tx saeninitemeementan ehumemcaete tee ee a eens - The Daily News ——-——-~ -_ —— ———_— Scoop Covers the Auto Wreck at the Foot of Capitol Hill —Drawn for the Dail, | News Dy ~~ 7 f OT a . Teter — —) A / avSe (rT was a ME WRECKED AUTD was on tees sos fs =I rw Jor Ripm | ee /, os : “= =-4 oor a Wen Foor oF Tes wma AauTo SmasneD iS IT Dy SsTure — ri = = SD OME ONE ELSES Ww =t. “ x wee -a ANY where. i/ DB TURN Ot G Stary j Rie GEE WOULDNT THAT A REPORTER THERE AROUND HE Yous. BRw THOT whi BE S}5 MAKE @ Fucy Sit & | Yr we. BE My SOnP , ALONG a ——-. Nee — ' Ke! OF ROUGH READING, Own EXCLUSIVE \ Pier ¢ e aes . fi eae oer ea Story 1 S. c VRE Takes © ape” « ij 4. > 5 : ' ' teal ; =_ —> = ~~ — ~~ Nee . ~ )\ RR Sh Minne) CA e 7 , » | Sony HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel m Vancouver Excellent Cafe Moderete Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone S50 Vancouver, B.C. Canadian General Electric Company, Limited i Sp os ee eee, Motors, Mining and Coatracting Machinery The ex = . Spok- Electrica) Apperatus of every description — Apr Pomme 245 Graham Kearney, Mer. Bod $74 i ov ie acs \soo0 WATCHES} ss 2 es 5000 GRAMOP ONES bs the § 5000 AUTO-HARPS : |, $2500 GIFTS FREE 7— |: Seno No. Mower. Picture of facucms ASoreee a oe . = 4 z ; ‘ ' . , - 3 When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 3 : ; Fee g $ les. CARLTON HOTEL i} a 4 > 4 3 Finest Cafe ir B.C. European Pian. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day $ : r $ Het and Cold Water in each room > — ? $ y 7) > $ a CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS ; NSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE $ Vancouver, B.C. 2 NOTICES IN THE ie re siahesiciciee ileal ow NEWS 95 feet on Second Avenue at dunction of 1st, 2d, 3d and Park Avenues. The most advan- tageous corner in the city. Be- low grade, no excavation neces- Special Offering ae Ea few days only. ~ CONTINENTAL ‘TRUST COMPANY G17 Second Ave. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” The Cas his = — = i = “The News” Classified Ads. =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— ee ee ee eee ee) qt CITY COUNCIL AND iD APOLOGY : a Double Corners Sth ave 7 ee IN SECTION EIGHT = 16. s . Sis. > $1050.00 - ae = - = / / sens ; Insurance ; ‘ Ro - 15 ~+ : »COR Companies are noted for p and yus? 2 « settlements. We write ewery & i oil uM aie insurance. The Mack Realty and | Co = 2 = ot ~ ed Phone 100 and ask for terms eR S , ; ayor! Help Wanted : nde of the) s o ad ANT : al Vv £ rat a Aa = $ slip Mis ial, S25 Bord: act i ; Wanted Houses Dybhavn Disappointed > = aAyOr HE RS APTIST s - afi McINTYRE Hai ave AR OT ’ i Services Sunday 2 . a an & mere : 7 : REV. W.H. McLEOD BA Toe e Ts ST MET i g w f , 2 Te **€. a¥D & = I : t Services every Sunday « - a= am ” « Sunca WV - £ sa Schon! at 2 >= chs REV.C_R SING B AsTOR ; i) ——— - _ + : a - tally ture we 106 y sdays aD i : j 5 Miscellaneous sgh A, a gga ~~ ap PHOKE & ~ CONAN DOVE ees Shox 37, ons “at PONY EXPRESS AND IRELAND WANTED—Sss: price for lot In Block 3% SENS ES: SE ae Section & Musi sell for cash Address B 261 News ” tr Baggage, Storage and Porwarding emus Kise ar Motor Car day or nigh Famous duties “Makes Graphic ot Seventh Ave. and Puliqs Phone s Speech at Liberal Colonial QOAL NOTICES Ciub in Favor of Passing Home Ss a - NOTICE Rule Bill Unanimously. March 26.—Speakimeg orel f the Libera after x a wT h he { § 5 . 9 £ Ss Arth & {at 2 ; I ppea f usti Ma ‘ if Enuglan he sai > t g aus drew her swore h z ~ the sw as — nd depend * would - heir HE SUPREME OURT OF BRITISH : d be MBIA (IN PROBATE a mt “mot ithe Jeas Tus MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA = es The sword f , BGT, AND i ce : HE MATTER OF THE ESTATE F wou remat : ’ JOE GASOVICK ALI GEORGE s side “ KOENIG, DECEASED, INTESTATE We annot allow that,” he the Take nat thai by order of His Hom We want the gallant tk t Se . unadte p side It would be | 4 tel Tralee Is ar L s great thing if the gifi f na-/west s _Chaims. the es tt "sO sa Tas nal self government could have |” it b : m Engiand to Ireland -— an English party it . % aud It is a pity the measure | «,. Bimous, OU na aa im ial Adm imisir al and we must gird uy nan s for long figh But | coeeniss = fight patiently with thé he ’ . ve in tas tea E sh ¢ nbia is & Sa; ** e : ‘aw {va ait S MES cator : Byron E. Walk ied Ma : >. March 2%, 1912 ; Continental Trust FOR SALE Nn he wv mt ' te FOR SALE FOR RENT Jeremiah H. Kugler, lit __ Bainter & Sia won S Q U : A R ws E oe 9 -* ; L : = 3 . atu a ~ — snot Real Estate Sexes tor Oo Sateiy Depos es, : N T \ew> Read The Dauy **