I l PAQI TWP VTHE DAILY N5W8 i Tuesday,' July 9, ltf40, ... , ti . - -rtr. fc "SvHEN NAZISUIiMOST SCORED AVHIT r C.N.R. TRAINS For the East I Dr.J.Iunthe i Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Fridays 11 fl a.m p.m.! Successor to Dr II. O. Johnse, Gampacs and Sun Rays - j I Froni1 Uiif Fist" Wishes to Announce the Re. Sundays, Tuesdays and moval of His Omie to Resner ' r-f g1 i-t 'M 'Thursdays 11 p.m. Block from 15th of this Month fit t-iitio -7fl n m !SP0Ru"5HOES KOR VACATION -TIME (Thclleightof Comfort and Weariiri'EveryTair 'PENMAN'S HOSIERY HltYSHOE ill STORE The Home of Good Shoes ltD 7THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE IIUPERT J BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon; Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Daily'News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor .ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 LocaKReaders, per line, per insertion 2C Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone -"86" SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by, carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.0u Paid-in Advance, per month .50 By. Mail to all parts of (British Columbia. theBrltish Emplre-and United States, yearly period,, paid in advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year '9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations , MEM HE II OF THE CANADIAN 1'KES.S The Canadian Piesa ia exclusively entitled to use for republication of all new despatches credited to tt or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All right of republication of special drep&tohes therein ere also reserved. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, July 9, 1940. EDITORIALS BEGINNING TO FEEL IT Already we are beginning to feel the cost of the war. Employers have to deduct two per cent from all wage payments as one of the extra taxes under the new budget. ' In' Alberni, where there is considerable activity, thenars. planning to. do away with soliciting for was activities are planning to do afay with soliciting for war activities: Jt-is evident thatauch a plan would not work in Prince Rupert because so many of the people are in business for themselves. Hundreds of fishermen would not be included in the levy. Various plan havebeen Suggested for raising money, both for whatare.usually known as war charities arid also for taking up war loans. ' Compulsory purchase of war certificates is one of the plans suggested. BIG THINGS ELIMINATE-SMALL rAt.'a 'time;like this when the country is at war it is wonderful how people forget to worry about little things sucinasunasquiios-wnicn orainaniy worry inose wno are holidaying. "With some of our boys-usirig machine guns shooting'dowri German planes and with others taking-part in naval actionsorotherwise engaged in War service, mosquitoes ido. not matter. They are a1 minor worry or 'perhaps really noba worry afcall. AVJLL 'G IBR ALTAIlf BE NEXT ? Some people .think Gibraltar-will 'be the next objective of the enemy m the hppe that if it is taken it may free the Italian fleet now more or less bottled up behind fortifications. ' If the Germans had the aid of the Italian fleet in the 'invasion iof Great-Britain it would simplify matters somewhat. vSo far, however, we have heard very little of that "wonderfully efficient" part of the Italian war service, lit, was supposed to be kept in place by the French fleet but that leet isot very effective just now. Yet the Jtaliamwarshipstloinot come out. However, there is-'still hope. . Ul k.4(lk,7 f 1 1 An alert protggrapher -aboard the British destroyer. Ardent, fcaught this explosion as a bomb droppedtclose to'the.shlp during the naval and aerial action off theNorweglan coast at Harstad. The Ardent was sunk off Norway. TODAYiS STOCKS .Unim)' a 'U "JOOflMH' Oo.l 1 Vancouver Big Missouri, 1!5. Bralorne; 7;75. . Cariboo 'Quartz, 1.75. Dentonia, .01 (ask). Fairvlew, k.00'4. Gold Belt, .16. Hedley ' Mascot, -.30. Minto, ."01 Vi (ask). Pend Oreille, 1.17. Pioneer, 1.50. Premier, .75 (ask). Privateer, .42. Reeves McDonald, .25 (ask) Reno, .10. Relief Arlington," MVt. