1010. JAPS ARE ARRESTED Taken In(o Custody My United Slates Marines AfShanghal SHANGHAI, July 9: (CP) armed Japanese were arrested TEA CLAIM ON jllutifarian Government Uaders i Called To Berlin For Discussions in the American section of the In-Gary's government leaders were; ipologV mil mini iiii liicu ui riziii.!.: u i . m nivipri it iAnAi that King George. Left, is pictured with army officers on a temporary bridge as he watches a bridge building demonstration at "somewhere In England." The King a sappers' training camp is kept very busy these war days making Inspection tours of various training bases. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Reservations and Tickets From Further Information Regarding FRANK J SKINNER. Trlnce Rupert Atent- Third Ave. Phone 668 I A inietv' wedding took place - ln ;St. Andrew's- Cathedral ort "Satur- Iday when Elsie Lucille, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Dannhauer, became the bride of v.. icaiiicu limb a , nf wobVifl'jpf dcr agreement armed Japanese- Hungarian note had been sent to i - . ,1; were not supposed to have been Germany recently setting naval authorities for alleged mal- treatmpnt. - ... " f .lull AWlfVJWtU L 1 1 1. ..j . . " atc uiie irimmra win on Roumanla as ready for KING VIEWS SAPPERS'- TRAINING UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. C ATA LA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, I: JO p.m. Due Vancnnver. Thuri. p.m. Due Vancouver, Mond ,.m. fANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE.'RUPERT ff-VANCW. VER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean I alls. Moriday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean' Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE-RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-coiiditioned Sleeping and ' Dining Gars For Fares, etc., Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD -AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines PAGE THRU ill. I llrtHl '- . T It Makes a Nicer Cool Brink "SAIADA" ' SATURDAY Miss Elsie Lucille" Danntfauer R.N, Becomes Bride Of 'Joseph ' Gavln"Peacock rrMtaht'i.ntin. true t from 'the If vour -Darjer is 'late"Thone 98; ,..w.,rt.u f.n,:, temoonon the 'Catala 'for JlCorps, only -son -ofMr. andnirs; holiday-trip to. Vancouver. ;f Peaeock -ot- Vancouver. 1 n nicDnae,' wno- was" given in - ..I..-' r. . i . . .,. rttinnth months tiiifcnf nub of tanm town marriage Dannhaeuery by iSe her brother fl beautiful Sidney' f in aiiemoon auermwn '''"MnUI -uh Ajn "uie "u.e caiaia .-a iut T ln .the'wuth. lYiamed! Here dusky rose alpaca crepe' with maVy blue accessories 4 and a ' corsage t ronifi inoirnt .Vrirt of 4K -spector- for f MAr.b.J looked 1wt.. 'ln .1- ?! hon,or lov"ely BUDAPEST, July 9: CPHun- FredMeLeod oi the city"'tele-'fr phone'department ; salledthls" of-'' duties. SgMljor Para waPbest the man city 'today onofficial . j- 'business. Mrs. John McLeod, as matron l. -rieV.' 1, :M. JRnnn7. Roman .blue alpaca crepe' with rose ac- "-msnop wrorinen. tematiunal Settlement f Shang- ;c,ed ,to Berlin today W dlscu fJ? buet of 0nlast'e hai ana win ncia uiuu an-seuiement or claims on 'Roumanla r rr'rL to Lelac and other lnteriorvpoints is made by the Japanese' with Oerman and Italian foreign .."7. """e" " V1." TM .ures5.e?,n -iiptnti.i dntie.. . . n i navy oiue wun - corsage 'Douquei Bert Morgan and daughter, lOrm t . ... . .. .. , ..JUim.o P.BitJlsHrnnran lncf TV,n. ntora ffilrAn Infft on. TT..n.l.u J i - . . . a ivai . uuu ivu, 11. O. rw, ' Hinr. n. j i.. -... iuj- 'uiiBawun urmanas tor me return n. 'evening's train for Jasper Wtf "''" i-jia.ua M Hungary. , .,, nrcni ... whence. accompanied by Park Mrs.. ume wi -iiuiiw .- owiin u .reported to regard the,or th ts sh"as tj'rt.Morgan-.and daughter, Miss Connie ed by janan irom tne American Hungarian and Bulgarian demands i .... i. .. .-..J? iMnmn thpv will mntnr drram flip ,pale pink rose buds. new Columbia Ice Field Highway I The bride and groom received 10 Ban" ta vUlt Pmts ln south-the congratulations of the' guests ern Alberta, .in front of a flower banked fire-1 , place. The toast to the"' bride was proposed by D. R. 'Barclay and responded to by Sgt.