PAor four Expert Optica! Service Watch Clock and Jcwelcry Repairing, Hand EnjraTinr. CHAS. I)OI)IMEAI) Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest in eye-wear Thone ?61 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STOKE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived The Latest in Novelty Jeweler? for Ladies" Summer Frocks Don't Forget Mothers' Day Sunday, May 12th WATCH OUR WINDOWS Ketchikan Man Is Victim Of Heart Attack ssiHPwiHsBsiiHHBBsiiBH you Canada At War 25 Years Ago KBTCHIKAN. May 9:-Clifford R ' MaJ 9' ,1915TA f1"8 Mossburg. aRed 3 died here thls? ea5t YP in Artota. German oc- week of a heart ailment after a week's Illness. cupied Ub on the BalUc & j the east, Russia's right wing, re- treated 30 miles in Western OallcU; FUNDS FROM JAMAICA LONDON, May 9.' (CP) Effle. Lady Selsdon, has received $224.73 from Jamaica towards her comforts fund for searchlight unitk The money was subscribed by West ' Indians in Jamaica. lliiortalnri IT0 BUY YOUR 1940 REFRIGERATOR KELVINATOR gives you full 6U cubic foot size capacity . . . quality backed br America's oldest maker of electric refrigerators ... a price that's just as low as what you mieht pay elsewhere for a last years model. Look at the features you get! Over 11 sq. ft. of shelf space . . Cold storage tray . . . Automatic lisht ... 2 extract freezing shelves ... the Tclarsphere sealed unit, that "ses current less than 20(of tlic time, and has sufficient capacity to keep 5 refrigerators cold, under average household conditions. Come see this great Kelvin-ator. Look over the entire 1910 Ktlvlnator line. We'll give you a free book "The 1910 Refrig erator Guide" to. help rnne a refricerator. KELVINAT0RS are BIGGER FOR LESS MONEY From $189.50 Dp on Easy Terms at McRae oros. MacKenzie's Furniture LA SALLE CHESTERFIELD SUITES KILARNEY CHESTERFIELD SUITES In latest covering. Guaranteed for the Rest" of your life Eav terms, no Interest charged. Call and sec them! I'hone "73 I jBaBaBJBJBBJBaBaBaBaBaBaBJ sV 'BBsl SBV BJSJt 1910 .Model (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 '4 Can Ride for Price of One i TODAY'S STOCKS (CtourtMy 0. D. Jotmntoa Do.) j Vancouver Big Missouri, .09. Bralorne, 9.90. Cariboo Quartz, 2.50. Dentonla, ..eft;. Falrview. .Ol.'i. Gold Belt. .23. Hedley Mascot, .40. Mlnto, .023;. ; Noble Five. .00 tf." Pacific Nickel, .03. Pend Orielle, 1.70. Prnr. 2 30. Premier. 1.12. Privateer,' .55, Reeves McDonald, .18. Reno. .25." Relief Arlington.. M. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Crek, 1.05." Cariboo Hudson -04U. Oils A. P. Con., .14. . Calmont, JOVj. C St E., 1.81. Freehold, .02i. Home, 2.40. .. Pacalta, .04. -Royal Can;, .n Okalta, 1.0. Mercury,' .05 Prairie "RdyaltfesilS. Toronto Aldermac, .25. Beattle, "1.01. Central Pat, 2.11. Cons. Smelters', 38.00. Eait Malartlc, 3.35. Fernland, .03. FrancoeurJS. Oods- Lake.. .37. ' Hardroeki; .92. Int., Nickel,. 38.25. Kerr Addison. 2.37. Little Long Lac, 2.55. M.od Cockshutt; 1.85. Ma'dsen Red Lake, .39. McKenzlc 'Red Lake. 1.18. Morieta. M. NorandaV 8? 75. Pickle Crow. 3.10. Preston East" Dome. 2.10. San Antonio, 2.20. Sherrltt Oordon, 191. Uchl, 33. Bouscadlllac. .03. Mosher, .05. , Oklend, ,044. Smelters Gold. MV. Dominion Bridge, 31.75. pLASS; FOR STITCHES TOLEDQr Ohio. May 9 glas comparfy here reports -TIbsbbbbbI -1 . i THE DAILY NSW 3 thuridi so; light swell. MADE IN VANCOUVER TODAY'S WEATHER omcter. 38.10 lrlsing; temperature.- ometer. 