I Weather Forecast pjjvf Itupen ana yucrn unar- tffBis navy. 1 Mr: .'IS ... I r r4 mruMu . fill nnA ,.' v.- with catteil'"t "S 'lurries I an Allied contra :; the Black Sea with London aatd theyj ".at ion bearing out a .1 Stockholm newipap-.i Soviet leaders as interference by the t H iNsian shipping would i. mrd conflict. Never-rwdent that Great 1 Frjitirr intend to proceed x'cnslon of the blockade :: any their fishUng arm In have already charged i tiina Germany by re-hips at Murmansk1 n-.d quarters at London ! j t reaaon to believe that Mri been done recently ' :'v of Petaamo on the A: 1 1 ic coastal region held ; 1 ounts for the pretence of : M ' Royal Navy In Arctic Borne reports say that Bri-' ipv are now concentrated j Arable numbers In thcee ) nsure that German prevented from using elth- iii. Finnish or Norwegian i i c arrying out of their !u!r Russia appeared to be ' - for action both in the ir.d Caspian Sea areas. Na- U! defence and aerial fore- fife b(inif nut In rpflrflnAsA At Crim inal rmrt nf lhi C.&x- Eci. blackouts have been ord- i as a precaution aealnst air at- k Intcrfcrpnro with nil sno- P"f i.'rom thp TtnntYianlnti r?airn a: and other areas thereabouts r:'-ld further strangle Germany. V with this end In view that the arc now moving. ,'hcr countries In a spreading t,y ntct drawing In Russia. Rumania COntltniK trw lnrreaKA 7' armed fnro. j nc txpon of hlch 1 are Jhe Itna banned certain products would be essential In war-Turkey Is also tnVlnir u'nr. 'me mewures In connection with Wroi exports and Imports relation of prices. War News TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourty 8. D. Joonon Co.) Vancouver nig Mlaouri. .09i. Bralorne. 10.40. Cariboo Quart. 2.45. Den ton la, .01 V. Falrvltw. .OIH. Ood Belt, .25. Hedley Masdot JO. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five, .01 tt-Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, 158. Privateer, .68. Reno, 56. Relief Arlington. .11 Vv Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.08. Oils A. P. Con., .16. Calmont, 56. . C. & E., 1.96. Freehold, .02. Home, 2.55. Pacalta, .05. A" of this may very probably ln- Royai can, .Htt f u'e KOUmania Tiii-Itbw nnA tvvtel Okalta, 1.08. Mercury, .06 Vi. Prairie Royalties, .18. Toronto Aldcrmac, 50. Beattlc, 1.12. Central, 254. Cons. Smelters, 44.50. East Malartlc, 3.75. Fernland, .0314. Francoctir, ;45. Gods Ukc, 57Vi- tii i e r....: i -. rr ii r.. Flfethire niwme In in the wie course cvuik ui of rcucv OCjL'an mucftuiii' ui uumsiuii Winers UU me UUSSian German aerial bomblne attack on if t f Murmansk today, the newspaper Berlinski Ti- North sea fishing vewu was dis- r. ported. This report is in line with predictions cioaed lost night by the Admiralty. Alius contemplated extending the blockade to r.ne 0I,,cers. ana.men 01 I asnge of German supplies through Norwegian through the Black i ll By bolh of these j., bern claimed that born co -operating with Tbfrt were rumors today that fcrilbh war TOtels had already om Into ronfllct with Sdvlet kirilcralt but there was no con- l;rmUsa. The Copenhagen impapcr Mid that British craft itrttUcnc out for a coniderable Irtistt to prevent shipment of ttv.Ua supplies to Germany and VU iny poilble attempt to I'litrrlsvilan submarines to the NO niltTIIDAY VICTORY HELSINGtORS The twenty-second birthday of the Ited Army was observed today without any spectacular victory In Finland, such as the rapture of Vllpurl, as I Dictator Stalin had ordered. The Finnish command announced, I that the Mannerhcim Line de fenders had beaten back attacks along the entire width of Karel- . . .1 . 