IATTLEGR0UND S WAR ' THREATENS TO SPREAD In on Land, At Sea and in Air Continues As Allies E . . i j v !.. i r i! : t Irive 111 Dinp u:is rrum vuiuiuuiiiK agression i W;e are portending shadows of important de- iilone the Western Front and in the Lowlands t , m the Southeast towards the Balkans, Norway Si f,3(lay the principal battleground of Europe. Act-L land, at sea and in the air continues as the Germans I ti consolidate those positions taken in this weeks re - d o extend the range r r': while the AUie Oreat .-..-( and Norway en-orrak the hold and v wer of the Reich. I :i of Sweden In rela- u.ir in Scandinavia ap-me more grave. That i' remain oat of the a; to be a generally' If the British Navy.l i lias been successful In r.ivement of Oerman pplies by the sea way. a Oerman Invas-;n order to provide a land rot would I '!, next move. Mean-- in a state of emer-! ight there was a K-khohn as well as and lMththouvs i ;: rm at Ootebor. j'-nt further to the i-nrtu but this turn- ben due to Swedish unidentified, fly Some Swedish towns 1 wglan frontier have nni SWEDEN DEFIANT Determined To Preserve Liberty,! Territory And Honor From Oerman Fncroachment STOCKHOLM, April 15: (CD The Swedish Premier, Per Al-bin Damson, declared in a radio speech tonight: We are determined to preserve our liberty, our territory and our honor." Hansson denied Indirectly reports that Germany had de manded the right to send troops i across Swedish territory but ' served Stockholm's rejection of I any such rcquett. i UNABLE TO r varuated of civilian An official Swedish, atement today de-J country would en- Churchill ntaln IU neutrality Secrecy TELL ALL Explains Must R That Some Maintained ble No matter what m may be made of LONDON. April 12: CP First ild to be Inconceiv- Lord of the Admiralty Winston don. under any ctr- Churchill, speaking before the v : co-operate wttn union Mouse oi uommons yes-no-rtng Norway. erday, stated that It was lmpos-'Klay an important si ble to lift the veil of secrecy was made to the ef- from naval operations In Scandt- nntishJWavvhadcom- navtan waters at this Juncture. He 1 th Skagerrack and did, however, give some descrlp-rance to the Baltic tlon of naval action which had oc-J n Admiralty yssterday but he did not contradict a state 1 iiat it had mined w- nl 01 Norwegian rrem.er nam-i ' that BrltUh troops were in ' ro ? west cAast of Sweden : If-nrolectlon. iuiaj ui Vy U wTaan-, h thelr "j k o SfSi neldent Great BrtUln w .occupying the Fmw Iatend. midway between the that area having been and Iceland. Shetlands .in in Htt last niPhi night nf of a a nT- Ger-. churchll, promi8fd. amtd cheers. '' p that every Oerman ship In the General Activity .Skagerrack and Kattegat would n.. n,i.i DJ destroyed. VJM Uti V ill l,V4IWlvw H p ( viv at ia. kpcnlnir the; " engaged in reconnais-l attack, at the same time frv,nna nil Hli n vfanf in "(ai. mi n nil u v t w " such Oerman-occupled ' Oslo. Bergen. Stavangcr-1, Ti-onrthjem and Narvik. Nor- f "?rjr to be holding Its own ptubborn land flRhtlng against .:, Bergen and Hamar have tNr.' 1 '"captured from the Germans, Ir"lf to persistent Norwegian Iirra n DEPUTY OF NEW DEFT George Kinsley Shells Named As sistant to Canadian .Minister o Munitions and Supply OTAWA, April 12. (CP -George r . . v .,. w- cnr.i nr.ird. has oeen orwern Narvik and Sweden f ml,ster of the DCcrt CUt and Oprman trnnn In ,r . . . .f et Muni- I Evaded country cocs on. nHviw will still bo pndhjem U one of the nolnts on the new department with whlchjv n..t. . i- .....j a f Vancouver lan land forces .1.. 1 1 1.... f thP War suppiy continued on Page Two) 'soclatlon. ' Doukhobors Are Burned In Fire which destroyed a , 9 V . I LIBRARY I VICTORIA, b c j 'eather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides mm - Rupert and Queen Char- High 4:03 ajn. 19.1 It. 17:14 p.m. 16.6 ft. t .,..:d -Fresh to strong eat- t- i mild and showery. Low 11:05 a.m. 5.1 ft. 23.03 p.m. 8.8 It. NOItTHKItN AND CENTRAL BRITIS I) COLUMHlA'S NEWSPAPER X No 87. