1 st Friday Feb-,- - , TEZ Z2AILT XXX? 1 ruuiuiuiiiiis 1 4rhrdMm tajeIi ccs am o 0 a 0 o o o a a o o o o c 0 o o o o o 0 a a o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bn4 L t li. Ila&ol Price L tt5tr ItthM t feaaVa raaiaa t aaaKy avea iilaiMKlnmAMivUat lal rw a-wu trfaf U CfcartOOSTTK. WHO HIGHS LAST iOmXMI, Feb iJ: CP "Last r I sapped throat the British and 111 do it a HorMftac skipper Tork He sailed and to the Uodade of UN 1 nt keaten lair and agaare." he aakt "Tw axe maeh too cood." Exact Amount Of Tonnage In One Week Sunk UMCDCW. FetL: 'CP'-Theex-. act mmamt af Sttlsh and tonnage lost ia the war at JUfvertadac it n FOR Chapped Hands French Halm-Price ... 25c and 50c 50c Lemon Cocoa Rutter Lotion Off, Price Jasmine or Gardenia Skin Softener 50c Ormes Ltd. Zrfi Pioneer Drvtqtjijta The Uexall Store Phones 11 t 12 Open Daily from 8 ajn. till It Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Coal! Coal! Coal! wirtdsdtein Tina you' Codlirt needs refilling Foothills Uulkley Valley Xanaimo-Wellington We are equipped to supply any of thee coals promptly, carefully screened and traded to size I'hones G5I 652 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. USED FURNITURE 25-Oallon Water Tank q ja Nearly new D.uU Library Table In tifht QH G.l oak )lOU Kncluh Tram m n Like new )1.DU fiurney Kante COQ Cfi Same enamel A1f L. Q&U,0) Mct'lary Quebec Healer I 12 50 Ued Complete Ccrtl spring and Q-f f n mattress t?l-UU mOVi pftoDU Sludlo Iunje Open to a double 20 00 Keamleits Axminster Carpel QOt fl( 9xw2 ?9UU 8-l'iece Dininr ICoom Suite 39 50 i-riete Utdroom Suite CoruUU of Bed, Chiffonier , Cir A A Vanity and Bench t ?10oUU Orcen Cork Linoleum HRf Square yard DV White SeMinr Machine 12 50 Wcstiriglioue Kadio 11 tubes, good Q-i ij PA condition OX.DU ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 91G Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. THIRD AVENUE o o o 0 o 0 o o! o 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o- 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 o00O0O00oao00ooaooo0O0000O0O000aooa00oc0O0ooaoo0Oi0oc Kincolith Church IpRESBYTERY 1SMITHERS :R0BINS0N jAnny Celebrates I im ccccynN CURLING IN DRAMA j K2MCXX-XTH.Fefa- H Aeekr-jLnMnl Chart h htn of CxriWe jUan was heM in the OiarrJi Amy; Gather At Friace George Hah hoc recently o with choral the' asie reteira of a Charch Asvyparty Mmcr. nmrcr. which oaid a Ttitt to Pott Uo. OdQ Barton, captain of the' nimh 1 m- C&aeam n thai K- 1 T' r FoUowini a betpful : wc serrke. Re. Hach Doeson, D. " " 1 'J "ImI tn - - ?J" 1 O.T Wedneaday B.ZT T. . J ' Rev W. E. FaUertoa S ' t wT " " BUn,T charge of the worship period o there were duets br Mrs. Oedtina g Xehoo aod Lieu 21 i! o o O 1 o 0, 0 , 0 0 o -o o o, oil o o; o . SJ 0 gi. 0 li LINZEY DAVIES PHONES 513 Grapefruit Large 25C Anjou Pears QHr Ul Per down Mellov Sneet Turnips OCTo Klht. New Potatoev f)Jo 3 lbs, for Lettuce Large Qn heads cc5r .15c "20c Spinacb OJ?0 2 lbs, for Bunch Carrots 25C Endlre ICn Each HRST GRADE QpS 0 BUTTER 3 11 Brentwood Peas Each Niblet Corn-2 for Beef Steak Sauce Per bottle Purity Hour now. 49' Non Premium OATS 18c Silverware OATS 28c Buy lie 25c 30c 1.85 Heinz Large Ketchup IOC iOp 2 bottles for 3 SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 3 Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim to PIeae" Is our Motto-Thank You IDORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions as Follows: Mon.. Tues., Wed. 8 to 11 p.m. Thurs. 7 to 9:30, Dance 10 to 2 Friday 8 to 8:30, 8:30 to 11:00 Sat. Children.. 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4:39. 