F- bnury 23. 1040. r THE DAILY NEWS "' PAGE THREE H 'fli Pi ccptd Gr.nl'i "But P(ocuiblt" with Si I ll5kJvli ""'''I iMimwt. Todty, ai yttltrdty, yjfj w'Hlly Uk Gi.nl'i for 5nntd ' m. ifmeM i nt pub Ibe sr ? ..iv--. 1 ( t, , )0f trot Board or by the Oovemmcm of Rr February Clearance Sale ALL LADIE'S COATS Half Price WALLACE'! MAKE YOUR FUEL DOLLAR STRETCH YOUR FUEL BILL SHRINK Buy Bulkley Valley Coal The Economy Coal SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leave IMnc Rupert ever; THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnln. lcnve Prince Rupert for Uc E Moiuluy, Wcdn.CMl.nXt Friday, 6 Vnu yV Steamer for Ketchlknn and WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. Forfar; etc., call or writ Ctty TUhit Offlct, 528 3r Av V-0-40 Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success The home of Mrs. O. C. Mitchell, Fourth Avenue East, was the scene yesterday afternoon of a very suc cessful tea and sale of home cooje-ing by the Ladles- Aid of First Presbyterian Church. Weather as auspicious and a large nurabe r of iadles called to lend their patrpn-age to the affair, being received by the hostess and Mrs. D, C. Stuart. Mrs. Peter Lakle, Mrs. Samuel Massey, Mrs. Duncan MacKenzh; and Mrs. Edgar Saunders poured at a table which was attractively tovered with a lace cloth centreft With - bowl ol red tulips with yellow tapirs. Mrs. J. a. McLcod, Miss Netta Mc:Leitd, Mrs. J. McLcod and Mrs. Thomas McMeekln Jr. poured and Mrs D. c. MiRae was cashier. Mrs. J. M, Walker. Mrs. A ivanson and Mrs. M. J. Keays wqre mi rharjtf of the tea tables. Mrs. Harry Oalderwood and Mrs. 8 O LeMie dlcected the sale oi iinmc cooking. Married Last Night At Seal Cove NKW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue lloutekceplng Apartments Hnt Water Heated) Mrs. C E. Hlack, Proprietress Central Hotel) Our. Tatnou Cdon Alberts COAL IJulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellineton Coal Itulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Stock Takinjr Sale All FURS At Goldbloom's 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now . GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" THE SEAL ' QUALITY mm GOLD SEAI Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the only salmon canning; company with in H tha year, found psyroU ta Prince Kupef LCAL NEWS NOTES Foe prompt and courteous " Phone 13 Taxi tl Lance Stiles and son, Albert Stiles, Given In marriage by her father I and attended by Mis? Cathie East-iman as bridesmaid, the hride was prettily attire in a wadding outfit ppach. ngt Jacket wUh. taffeta . bolero and veil. She had a beauti-'ful bouqupL The groomsman was Harold Hampton. I Following the ceremony. was a reception at the Seal Cove Hall with ope hundred guests present to tender their felicitation! and celebrate the occasion. Announcements advertlsrpenu to uu of WV1 V V- tl3J S. p. ary 23, N. Leap ear Dance Febru- Anglican Tea, February 23. Mrs. March 1 Tea. Mra. Bert Morgan's. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, low's Hall, March 1. i Eagles Bridge. March 6. I United Tea. Mrs. Krikevsky, torch 7. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIO,ME AWAY FROM HOME" tUtef 81.00 up. 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 SPECIAL l This Week Only ARCTJC TURKISH DELIGHT Made by Patterson, Toronto, A real taste thrill you 9Q will enjoy. Pound MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONARY OpuosUe Canadian Letlon Miss Freda Mussallem. daughter of Mr,, and Mrs. if. Mussallem, sailed last night on tre Prince George for Vancouver enroute to sailed last night on the Prince Los Angeles. Oeprge for a trip to Vancouver. : i, Lieut. W. 8. Morse and two nOn- Col. E. J'. Ryan, after a brief -commissioned officers and four visit here in connection with his men 01 ine locaI aigim wrps local contractlnz work, sailed last sailed last night on the Prince night on his return to Vancouver. I Oeorge Miss Mary Geary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Geary, was united in