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek.,75. Cariboo Hudson, .01 Vi. Oils A. P. Con., .082 (bld). Calmont, .28 (ask). C. Si E., 1.20. Freehold, ,.02 !.ask)U; 1 Home, 1.55. Pacalta, .03. ., , , Royal Canadian, ,15-(ask). Ok.ilta,..70. Mercury,- .03V'2. Prairie' Royalties, .15 ask) . Toronto , Aldermac, .10. Beattle, .69. Central Pat., 150. Cons. Smelters,-32.00. East Malartic, 2.21. Fefnland, M (ask). Francoeur, .13 '(bid). Gods Lake, .28. Hardrock. .57. Int. Nickel, .314. Kerr Addison, 1.75. Little Long Lac; 1.80. McLeod Cockshutt, 1,10. Madsen Red Lake, .00. Moneta, 37. -Noranda, 43.00. Pickle Crow,-2.16." Prestoff East "Dome, i:40. San Antonio, 1.45. Phrrltt Gordon, .55. Uchi. .26. , Bouseadillnc. .02. .Smelters Gold, .OOiA. . Dominion-Bridge, 222 fbld). ENLIST AT Recruiting 'Meets With Gooi Res-ponscat Interior Town- SMITHERS, June 9. Capt. J. T. Harvey, accompanied by Sergt.-Major'W. M. 'Brown and Qunner Michael1 ! McCaffery of Prince Ru- pert, arrived iri Smlthers onThurs day morning- last on a recruiting trip. Capt. Harvey Immediately (opened office in the Legion Building land sent for 'the medical board , ') which' arrived here on - Saturday FOUR. YEARS IN PRISON ' morning. Quite a large number of .tlf&eneralde Gaulle should decide to returri to France I youngrimen' are-.applying fori en-while' the 'Germans are. in control there, he will . have lt6!1Istme"t'ln'the;overse?s frcand . ' Veterans for the. Homo number of c l i 1 1 1 t,i 1' a serve a pngpn sentence ( offotir years metetlout by I rench.,auards tnat tne starf has been court recently. 'The startling feature of this sentence isi . kept busy. that it is-so;light. While there is little chance of the gen- j Many of the veterans find -that oral returning until the Germans are 'defeated, the prob- they can-mot now, qualify for the ability'is that,once'ihe;landed in prison, he would never. Home Guards, the matter of.agebe- rrof A.it dllvo allVe. ! lng the chief obstacle to them. get.Qut . : I It is quite-generally felt that a '. . . isst- - - . large number of veterans who are News member Oi "th f"11 55-years could in Thd Daily as-a -Canadian Daily Home Guards -satisfactorily serye m...kv. Aw:f; -At fUA rAMri-ncc m wihe i-HcvvDuHC! .oouvittwuu, ui u.c voiiou au A coo a..u ".( enough and that the ge of 50years Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north is too restricted and. is keeping out of Vancouver and west of bumonton holding membership in these organizations. -i a large number of veterans who are anxious to serve and who could dcdiumSS IJLilViLiin f'nimt Ciano Of Italv Sees Hitler PRODUCTION IS DOUBLED Twice as Many -Airplanes Turned Out in Britain This June as Year- Ago LONDON. -July 9.-i-LordiBeaver-. brook, minister of aircraft produc tion, announced that the output of airplanes In Great Britain this June was double that of the same month last year. Torpedo 'Report Cause - Of Scare United States Navy Department 'Had 'Anxious Couple of Hours NEW YORK, July 9. The V& Navy Department spent two anxious hours on Sunday over the "report of the torpedoeing- of the Un ited States destroyer Barry off the coast of Spain. Mackay radio picked up the me3 sage "which said the Barry 'was sinking 400 miles -off ; the coast of Spain. The navy checked it and later announced it had connected directly with the Barry" which was ''peacefully at anchor." There is speculation whether the ln61dent was a' prank or -had some sinister force behind ft and whether an investigation would be held. qualify in every other' way. The recruits left here on Tuesday's train for Prince Rupert to start training. Good