-MaJor. Parsonage. . The bride's table was covered with a lovely lace cloth and IS MADE The "executive of the Prince Ru-' LONDON, July 9. The list of pert branch of the Canadian Leg-ldrownfed and mlsslng.aa a result of Ion oi the- British Empire Service the sinking last week of' the prison League was in session last evening ship Arandora Star Is now placed at in preparation for 'the regular 6G0 Including 143 German prisoners monthly meeting- of Wednesday. and "473 Italians. I Letters of thanks we re received from the United Services' !Hut Tori 'donations made towards their funds !and also from the Navy Auxiliary for loan of equipment. J Announcement Satisfaction was expressed at 'the 0f Blanche 'Marie; vouneer rlaueh result of the recent repainting and ter of Mrs.- and Mrs. M Jensen to kalsomining of the clubrooms and Mr. Trevor Ernest Hill, youngest fixtures. The branch has also as-son 0f Mr. and Mrs. G. Hill. The Elstedithe'Boys'Band by purchasing, wedding will take place the early an Instrument for' the organization: part of August. fit Is planned to stage a clubTsmok-hng concert at which members of the naval, military and alrforce units In town -will be guests. The proposal of lormlng a Legion Defence Unit In town was deferred until the general meeting. In thii connection It Is probable that the ; Legion will eo-operate with 'those who registered under the' Voluntary! Registration ln the formation of , citizens' unit. " Those ln attendance were Jack Preece. W. J. Ranee, Neil Cameron;' t tut Wn ltpr. n W:' Abbott.' C. L. Barker; Henry Smith and Hugh'Mj Smith. -j Nayy 'Team On Service,4?inal Game -Unplayed 'The rahks of Navy" team having been depleted owing to men being drafted out of the local unit of the. Rnval Canadian Naval Volunteer 1 Reserve, Navy was unable to field la team Sunday for the Dominion n.iv Cud football final against vel vet. "What disposition will be madq of the trophy for the' year owing to this situation having arisen is yet 1 to be decided by the executive of 'the Prince Rupert' Football Assocl- tlon.' Meantime' the league schedule Is disorganized. There was no game last night. ' Fresh Local Raw' and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJttY pnONB 57 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open .forPrlvate' Parties MWed., Thurs., Fri, 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. 1 , Most people-'mo' ine classified! -ads. Do you? j;HaBulger Optometrist 'EojaJ Bank Bld. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS i -Make. Appointments 200' Rooms,- 50c nnd up Hot and Cold Wator,-Shower I Bath's Mrs. C. E; Black, Proprietress vMr. and S'Mrs'Denham plan on centred with a three-tier cake oreaC-Brltain Uemirids'Sweden'She "'residing in "Prince "Rupert, ''Mr? flanked by pink and white tapers i Did Not LeVIIeln Go Tb" Finland JDenham being-an employee 'of 'the and pale pink roses. During the serving of refresh- (LONDON,- Jul?' 9.-areat' Britain ments Sgt.-Major. Pars6nage read hat protested t6 Sweden against al- congratulatory telegrams. lowlns German troon and wartna- Those serving -were Mrs.-T. -S. terlaW ta pass through enroute to Chrestoff. Mrs. D. R. Barclay. Mrs.tNo . S-eden is being remlnd- j. Peterson, MrsMirewer ana-wrs. ed o the ,fact that she -refused to Morgan. 'permit the Allies to send help to Following the reception dancing . Flnland jast wlnter was enjoyed. Legion Executive lis In 'Session! Various Tlldtters TakeiVViVAt' .Meeting LasfNTght HUNDRED local' dry dock. News"-l!rKUTe o 1)rrnB d'sllv' r' Annotmcements ' All SdvlriLseini'n"y In liu' imn lll tp.rhrfd fnv t ii 'nohth l IV 'wnrr" L. O. B. A. Red Crass Tea. Met-J Topole Hall. July -12. Tills fs 'Toll of Sinking of Prisoner . Ship Most of Them dermans j Lutheran Tea and -Sale. -Revd and ltallans :MyrWang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13$ S; OJ-N. 'Dance,' July '18. S. O. N, PIcnlc.Muly'l. Catholic Pazaar, October 2 and 3,' L.O'.B. 'Bazaar. Octooer 16th. Night or Day Phone : 112 Taxi , "Prompt Servlce-3 Heated Cars CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 040 j Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley' Valley Coal Nanalmo Weinrifton Coal BuIkIey ValleyHVheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Open Till 10:00 p.m. . Ice Gream S6ftfDrks Tobaccos IGandies3 f MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY BUILDING WM'B. " " ' " - I . . . .. . . , m imas. I L t it . 