GOV'T HAS COLLAPSED complete Iron Guard government. The adblcatlon of King Carol is considered possible. BOMBING OF ninn .teny-a dam- . KK .-ii-rpn.tfte0 A I I AK Se propellors and steering gear. All JlMJAria A x. attackers escaped safely, Alexander said. This attack brought the total Admitted That It Was French Up 6even of French capital ships Planes That Carried Out now accounted for. Attacks Another Vessel Seized ( LONDON, July 9. Reuters quoted GRENOBLE, France, July 9.-The japanese reports from Singapore French Air Ministry disclosed that that tne British had seized the 43,-two French air squadrons, disarmed 450-ton liner Ille de France, by the armistice, have been re-arm- ti and Joined Qerman-Itallan squadrons in attacks on Oibraltar One British warship, a destroyer, it is claimed, was hit by a lone plane. Raids on Oibraltar have now been carried out for four successive days. Instead of being demobilized, the French army may now be used by Germany In attacking Oibraltar. The communique was published In the Merscl-Heblr action taken Oermany and Italy were believed to total one thousand dead and missing. HIS TALK' CUT OFF Cries of -Liar' and "Resign" Heard As Japanese Foreign Minister Speaks TOKYO, July 9: (CP) There was intense excitement when, as For eign Minister Arlta was giving a "slgn, The broadcast was cut off. WAR NEWS CUT DOWN r'ls to Make Headlines In New York Papers for First Time in Many Weeks j NEW YORK, July Ur-For the first tome In many weeks European war lews was releeated to slnele column Importance on the front pages of New York papers yesterday. The Mexican elections and a conference or Postmaster I'ostmastc-r General General James James A. A. CLAIMS OF AIR FORCE Berlin Says That Nazis Have Been Successful Against British j BERLIN, July 9. The German by the British to prevent de 1 ivery Bri-of and nayal atlons agalnst France, surrendered fleet to .. . . . tlsh naval craft nnd and merchant mercnant ship shlD. ping. A German speedboat Is said to have sunk a 6000-ton steamer I near the Isle of Wight. Nazi aircraft, it Is stated, set afire an 8,000-1 ton vessel near Port Falmouth, also damaging a destroyer and a sub marine. British naval bases on tne south coast of England wire at tacked. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Ships reports are not available. The pressure ap- radio broadcast, he was suddenly , Pears low on we unu coast. Tho weather has been fine' Interrupted with cries declaring he he1 and warm over the interior and as a liar and demanding that cool ana snowery on we tuk. West Coast of Vancouver Island- Moderate to fresh northeast winds. mostly cloudy and cool with show- ers. TIGHTEN UP ON RATIONS Consumption of Butter, Tea, Sugar, Meat and Fish to be Limited in England LONDON. July 9: (CP)- Great Britain today ordered Joint butter ihe Petaln Government foH powers to write a new constitution. This would give the government the greatest power since the foundation ot the third republic and making France a virtual totalitarian dictatorship. Among the Deputies was former Premier Paul Reynaud, his head wrapped in bandages, making hjs first public appearance since his automobile accident on June 28. Former Premier Edouard Herriot is President of the Chamber. The bill 1$ expected to be passed by the Senate and by the National Assembly. FRENCHMEN BEING HELD Members Of Military And Naval Missions Not Being Allowed To Leave London LONDON, July 9: (CP) Mem bers of French naval and military missions in London are being "held for repatriation' It was learned, but are likely to be held indefinitely since they have much naval and mllltajy information that Britain would not wish the Axis power to obtain, BRITAIN IS ALL READY Three Million Men UnJer Arms- Production Schedule Ahead LONDON, July 9. In readiness for the expected Invasion attempt by Germany are two million army troops ln addition to one million civilian volunteers tinder arms. Among the troops ready are nine divisions which Had been, evacuated frnm Diinkernue. Production of war materials' Is now months ahead of schedule and raDldlv being further Increased. The country Is laden with large quantities of food. ZXZ nto ounces; lowed further rationing of tea fish weekly Pr vfously margarine had and meat yesterday. Teaisratlon-r Be. ... La hnd rd to two ounces per day.; Cakes peen unruwoueu and ftnf.Hnni Uou ean can no no longer longer be p Parley with President D. Roosevelt .been rationed to four ounce per conge ffwit j Inorann Thi now reductions fol- lceci in, wigiana. 4 -v jjictcaence, f"Vf'yt'7Wr " . ? PROV NCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Weather. Forecast fee Tomorrows Tides ,? prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte High 4:21 ajn. 19:4 ft. Islands Moderate northea$t 17:10 p.m. 19.7 ft. winds, cloudy and cool with occasional Low 10:50 am. 3.0 ft. light rains. 