FAOI TWO F Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and Wear in Every Pair I i DAILY EDITION PENMAN'S' HOSIERY AILY SHOE SMELT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published: Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone - 86 Member' of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEM BE It OF TUB CANADIAN TRESS The Canadian Presa Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also , the local news pumianed therein. All right of republication of mxvlal dwarw-torwn thoroln r aln twnm, Wednesday, July 24, 1940. EDITORIAL! EUROPEAN SITUATION The food situation in Europe is already becoming serious, according' to reports made by Herbert Hoover, Red Cross commissioner for the United States, as reported in.Colliers by Walter Davenport. Every country today associated with the Hitler recime is short of. food andwill production this year will be much below the average and in many of them. cattle are being killed because of lack of feed. The chief food supply is in Canada, which has a quarter of a billion bushels of wheat and Australia about hail that amount. That makes these two dominions the food supply centres for the Empire, a dependable source. LAND OF OPPORTUNITY "Make this a land of opportunity for boys" might very well have; been the' title of an address yesterday by Viiv cent Borleske, district governor of Rotary Internal onai when speaking to the local organization at its luncheon yesterday. He urged this as one of the problems of th day and one that must be solved. He said he was enthused by the beauty of the country and' its untouched possibilities. It would' be the dutv of neonle here to develhn it so that it would. still be beautiful and useful in years to come-for- ouiv children and childrenfs children. It was a wonderful: ideal. DREAMER OF DREAMS Another thought brought to Prince Rupert Jby this trainer of young boys was that every boy wag a dreamer. He looked forward with hope and joy. All people with ideals were dreamers and it was the dreamers who did things in this worldi "Without dreams there would be no inspiration. He urgedithat just now more than eveivthere were world problems to. bo tackled and dreams to come true. SIIT TRUE FROM FALSE Tile story, published in the Daily News yesterday of how the people' of Norway during the recent invasion had been unable to. sift the-true from the false and had fallen victims of HitJerian. duplicity was an intensely interesting and instructive one. The lesson is particularly apt just now when Prince Rupert people hear all sorts of messages from the south some false, some true. We are daily reminded of the difficulty. It may not be immediate life and death to us like it was to the people of Norway but it means a lot to keep our ideas and ideals right and refuse to be led away by false propbets and lying propaganda. (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE. METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One In last night's Intermediate League softball Fraser Street went down to defeat at the hands of North Star 7. to 4. In the second Baseball Standings National League Cincinnati 58 Brooklyn 50 New York 45 Chicago 4G St. Louis 38 Pittsburgh 35 Boston 1..28 Philadelphia 28 American League Detroit 53 Cleveland. '. .32 soon feel the pinch. According to the reports Germany i Boston 47 $9 nas drawn on these conutnes tor the best of the food and "5 K 44 Ipff t'hpm htolnltocc Tn mnof nf tVifl nimwuvi nnimfvinri I "CagO 41 St. Louis 37 Philadelphia 43 Washington 38 illr For Smiling Miles Sec 24 34 30 44 42 45 50 53 YOUR GUTTA I'KRCIIA DEALER - 35 .35, 40 41 42 52 51 .707 .595 .558 511 ,475 .433 .359! .318 .602 .598 .547 .524 .500 .4C3 .453 .427 Earl Eby arrived ln the city on the Prince George this morning from his naval duties at Esquimau to spend a leave visiting his home here. TH3 DATLT NSWS Intermediate Softball Play DRAW GAME Playgrounds OF SOCCER Have Parties Eraser Street Won Qne.- Oame and! IrUh( Eusll;e And losi line Last iMgiii Dry rafc Play Tit. One-All Tie nl last night's football' game the Irish Fusiliers and Dry Dock played to a one-all tie. This game was. the first' of the series, for the game Fraser Street beat Dominion Gllhuly Cup, Tne game. was qulte, Dairy by a score of 2. to I. 'interesting with both teams show- In the first game North Star had ing good combinatlon. the play all through. Vuchovich was i The Irlsn t oolc the lead ln lnft on the mound for Fraser Street and jnrst nalt when tnelr centre. Simundton pitched for North Star, i reward scored, after Dry Dock's Arney did well at two-base steal defend falled to clej.r Ule u ing. Umpire of this game was was not untl! naU TOK through Sharpe. th? second half that Dry Dock. In the second' game Fraser Street SCOred the equalizer when Burnett came out victorious over Dominion -pnyertcd a penalty kick. Dairy by one run. The runs for nff-ials for the game wer.An-Fraser Street were made by Postuk dv Qrey as referee and. Vfc W: C. and Anderton. Gomez made the n-Nm and a member from, the: only run for the Dairy. Umpire was Irish as linesmen. Santerbane. ' . . . Teams were as follows: Fraser Street Postuk. Arney, Jones. Klllas, Bill, Pavillkls, Anderson, Gurvich and Vuckovich. Dominion Dairy MacLean, Hebb, Gomez, Laurie, Cameron. Schaeffer, Stromdahl, Anderson and Barker. North Star Zbura, Slmiindson. Sharpo, Santerbane, Perkins, Astoria. Roy, Bird. The next Intermediate games will be played on Saturday night between Dominion Dairy and North Star, and North Star and Fraser Street. pifNIC WAS SUCCESSFUI sister of Mrs. John Storseth, Mrs O. Wick, Mrs. John Murvold, R. Hcndeide, Nils Vaseng and O. Jo-hansen a? well as the Misses Elsie Murvold, Magnhild Storseth and Marlon Shepherd. The races resulted as follows: Girls, six and under Joan Ad-cock, June Barber. Boys, six and under Freddie Sl-I monsen, Harry Hagen. ' Girls, efgrit and under Gerd Lien, Joan Adcock. , Boys, elsht and under Erling Jo-hansen, Arnold Hansen. Girls, ten and under Jean Mc- Intosh. Pat Green, Jean Murvold. 