eatheiFor.ecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char-,otte islands-- Moderate to fresh uthet winds, cloudy ard cool ,rith occasional ; Mr Job ii - -AIM- M1 &BULANCES1 1 1 liTfrt of the first ambulance f Initial troun of 22 lit be known the -Thumbs-Up tJnit.'ffhe :t completely equipped, will be ppped to Britain early In August lAn ardent flying fan, Mrs. Klrk- p made a flying tour of Eur- Miore the war started. Sh is been piloting her own- alr- 2t for several years since a fend In Victoria, B. C. 'OLUNTEER Hrowns law office is ""tot XXIX. NO. 179. ' nfce" .for Preliminary or ion 7. 01 lhc national nguu'a- v.- ;the patronage and other in 1 . . .The I u.t .mil j l. k.inr,.i A , v. Ik things mat ne saia were going on. How ever, when the time for an election approached, he proposed to tour the nrnVlncA and lpt th nponln lrnrmr fc.rktn Woman Plans Campaign . what ""T L, C : ! Fer "Thumbs Up Units For Britain 1 exactly he had found and' what the Conservative party stood for. He hopod to be able to show I 4 U . . . L .. . .. .U.L 1 I , I Ivvir "c ""lJr "c was ,eaa- VflRK July 31: (CP1 A was 10 Placc the ""' tai r!fdy woman, who became Inter- red in volunteer mercy work af-1 ..... . Ma Hand said that, when war i trie nd asked her to give It ' . Mvr " full try is the leader of the British-. brokeHout- co-1 Uin Ambulance Corps' drive operatlcm with a view to he plng thc . lniw" f"ori letting Hitler. Mas-! pnrchsse ambulances to aid !;,,. n.,t Isollnt and Stalin see that Canada' ilrt Spauldlnj Klrkbrlde of HoMlth Great Britain ln: Tork and Boston sits In her fr"Bfe ?"Q M l"c P1"" il-totn office directing the Luptign aimed at sending to ig'.iod hundreds of units to re- ite 'he ambulances left behind itftftTtd during the evacuation the British Expeditionary Iran Flanders. She is the Ice pi' leoetsry athoajh the corps was or- jrfd vti began Its drive only J f one 17 It already has alsed art? 125.000 and has received icy mai naa Deen loiiowea. hi warned the Conservatives against subversive elements and urged that these be not allowed to get con rol of the affairs of the province. Leaders of the C.C.P. party had urged Its following to take advantage of the war to build up its own strength Conservative policy was one try. Concluding hjg renjarks he ' "decraredr1! Have 'taken over this job and am going to see It through J The best ten years of 'my life are ahead and I have dedicated them to the service of this province." The Conservative leader strongly urged the local association to keep i provincial highway. He had advo- rxiixi h ahrtlitlon of. the dole Dtheiftnr i .!-, oro We are not going to fight It." So PVured to b. an.. Manvothey withdrew the conservauvc candidate. This was one step in registrants need I will, no doubt, distance and this will be where showing that we were prepared to volunteers will h nf assistance .' a unit during the war time. wh Mr Brown as registrar and 8. Wilson n. atttctnnt rpirlstrar. pre will be 150 deputy registrars poughout the rlHIntr turn fnr each filing divUlon. There arc eigh- polling division. In Prinrn Tttl " nase appointed an denutv recls- V ' Will be reoulrprt t h on hand Er! thr" dayS 01 thC rfgU" (Many of the volunteer helpers For Or Ajalnst Mr. Maltland then described what where the C.C.F. members did not that. uartv after the declaration of war , I - . A. W ! l thei was seen In the Federations wmcu was somethlne like this: "Now the rtnir. nf war are at feach other' C A Tt B 'A 8 A "V PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTOR I 3" MAOTINIfb)mJSl3lk . -r a g, ,i British naval units carrying out the admiralty' announced Intention of preventing any French warships from reaching Oerr man or Italian hands, have reportedly bottled up the aircraft "Beurrt" nd the. cruiser "Jeanne D'Arc" tathe"tiabor:oir--Martinlque. .