6 to 8:30, 8:30 to 11 Special Arrangements Can Be jMadefor Private Skating Parties The week m MJT7 as eomoared with . . iwas neM IB Kaox United WJ tons ia the the war which was high the week of 7 I T J . ' aw praw nan a nop Uawc Pi,0uai Richard Watts. : of the Cartfeao the Pretest an a; uuv mm av a, rnj Favorable reooru wete crvea of the work of tbe Tartan charmea by their representative. The dekfates enjoyed the want hospitality of Rev. and Mrs. Fal-r.on and of meiiihera of Kaox Vmted Church La ii ia mY inai.. (tatf Cam. It MlWKf Buum C Thti Year aanroorUte to the .M - n- aim otai- The la Ot or the Haawasi Cap the fink stopped vy WilUaai Dafl protcd to The I fee the winner for this year, hae- ootf two Main w -e T7 JT ; were the Ward Care, Mr and the IJ ".,' J1" B Pntr.'wtary i sajif abaaaVftoa warn lJi4l rek Those present inctaded Rer. 3. R Lore and 3 A. Prater. Qaeanel: Ret M.O Barnett. McBrtde; Rer. J T Baxehffl and Mrs. C. L Dca-3i ck. Soitthers: Rev. Adaai Crisp. Burns Lake; Rev J. T. Nichols. Port Fraatr; J Kemp. Fort Fras-er: Rev. G. B. Panter and Mrs. Feenev and Rev. W E. FaOerton Mr O. Robert Prince George. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA H.G. HELGERSON LTD. 216 Sixth Street See Us For All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public We have on our lists the following good buys At Corner of Eighth Avenue West and Fulton Street-Large concrete building with three suites and basement In excellent condition. Full plumbing, greenhouse and garden $3,000, HALF CASH balance on monthly pay mcnU or $3000 cash Including all furniture valued at $500. MINERAL, A CI . Notlre To lJlnurnt Co-ownfri I To 1'ih i . Aldrn and Oundrr lilrk Hand ot fteatlle, iVMhlnrton, V. H. A. WHERE A3 tnre owner other wsn mytcir to tM extent of mora An than one quarter intereot In cscb and. rtak. On accoant of the mild weather which saapmiwd rarkng for a week all of the tmt ia this toarnaaaent were not piayed hat it had no hearinc on the final With a little colder weather cartaf. was roaaaaad Wedawaday naght the iwiapifl for a number of prtaea sad alas in the fnM cosBpeUUon The first stx were played oa Wednesday eveatait and. strange to saj. all the top notch rtokx in the cap oarnsawnt went down to defeat in the Brat encoanter in the boo- ESSINGT0N IS WINNER PORT ESSINGTO.V Feb 2X The Port Sampson Rambkr.r Five basketball team blew Into Port Essington . the other night and took a 57 to George Cnpps. provincial aases- M(tt lt txtO of the Bwtng- or. and A. J. Lancasier. provtocial tMmt , en- -oLector. are sailing tonight on the w. ,n wh wttne It Princeas Adelaide for Ocean Falls on official duties. They will be away a week GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Mavonary. Brick or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527 for Casey After tbe game the RauaWera pro- ceeded to the home of Mark Bolton ! and later in the evening to the Port Essington Band Hall to pass the evening at the Ladies' Avxlliary Valentine sale. Tbe Port Simpson of Henry MacDonald. Ronnie Johnson, captain. Jackie Dodo ward. George Dodoward. Lloyd Dudoward. Charlie McKay and Reg gie Sampson. It was deemed by the Port Eaatag ton Basketball Club that this would be the last anoffieJat game to Ik played in Port Reatncton. In fu ture it will be necessary for sucr I fames to be arranged a week in ad vance. lASS!j0 FOll SALL FOR SALE Term strict;; cA-:. Lou 9-10. Blk. 11. D L 3VJ Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Eita.-$500.00. Sub Lot 1 of Lot H."j Range 3. C. D. Lakelse Road n acres. Peter De Boer Eute $100.00; Lot 2. Blk 11 S 6 Prince Rupert. George Mack.::. Estate $900.00: Lot 4. Blk 27 Sec. 5, Prince Rupert. J D Pv Estate. $1230; Lot 3053 (V star. 103 acres, situate near A ansh. Wm. Stewart Estate $100 00; Unsubdlvlded portion L 21W. R. 5. C. D.. 142 acres and tage. Estate NeU McCarhv $300.00: Asad. Lot A of Lo' 5 Blk. 2. and Asad. Lot A of Lot 6 Blk. 2. D L. 45. Port Ev:ngtnn Estate Mary D. Holland. $200 00 '. Unsold portion Lot 3822. Caviar 'Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate i John W. Strombeck. $500.00-Offlclal ; Administrator, Princ Rupert. B. C tf WANTED WANTED Girl to do genfraJ housework and cooking for family of four, out of town Apply Box 32 Daily News. 47 , HOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS board and room close In. Phone Black 965. tf NUKftlU.i: WATMIH I'HOIKTION ACT It. H. f. mi. (Iiaplrr Ho Th BrHlah OolunAVla IVdcfri Lim- Hl of the Star No. 1. Star No. 2. Star R1 Tby glv notr vwx they hav,. No. . 