1. I f.n Itlhmtii Iflltlnr ahnut fun "ii oi Tvricty u sum-1 - -rted to be conUm-i battalions, or two thousand men, I at one point and eight hundred at another. Northeast of lake Ladoga the Finns captured "large quantities of war material" ad wiped out Russian patrols farther north. TO MEET HITLER BERLIN It was announced today that United States Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles Ruwian warntrwsl will have a conference with Chan- reilor Adoli inner ana roreign Secretary Joachim von Ribben-trop nest Wednesday or Thursday. He will be told about Great Britain's "piracy on the high seas" and other things. Twenty-one .Members of Crew Lost After German Bombing Three Nazi Planes Lost Finn Ship Torpedoed LONDON, Feb. 23: (CPU-Sinking of the naval 540-ton trawler renewed the Flfeahtre were lost, there be ing only one survivor. Another armed trawler was badly damaged but was able to make port safely. Berlin admitted that three German planet failed to return home. The presence of a German submarine operating off the west roast of Eire w revealed last night with the picking up of an "8 O S" measage from the 2600-ton Finnish ship Rita. , 50 miles south of Cape Clear, south-western point of Ireland, announcing that they had abandoned ship after torpedoing by a submarine. - The French high command In Part today reported a "new wave of German submarines operating against Allied warships and merchant shipping In the North Sea. Naval experts exoreascd the belief that the force U composed larcely of recenUy constructed craft. Use Of Marines Flatly Denied "Utter Nonsense" Is Way Report They Boarded Clipper Plane Is Described HAMILTON. Bermuda, Feb. 23: 1 CP) British officials at Bermuda yesterday termed as "utter nonsense" a report that armed British marines had boarded a Pan-American Airways clipper to cn force removal of mall for British Planes I Over Germany One Side Savs They Are Success. ! fill The Other Says Not I BERLIN, Feb. 23:(CPt A Berlin communique claimed yesterday that an enemy attempt to fly over Germany had failed. A British plane was brought down over Heligoland, It was claimed. Nevertheless, the British claimed having made successful reconals-sance flights over Austria and Bohemia. Hardrcck, 1.12. Int. Nickel, .44. Kerr Addison, 2.40. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLcod Cockshutt, 2.08. Madscn Red Lake, .44. McKenzle Red Lake, 157. Moneta, .73. Noranda, 73.25. Pickle Crow, 3.00. Preston East Dome, 2.10. ;San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon, .98. Uchl, .80. Bouscadlllac, .04 Vi-Mosher, .08. Oklend, .08. Smelters Gold, .01 2. Dominion Bridge. 38.25, LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. TONGASS IN TROUBLE The Alaska Transportation Co.'s steamer Tongass, northbound to southeastern Alaska points, struck a drifting log off Cone Island in Finlayson Channel between Milbank and Queen Charlotte Sound and is disabled. Tugs were summoned to the aid of the vessel and the steamer Princess Adelaide stood by, later proceeding. The vessel's tailshaft is broken and the engine room is leaking. The deep sea salvage vessel Salvage King sailed from Victoria early today to assist the Tongass which wasat first reported to be ashore. Man and woman hanged MONTREAL Achille Grandin and his wife. Marie Louise Clou-tier, were hanged at Montreal jail today for the murder in August 1937 of the woman's first husband, Villemond Borchu. SANTA ANITA DERBY LOS ANGELES Sweepida won the sixth running yesterday of the mile and one-eighth S30.000 San- ta Anita Derby. Royal Crusader was second and Weigh Anchor third. It was an upset victory, Sweepida being a 30 to 1 shot. The hore paid $C8, $60. $20 and S10, Royal Crusader SJ3 and 313 and Weigh Anchor, S6.60. ON BANK BOARD (VTT AW A Austin C. Taylor of Wnctuver has-been -Appointed. director of the Bank of Canada. SPIES ARRESTED AMSTERDAM Twenty-two alleged German spies have been ar rested in Holland. Similar arrests in Belgium are reported. Unidentified war planes flew over Holland yesterday and were fired upon. NA7J FORAYS AGAIN LONDON Nail planes resumed forays in raids on the east coast today, one plaAe being reported off Essex and another off Norfolk. The first plane was reported, without confirmation, to have been shot down by antiaircraft fire. Fighters pursued a second. A third bomber flew low over Sunderland. " RITES IN OLD LAND London, Aldershot and Edinburgh Pay Final Tribute to Tweedsmulr LONDON, Feb. 23: (CP) There were