1 Boys, ten and under Henry Jo-, haasen, Roald Wahl. Girls, twelve and under Myrtle Sather, Marlon Adcock. Boys, twelve and under Henry Tohansen, Frank Warne. Girls, Fourteen and under Eve lyn Dahl, Victoria Mcintosh, Girls' three-legged race Jean' Murvold, Doris Olsen. I Married Ladles' race- Mrs. Strand, Mrs. H. Rensvold; Tugs of War Married women' beat Single Women. Married Men 1 beat Single Men, Civilians beat Irish ' Fisiliers. . Girls, eight and under Victoria !r Mcintosh, Ina Robertson. Miss Phyllis .Hamblin returned to the city on the Prince George thU morning, from af holiday trip to Vancouver arid elsewhere in the I south. 4. Send In Your News Earlier Due to changed conditions arlslne from th handling nr contributors to have their copy ln by that time, or earlier If possible, preferably, the ,nlght before. Otherwise It mav not be published. 4 HOLIDAYS Book' Your Reservations at' SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write M!(S. DUNN Masse tt. Queen Charlotte. Is. iic ; Festive Occasion Far Children Of Stall Core- And. Acroili The children of Westvlew playground started something new last week with a party held ln the Westvlew School building. The affair had been very carefully plan-! ned and1 arranged by the children themselves under the supervision of Miss Ruth Scherk; the playground director. A total of 43 children took part ln an enjoyable evening hf games and entertainment: Hae entertainment being supplied1 by the children themselves. It was a. very, happy time, particularly, when it was known: that the Valentin Dairy had donated a gallon of; lee cream to the kiddies. Not: to b outdone In the party line. Arrooclls Hill children came up with a marshmallow roast or Monday, nlpht at which 49 boys and "jlrls were present. In spite of sundry scorched fingers and sticky vests, thev en- tj loved the seven or elsht pounds of candy that was In. evidence dur- Flne. Outing Staeed Uy Sons of Nor- ing the early part of the evening, way Lodge on, Sunday. Favored. with lovely weather and I I1lipe,' HnilKlpC drawing a large crowd; the annual tiOUlCO IUUUICO l picnic of the Sons of Norway Lodge i at Digby Island on Sunday was a very enioyable and successful out ing. The boats Thelma S., Capt. Ole Skog; Tramp, Capt. Sanr Hou-gan; and Ingrld II., Capt. L'harles Lindqulst ers. transported thejplcnick- The committee In chargejeoh- , :i late war news, the Dally News ! finds it necessary to set a 10 I a.m. deadline forr local: news contributions. To Insure pub- 4. Hn It ...111 u- . . - ...aviuit 11, wm oe necessary jor Are Comoleted Mrs. Jurmain and Mrs. Lowan Winners In C.N.R. Tourney In the Canadian National Recre-atlonal. Association Tennis Club annual club, "tournament the ladles' doubles' finals were completed las', evening with' Mrsi Jurmain and Mrs. Lowan defeating Miss E. Rtvelt and Mrs. Britton 4-8, 6- B-3, 0-2. V.v I Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 4-9, Brooklyn 3-2. Chicago 6. Boston 1. fit. Louis 7. Philadelphia 3. Pittsburg 1. New York 9. American League Washington 6, Detroit 3. Boston 7. Chicago 8. Nw YnrK 5. St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 0. Cleveland Dallv. results. 1. New rriftssifim d.i nrlne MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS ln typewriting. Also high speed typewriting and shorthand given mornings, afternoons or ,, evenings. Regular day classes- be gin? August 1. Phone- Red 923 Teacher, Mrs. M. D. Hill, W.C.T. FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen range and 1 burner, dining room table and . chairs, kitchen table and chairs, 2 bureaus, lawn mower, rugs and other household articles Phone Green 900. (176) PERSONAL NOW, IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Three Domlnlon-wlde exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., ' Winnipeg Oldest' ln Canada. No 1 agents. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJRY PnONBM7 Dr. J. Munthe Successor f 4 CT. H. O. Johnsen Now I1.M Ills Office fn the . IIRSNER'hLOCic Men! Here's Shaving Ease And Speed That Will Amaze You Ask For Special Package With Free Trial Blade Attachedl lomtei 0e Here's Why Today's Blue Gillette Blade Sets A New Standard Of Shaving Comfort! Ifc Radically impr oved cdgc3 . . . the keenest ever prcduc.T-yvyufar greater shaving speed ahd comfort than eipssiblejbefoe 1 2. Made of glass-hard steelrBlue Gillette Blade stay sharper longer . . . bring you real economy 3. You avoid the smart and burn caused by misfit blades, because Blue Gillette Blades are precision-made to fit your Gillette Razor exactly. HERE'S GILLETTE'S GUARANTEE Ask your dealer for the special trial package with free blade attached. If you don't agree it's the sharpest, easiest-shaving blade you ever used return the package to your dealer and get back every cent you paid! ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Uulldlng, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 918 BABY SWINGS Uaby Swings Fine quality duck. Pink Q-fl Cft or bue. Complete with spring tpJUeJ v Uaby Walker Very popular and com- Qi ftfi fortable model "v Play Yard Folds up completely in one operation, useful in the house of out-of-doors, HP ff A sturdily built $.e)U CONVERTIBLE FOLDER Convertible Folder These give baby the protection .and comfort of a pram and still have all the convenience of a folding QQ M carrier tJJiLcPdVV Baby High Chair-Hardwood, natural M finish, aluminum tray t5t?v V BABY HARNESS Haby Harness-Genuine leather, helpful Q-fl K for walking with reins. Complete , . It'e 1 interesting to know when "reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.