8Ur No 4, Star No. 8, BUr No.undnr filtk,jn 7 of the aald Act. rt-8. Star No. 7. Star No. 8. BUr No. J I Pitted Watti Ul V!lrtWT of Public m 8Ur No. 10 Mineral Clalma ltuaU,Wort OMw Mid In h office of on the north aide of Porcber bland In Chlamore Palace about 6C0 feet from the beach In the Bkeena Mtntnj DirUlon. Province of BrlUah Cotiunbla: TAKE NOTICE thaw unleaa you A3 nay within 00 da from the data here the raau-k lUyfrmr of the 1tk1 Rfltry DUMrlot t Vlotorla at Vlctorki, B. C. a dfucrtptlon of the alte and plan of the addttfam to the exuttng wharf pTDpotrd to be oonatrucUtl on Block A of Watr tut 1M1. rUnoe 2 of the aum of 11837.50 bln- your I tkat DlMrlot tn namu, urltuii Col proportion of the expenditure requireOlu1" for the years 1937, 1938 and 1939 by And take notice that after Uie ex-BccUon 28 of the Mineral Act, R. B.lP'railon of one nvxttti frun the date IB. C. 1938. Chapter 161. together with .of rirt pUMloatlui of thla notk, I all ojmU of thU notice, to tlie under-'the BrlUah CkJumbla Packer Limited '.ilgned, tha rerUtewl owner of aald will under BwtWjn 7 of the Maid Act Mineral Claims, your interest on saidpp7 to um umMer or Public Worki Mineral Claurw shall be forfeited and at hla office In She Otty of Ottawa, trcome mini In the undersigned who. for atiproMal of tle aM alt. haa made the required expenditures, 'plan, and for leaye to M mat runt Uie DATED at Prince Rupert, B C. thUlaMd addition to rve estaUng otw) 8th day ot July. 1939. Datt ihia arvi day of February. 1941) E. 8. BERNKT. I imiTMl! COLUMBIA PACKERS Edward C Robinson. nd j-Magbt Wort, a lamuy coowoy Mnry tniana jui w,!. coaapnae a double bill psctarr prograni which was shown at the Capitol Theatre last night and wtD be repeated tocight In "BUrkjnax Robinson u sent to prison for a crone be did not . . i . tth toar eoaasaii. escapes mi up a "r under an assumed name ana is later betrayed into the hand of the taw by a former shipmate who had wormed bis way Into his confidence. How justice is finally meted oat in a towering oil writ fire forms the climax. Ruth Huft-sev pmys the feminine lead as Robinson's wife and other featured parts are filled by Oene Lockhart Watson and Ouinn Williams In -Wight Work" Miss Boiand' and Ruggles are involved this time n a story telling how they try to ronvince a testy on granoiauie hat they are fit parents its grandson permanently Work" also tea tares Donald a Con nor. as uicn. ine oor m Boiand and Rocsies want to adopt. Billy Lee and John Hartley wr TIMES 1.; Lait Complete s' Edw i Robi i 'I' i.l '-a r . unson In "BLACKMAIL" With KITH lit lT (At 7:M an, j Plu CHARLIE Ul in MARY BO! D , 'Night Work' At g 37 On e f NEWS ' At t t()r COJIING S.T r.'itv "Adrenturev of : i Holmes" Plu Jmr f. "Quick M i , Many Canadians iiS re Registered OTTAWA. Feb thousand Cr.r,. mong the supporting ptayers are mrn htrf f. , loyce Matthews WlUiam Frawley. VoluriUr, , announced Don't be vague . . . I t "MM asK ror &ve yar II The Oldest Name in Scotch f HAIGjGr HAIG . KMI HIIOI MOOOCT o tconta 9miO w UNO M Te 4atlO t" ' coviuxihi Miino HAIG & H A i G DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOnLED IN SCOTLAND BY HAIG & HAIG LIMITED, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND This Hover.; -mr:. i,. :of publisheo or dipuM b-C n roi B ard or by thr Government of British t Hcrrru I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way P01 1 8S. "PrtlNCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p n-To Vancouver Direct S.8. "PRINCESS LOUI8E" Feb. 15th, 26th. March 7tH l $36 Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on Sale to February 29th. 19lu 1 Return Limit March 31st. 1940 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Panfi Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES. General Agent Prlnre Ruprrt fU Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY TIIONE 657 Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L Dallv at 4 p.m. TROTIEU'S DOCK