PAGE TWO HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR V A. One look at our windows will crive ' t x you a little idea of the great variety of Summer Footwear Dress, Street or Spoils carried in all styles and sizes. While Shoes for Her "Campacs" Crepe Soles for Him Bar-Flex Runners for the Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY .NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertlsing and Circulation Telephone , , ,, -Member of Audit But-cut ot Circulations DAILY EDITION F.1PIT?R T1AV 98 Thursday. May 23, 1940. Thi3 is Empire Day and the pupils of the city schools the population city some than British "iS"M " ticaj huh rictcosiil iu la LU WclU IIICIII all into a cohensive group. It is to be presumed that all came here because they felt they ctmld live life better or easier here than elsewhere.. Those who came from Europe must have expected to better their condition and most of them became Canadian citizens or in other words citizens of the British Empire, swearing allegiance to the Kino and deciding to throw in their lot permanently with the country. To some of these Empire Day means a great deal and to others ft means little or nothing. There; are a few people who would like to be Canadians but not British, They cannot be that. Canada has been British since Wolfe climbed the banks of the St. Law-rence, took the enemy by surprise and defeated Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham, While in matters of local concern we are all Canadians, when it comes to matters of concern to the world at large, we ar6 British. When war was declared we had the right to stand aside and take no part but Parliament decided that Canada could not stand aside and that action was endorsed by the people at a later generaj election, Today we are in the war for all v e are worth and must stand or fall with the British Empire Ours is a new country. One hundred years ago few whrte'men had been seen on these coasts. Our capital city,. Victoria, was founded less than one hundred years aco and that is the oldest city in British Columbia. Many ' people -cahtfe to the province and some, went away. The majority of those who remain are here to make more ori Jess permanent homes. It is for them to adapt themselves to the conditions of life they find here. In doing this the ( education of the children tq British ideals is very import-! ant. That is the chief object of Empire Day 1 . LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers FKEE DELIVERY Phone 585-58G B. It. COCOA Vlb. tin 13C FRESH OINGER SNAPS- ftffn 2jbs,v ZdC FIRST GRADE BUTTER OAs ,3 ibs- ;.. yuc C. $c B. STUT LOAF and CHOC. CAKE -i ff Per tin XOC ORCHARD CITY TOMATO JUICE- ff n Buy now. Per tin 9 RICE PUFFS Off Shags Ze)C FRESH GROUND COFFEE yA0 Jilts delicious. Lb ..... VC3 lbg J)11D SPORT CHAT and Preulx: T. Bussanich. O. Howe nd Bury: J Lindsay, J. Campbell, L. amies. C. Bantle and S nr-H Sorp.s. J. Woods and E. Webster. . The Dominion Day Cuq semi- aga' final fheriulfd for Tuesday eve nlng betwern Irteh Fusilier an Velvet was nosf"oned on ff rolll and tl,Hl tnlA nlnnn r.. In tomorrow's baseball irame b- THB DAILY NEWS Thursday m:, Borden Street Soccer League The Mobley Cup, city champion- h TnM A , T Sforf ship foot .1.1 competition, w th a Yesterday', (ian.e Schedule of twelve games extend- Ing from now until early Juiy, Hftf Grounds with Royal Canadian uian ?a5ue o Naval Volunteer Reserve mee Dty DoeK. Teams are announced as fol lows: Navy Morgan: Murray and Borland: Vettrh, Da vies and