SPECIAL Women's High Grade SENORITA SHOES im ZUti a&d Ewra Oaferd sad Stray with Cafcu aad &fik fkgH Tfese m are rerslax K valae. SMCUIXT fXtCta U oak mm ir sw tyrwij K&m aa Ue way. Afauvrt afl a4 wMa fat the UC TbS H a ml krr ca in kt sne 4pea4ase fvUwear.. $4.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Horn of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRLH'CE EITEET - RE I ITS H C0LOU1IA Psiifc Every ATteraccs, Except Sssuiaj. by Prtec Rsert Di2t Jfei-j. UBzSOA, Ttizi Avesse h. r. pffLLEjr iusxifri-zanx piS to iAriate, ytt tk . Paid bj zd?i&t. per rxatb E; su3 to lit paru cf BrttJjeh Cotaziia, the Bntiab Espirc aod VciUd BUUx jtzity perVid, paxl & advance By cull to aJI ether eoaatrle. per car AdTcrtkinj and ClrtaUUaa Telesfcane tt Km Department Telept.nc .. . M Mcnbcr. ar Audit Circii ! C3rrBUlMrna TAH.T EXmOK Ft -day February 23. 1M0. EDITORIALS TAKE PRIDE IN NEIGHBORHOOD r INCREASE IN VOTERS In Prince Rupert there are about four hundred more voter than at the time of the last election, according to th official record. This indicates that, irrespective of the army and navy, there is an increase in population fir the city. Practically every house and apartment is taken and more houe are needed. When home building commence we nhall feel that the city is well on the way. ANOTHER TRADE PACT . Norway is the latest country to sign a trade pact with! Great Britain. Prior to that Belgium and several other' CQUniries have made trade pacts, indicating that these countri&a are all anxious to do business with the Allies war or no war. It was noticed too that, while the govern ment of Norway was keenly neutral in the recent incU dent with Gejrmany, the newspapers of the country were strongly with tnt Jiritish in their acti action British prisoners on the Altmark. in seizing the I AM ADVERTISING The Phoenix Flame is being quoted by several news-papei as follows: am the dividend producer for yo.ur business, the mney-makingt order-taking, dull times force. am the voice of rejoice; the psalm ot service; the motive power of modern business. go Into the highways and by-ways ; into the far corners and the niches; selling for you, telling It was suggested at the recent executive meeting of Prince Rupert Horticultural Society that an effort $0tAi be mark' to induce people to take pride in their own ifflghborlyMHl and help to keep it neat and tkly, cutting out : Utyibeewary tree, trimming underbrush ami general!1! I tryfflg to improve their own section of the city. It wa.-pwnted out that this was rather a crucial time in the hfs-tpXJ Of the city an the eeond growth wa jtwt reaching a ige where it wouid be more Uiffkult to control in fu-' tore. The klea teems to tw to be an excellent one. People j are 'Mged by the appearance of the neighborhood inj which tey live and if one or two take the lead, usually, improvement h een. 1 for you upon quality; compelling for you the puree stringsr or ij y1111ng punuc w open, wiue ine couer anu reasure cliesjls of buying. I make trade spring from the fertile fioil of hesitation;, put your wares into the windows of he world ; into the minds of millions. I make income out of out-go; Assets of liabilities; gains of waste; safety of in-, security. am the winged steed upon which your business can ride to the earth's uttermost distances and shake hana with, a. new trade. 1 am profits come to. the rescub of deferred dividends. I am uncoinnlainingj always ready; always steady ; always on the joo. I recognize rip. limitation in meeting your aspirations. Mine is the Voice' in the Wilderness; the Sermon on the Mount; the Spng of Labor; the March of Progress; the Knock of Opportunity. Try roe o.n your business!" ' If you lose anything, advertise for It. Hockey Scores SeaKir. . Faeiaasat aiatsatt MtfL 1 Mt tan t0p Rrinr Oartr to s artaaaer charted with a m IS J i Oh - .aw Ja at. i STKENCTH IS pntf If In CCNTENTS 26eit TA av dicJf U m O-Y a-o '4 or eU' 7d :.y -.-se ! .'i . -r O-r.