-carrier French-owned island In the West Indies. The move involves a touchy point since the area is well within the "safety zone" proclaimed by the United States and South American na tlons. The "Beam" centre, is said to be loaded with Amerlcan-bullt airplanes and the "Jeanne D'Arc" reportedly carries many millions of dollars in gold. its organization together and In - good order so that, when the time look after Itself." In other words n,AnJfI7'A came. It would be In a position to tney planned to take advantage of . Vll 1 1 Y ALl put up an effective flgnt. He naa 'me war io duuq up party asked ! accented the Invitation to address i WUh scorn, Mr. Maltland saia: to try It while she was visiting j the Association because he felt it That man Cameron stood up In ere. i was coming to the members of the the House and said "Thank God I'm rnl tnmn n K l I I N I IC A 4 K S i the party jn power. The long range 1 the park and there were addressed llLiVJlu A lVrilVlJ policy was one he had visualized by Dr. Telford and Mrs. Steeves. PLANNING I party here to give them some ac-.not an Englishman. i count of his stewardship as their) Mi. Maltland asked his audience A Arranjeinen,s Xo perfected deader during the past two years. Hfi to remember tnai u was omy iour B Kirst 0( Next week J urged that good government was 'years ago trial six mousana auu-mnph ; mucn more more imoortant imiiuiw" than being utuie.iuuuww 1 munis ts uwii.i marched In Vancouver to .Meantime Progress Being Made I , t I When hii9rt tjik- That Ira the background OI Uie iucouay uck yiana Par Fifty In This District Have en over he had promised, among '.OF. party, He urged that people ( for the forthcoming carnival to Offered Services Will Be Big jother things, to work for a trans- with such Ideas snouia De wiiea, . -K nnitticnl v. However amDiuons uon- ,v "e v.. .v. . t servatlvesmlghtbetoseethepartyare expected to be largely per- Wt, volunteerthlrty In thelwhlch had broken down the morale mteresU advanced he urged JZel chalr M twenty oVtslde-have al-. of the people, replacing It by Insist- they make an effort Just now to be, u w cnairman, iouh,j, , " - ' A that the youth meetings but when the elec-omen Nl registration of all men and government to see public in can.H, iwr thr. aee of of the country did not have to start ,tton came, hq would be prepared to stten yean next month it was We on relief. At the first by-elec-1 tour the province and snow me .nel' iVn..h-t.Anh.harthpeneiv- npnni that thev had something en was beyond anything he had j m0re than a power policy. In the . j frn. u -f hot Ua tifrroH ctmn'rrlv that ever expeciea. me iwu.w , ulcawu r 'ures Li exnected to be a military seem to know what tneir pocy pdexoria. July 31: (CP) Be- Conslderlng the course taken oy i"e Uevlng recent "jamming" of British leaders, he did not tnlnK tne P" new. broadcasts throughout South was fit to take a serious part in tne ,M was caused by an lllegaliy government of the country. ""'Jopcrated transmitter, police are who are not with us are asu combing the country for the of at a time like this," ne sam. i''fender. J" .n,y bc In attendance part! first official statement by -- s muoc nays. had haDDened In the Legislature be helpful to the country. President R. W. Cameron thanked the speaker for his Inspiring address and this brought the gathering to a close. Mrs. Maltland and other ladles were present. SABOTAGE IN AIR J. A. Frew returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver, accom- c.CF. w pamcd by Mrs. Frew. throats H lsUlme for the selected. Other attractions will include t sports program in which there Is expected to be Softball, football and baseball games, field sports and competitions for native teams Exhibits will include a flower show and other displays. Entertainment along lines is also being organized and preparations for the carnival attractions are well under way. Refreshment stands on'the main floor will be handled by the Im perial Order. Daughters of th.- Emplre. A tea room on the balcony Is also contemplated. Entries for the Carnival Queen contest, in which certain organiza tions are interesting themselves, are to close tomorrow. Announcement was made at last NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1910 MET WITH RAID SHIP British Armed Merchant Cnilier Was Unable, However, To Pre. vent Her Escape LONDON, July Sis (CP)-The British armed merchant cruiser Alcanatra fought a battle with a Herman raider a fast conveited merchantman in the South Atlantic but was unable to prevent (he raider from escaping, the Admiralty announced today. It is said that the German ship, when hit, turned away, using a smoke screen to escape. The Alcantatra gave chase until a German shot reduced her speed. British casualties consisted of two killed and seven wounded. MORE ARE tension a ARRESTED Jinan nmnpr Thp nrLwiner ara charged with spying. Pman alr men revlst ed and at least nlnel droPPed The Japanese