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1940. PRICE: t CENTS el Iron Ring Around Oslo '&5A 5 w (RWAY IS PRhL War News FIVE R.A.I. PLANES DOWN LONDON 1 lie Air Ministry announced tonight that five Royal Air Force planes had been brought down by the Germans while making reconnaissance flights over the North Sea and Skaggerack. FOUGHT TO LAST LONDON The Admiralty is informed that H.M.S. Gurkha, one of the dettroyers which was sunk off the Norway coast by German bombers, brought down two German planes before she sank, including the one which dealt her the fatal blow. Gurkha survivors were landed yesterday at a Scot- I tih port. Fourteen of the crew ! went down w with the ship. CANADIAN'S EXPLOIT LONDON A Canadian pilot has been responsible for the bringing down of a German Hornier flying boat in an air fight over the North Sea. AMONG REFUGEES STOCKHOLM Among Norwegian refugees who have crossed the frontier into Sweden are mem- Community House Destroyed at Shorcacres Yesterday Man and Woman in Hospital NELSON, April 12: (CP) Two Doukhobors a man and a wo man are in the Kootenay Lake General Hospital here suffering from burns as a result of a fire house at the Doukhobor settlement ) of Shoreacres. west of here, yester day. DIVISIONS OF DEFENCE and which the Germans Klngsley Shells who has been J"-! Ministers administration 1 of n"' 1.. .. -1 . 1. as director . of aUcally (i 1 v npnv. denv. Th, rnii mi railway vnv "g , Navy and Air to Handle Army, Force In Canada '1 (! to !dlB l,ooMlwuil.m Lvon Mackenzie Klni ,r" rway by parachute. nouncea last nignt. nonnrtmpnt of Katlonal Defence is pantime on land, on 6oa and In Wallace It. Campbcu. be dlvlded mt(j thfee dlvlslons , a'f the batUe between the Al- oecn aciu.B w-Q Army navy and alr rorce-eacn iKnnniv lioaru. win uv - m. , and German for i r ou.w ' "Tu'S Z. Ibices as an , with a separate deputy minuter, ai. v ' " me uu . in..- :. Private available ",,., t0 W answering to the one minister. Janies Stuart Duncan of Toronto has been appointed associate act- line minister "ot defence with par- -i.w ri.m.i, owier inci.iuw" y " .'t r-uiar lurauiciron-over me uir nMrA nr mrll to column u .Fate Of Hardy , , Crew Unknown . LONDON, April 12: (CP) Officers and men of the Bri- 1 tlsh de-Sroyer Hardy, which ran aground In Narvik Fjord, ,attempted to make, a landing 1 under Oerman operated shore batteries rather than surrend- er. It has been disclosed. The fate of the men, forty or fifty In all, Is unknown but. when last seen bv other destrovers. they were throwing xlfles and ammunition 4 Into Web its. NAZI SHIP BLOWN UP Royal Air Force Destroys Ammunition Vessel in Vicinity of Oslo ( Fjord LONDON. April 12: (CP' The Air Ministry announces that a Oer- man ammunition ship was b'own up and a supply ship was believed damaged In raids last night In which Royal Air Force bombers at- bers of Norwegian Parliament Itacked "enemy ships over a widei who have been unable to get back ana extending from Oslo Fjord to' tc their homes by direct routes owing to the German invasion. EVACUATING AMERICANS WASHINGTON Plan, h been completed for the evacuation of 3371 Americans from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. They will travel through Germany and will embark for home from Genoa. CONTRABAND EXTENDED WASHINGTON The United States has been advised by Great nritain that all goods destined for Norwegian ports will now be subject to seizure under contra-.band control. Norwegian ships are being held in Allied ports for Admiralty Instructions. he Baltic Coast of Oermany.", There was a violent explosion as the ammunition ship b'ewup, airplanes aloft even reacting Jo the concussion. The eroulntf'Hlre wai seen for many miles. Premier Kim? To ! I Take Holiday In I Virginia State OTTAWA. April 12: CP Prior to the opening of the session of Parliament next month. