Spurned By Labor Chieftains; Liberals Take Same Attitude Minister is Agreeable to Making Sweeping .Minis- PPpMIftft try Changes Hut Does Not Intend to Step 1 IVLiITlilHV iy Tourists ling North la ' - pay Down Himself ON DON, May U: (CP) Prime Minister Neville ibcrSain attempted to form a coalition government t- own leadership todav but. annarentlv. failed. v.a. reported auinoruaiiveiy mai Element iuiee, pfujcniatlves of the k uld not enter a gov-wiuch he ( Chamber - r-ood that Opposition t rd the same attitude. : irs report that Cham- agreed to make sweep- hangej but has a ban-. ate action over his in uuieas he is forced Y WILL m OVER O0ADS 1f That Some Move Rannrd In Ocrmany Ow Whitsuntide Ittt. May 9: (CP) It h V reported that Ihe Oer- K-r t; taklnc command irvi rallroailt orrr e"k end. Fir days FZ i has been ursine (ier- la travel over the M!!de holiday. Now pla- Ue been pnttcd saying phi schedules cannot be Alaska tourist by the number of bie to handle It. This ' ad statement Is rc-P'fr Lakle. C. N. TX. 'H;ht and passenger, f "turned to the city) ii ii trip io vancou-i ii.j.. ; . i iiiisKn ooau arc al- b' l up almost complctc- " wr Ukle. J t :unst traffic on the lo-between Vancouver and Rupert and ver the railway ; to the Queen Charlotte ' nlsO rnnlpmnlninrl ,ni Pe Dado Is ked To Meet e Pancho 1 ANdRCO. Mav 0 . I.HMn Prnizcd as the world's fly- !r a (in f bout on "vinimmm Jutic 24 111 a"V:rn ...tit. tut a AnBele: It is flnnn,.ni.r.ri More Men Called Up In Britain LONDON. May 9: CP King George signed a procla- CONTROL - j malum at uuckingnam raiace today making men from twenty -seven to thlrty-slx year of age liable for military service, bringing the total of those sub I ret to call un to an eftlnfated 2506.000 me. A further two million had al- ready been called from men between nineteen and twenty seven years of age BUSINESS Two Rills in Connection With Oil I Industry Introduced at Special Session of Legislature TO STAY AT HELM: . trader, and Arthur Greenwood, deputy leader, told pr(ee.n! I"?l,"l,,n Is That cha"-, rx;r Minister in a conference at No. 10 Downing Quietly Adjourns LONDON, May 9: CP With Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Indicating that it was his de cision to remain in office as leader Commons, after a period following two stormy days of debate over the Norwegian campaign which culminated In last night's division sustaining the government by a narrow margin of eighty-one votes, adjourned today until May 21 for the Whitsuntide holiday. The government reiter ated its willingness to have Par ha ment called back immediately In ; ' i u.. it.. lau nloht nn th tprhnlral mntlnn I oi uie government, the House of hu Chamberlain said there would be the opportunity afler May 21 to dls- cuss the war. ! It U considered possible that) Prime Minister Chamberlain mnv ' submit a technical resignation on: the understanding that he would . Immediately be called back as head of the government. Such a step would lead to a reconstruction of the cabinet to meet the demand for a more aggressive war effort. The Prime Minister, before the session opened today, gave up his' customary morning walk In favor of a conference with Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax whose name mm quarter! It is VICTORIA. May 9: (CP)-Under as well as that of Rt. Hon. Winston 0 many 1 ready to two bills Introduced at the special Churchill as been menUoned as a iv whenever and sttsion of the Legislature which possible successor In the Prime Allies may deckle to opened yeatcrday Ihe government Ministership. is permitted to enter the gasoline As Mr. Chamberlain entered the y.iale summoning distributing business and to seize House he was cheered fcy govern-ruiors. the property of any one In the oil ment supporters. Labor members i nis in Oreat Bri- Industry who refuses or falls to pro-.refrained from any demonstrations "i m Berlin to pre- vide an adequate supply of any pe- of their feelings, rnnvi. hv Mi Aiiw ' irniiim nroduct to the nubile at a After the vote had been taken I pnet JlAfU uy wic u vvitvivi - - ...-.., 1 board. which the Prime Minister had The first bill was Introduced by a8"d ne would regard as a lack the Premier who described as "In- confidence vote, there were tolerable" action of oil companies houU from the Opposition benches In suspending deliveries last month or -uesigni uovernment support ..ik.. ti.. n..i,nt n thru nl rur ris tmcifu unu iiuic uriianuia i lamci uidii autft ...... , ... , ... . . Innswpr .p-oiinn nrw rut , was sung. as me rrime Minister.--" . Tne seizure Dili Death Penalty For Subversion 4 Wet Coast of Vancouver IV.and -Frerh southeast winds, part c'.oudy and mild with showers. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Veather Forecast Tomorrow's T ides 2 'i, Fresh easterly wludi, High ..... 2:32 a .ml 21.0 ft. 1 and mild with occasional 15:24 p.m. 18.4 ft. Low 9:18 a jn. 2.9 ft. 21:14 psn. 7.