-r I EsAf. erf Qi.ft.ia, 'A Bri'.aih r't'viavsa Victoria, B.C. PR. RUPERT WINS AGAIN IN CAGLNG Hwirtit rrth Com la labr atiaaaj EevcHtla S4 3c. 4 Vm. t JUUA liliau BiiJCf t national tajctaait A fury ktr lajl bom i tftv taM eoamt 7W rjm U one UW' total lta for Prioer Kanctl KetcMkan FoAovtmi af KatrtUfcw fans naVd as Oar tarn an axv a hoard fh knai the victory mUlch waa in the bal-nnr anUl ih end.' the doataf taM arete parUcalftfljr actioniid and ntrUinc. The sptifd of Uu rlay Itjrpt Uk re(re br ateh- inx for rrnato of vbld there vert Pk.' -.y dubed oyt The exovd vaa not qU aa iarzt a.', m the ofertapa nKht vhrt '.he hall vaa packed to thfj poin ri.cx4iart aJt0wh about v r r; rratot. a la aaUssatrd. Ail ijtr fooeUaced, with A I H , r. . tit Mr rAntrA mUm frsr. KatebOcas, ondoebtedly i.c u.; for bic aide. At toard. he a r e patrauker bC aUo got rou: 4 a btt biaatelf and account-f r tne poinU only Phil 'tt. -h Ketchikan centre, ex-di. him tn Marine. ArtUlnUe-man i. did a aood job to ptai break The Ketchikan team, havfe becocM aeeliakttzed aad more aeevatoraed to the renve, rtwwed latnrored eo-or(Unation tn nlay than on opening ntcht. Sonrjv Byoon SeyeriAO Domln-ato and Anciw Vfepbee all turned PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Angus Wins In Bowling Scared CWa Stp Thite Caau T .V YeUxj Oter Canada Sratttth Lat Vtbl La1 M.f.TLX for common rVry lort thrct afasard'ed 14 Ukta. jaarvkM tctani bone Hk aaav kau afcn u a tnx!3 m. LMHL SB log OUITT ... " r . : .. - TUMr w mc the " " w mi, m im v aut gjghtV le tecait torrd Wd la the Bis-an aatfltikM wnirr aad e to U - - - - - - -r Itacc. t iBai an the aaa for a eeant Ma 2 zt ih aanttaq Uaa mg eteaz to a kcatar aaotatfdl3t oal aaat U ptartd tecat af hoof) leaaata aa bju sees Mai lac rtanr a ooc day in Praaaa RapfO. Katis itaaM wrrr oltuaf. on a tKf ,and It aras a dsns dooc mmaH of X Earty la la tamnh apartrr. tar ta ousts s avaa- m a aatawcr ot atattor arinelaaay t&iowffe PgaaanK, vhe bad b-sro saoved ap troca drfeiM. and Uae-phe AUi a nd Oct EUUah. the Ificait dfaaooatraxed tbeir Vimtiar fan the war with tiOlr to dhsgat .?. a cnqM brtwn ih oppoatnc 9dMUCta.' PaJT teat The pac was fast Lhroacnovt aad.' on end of Uae noor and Uk with both tides mrttet banl tar'M Ua mhts. the nml comot at- Uad)TkduJ porinc vm aj foi- Krtctutan-EiapU. 14; Mffeanc. 7. liarrta, 9. PbQlbat. (; Qaaaanatb. U; HipJdHtaaan. t: total. U. Pitoee Rupert- Uocsaa. 7: lirr-n4). 12- Uolkeatad. 4: Daailnato, H; UMfbee. U. lUaaton, I. Oar-rte. tatal li. Bejnaa and nomlnato of Prince RMrt and Hinrlfn of Ketchikan arc bOHOced toe peraonala The epenaac sue of toe eye nloe wa a caoieat between Htfh iScbcol and Bca's Km Bund which becaee a nip and tuck al-Ulc at the tad with the School Insiac out 2S to 37 alter having beta ahaad si acta a 14 to 2 near the ouUet. C. P. R. ftaamar Prtnceaa Adelaide, Capt. llenrjr Anderaoo. U doe tn port at SftS'Utai afternoon froa the sooth and will sail at 10 pin. on her return to Vancouver, and yayppinu. INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE NOW DUE TO BE FILED BY: (1.) Employers, respecting salaries and vajj$s paid to employees during the calendar year 193U, (2.) Every person in receipt of salary,. wagest or investment income. These Returns are required to be filed not later than FEBRUARY 29th, 1940. Taxpayers should obtain forms from any provincial Government office or chartered bank bn the Province. An urgent rcoueat is made for Jhee Rqrns to be filed as mu,ch in advance g the final date as possible io, enbje the Department tV'give better service to taxpayers than can bo provided during the rush pf the last day. Corporation, business or professorial irtepme is required to be rci.irncd within three mpnths after the enl pf'the taxpayer's fiscal year. ' - O.B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Iricome Tax. MrKpnTiAc Fiirnihirfl llAl4Va,UIlCjU U M. UlllllUlt FEURV'AUV FUR.NI1TRE Sl.K "aw t aai wv- rv a Af, - If Piece SaiePtir. S75.00 UNION STEAMSHIPS L1I Steamers Leave Prince Raper f.r x XSS. CATALA ETCBT TCES- T-Sv CARIlfNA rOB DAY. 1:30 p-m, 1121pm. If Convenient, Fleae Purcbai Tickets at Olfkt u Mv. IUIU1 LUaaUVAl ISI UtUI M riTCa ayflULU kli.Ua ' a oiit.i.iL.iu a nil r iwuikti aitiil a miu a Improved Papetries of Highest Quality Paper FEATURING Self Seal Envelopes - a Old EngtisKveljAim Holland Linen Colonial ftitl Chateau KJpnJ ... Pads ..25c,3.5? Envoi. 15c 25c 25c ..25ct35e Plain 15c ,D.ecklc2c llotti 5(V 50f 60c (dcckW Once you have used these fine papers with the rcvplutlpnry Self-Scaj envelope thO' yilt bccpine ypiir choice for all your correspondence. &clf-Soal costs no more than ordinary.