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King plans a vacation trip to Virginia. His trlD la In no way designed. Mr King made clear, to Influence Un- BOMIHNG DENIED llted States In any way as to Its ln- mmoblllzlnz the Oer- curred since Monday. , LONDON The Air Ministry Jternational relations with respect d rutting off Ihe Nail The First Lord denied that the emphatically denies German to the war. That was something force In southern British Forces had rcoccupied any i charges that Royal Air Force with which the government of Can- i Denmark and the Iwu wl v'oa" 01 "or- planes bombed a railway station aaa naa no intention oi mierienng. way wnicn naa laucn to uermanyi and sporls stadium In Schleswlg Holstein, Denmark. ALL OUIET IN FRANCE Holland For Is, However, Invasion Nazi Over Paris Preparing Planes PAR, IS, April 12: (CP)Allledi and Oerman planes scouted ex- tenslvely over the western front; today In search of Information on troop movements or possible battle preparations, French military sources said. A communique said: community The French claim to have got the best of rather heavy artillery exchanges yesterday In the region of the Vosgcs Mountains. Holland is still preparing for a German invasion. First and sec ond defence lines have been strengthened and hospitals as well as many civilians have been ev acuated from the German frontier area. German planes flew over Paris and elsewhere In the central por tion of France during the night Air raid alar mslgnals were sounded but no bombs were dropped. Events In Scandinavia should Seven German MOBILIZATION DENIED ROME Official denial is made of reports last night that Premier Mussolini had railed 1.200.000 additional men to the colors. MOSCOW ANGRY MOSCOW Official Moscow is raid to be concealing its anger over the German invasion of Norway. SPEED UP WARSHIPS WSIHNCTOS Th JUtt !e-nrtment Is speeding lip the construction of nineteen lar new American battleships in view of the ever mor serious international situation. POSITION OF GREENLAND WASHINGTON President Poevelt declined to rule today whether Greenland was subject to the Monroe Doctrine. He admitted that Greenland was of far more importance in relation to America than Europe. Senator Key Pittman, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, yesterday warned Germany against any attempt to seize Iceland or Greenland. PEARL RIVER REOPENED HONG KONG The Japanese announce restricted reopening to seneral navigation of Tearl River which has been closed since the Japanese capture of Canton in October 1938. INCIDENT IN BUCHAREST BUCHAREST The possibility of an international incident with extensive repercussions is seen as a result of the murder of two Germans a munitions expert and a girl in Bucharest Britons And Norwegians In Contact STOCKHOLM. Anrll market was unchanged today at j fair and Wi.Di per tine ounce. . paicnes. 12: Warships Are Bottled Up By Allies And Important Action Expected Bulletins Germans Are Evidently Masters Yet of Kristiansund, Stavanger, Bergen and Narvik Naval Battle Off Trondhj'em With Land and Air Forces Active STOCKHOLM, April 12: (CP)-Seven German war- JAPANESE JAPrsF t.pl GIKL 1)1 dies La cViino w .-.w..,! ; r. : j A j . t . t ... . I Taking a sudden relapse at the rY" . L VIsT r""1 lU?y De DOlU; I prince Rupert General Hospital ed up in Oslo s harbor and the Norwegians, v trying to seal ' as she was preparing to leave for the capital with an iron ring, expect important action at Vancouver for special treatment, Miss Sawako Ikegami, 21, daughter of M. Ikegami of Claxton, died suddenly last night There I are a number of bi others at Claxton. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of B.C. Undertakers. any moment, ah Highways east and northeast of Oslo are blocked by Norwegian defence forces, according to . . advices reaching here, as the de SESSION TO OPEN Germans Sink Swede Tanker fenders attempt to weld the solid ring around the capital : A Finnish radio broadcast report , received from the Swedlsh-Norweg-' lan frontier and emitted from Helsinki says that a battle has been 11 4 "IT -a n progressing since last night near 1Y1 A 1 1 0 Kon8svlnger. northeast of Oslo. The Norwegian government an c" b that Germans nate is Announced by Prime Min- n.'f are masters of Krlstlan-Ki' Ister William Lyon Mackenxie jhere isund. Stavanger, Bergen and Nar- vlk. British troops were being land- OTTAWA. April 12: CP-Prlme JV' J?"