foreign minister. admitting today that the number of hih explosive bombs on two areas, arrests was increasing, Intimated enemy Planes were broxigM such down and Monday's total has been that any British proest against far set at twenty-five Oerman planes, arrests would be rejected. As Meanwhile, the Air Ministry an- as he knew, the foreign minister n"nced that British bombers had sald. there had been no arrests so far other than British. He did nor made daySnt and nlSht attacks over a widespread area In Germany. state whether or not any Japanese had been arrested although verria- " " Lua 1 "'"s an cneray hlP at nushlnz was damaged and cular newspapers said some had Father Champagne Is Army Chaplain iinrirv rnim p has nn nnt vpt nppn Hivi niiiitir innn n mm lucky couple not yet been' Received Military Appointment Father P. Champagne, well known district priest of the Roman Catholic Church; variously located at Anyox, Terrace and a number of other points hereabouts, has been appointed a part time chaplain, of the local garrison area with vaudeville the rank of captain. ' night's meeting that arrangements had been made with the Canadian National Railway ' for uargt-s aiiu uuicr craii were ai- ..j u.. r,.in, tacked at Emden and Hamburg. - . . rr. u n m liihiiiiimii. morwB iiui luii a uuiiza. in mi i - mi. it& .11 .h.w....... . ln inn work wnrv .for for thi monev rece ved: first in Canada's war effort. Heierai &ay on y had been received al- offered their services In con- chair, progress In the way of'protest yet YfZ V, wt "nwu n iLii Liir LMK.iiiie. ui Liiij iio-" - - - ..... . . i nrenirannnt tnr a a von pn nrnoram iwub " vv.v .... .... -nounced today by T. W. Brown, ltrir for Skeena riding. The mclpal requirement of those who ould assist In the registration is heral election h,,t th. mrP.. Conservatives had said to the gov preparations for varied program with a number of novel feature election indicated that the party Conservatives "nMltoa m which various M they should be able to write wa Browing stronger Then came en. Mr Brown stressed. ine war ana u was ai once uiauueu The machinery for the receiving! that the first thing was to give full the l the war effort. registrations will be some-jPP0 ht alone th n.. f .ht nf a In the Cranbrook by-elcctlon the was reported. Considerable enthusiasm for the affair appears to be developing. One of the most Interesting feat- he intended not only to fight the.-; " "a,e owu w subversive elements but to tell how PP- m. - the government In power had . put attentlon m a- bUc weddl Darty ahead of country. Finally he left this one request that they co In connection with which $50 In cash' .and a splendid lot of "wed- though surprise was expressed RrltteH rmnrtprf, of th1 I as oil refineries In the Ruhr and airdromes In her of o parts Ger-tlsh R. T. Holder, president of the Brl- Association In Japan and one,11?1?- nJ Brtlsl? bom, " of the thirteen Britons originally mlf Z"8- mnch aJrmen took Part reporiea arresiea, was reporiea 10-day to have been released. BIG MUSTER GETS DRILL Prince Rupert Canadian Legion Defence Corps Goes Through Paces The Prince Rupert Canadian Legion Defence Corps held its first drill last night at the Armory "with a muster of over eighty men ranging In age from downy youths to grizzled veterans, all anxious to get in shape to engage in active defence should the necessity arise. After being lined up and given special railway excursion fares toa lecture, the volunteers were put me ciiy irom ine interior lor me imuugu paces m me ruaiments o carnival. T. J. Williams, on account of other activities including the treasurershlp of the carnival, ask ed to be relieved as, chairman of the house committee.. squad drill. Sergeant Major Simp-kins of the Irish Fusiliers was an efficient instructor. tomorrows Tides High 11:58 am. 17.4 ft. 23:49 p.m. 20.5 ft. Low .... 5:45 a.m. 4.0 ft. 17:40 pjn. 7,9 ft. PRICE: S CENTO reat Britain Braced For Big Attack . 1 IT nnservauvc icauci urjdes AH To Unite In War Effort; Decries Subversive Elements Tn a brief address to the Conservative Association of n. n f o rlirtnat rrii'on n Vita Vismm 1nn4- M!l4. T Maitland K.C., Leader of the Opposition in British Co- mbia.made it clear that he was not electioneerini: or ad-! .11' i . L. . 1 11. : A T .1 ' ressmg puDiic meetings wiiuu on mis lour oi iwtnem nd Central British Columbia, the one aim today being the - I rrr I e mutt Ka timn4 in Vim .,, .