to contact many old friends of the early days In Prince Rupert and this district. Satisfactory Sum Of iZM Realiied From Affair Last Friday Mtht I SALE Summer 1 Dresses I $2.95 FROM HIGHER PRICED GROUPS Wednesday j.. H'TTTJ li m Vital Been VI ante We are determined not to carry any of this year's dresses over Most all of these dresses will be worn far into the Jail. All sizes. TRICED TO SELL. LAST TIMES TOMniit Z Shows 7:M and Easily ... The Fine r,lnT, "Gone With The Wind Don't Miss It! 'Rebecca With LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE NOTE For Proper Enjoyment and Understanding See it From the Start at 7 11 and S jS COLORED CAKTOOX "Sniffles and Book.;rtn COMING T1ILRS. FRL "Dr. Erligh's Matic Bullet HONOR AIR riONEER . ' " LONDON. July 31: (CP) Orlf-t0P on demand of i flth Brewer, pioneer In British ! Volunteers, red huh-aviation, who represented the na-!ordered as preliminary Uon In four balloon races between J 1906 and 1922, has been elected j STILL GETTING president of the Royal Aeronaut!-1 ' cal Society. M,iii6n. .v unmui s r mires RED LIGHT SENTRY i program is going sti MANCHESTER. July 31: (CP) 'centres having been ; After several fatalities among Central Council of motorists and others falling to Physical Training K' FASHIONABLE WOMEN'S COATS IJltUTED'flyAJrjTtY . Won't guarantee hoVJcSJKf' theseyfctfT selL Huny down. $16 to $I vaJues li? ... $9.95 J Mall Orders Promptly Killed Open Saturday Nltht I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ; "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" f THIRD AVE. Next to lleilhroner't Phone BI.L'E 907 B. C. Furniture Co. 6 Unpalnted Chests of Drawers Extra large lze. strong tJ-' From S8.25 TO $9.75 1 Cnpainted Dinette Buffet Tn latest 9 75 6 Electric Press Irons qj np A real snap ltJil 6 Electric Toasters With cords. on ffft Special 7)&OV 4 Studio Couches In latest designs and colors, can be made into a double h' ' a single bed or two single beds. Three spring- QQf Kfl filled cushions. Reg. $45, now ?OUtuU 8 Cotton Felt .Mattresses-Of the very finest quality 1 C ttfl ticking In all sizes. Special 93.O0' 20 .Mattresses In sizes 3-3. Special 4-0. SG.95 1 3-Piece Chesterfield SultesIn ' rust, green and brown nlTZms t vety 75.00 10 89.00 Phone BLACK 324 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers Ml THIRD AVENUE