! 'JLT-Minister e at William Lyon Mackenzie J tlon, fmihjem re-King mains hidden In announced last night that the military secrecy, tlrst session of the new Parliament ef,n w,arsnlPs taclutdln8 tng the aenerai elecUon of J1 March 25. would convene on May , J 7'T" "c "iftatS pjn- Noon Pacific Standard fid lT atcked,by.,landtwML Time). It will be opened by Chief bf- t "aVal battIc out-Tusticf Sir Lyman P. Duff; admlnis- f;?f. Trondhjem was reported trator. pending the arrival in Can- nUe Air Force PIanes ada of the Governor General, the co-fPeratin with land forces. Earl of Athlone. It Is expected that , rmany claimed to have serlous-Hon. P. F. Carcratn. SDeaker of the Jjf imaged a British aircraft car-Last Parliament, will again be rie and cruiser Trondhjem. chosen Speaker. Royal Air Force Planes were re- A number of Senatorial appoint- poii naVe a"acked an airport roentf are expected to be made at Swer twice, setting a gaso-prlor to the opening of the session. dump on fire with Nazi bomb- ers being damaged when It burned. 4. It Is estimated that Germany has already landed from two to four . olvlslons of troops In Norway. The range of conflict Is wide- spread. Eidsvold has been another scene of fighting. Thousands of bombs both explosive and Incend- iary have been dropped on towns LONDON. April 12: (CP) an villages In southern Norway, The Swedish tanker Sveaborg, any being set afire. 9076 tons, sank off the Scot- ' tlsh coast last night, appar- ently the victim of a German torpedo. The crew Is reported to have been saved. MORE MINES . LAIDD0WN Swedish and Dutch Territorl; Territorial! Waters Involved in Latest Move By British Admiralty LONDON. April , British Admiralty gave formal no-jtlce today of the mining of four areas In the North Sea, the Skagerrack and the Kattegat. These (CP) areas touch the Norwegian, Danish British and Norwegian troops have and German coasts and also theand made contact near Bergen, an territorial waters 01 bweaen ana authoritative Norwegian source re- the Netherlands. ported today. According to the same source. British fighting units have debarked at a number of points near Narvik. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure not cause the Allies to forget the i is relatively high from British Col Western Front and the possibility of developments there, a French newspaper says. nut GOLD LONDON. tCP) The Montreal umbla southwestwards but low off the Queen Charlotte Islands! Heavy rains have occurred on the north coast but the weather has been fair and mild elsewhere. West Coast of Vancouver Island JUGOSLAVS THREATENED Leaflets Showered On Belgrade Urging People Not to Resist Germans If Freedom Valued BELGRADE. April 12: (CP) price of bar gold on the London 'Moderate southeast winds, mostly ;tpnlRht'. The source of the pham mild with morning fog.phlct .was not disclosed Immedi ately. Halibut Sales Summary American 137,500 pounds, ana ec t0 bZc and 6c. 8a Canadian 8c and 6c to 8.2c and '6c. I American roiaris, 40,ooo, Pacific, 8c and 6c. Yakutat, 40,000, Royal. 8.1c and 16c. TeWv 1 innn e 8.1c and 6c. Zarembo, 1330, Cold Storage' 8.1c and 6c. 12: (CP The, unu.ani n ucm niA c, 8!lc and 6c " i Washington, 14,000, Royal 8.2c and 6c. Canadian Aril, 9,000, Cold Storage, 8.1e Essential, 4,500, Cold Storage, 8.1c and 6c. Blue Boy, 7,000, Ttlin, ,8.2c and 6c. , Joe Baker, 6,000, Pacific, 8c and 6c. A. K., 1800, Cold Storage, 8.1c and 6c. .. , Cape Race, 3,500, Booth, 8c and ;6c. J. R., 5,000, Booth, 8c and 6c. Dickie Boy, 3,000, Atlin, 8.2c and Leaflets warning Jugoslavians "Do WHEAT TRICES not resist Germany If you value) WINNIPEG, April 12J (CP) Win-your freedom" were showered . nlpeg wheat futures were" "Ac to ' down In the streets of Belgrade ac higher yesterday with May closing at 89T4c In New York prtc- , es were unchanged to ',4c higher, September closing at $1.068. iJi