23:23 pjn. 5.8 ft. NORTFIEUN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 114 "cl4l Vol. XXIX. .No. 160. IW PRICE: I CENTS JULY 1940. - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.r TUESDAY, 9, it r... "Jafo. 4 U 1 British Take Over French Fleet Royal Navy Controls Units At Alexandria; Great Vessel Blasted Richelieu Put Out of Commission When it Fails to Comply With Demands at Dakar in Africa LONDON, July 9: (CP) French naval authorities 1 at Alexandria agreed today to turn over the entire French fleet at Alexandria to the Royal Navy. The French are arranging transportation to France of all the crews of the warships. This French decision removes the possibility of repeating the Oran naval engagement of last week and aiso leaves ine unusu weew wee w move more power against the Italians. , It was at first stated that the French commanders had. . placed their ships In such shape that they ( could not proceed to sea by running ' " down their oil supplies and wlth- BUCIIAREST, Roumanla, July 8: drawlng crews would pre.' (CP). -Collapse of Premier Glgur- cede the Brltlsh taklng charge of ; tu'i five-day-old pro-German cab- tne vessei3 Inet appeared possible following the battiesh!p. Richelieu, one of itslgnatlon yesterday of four Iron pjg dreadnoughts, has been Guard members. Glgurtu either blAStei by Brltlsn deptn Charge3 may fill the vacant posts with oth- at Dakar( and put permanently out tr right extremists or himself re- of actlon Rt Hon v Alexander,. sign, leaving the way open for s. ,,.3 ot the Admiralty, told the House of Commons today. The bat tleship was down by the stern and listing badly from an attack made yesterday when the French failed to reply to British terms. Depth charges were dropped from a motor WHERE BRITAIN HAS BATTLE FLEET READY IN MEDITERRANEAN A British squadron Is shown at anchor off Alexandria; Egypt, powerful British naval base in the eastern end of the .Mediterranean, where an A tiled battle fleet has been concentrated awaiting next moves In the European war. The Italian fleet -is1 .reported at the Dodecanese Islands and all British merchant shipping has been ordered out of the Mediterranean by the British. Admiralty, thus clearing the inland sea for action. These British s'iio3 undoubtedly influenced the French fleet to surrender. NEW FRANCE 4 retain Government Given Full Power to Write Constitution Axis Plan To Beat Britain ROME. July 9: (CP) Italian-German agreement for . . . . a three-fold campaign igalnst VICHY, France, July 9: (CP) Qreat Brftata u Ted; by . The French Chamber of Deputies lh autnorltatWe :FasclL edl. today approyed . bill framing t . , lo Qavda. . ifcsavs the axis partners, are to at- tempt to blockade the British f Isles, break Great Britain's Empire communications and defeat her "at home, in Im- 1 LONDON, July 9 NAZIS ARE SUFFERING Berlin Claims That Civilians Are Feeling Attacks of Royal Air ; Force -.1 " MATERIALS GT. BRITAIN ARE TAKEN HOLDS LEAD IN BOMBING NEW YORK, July 9 British Maintains Blow For Blow With Broadcasting Corporation quoted a correspondent with the British forces in Egypt as saying a large quantity of Italian war materials. j including sixty anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns and two million j rounds of ammunition, had been ! captured enroute to Libya. I PARTING OF WAYS 1 CALLING ON BERLIN, July 9.-Botween June 1 and July 1, according -to German JTemler. claims, Royal Air Force, raids on German territory have resulted in 103 civilians being killed and 140 OPPONENTS King Invites From Across Floor to Sit in With Cabinet War Committee wounded in 191 raids. Eighty-three -J apartment houses, it Is charged. OTTAWA. July 9: have been destroyed. perial territories and at sea." Australians Fraternizing With French iLOSS IN i SEA WAR soldiers in England who have Join-; tons of Allied shipping and 11,340 ,lam Lyn Mackenzie King told the ' ed up with the British forces. tons of neutral shipping was Jost. Every Mail And Woman Over Sixteen In Canada To Be Registered For War Work OTTAWA, July 9: (CP) A few hours after he had been named head of the new Department of National War Services, Hon. James G. Gardiner last jiight disclosed plans for registration in August of every man and woman in Canada over the age of sixteen. Letters have been sent to chief justices in all provinces to name judges to act in supervisory capacity for registration within areas and over distribution of man power after registration is completed. Registration forms are being printed and their handling in each constituency will be under the direction of a registrar and deputy registrar whom, it is hoped, will be appointed by the end of the1 week. Canadians will have to present themselves before the officials: for registration as no house-to-house canvass will be mads. Public notice of registration will be given through all available means of publicity and penalties will be provided for failure to register. The government is to obtain complete particulars of age, physical condition, domestic responsibilities, trade, occupation, profession and willingness to serve in various capacities