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL tmiTlS'n COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1910. PRICE: ft CENTS ails To Form Coalition Gov't Overtures Or Chamberlain Are i: LONDON. May 9: 4 CP) Death penalty for "grave cases of espionage and sabot- aee" Is orovlded for in a series pf measures presented to the House of Commons to- day by the Home Secretary. Sir John Anderson, who said that steps were urgently re- quired to combat "fifth col- umn" activities and subversive propaganda. Four amend- ments werT presented to strengthen the hands -cf the authorities aealnst treacherv from within. W.flipr Forecast General 8yno-ls The pressure raw'ns low off the British Colum- quiet question mild and unvltlrrl Jn all Aaet NO MARTIAL LAW AS YET Reports in Regard to Turkey Are Officially Denied by Government ANKARA, May 9. The Turkish government officially denies reports emanating from German sources that martial law has been declared in Turkey. Authority has beta iv-en for a state cf siege In ve of uie International sUtuta tut it nxi-not as yet been put Into force. Mother Widow Has Triplets BLACKBURN, England. May 9: (CP) Mrs. Edith Reay, 36. who has given birth to triplets, two girls and a boy. now has 12 children, including twins. Her eldest child is 16. The triplets, are healthy and the mother is making good progress. Her husband, John William Reay, who Joined the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps after the outbreak of war. died six weeks ago when home on leave. MR. JUSTICE MANSON SEES DEMOCRACY IN DANGER BY Sfif4fi','i?TiDi: a nrc a-ttp- Tcumcwrire members of the government1 tltude would depend upon clrcum-.A Invasion giving the gov-'anl stealthy has been going Prince Rupert ,, nnm similar to those will be limited In provided for in the public utilities ot act, was Introduced by the Attorn cy General, Hon. Oordon Wlsruer. REPORT IS NOT TRUE walked out. there were further Resign " "Go " Final speaker for the government before the vote was taken yesterday First Lord of the Admiralty Wln-'ston Churchill admitted that deficiency in the air would prevent I the Allies from taking any Initiative I in the meantime. Tills condition might last for some Ume. He denied that the administration had i overridden experts of the navy In Washington Denies Peace Plan Was regard to the campaign against Presented to Mussolini Who Trondhelm. All had been agreed Turned it Down on the Indirect rather than the dl- . rect attack. He took full share of WASHINGTON, D.C., May 9. It i personal responsibility, however, was officially denied today that I Press Wants Change President Franklin D. Roosevelt had I The press appears to be agreed submitted a European peace plan to that reorganization of the war cab-Prcmler Benito Mussolini of Italy 'lnct Is necessary. The Times de-and that It had been flatly reject-! plored that the Labor party should ed by II Duce. Tomorrow night the have forced the division on Parlla-Presldent will make a speech which! ment. This, It claims, had not been jmay reveal something of Import- the most efficacious way of obtam- ance in regard to United States ;ing "ircncnani reorganization w foreign policy. , ; thc government which it agreed was 1 necessary. The Herald said that the Ni:W YORK WHKAT I Norwegian campaigln had but "capped a mountain of errors" and NEW YORK, May 0: (CP) - Wheat futures were ac to ,c low-1 Joined In the appeal for a reorgan-er on the New York market today . nation of the cabinet with new with blood- The News-Chronlcle assert- September at $1.04',. Real Principles Should Not He Lost Skht of in Changing Age Supremacy of Parliament and Rule of Law "First we must fight to win the present war but later we may have to fight again to preserve in our own country the principles of democracy for which not a little blood has-been shed in the past but against which a stealthy invasion has been going on even in our own country," de-Iclared Mr. Justice A. M. Manson in an address before the .... i .1. prince Club -. .-- Rupert Gyro yesterday HUNGARY EVASIVE Does Not Give Great Britain Direct Answer In Regard To Moving Nail Troops BUDAPEST, May 9: (CP) Great Britain Is reported in diplomatic quarters to have asked the Hungarian government to state its attitude toward any German move BLOCKADE GREEK COAST ATHENS British submarines are reported to have established a blockade In the Aesean Sea off the Greek coast. ed that the vote Indicated the government commanded the confidence neither of Parliament or the country. While the vote was In Its favor, everybody knew It was not really a victory for the government, the Manchester Guardian declared. Labor members In the corridors felt it was a moral defeat for the government, particularly the Prime Minister. A general feeling appears to be that Mr. Chamberlain will eventually be forced to resign and that a new national government, Including Laborltes and Opposition Liberal representation, will be formed. One hundred and fifty-one Conservatives did not vote In yesterday's division. Many of these were away on military service.- Others abstained from Voting. on the subject of "The Supremacy of Parliament and the Rule of the Law." Society today has been geared to a new high. Judge Manson said, a high far beyond anything contemplated a century ago. The result had been social, political and economic Jitters a splendid foundation for a'general breakdown. Two concrete results had emerged. A "take a chance age" had developed and traditions were being thrown In the waste paper basket. Democracy was old enough to have become a tradition. "We are In the midst of a war to maintain to send troops through Hungary, democracy but are we sure that ' we Informants said that Premier knft what . M,. RMEu-tttek had. reI.us5la MWiWi saying maw ls stronff PvWpnr( ,hat. W.B rf nnf jon and we seem content to let it' (continue. I "One might give many definitions of democracy. From a political1 standpoint it suffices to say that It ' means the erection of a state which will maintain and preserve the liberties of the