30.10; temperature, 53; lieht xu11 Wlfm Aeed PERSONAL LOAN? mmwm MsSfJiViisa en ii wtj Then follow the modern business crirtiri? ipplj for a bank loan at the Banlc of Kfrt.l - - WM ersontl loans of from $25 to $100 and up mij be repaid in monthly instalments. A small charge only is made for the use of the money. There is no other cost to the borrower. You can obtain a folder on "Personal Loans," giv) ing full particulars, at any branch of this bank. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1B17 yt lank iaAu Imall acauudi au tmlooma!" Prince Rupert liranch: F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager Stewart Branch II. V. LITTLER, Manafer ""'''BBBBWBSfBaaaSVSe COAL Anaimo Wellington! alberta sootless bulkley valley Albert and McCaf f ery Ltd. lie PHONE 117 '''"SSoER'MEL0DRAMA ' (Continued trom Page One' JjP 4 rp twj TT iIuIlI U IV City nowerlne someone other than Itself .-. ioici vlth warrelv a mur- - ..r hrrt in th, land or even in aW Niven and Olivia de llaviland Parliament. At the same time, au- Are .Starred In Mystery thorny and functions of the oourts Picture "Raffles" were also delegated In som In-, stances to Individual or boards. With Dajld Nlven playing the Much toil and not a little blood part of the sauve and dapper had been spent in bringing slowly gentleman crook who. although a into being a polity wherein the society favorite and champion on people made their laws and lnde- the cricket field, cannot resist the pendent Judges administered them, lure of living the life of an ad-Parliament had repeatedly . In the venturer in crime, the exciting ia nrtopn viar demented the au- mysiery-melodlama "nffl" . DA DTIQTF 'Prpmacy of Par,lamnt and under-, the feature offering on the screen mw m (mined the rule or law oy eoniernntj me uapiioi Theatre here to- Judicial powers upon person or. "'Km and tomorrow. When he bodies other than the court, this fans in love and become en- having the effect of closing ordln- gaged to Olivia de Havlland. play iirii In lh Individual Ilia ini M.irf nf Ik. jLordshlp cited instances of Vhere; school chum, Raffles de- uua i la u urrii uuiic. iiiniuviiiUK v stive ulj iiih intdt iirsk rr r . V Ui such legislation as the Special Pow- crime. Unexpected event, however, era Act. "blank check" measure Intervene and he U forced to focus Prince RuDert-Ralnlng. wester-' ana marxeung acu. tasted rep re- - "Hn on the famous emer- smTMIvM nr lh nmn i nun m neCKlari nf on i .1 - ly wind, four miles per hour; oar- 7 ' T " r- , oow- . . ometer. 30.04 (ristngiV temperature, f atpd he du they ere elte fd W. Dame May Whuty. who ln- 50-sea smooth ( mj pcnorm. inrj nao isw utcr w ner country etate Triple island- Showery, south-' , V' VnZ" Znr manjr 'x' that surely the Fathe , u a Mttj. .east wind, fourteen mile per hour; I light chop. irrauon naa never comcropiuica. rnuing io me storv. r. jusuce Sanson inen wni r on, prominent members Lanara Island- Part cloudv. off I southeast wtadive miles per hour; 1 to. a e T? T, Udy 11 !barometr. 29.93: temperature. 40: ntlnUtralkm of Justice hearing f E. rv. Clive. Peter Oodfrey. Douglas fsea smooth. 01 emence- cro - examiruuoo. 'Mn. Hltcheock and Llon- , Dead Tre Point- Part cloudy. hTrtnW,.e southeast wind, five mile oer hour: "e right of appeal. FaUure to pre-; Much of , the action . take pUCe essentiau led to the me week-end 52: on a oeautl .barometer. 29 99- temperature lmrW- 32. 'light sweU bureaucratic despot which, as a re-i'u' country estate In England i BuU Harbor-Overcast, southwest 8U,t, 'Jhc T01 Uing M Irvd. fifteen miles ner hour! bar. " , , . nnniif nmrfal a ruiiv ui "When Parliament asserted the speaker In ronrlntwvn pass with .L " "V wr" inp f n . legislation. legislation, declared the iuds -on -""--cy ana we " uij wincmi. jsuuiimrst : - - Know it nun .