three memorial services for the late Lord Tweedsmulr, Governor General of Canada, yesterday. In Westminster humble citizens mingled with the nation's great. The Lord Chamberlain represented the King at the rites which were also attended by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and members of his cabinet, Lord Baldwin, the former Premier, Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, former Prime Minister of Canada, and Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian High Commissioner. Favorite hymns of Lord Tweedsmulr "I Vow to Thee, My Country" and "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" were sung. Also present was Lord Tweedsmuir's second son, an officer of the staff of the First Canadian Division and successor to the baronetcy. The First Canadian Division had military service at Aldershot. In Edinburgh a service was held at St. Giles Cathedral. The Department or Transport announces In a notice to mariners that the Rose Spit gas and whistle NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER BOMBINGS IN LONDON Further Incidents Laid At Door ' Of Irish Republican Army : LONDON, Feb. 23: CP t There were further bomb explosions In London yesterday attributed to activities of the Irish Republican Army. Twelve persons were injured In the busy Oxford Street shopping area. At Marble Arch there was an explosion in a men's lavatory but no one was Injured. 1 i AMERICANS ; ARE FREED Harold E. Dahl, Whose Case Be-j came Notorious, Freed By Franco ; Government In Spain ' MADRID. Feb. 23: CPi The United States embassy announced today that the last eight American citizens held as Spanish civil war prisoners had been released. The grouo included Harold E. Dahl. American aviator, whose cas received wide publicity when his wife got General Franco to snare him from execution by writing a letter with her photograph enclosed. Dahl was captured while serving for the Spanish loyalists. HEROES IN OLD LONDON Men of Ajax and Exeter Entertain, ed by Lord Mayor and Hear Churchill LONDON. Feb. 23: t CP) Seven hundred and seventy heroes from UMS. Ajax and H.M.S. Exeter, I home after the battle in which the ! German battleship Admiral Graf! Spee was so badly damaged that she scuttled herself, were entertained at a Lord Mayor's banquet In the, guild hall today. Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admir alty, and the captains of the Ajax-. and Exeter were speakers. Paying tribute to the olficers and men of the Ajax and Exeter, Mr. Churchill said that Great Bri-1 tain had lost nearly three thousand men in sea warfare and he described the Graf Spee victory as "almost a relief." Mr. Church-in said that naval auxiliary ves sels now totalled about 1700 and I i the number was increasing rapidly. He said that the rescue of merchant seamen from the German prison ship Altmark proved that "the long arm of British sea power can be stretched out not only for foes but for faithful friends." j The banquet followed a great parade through London. " ! The men of the warships were given heroes' welcome. Cinema houses were thrown open to them. Fifty Women Are Signed Up; More, However, Needed Approximately fifty Prince Rupert women have already signed up In the British Columbia Women's Service Club but more recruits are still needed and the execuUve of the club has, therefore, decided that recruiting will continue for two meetings one tonight and another ion March 1. Mrs. G. Wharton, the organizer. Is still confident that the women of Prince Rupert will rea pond to the appeal for support at buoy, northeast of Overfall Shoal the time of national emergency. Col. on the Queen Charlotte Islands, has s. D. Johnston, officer command J broken away from Its moorings and ing the Prince Rupert garrison will not be replaced until further area, has consented to the use of notice. 