Response' Elsewhere Major R. L. Gale; who Is recruiting officer for the district from Burns Lake to McBride and to Williams Lake, Is on a short .visit to his family In Smlthers. He states. that he has had 'very good success ln'ob-talning-men forthearmy and "in the last week of June he enrolled about 150 men. His board Is In Burns Lake today. tar.lHere . . I An !ntprptlnr vltltnr in t.hp ritv I Aim von KiDuemrop i " tat the week-end as far as the I BERLIN, July 9: Italian' For- sports public is concerned -was clsn - Minister Ciano arrived in Andy Blair, noted professional Berlin shortly before noon Sunday .hockey player and for years a and was met by Chancellor Adolt-'prominent member of the Toronto Hitler andi,fpreign Minister Joach- Maple Leafs club. Blair had been lm von'Ribbentrop with whom' he " a week's visit to Stewart on soon went into conference. The 'business in connection with a' exact nature of the discussions -manufacturing concern which he was not announced 'but it was'wesents and was here Saturday supposed. they had todov,with thejon the'Prince George going south. 1 pxnected attempt to Invade Great 1 , . . , ' Brltalnand'Nazl-Fasclst' plans for , the future of EuroDe. Tension in southeast Eurorje is also believed) 'in ht'c hwn discussed. . Later Ciano left to visit scenes nf weftrn front' buttles In Hol-ilandnelgium and France. . He is expected back In 'Berlin Reuters quoted a German news-, (nar-er .enrrpondent in Rome asi snyinegllsns for an nffenslvf nealnstnrltam 'were 'disciwd' 'at PH!rT fif the meetinp: of Hltlpr and Fqreiirr. Minister Count Clan) Of Italy. Jyl 3IOW Durning NONI HNfl MAOf llii LOST LOST Small black and white wlre- haired terrier, closely clipped Please return to the Dollar Store or Phonq Green '3U9. Reward. t'UK bALL FOR SALE-Stove and QlPBurner.' Phone Blue 443. (ICO) FOR SALE Below zero eiderdown sleeping bag, large size. Regular $56Cash?$20; (22' Browning re- peater, regular - $35.00. Cash $20,00". Mbdern-bedroom suite Including -bedspread, dresser, colt spring and mdttress. Cash $25.00. 1 Phone Black 232. -741 5th Ave W. (161): BOARD ANW ROOM" FIRST Class board and room. Reas onable rate. Phone Black 965. tf; FOR RENT ROOM to rent, Phone Black 925. (163) 'WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted Apply ! 610 6th Ave; West. Suite 4. WANTED TO BUY 5 or 6 roomed house. $1000-$1500. Good cash payment. Full particulars first ' letter. Box 12, Dally News. (160) WANTED to purchase; maie-cocker5 spaniel pup, golden brown or black. Phorie' Red 432. '(161) PERSONAL WANT NORMAL PEP AT 40? MEN! Women! Try Ostrex tablets of tonics, stimulants, oyster ele-i ments to aid recovery normal vim,, vigor. Get package" today. If not delighted, maker refunds its low price. Call, write Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. AGENTS WANTED" AMAZING new electric device "makes hot water instantly. Pays) big profits on easy, thrilling one minute demonstration. Sample to agents. Write LUXSO,. Elkhart, Indiana. PgR j II 1HH lllMil I I - r- M CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Phone 117 T Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Tune In To A "Radio Prog .VM-I 1 -. .JLXtraora Phone 116 ram unary R.C:A. Victor's Vamous rMagic 'Key Broadcast Now Rcinj Presented Over Station: CP.'IMt. EVERY Monday-At 5:30 p.m. Wednesday At 5:30, p.m. ' FridayAt 6:30,p:m. Hi'it these finest radio broadcasts on the finest radio iIT'S?R.C.A. VICTOR M Sponsored by R.C.A. VICTOR in Co-Ojieration With GF;i.R, and ELIO S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GKfc'EN 918 Point Blankets 4 point, siza 72x90. Pastel colors, ,' Sl22" ' blue, green, mauve. Per pair v4 Scatter Rugs Wilton Size'27x54. Each ' Good Quality Axmirislcr Size 27x54 Spic Span Vacuum Cleaner In good condition 310.00 i$6.50&$5i00 SNA'P 1WT Vl Us(fd Piano--Small size,, good make. 'GQC AA Terms cash yVOW $6.50