Ranalds; Campbell. A. Smith, Ferguson. R. Smith and Scherk. - tins WednfsrtaS' afternoon played their third ffini urhlrh u- sn xtrnnelv contested that neither team scored. The line-ups were as follows: PanthersCarl johuston capt.), Jack Parks. George Kadowakl. Tor-jorn Skog, Skfney Youngman . H n r I- '. W y- ' r " Drv Doek-T. SmHb: R. Kelsev Minrslon. Runerl Sunday. The winners will qualify Thftmrwon. to meet Navy in the fmal on July ' ' 1. Clapp In In the Borden Street Football wilrtrni nnd Panthers rirrle. Buddy Morris. Charlie Carrie. Wildcat-Eddfe flsrnn eant. Donaki Hartwhr., Kazo. Kidan- Masa Hamasaki. Earl Les- SOFTBALL LAST EVE firotto and Three Sisters Were Winners In Ust Niht f.eajue Oamts winners in last nights Softball muourji i.encue eamfcs. Orotto defeated CS,HI 11 tn A tthll Thrm Boston the mound throwing them to Did, ONelll. formerly of Smlthers neynTnr'Sr iloKno eno. Morgan. AlonU'sano. Yager. iGurvich for the married men At - .u. .. n,n first will be a newcomer to ba, b Hh h 't go K, gffi lnnln- ' Rma- : circles here in the person of Mlke a very capable pltcher. as, ...... J 'Cummlngs of the Irish Fusiliers some of our b3ys found out last .. 1 a J J ? i J I 'around the ball parks a little more .h nffn.iti nmnnd Gll . 3 0 1 2 2 0 x-14 than the average and should hold Smlthers and will take Lambie', MMhrMT ' l downe this Mteno n position with ease p,ace ,f neCeisary on the mound. Sl n George Howe, veteran ol many baseball games here since his ..,v, ,f..w w rw. Three Sisters-Bury. Letourneau. 'school days, will aeain be called a .... 7k Ki'Kerr- IIof. Amadlo, Ourvlch. B. upon to stop them around second, j position. Jack Lindsay. otwu uury. usuany in me out- .m iicju, nas ucen cauea in 10 rnvpr w. .d i k- o n.1 ' me noispot a! third and the efii. . o.n.. i. w ana o. u 0 0 0 3 0 1 4 i hard hit ,"Jngf Ing J?en"J Benny Wlndle W11ndf!e,111, will, a., V flrst tot and and( " lf a a w1tch witch is l8 necessary necessary, , Orolto 2 2 0 0 1 4 2-11 7? CiHEO FOR SALL FOR SALE Trolling boat about 29 ; feet, 6 h.p. Palmer engine. Quick sale $250 cash. Enquire Fishermen's Co-op. Store, Cow Bay. . (130) FOB SALE 1 larce fJ' P Aim Lamp as good as new. Costs $68.00 new. Leaving town and will sacrifice at $30.00. Dr. H. O. Johnsen. FOR SALE Cabbage plants. St. Paul's Hotel. (124) FOR , 25. SALE Small piano. Phone ROOMS For Rent Washington Buildlng, Second Avenue. (120) 6 ROOM furnished House for rent July and August. Phone Red 441. (122) PERSONAL? .WANT NORMAL PEP AT 40? MEN. Women I Try Ostrex tablets of tonics, stimulants, oyster elements to aid recovery normal vim, vigor. Get package today. If not delighted, maker refunds its low price. . Call, write Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. fthe m?5 Sm"h- 'rbane. ; be onRthe, b' ,nn,n:, U , , , 1 2 3 4 5 8 7-T. are cefebratinp; it in appropriate manner. Inspiring ad-i!r, dresses are heirir tn'ven sOns sunr and other evPrP?SpS'"s"a1' ht0eVln"el.d P?si' t i likely Lindsay will take hb carried out. AH this is designed to help weld our youn? stal-wo 5. Xt SStTn STS people Of varing nationalities With a View to making Of to lust get under them in time yet at second' and Sonny Beynon at rv, to lef them them all good Canadians. , "evfr ate- 'ated for the dlf- third withv Walter Johnson in his have to tell vviien a is consiuereci inai a very consiaeraoie part 01 , , usuai snoruwop posiuon. in me of this is of other formerly a city league- outrun hardThlttin nomr Krr of Smlthers. At Simondsen. better vnown Miner, and Jack