- -i i . . ... wind, fifteen miles ner hour- har. maJr -nd how many members i... 7. """ra. 10 - v..t.l.j u - !. . . . -"vj uiciiu uuinn ft hrin. they are really doing. How much . Ia U 1 la l 1 . A Clllf ' "in WC afford tft orwnlln... , ' permu our courU to be under ' cvan-uiouay. soutneast wind, " ,K :r " w mined? Can afford .,. we i Ins done to permit fifti r v . in thU rerect bv thlr ? victoria Cloudy easterlv wind 'u'" 'jcr nave reeogntzed t,. i.hjl. ' itAn miu. vl..! - that It la the rule or mrnL. nf ."n:ileon M presided over "w"' ncr x a. Hunter, the lhe aw 4dmIntatefed by Tln-' predent. who van,rv,i. u .cnt Judges, that Is the bau of .it 1. appreciation to the ' Uttlon,.ourconUtuUonaIllbertlesand.M 'or. OuesU. ! twi .ill.. . . Ithi. ehirapirriin, f iv,. lufl w J"ae. were W O. rul. i ucurgB uiouay. north-kn.HV"7.--"-7" M ion. Gordon Fraser w n v.7. west wind, two mile whlcn-above a- nak J-'ometPr. per hour; bar-!nfUtUt,01n R. A ' Creech D D c C McR" u.n.. . that!e'? nl 0- 8. an is constltuUon wuiuuHun admired aamirea inroucn- through. n..i . ... nni iv,. iinJ ,j - "-"" wi Vancouver I; I", ;.A.rD"ra!yl Next Wednlav the arrn ..k CP)-A . geons .111.1.1 are using ... glass thread for .J nie mm despotUm and there U ,.L IZlPjM , IlinrhMln i rfSfU,ar nMJ t- monthly . . bus- aur- ouicxung wounfls and Incision. "nger. u a method of adminlatra- ir ,7. . " u,c er live jaw. which is Mifnuatw . " "nc. " ""...T.i minuter v of have '"n to Stewart. wUl be naraiy-won Jlbrue liberties which which taken centuries to establish may bo lost. Even In tlmp nf war ti . ,k.j " m MlUlilU consideration and under dire necessity. Tradition on Principle "Democracy Is a traditlon-a tradition founded upon a principle of individual liberty " TIIK OLII GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different riant Food Contains Vitamin Rl The new remarkable plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential element or.a teady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 2Jc ... Yh?Ie,ale Distributor . II. Malkin Co. IP.ILi i.i CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM MATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Ralhs Mrs. C. E. Illack, Proprietress THE SEAL ' QUALITY j'lr''1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest n. Pink Salmon racked by tbs only salmon eannlnf company with an all ths year round payroll in Prince Rupert . . lessness U greatlv extendi .h. """" memoer of the Llglsla- A THIEF! Hut Not Sncak-Thicf PUYIIOY ItAFKLES Gloved crook i , fi " "lc of Samuf, r thowminthin orr... of diamond, ftt; V 3 t WARWICK lll( nilhl .. na,.er ,ma,fur -red by ,0mfn tVXtarrlnr Ik men . . lnd f Scotland Yard, &tnnl iMKiiiinmfni' SAMUEL ROLDlfTi The Mutf . e . T l; "rl"U Yu The Mailer of All cmsdf. Dramai RAFFLES DAVID NIVEN OLIVIA DEHAVILLAND (At 7 U and II i: KXTRA ADDLD 3IAKCII OK UMl lf fenl . America's Youth 19 srouTucin "Hiintlnn the Hounds' JiTTijinio stum "Hcrcs IlaP Latest Ncw rn( TONIGHT kW) 2 Sho.i Nit hilt V.H k Y.W not Invade the " safeguard of our 'oooooooooooooo 1 constitution constitution until until aftr aftr due due con-! i "UUo000oouooootnAowoooooooooo9oooocoocoo BOX CAMERAS MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-4" x 2 1-4" SPECIAL $1.30 Ormes Ltd. 3t Pioneer Druq&isU I The Reiall Store Pnonei gl b u $ Open Dallr from K a.m. in io nm. 5 g Sundays and Holidays from It to 2 p.m. and jj 2 7 to 9 p.m. o K ft S t 000000060000000000000H00DcH300OCHO0r0O06eKKOoooo Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL nulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 5S8 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 80 Rooms HotfttfcldWster Prlnct Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 T.O. Cox W