1 -1 . i ' a. ....!..... -.1 ' EOSfat 11 O CIOCX, WM TTOOTiea .or BlUC IU3, i.vw MLfeicgauuii .mcs ncpnjciiuuuiii thisvknrnoon trt otfOine. To Civic Officials On Monday vMiss -Jessie M4CHmmon falled j Night .Mrs.B.hmtoallBhd'-dangftter;HhU-ittemoon''on-lthencatnla fori P tions In regard to chimneys were. I not being enforced, a degelation! "Dally News Classified Ads Drlng results. ? W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar J November 1. I- The engagement Is announced- II HOTEL ARRIVALS PTlnce Rupert , vMrs. II. S. Kelser and -Mrsj O. Chastou, Inverness; E. L. Rlchi ardson, Tlell. Central , I ueorge xneegu, copper itiver; A. Llnd and P. Pllshka, city " Royal J. Wellington, Prince Rupert: MlsK.wBhnlbsall,--salled 'thlsr -af-11 a. tP'W Vancouver. . Complaining that building regu-'Mr. and Mrs. Vic Grant.-Balmoral; ternoon"on 'the Catala 'for a 'trip r 'latlons under the present zonlnglD. Lindsay, Frederick Pofht; P. only to Vancouver. --diaries tiranam, inspector oi bylaws were unduly hampering' A. Smith, Barrett Point. . ; o p . -imucs, leii'un-iasc cTcn.iiB a necessary building In the city ? lor a a 'trip 'trip 'to 'rewwa -onTomciarftnd and ,hat that .--.tain certain buildine building reeula- regula bak norn LONDON, rCP The; Montreal , When you so"orfTWirholidays representing the "Prince - Rupert! prtce of bar Kold -on the lmdon Jtake'the'DaiiyNewswlth'Trou: 50c!RateDayers' "Association walted"fnatket was nnchanged today at fthu"wlll for Hhe,tjaDerfor'' twoJiot 7.S4 or fine ounce 11.. -to v.v mua 'nay .ionin ami rif. . iif . i-t t t Richardson, -fisheries In SSMiir'daylEve Miss Florence Mills Of Vancouver f Becomes"5 Bride Of 'George ' 'Denham A, quiet- wedding -took-place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wal-; lace, 1151 Eighth- Avenue . East at 8 o'clock Saturday Evening ' when Miss Florence Irene Mills of Vancouver became the- bride of George Denham, also of- Vancouver, Rev. H. G. Funston officiating. The bride' was charmingly at tired in green with picture hat, contrasting accessories and cor' sage of sweetheart rosebuds and sweet peas. She was attended by Miss 'May Jones 'who-wore' black' and white net and corsage-of tarr. nations. Hugh Reid of WesfVan-t coover supported the groom. 2 A 'rpppntlnn 'fnlTmirprl' Vip ro3 mony and friends wished 'th'! ibridal couple success -and tiappl-jness. missioner D. J. Matheson- and Clty "Engineer F. N. Good. The delegation consisted of Robert McKay;Ben DalgarnO'Sind L. C4 Eby. , The. specific complaint ln regard! to' building bylaws not being en-j forced - was .that -brick chimneys were not bemg Installed ln certain 1 structures around Seal Cove. ' The civic officials promised con-j slderatlon for the complaints of the ratepayers. Warning will be issued td those who'have. neglected to put; fri brick chimneys. If you tifcve sOmetning to swap try a Classified Ad. RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH Excellent for Chafing, Chapping -and Diaper Rash. A Hahy Feed-4ing Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd 3h Pjonecr Druggist KELLOGG'S The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 1 ASTHMA RELIEF MacKenzre's Furniture 50d Sq1iare,'Vadi'PKINTFD 'CINOL'EDSI $1)1 00' t IOfrf-areVYards INLAID LINOLEUM Sl.SFO 250 Square Yards FELTOL 4C At P Phone 775 Cherub Baby Oi! 4 -1 tft JCHCHSOHSOOflCH30OOW5H5MlKH500 OHJOOO MlWCO00etOOOOOOOOOOOd THE SEAL ot QUALITY mm 'GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye VWK SEAL Finest Pink' Salmon f ricked' hj rthi alyk aalmoB 'canning eomvany with an all the year round aayroll ks rrtnea Rnyert Handyman Home Service n t-r- ci... nAnf. Fl... r!i1 AnnlLinres. Oil RurhcrSil Cleaned, Plumbing and M Painting 221 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 NEW ROYAL ! HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor A nOMtf AWAY FROM UOJIE" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hoi & Cold' Water Prince Rupert,B.C. Phone 281 P.O. BoxlM J Advertising is Q luvestment. V'Vv ' ml im ,1 4