Camn- bll makes uq the trio. Kerr will "lav left. Miner center and Campbell right. "'"t." It's the cumuifltrit dtiri of . ' vertislng that counts. fii.n. Rupert Dally News. It tno Wmi r GoirT Fishin on the24h Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 21th and closes I.alor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishmg Tackle SEE US FOIt DETAILS Kaien Hardware Co. PHONE 3 COAL Box 98 NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaf fery Ltd. PHONE 11G PHONE 117 Baseball Standings National Clnclnnatl Brooklyn New York . Chicago Philadelphia (St. Louis Grotto and Three Sisters were the, Boston mail riww " . ...... Sister, took the measure of Q. and (Cleveland ... a. If to 4. A large erowd witness- 'Delrnu ed the frames which proved Inter-, Philadelphia ertlng to all. i Washington Batteries In the first game were St. Louis Ktflett and Morgan for Grotto and Cclcago rwn and Gray for Fusiliers. Urn- New York ntres were Johnny Comadlna and M. Karasosky. Amadlo and Gurvlch comprised the Three Sisters battery In the irn Akail. Kloshl Akagl. sewna ame wrui nicn ana Steinberg. Tommy Boulter, vlg for Q. and 8. Six hlU were made ".Jl", Jlnrniy Thomnsnn. Bob OIH bv Three Sisters and five by Q. ajki !lwren l"e marnea ana single men watch th, southDaw hitters. Cen- :oi the city. Big Bill Lambie on hm ,uf k- aaa h.t.on .HiKtwn comprifctf the battery. Scorer was Dominic Montetano. 1 Teams: plteher before migrating to Pre- Uiih nw)iers 0ray Brftw mler where he has been for the c.n,.. t-.-- n. Yti. nark- iosi iew years, vnu or ascu iu er. Sorensen, A. Yates. Palmer. Bcn- nett. Grotto Simoiifcn. Santerbme American League W 18 ... 18 18 IS 11 10 8 ...X 6 Leaiue 10 18 .. 14 12 13 10 12 11 L 8 8 10 14 12 17 15 18 10 13 15 10 15 10 10 I'Ct .092 .092 .815 .517 .478 370 .348 550 .704 .043 .319 .444 .448 .400 .420 .407 I FOOTBALL i TONIOIITC i Nr v. Dry Dofij PORT SIMPSON Celebration Port Simpson People arc Planning a Hijr Celebration For Friday May 24th ATHLETIC SPOUTS, SPEKI) HOAT HACKS OITTIIOARI) HACKS SOFTHAM. (Number of Games) HASKHAM, STARTS THURSDAY MORNING .MAIN' EVENTS Thursday and Friday AfterntKmi sua USED FURNITURE 2 rreer At 3 llofffW- At Wash StandV-Fiom 8 Knglliff rram From ....... I Exlentinn Tbfe From Z Larfe Cablntlv ' V At I U-fioate IHNble Rami IFammfrlm Shot O.n I KHehen IUn. Hh Oil nurner At 0 Kitchen ftahte- From, up 1 TlrtltU racunnr Cleaner 2 Kitchen TaM Eaeh t rrfnted linoleum 7x9 88.50 -810.00 89.00, 812.50, 818.00 L , 81.50 5 83.50 Baseball Scores Yesterday Bls Lr,, American Leatne Washington 0. st L j New York 8, Detroit 2 Boston ft. Cleveland Philadelphia 1. Chi-.,' . National League Cincinnati 4. New y PltUbflrg 1, Brook ,, r444 88.00' 816.50 85.00 '810.00 812.50 and 816.50 For, burning coal or wood. $6.50 $2.50 $4.50 4 Nursery IWHlrrs Each 6 lied Spring!! From, and up 1 Sewing Murhina 820.00 845.00 815.00 81.50 82.00 812.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Ilalldlnr Third Arena. vinr Hnnrrt Hours from 8:30 a.m. to a:J .m, phone nitErV li , ?000OO0d0id6i)0i0dOO0OOOOOi0000O0OO00OOOOOe000i)0Hfl HOW MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? Is your bathroom a modrt of convenience and beauty? Are proud to show It in your f uexti7 ' You can achieve both these alms hy havlnj us modernise It w"h quality fittures anil fittlnts. 8ee0.r Latest AfodeH of KHchcn Sinks SMITH and ELK1NS LIMITED Phone I7 PLUMBING- ami HEATINO P.O. no ft uijr izinxs nrrangea ir ucquirea o oooooaaooooooooooooooaooooooouooooooooooooooaooaaoooa