0 the Armory for drill purposes. Tomorrows Tides High '1:54 ajn. 22.8 ft. 14:04 pm 23.0 It Low 8:04 am. 3.0 It. 20:26 p-m. 1.1 It. j rxxix no 40. J PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 19 40." price: V cents " " ' " -1 ' " "J L 1 Allied Blockade Being Extended iteps Taken To Prevent Russia Both On North and South From Giving Assistance to Germany jrcad of War Both Directions is Being Risked Other ations PrcparniB to lict in Reports of Russo-British Conflict Unconfirmed ISTANBUL, Turkey, February 23: (CP) The Russian steamship Svanetia was stopped and searched by a British cruiser near the southern entrance of the Dardanelles, it was learned today. Italian freighters were also searched in the first such general British action in these waters. COPENHAGEN. February 23: (CP) Allied war TRAWLER IS SUNK Bulletins Million Dollar Contract Given Local Dry Dock TWO MINE SWEEPERS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT YARD HERE WILL GIVE WORK TO 400 OR 500 MEN PLANT TO BE OVERHAULED I Word was received today at the office of Olof Hanson that the contract had been signed at Ottawa whereby two new type mine sweepers will he built in the Canadian National Railways dry dock at Prince Rupert at a cost of some $1,-250,000. Canadian Press and special dispatches received by the Daily News, confirmed the announcement. The dry dock management itself had not been advised up to shortly before noon but it was expecting word momentarily. It is expected that work will be started almost at once in getting the plant in readiness to handle the work. The work will involve the employment of some five to six hundred men. Adequate facilities for the carrying out of the work already exist including foundry, machine shop and woodworking departments. Overhaul of wharves and other parts of the plant would be required but this could be speedily effected. The vessels would be built in the same berths where the old C.G.M.M. boat$ Canadian Scottish and Canadian Britisher were built twenty years ago. Special framework, as then, would have to be erected. It is estimated that it would take about three months to get the plant in readiness for the carrying out of the work. Construction of the two mine sweepers would be carried out simultaneously and would probably take eight or nine months. WORK FOR OTHER B.C. YARDS Canadian Press dispatches said that additional contracts, amounting to more than $8,000,000, had been awarded to British Columbia shipbuilders for the construction of fourteen mine sweepers. This was revealed in Vancouver shipping circles. Burrard Dry Dock representatives said that two of the vessels would be built at Prince Rupert in the Canadian National Railways dry dock. The Burrard company and North Vancouver Ship Repairs Ltd. had each been allotted six vessels. Previous contracts, amounting to $6,000,-000, had been awarded Vancouver and Victoria firms for constructing submarine chasers. H.M.S. Achilles In New Zealand Ship Which Participated in Battle With Graf Spee is Given Great Reception WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb. 23: (CP There were scees of great enthusiasm Here, today when H. M. S. Achilles, which par ticipated recently In the battle pff the coast of Uraguay, which re sulted In the destruction of the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, arrived here. Weather Forecast snow in the Interior. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh shifting winds, mostly easterly, showery with not much change In temperature. Judge W. E, Fisher sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. I Conservatives i Consider Fight Local Executive Meets to Discuss Possibility of Entering Federal Election Contest To consider the possibility of running a candidate at the forthcoming federal election, the executive of the Prince Rupert Conservative Association held a meeting last night but arrived at no definite dc-cesion In the matter. R. W. Cam- eron, president of the Association, was In the chair. a-. j (Artillery Fire presslon off Vancouver Island is' Kiif ( llnPT'WKA ' Front Is Quiet PARIS, Feb. 23; (CP)-The Western Front was qulettoda except for artillery fire. Twelve French prisoners were rcportedto hiive been taken by the enemy.