-1. I IK I V r N r I IK (much as he might like to criticize FRENCH WARSHIPS HELD IN MARTINIQUE HAVANA Massing Of Enemy Forces Along Channel And Biscay Coast Taken As Blow Hint However, Authoritative Fascist Editor Says It May Be Delayed Air Raids Back and Forth Arc Being Continued LONDON, July 31: (CP) Britons braced themselves today for a threatened Nazi invasion after hearing Swiss reports of elaborate preparations for a blow in which Italians are reported to be taking a share. Italian fighting planes and German-trained Italian troops are reported to be massing along the English Channel and Bay of Biscay coast for the attack. Reports along - sss this line have come from France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Last minute preparations for the offensive are said to be practically complete. Large numbers of parachutist forces are reported to have been flying across France. From Rome, however, came a report that Virglnlo Oaya, who frequently expresses the views of the Fascist government, warned Ital NEW BANK MANAGER G. R. S. Blackaby, Coming to Local I Branch, Has Long Service War ' Veteran Other Activities ians today not to expect an lmmedl-' - R- s- Blackaby, who comes ate attempt to Invade Great Britain, from Williams Lake as manager of He said that a lightning campaign the Bank of Montreal In Prince Ru-such as Germany waged against pert In succession to F. A. MacCal-France was not feasible against lum, who has been appointed to the Great Britain but nredicted that the managership of the branch at invasion of Great Britain would be Kamioops, nas naa long experience altemDted later. He said that urad-, 'n banking in this province. He en- i ual tactic, designed to wear Great tered the service of the Bank of Conspiracy oIt the southeast coast of England served in various capacities in the today. Exploding bombs were heard bank's branches at Frederlcton, i . t .11 a. t . j H fa 'D-c-c-ll r f AWlftti ntiH XT totcvo Jiiiv 31- (CP) The Ja- mana inaicaung mat some aam- iwwauu, nancp Armv nfftriallv announced aSe ze might mignt Ha.w w be caused, waves oi Nazis bombers flew over southeast Mr. Biacsaoy servea in tne ureal "'V J:, :: , ' : and southwest England and Wales War from 1915 to 1919 with the da but Canadian MacWne Un 0rpS and" wtom Sed ar to have been all BritSh. r. said to have done little dam- was .tP and " . . aseand nopasualtiesuere reriorted. gassed at Hill 70. Rejoining the were arresiea in rvurea ui an t- u bank's w. staff a um,t Southeast of Scotland dive bombers after demobilization, he ...L r", . .Zr- of the enemy unsuccessfully at- was attached to offices at Arm in connection with which thirteen temped to break up a convoy. trong summe ., ..j Manilmf Over Germanv Cloverdale. Later he served as unions were previously arresteci m - luc Air xumuiry aiinuuuceu inak manager of the bank's branches at Terrace and Williams Lake from which latter office he-,has been transferred to Prince Rupert. At Williams Lake Mr. Blagkab7 was president of the Board of Trade. He was for a time a direc tor of the Cariboo Fall Fair and Livestock Association for seven years was secretary-treasurer of the Cariboo Stockmen's Association and for three years was president of the Williams Lake and District Branch of the Canadian Legion. He is in terested in church work and, when stationed In Summerland was choir master and conductor. Mr. Blackaby has also frequently filled as signments as a public speaker in the Cariboo district. Mrs. Blackaby is also an active worker in community affairs, having been president of the Williams Lake Hosi Ital Auxiliary, the Ladies' Guild, and a member of the executive of the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross. It is expected that the new manager will take over his duties early In August. Portland Canal Recruits Here Thirty-Six Men From Stewart, Premier And Big Missouri Joining Canadian Scottish Thirty-six recruits from Stewart, Premier and Big Missouri, coins through to Victoria to go Into military training were here aboard the Catala last evening bound south. Piper Alex Macdonald of this city was on hand with his pipes to greet and farewell the recruits. Arthur Macdonald. son It Is planned to have such drills 0f Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald was each'Tuesday night. among the recruits. n ,