individual liberty or religion, of thought, of speech, of the press. That involves the maintenance of Justice a state to serve' the people as distinguished from a! ' state that rules and regiments and where the people serve the state." British Democracy J Judge Manson traced the evolu-l Uon of British democracy through the centuries. First there had been ' the King in his courts of Justice, second, the King In council and third the King In Parliament. Under the modern democraUc system It was for the legislative bodies to make the laws and for the courts to administer them. "In the British Commonwealth of Nations we live under 'The Supremacy of Parliament and the Rule of Law.' Parliaments in recent years, however, had on Increasingly frequent occasions derogated, temporarily at least, from Its legislative function by em- (ConHnued on Pago Four) German Convoys Are Successfully Hit By Great Britain's Navy One German Ship Sunk and Another Destroyed While Others Are Damaged Air Bases Raided Enemy Plane Down North of Scotland LONDON, May 9: (CP) The Admiralty today announced the sinking of a German ship, the destruction of another and hits on a number of others in convoy by German submarines. The Admiralty said that in an attack on one convoy ten enemy ships and six torpedoes had found . .-' . their mark. Six hits were made on In Control Of Narvik LONDON, May 9: (CP) First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill announced last night that the British forces are In control of the northern Norway iron port of j Narvik. No British warships have been withdrawn from 1 - GARNER DROPS OUT WASHINGTON Garner presidential forces now concede that a third term nomination for President Roosevelt at the Chicago convention is a foregone conclusion if he will take it. Talk of a Roosevelt-Garner ticket is heard. Others who have been inclined to oppose the President are also accepting the view that no one can possibly beat Roosevelt for the nomination. KOIIT IN PARIS PARIS Foreign Minister Koht of Norway is in Paris and has conferred With Premier Reynaud and other French authorities in regard to the campaign against the German invasion in Norway, 33 to 26. 19 to 11. Thc half time score was APPEALS TO I.R.A. DUBLIN President Eamonn de Valera today made a fervent appeal against further Irish Republican Army activities. - If disorders continued, civil war might ensuo, making tht country an easy prey for Invasion. 4 1 another convoy and two on a third. j Further raids have been made by 1 Royal Air Force on German air bas-les in Norway and Denmark. Off the north of Scotland British J anti-aircraft fire brought down a German combat plane. :.FACTS AND .a. he area. The Admiralty an- Premier nounces that six naval trawl- . ers were lost In the recent j Allied wjdrawal from., the TrcndheitB area". NorWgliris J NOT WORDS Mussolini Says Actions Will Speak Henceforth Indi- , cates No Immediate Change In Policy v are reoonea w nave surprised t and dispersed a detachment of ROME, May 9: (CP) Speaking 4 Garmans laying bombs on the t:'r a balcony today to 80,000 ' Narvik railway. Germans are fascist followers In the celebra- reported routed from a moun- tlon ot Army and Empire Day, ta$n stronghold. Premier Benito Mussolini said that "only facts" would break his self- imposed silence on the European i war. He told his listeners to ac-' 'custom themselves to his silence. Bulletins RUSSO-JUGOSLAV PACT BELGRADE Russia and Jugoslavia last night reached a trade asreement with farreachin; implications including recognition at last of the Soviet government by Jugoslavia. A Jugoslavia military mission is leported to be leaving soon for Moscow as a result of which there may be a military alliance providing for cooperation in the Balkans, possibly with the Allies. Only by actions would he henceforth .speak. He said, however, to the massed assemblage that Italy's policy of non-belligerency remained unchanged until there was some new development in the con-Hlct. Meanwhile the Italian press, Including official newspapers, rail aalnst Great Britain and France,. SITUATION IS EASIER Although Suspense Still Exists in Lowlands Further Precautions Taken AMSTERDAM, May 9: (CP) Intense military preparations, accompanied by partial suspension of communications with the outside world again last night, continue to keep Holland in a state of suspense although tension both In Holland and Belgium may be said to have relaxed to some extent following statements In Berlin denying reports that two German columns were converging on the Dutch frontier, a reliable New Xorlc source having given this as the cause of unusual precautions. German authorities explained that crack Nazi armies had been stationed for months along the Dutch and Belgian frontiers not with the inten- MAI'LE LEAFS WIN tlon of invading the lowlands but MONTREAL Vancouver Maple to guard against an Allied Invas- Leafs defeated Young Men's lie- ,ion of the Reich, brew Association last nfcht in the j Further special defence measures first game of the Canadian senior j have, however, been invoked in Hol- basketball finals, the score being land, including the barring of all foreign commercial air services, meaning Germany's because no others have been operating; the placing of civilian air facilities under military control and the arrest of more suspicious characters. There was no confirmation of a report published In the London Dally Star that prominent Dutchmen had gone to Berlin to discuss German demands,