of every man and woman in the country. Major General L. R. LaFleche and Mr. Justice T. C. Davis of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal will be joint deputy ministers of the new department. House or commons that he pro posed to ask certain members of the Opposition to sit in with the war committee of the cabinet as as-, soclate members. It was Intimated establishment of Allied Supplies Limited, a company concerned with1 admlnstratlon of a munitions andi explosive program on behalf of the j British government and Joint Brl- tlsh-Canadlan developments. Hon. Nazi Air Raiders As Reich Continues To Suffer Under Pounding LONDON, July 9: (CP) Great Britain maintained the upper hand over Nazi air raiders yesterday as its own fliers returned blow for blow. Several persons were believed to have been killed- and 'some damage done to towns In various parts of England as the Germans carried on raids such, as , have continued without respite except for one day since June 18. iThe Royal Air Force brought down I at least eight of the German raid- France Completes Break With Great ers during the past twenty-four Britain by Withdrawing Its jhours and twenty others are be- ' Embassy lieved to have been so badly dam- J 'aged they might not have been L . , , able to reach home. .r.r LONDON. July 9: (CP)- The, lnformatlon said tha an French .charged affaires Uiformedentlre famU of fl was , he Foreign Office yesterday that a bomb ln a WMt Qf ,and he iFrench Is embassy withdrawing town Sunday nlght. Four other to fulfilment of France. Indicating famllle, were buried under thelr the reported French decision fOjcaved.ln homes T reM,uu,u Wi There were further scattered Great Britain. t, , Li rai in ,.th,ct rnnim southeast Scotland during the night. Incendiary bombs were dropped by the Nazis but no serious damage was done and 'no casualties were immediately re- (ported. Germany Hard Hit I Naval barracks atGermany's were among objectives bombed by jthe Royal Air Force Sunday night, (the Air Ministry sannounced. ' The (statement said that several 'CP) In an- German - held airdromes wer nouncing cabinet changes yesterday bombed with two British aircraft involving me appointment 01 rrem- missine. Great damaee was done ler Angus Macdonald of Nova Scotia to dock gates ln raids on Leopold as aeiencs minister xor naval ser- Basin at Ostend today and direct vices; the of Hon. J. L. promotion hit was made on a German sup-Illsley from minister of national piy snip. revenue to minister of finance, sue-, Royal Air Force planes, in day-ceedmg Hon. J. L. Ralston', now oht raids on Germany, shot down minister of national defence, and a Messerschmldt fighter In flames LONDON, July 9: (CP) Great the naming of Col. Colin Gibson of and wrecked a big four-engined Britain lost six merchant ships tot.- Hamilton and Col. W. P. Mulock of piane on the ground. I ailing 30,377 gross tons in week en3- Toronto as minister of national Australians are lng June 30,. the Admiralty an- revenue and Postmaster General p 1 p I fraternizing freelv with French nounced. In the same period 9,622 respectively, rnme Minister wii-,A-u 1 UI5C1 Makes Dash For f Martinique Haven later that two members of the Con-, ARUBA, Netherlands West In-servatlve party, including Hon. R. dies, July 9.The 2400-ton French B. Hanson, the leader, had been In- auxiliary cruiser Esterel took vlted to the cabinet committee and French shore troops and equipment that Mr. Hanson had already ac- aboard and left Aruba ln an ftt- cepted. Other party representatives tempt to reach Martinique, French are also to be invited. " colonial possession. Premier King also announced the , EDITORS CONVENE C. A. Dunning, former minister of,anaa,an - finance, is chairman. sociaiion m session ai jasper. Mr. Macdonald will assume his' t a cpitt? parir. Jnlv fl.Headed naval ministry post after passage of . .. n,rp Mavor of trUnts- a bill setting up the department. ..., ,, plpPtpri nresldent Bulletins DUKK AS GOVERNOR NEW YORK The National Broadcasting Company said today it had heard a B.R.C. broadcast report that the Duke of Windsor had been named as governor in chief ot the Bahamas Islands. DAYLIGHT RAIDS LONDON Eight persons are. reported to have been killed In daylight raids on Britain today, iof the Canadian Weekly Newspapers' association, a party of more than one hundred weekly editors of Canada and their wives was at Jasper. They arrived via the newly opened Columbia icefield highway Sunday and, while most Of tne party departed for their homes yesterday afternoon, many of them ars lingering here for a few days' Every section of Canada was represented In the party Including A. L. Barrett, of Newfoundland, I The visitors were thrilled with Canada's latest scenic mountain '.highway and termed It one of the ' greatest tourist assets In the Dominion. The time at Jasper was spent on scenic motor drives with a large six in southwest England a.nd two number getting in-a couple .of in wales. games on the. golf course -