marriage to George Vlereck youngest son of the late J 0. Vler- ; eck and. Mrjs. Vlereck. Rev Canon T. ' Y- F- Ruhbrook officiated. soutn Ernest Eatchford of the 102nd ,; absence Battery sailed last night on the'-' Prince Oeorge for Victoria to take an Instructor's course at Work Point Darracks. I Valhalla Fishermen's Farewell Dance, March 8. j Prince Rupert Operatic Society and Hodgson Dancing Academy' benefit concert for local Red Cross! Society. Capitol Theatre, Sunday.', March 10, '9:00. pjn. The musical treat of the season. ' W.O.TAt. Tea, Mrs. Lineham's 142 5th East, March 12. L. O D. A. DafJodll Dance, March 15, Mctropole Hall. . JL. V Play High School Auditorium, March U arid 15 Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. J. J. Little's. March 15. St. Patricks Tea4 Catholic Hall, March 16. United Spring Sau April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 13. I on for their homes in the MEAT tfh.one 957 two weeks' lpaves-of- ASTHMA REEF Round Steak "perV Rump Roast Per lb 1... Sirloin Tip Per lb T-Bone Roast Per lb." Sirloin Steak Per lb Prime Rib Roll ' Per lb Filletrd Roast or Veal ' Per lb. Rump Roast of Veal Per lb. Rolled Shoulder of Veal ' Per lb. i BRONCHITIS AND TOUCH. KANC'ON COUGHS to COLDS LYf ID FASTER 10 A i I! Father Alex Simpson, principal of the Roman Catholic native school at Lejac. is leaving by this there even,nS's train on his return to the interior auer naring spent a lew dajs in the cjty. Mrs. D, C. Schubert and son, Ken- nh' 6n Later in the. evening the couple pn' Lau evening at 7 o'clock in St. eft on the Prince George fqr a Z?"' Veter a Church at Seal Cove an in- honeymoon trip to Vancouver after xxv' w v"u- u whi thfy 'lu retum to W e5Vy ansferred resung weeding took V ace when w"c" UP - -vc M of residence. manager Government Mr. and Mrs. Vlerecs. will have Telegraphs. Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. U. LLNDAIIL Will Continue practice of DfiilUtry in Kooins 1, X, I llesncr Ulock the hearty congratulations and best wishes of many friends. CARD OF THANKS ; Mr. an'd Mrs. Gordon Campbell wish to thank their many friends at Alice Ann, Anyox and Prince Rupert for sympathy and floral tribptes at the tuns oi their recent bereavement. They would also like to acknowledge with thanks the use of cars at the , funeral. IMl imXUZB,MTMZM-.UiM.TMSUlM j. o. johns,l inMPCl CAMIT V Phone 957 SATURDAY SPECIALS 20c 22c 22c 25c 25q 22q LAMB Less ' of Lamb f)Qs Per lb Shoulders of Lamb A Sn Per lb -IPy PORK LeTof Pork Off Per lb Shoulder of Pork -j Q Per lb. 49 V Fresh Side Pprk ff i Per lb 1'V Pur? Lard- ifin Per lb VV VEAL GRADE 'A PPULTRV Capons Per lb 1Q to 1Mb. Turkeys Per lb Fowl Per lb Chickens Per lb. Terrace Spud$ Per sack 25? 22c 25? 30? 28? 25? 3Qc S2.0Q lJ. H. BULGERjl Optometrist y!j Dank Bids. Night or Day PHONE Tea AX Hs Best SALADA TEA 112 TAXI Prompt Service ? Heated Cars B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Household Furniture We have just received a large shipment of kitchen ranges in two-tone, ail eitamel of finest quality at very reasonable prices 1 Sinjer Seeing Machines Drop-head Q9Q 10 models, used, from ?1J,U slightly Shtly 1 Iteminston Typewriter A-l J- condition - I Underwood Typewriter At - - COAL 827 829 1 English Pram Slightly ; gQ 3 812 10 815 1 S-piece Dinette Suite ..... . ,u r At 812.50 NEW FURNITURE 1 Chesterfield-Bed wilh Occasional Chair Blanket CtZfi IZ( VPP.'V" storing space 1 3-piece.. Chesterfield In Repp anu Velour in S9 00 lite.st style . . 3 Kitchm Ranees Two-tone, all enamel. OCA to QQ1 Cft very fine ciuality. from , " V Phone BLACK 321 THIRD. AVENUE Next Door to B. C Clothiers NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd, PIIOXE 116 PHONE 117 RUPERT BRAND" i fi Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily lanadia Prince Rupert n rv l o n 1 1 o. nsn & tola ocorag Co. Ltd. e British Columbia If-you have something to sell, tv classified advertisement in, $is p.ap,ar. WUA S9'et you. know if there is a buyer in the city. v v. 2 -r. J V'ii,