4." PAGE TWO THE DAILY NETS Good Turn-out . For Drill Of Defence Corps M en s Slippers Itave you seen' our new designs in Men'si comfqrti welts and soft soled slippers by "Foot Guards". Slippers you can walk down town in and feel dressed up. We will be pleased to show them to you. Family shoe store ltD The. Home' of Good, Shoes EDITORIALS Work Of Air Force - - - While the Germans have been destroying British" homes' rand killing British people .including women and children, the British have been bending their energies to disruntint? German, industrial life and Dreventing the 'man . . i o " : . France Could Not Take It - - - France has taken a good deal from the Germans. She! has ben divided up and humiliated in such a manner as Has Sold Out His Mine In Dawson Area Glllls Rbyer, who returned this week from the Yukon, says at the Al 1 tAll lU. (.till tit, A ' south in a few days to Harrison I Lake. He expects to return north in the spring. Roosevelt And LaGuardia Meet NEW YORK, NOV. 20. President ume iic kh uiwir wcic Franklin D. Roosevelt and Major dredges work ng and they wffl likely lF1orella auaxdla met here yester-(farry until close to Christmas on t ..,,, (n,nt HofD. ,k. Unless the freeze-up should ccme ,ems on both Atantlc and paclflc earner . , icoastsl The meeting followed the r. Koyernassmu ou v, mil 'S!return of LaGuardia from a trip toi property about rixty miles from, the Pacific coast Irt his capacity as! Dawson close to - the Alaska bound- chalrman of the Jolnt defence com. ary where heunderstands a dredge misslon of the Dnlted statC3 is to be Installed. ! Canada. ' He would 'have remained' In- the j. north for the winter only he wtnted If you want something, adver-to vlsie the hot springs for a time tlse for it. Hundreds bH people get for his health He will be going what they want that way. (tf ) INSPECTION INV1TEI) "The .Most Beautiful- Fur Goats Which have-come to- this town' - AlUsiites and' styles'. Don't delay GOLDBLOOM . . The Old" Reliable-Remember Your Credit Is Good NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Froprietor "A HOME AWAt fRCW up SO Roonw Hot & Cold Water- Prthc Rupert; B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 191 1 fifty and sixty at the weekly drill last night of the Canadian Legion Defence Corps. Regimental Sergeant Major J. Simpkin of the Irish Fusiliers was, as usual, in charge. Mutual instruction drill was one of- the features of-ihe evening. Interest in the Canadian Legion Defence Corps continues to be well sustained. Reach ten thousand' people with a "want ad " in the Daily News. DOUBLE lo1c Blue 667. WANTED FOR KENl WANTED Young preferred. -ji. Experience not essential, mc ti j i :lrv,f c war. This camnaitm is beirinnintr to tell. Yesterday's - despatches told of partial destruction of the Krupp works! wanted at Essen but that is onlv a small part of the work done by ' Rupert Hotel; Chambermaid. (272) Prince (2741 the Royal Air Force. It broke up the invasion effort by wanted z or 4 room apartment bombinrr the boats and barires (Fathered at the various by December l. Box 43, Daily ports with the object of crossing to England. It also has 1 New bombed troop concentrations and has carried the war into : Traltf hv in fpvf Armor with rhp mjinnfarriirp nf nirnlanes nnrl van FOR SALE s munitions at Italian industrial centres. Other places visited regularly have been the North African bases, sonje of which .have not been repaired since their destruction by the British planes. Greece has also received valuable aid from the Royal Air Force. .Largest Ship Hit Til bombing of Germany's largest ocean liner was an interesting event this week. It was not that the big vessel is much use to Germany in the war although she very well might be made useful if she could get away and was armed. It shows that the British still have a little ammunition left for targets of that kind. Also it shows that nothing in Germany is safe and that each day makes it less safe. If this vessel is not sunk she will some day be handed over to the British. (277) ! I ! WANTED Either furnished or un-i furnished house or suite by Dec. - 15. Apply Box 44, Daily News. 272 FOR RENT Room in Daily News building for office purposes only. Heated. t.f. FOR RENT Furnished room for. gentleman. Phone 631 evenings,) 6:20 to, 7:30. 272) , she could not have exnected. Germanv taupht her that to1 FOR' rent Bedroom, clean andl (272)' FOR RENT 5 room furnished' apartment, apply Box 47, Daily News. (272) FOUND OWNER of grey Stetson hat lost ; night of Legion banquet may obtain it by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertise ment, tf. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, etc. Pour Domlnlon-wlde exams held since war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No agents. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Old well- es tabUshed Calendar House offer good proposition to llyewlra spies-man! Territory Prince Rupert to Prince George and Yellow Head PassrB.a Write Dominion Calendar Co., Truro; Nova Scotia, Canada, (273) LOST LOST- Tweed' purse with zipper fastening. Return to Dally News. (273) Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Rooml Steam Bath and Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress a single thP vir-tnr bplnntr the annils. Then Germanv u-ent rnn- for comfortable. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone,- w.w . - - 1' " .....T IUV 1 and the French could stand it no longer. She is beginning! xa snow tnat sne ueepiy resenis me inuigniiies Drougnt upon- lier: It is said that so outspoken have the French become that the Germans have decided not to release the French prisoners that were taken at the time of the Frencn collapse. mm i iiw i NEW QoUtn Cone RADIO. PHONOGRAPH Thiv toutifa! rmm WMlrt m! nmm Ubl Chm fl.y rifkl 10 rtmJi r 12 mrls cku(U( HOME OIL KEEPS UP Improves Margin in Five Pin Bowling: League With Clean Sweep Victory " 1 Home Oil Monday night scored a. FOR SALE Nash sedan. Inquire ,-- wm virtnrv over Sienals to Empire Baths. 274! Further improve Its hold on first FOR SALE 2 pairs of skates. Sizes P'ace m tne rive nuwiui 7 and 8. Call at 130, 4th Ave. E. League, m omer nxiures up 'won over Armours, Bankers over FOR SALE Household furniture I R0val Canadian Air Force and McClary enamel range Also Pon- philpott-Evitt over Malkin's by tlac sedan. Cheap for cash. Box scores or two to one In each case. 45, Dally News. '275) 1 Allan Landels was high scorer for FOR SALE Household goods. 805 Borden Street. (275) FOR SALE Trolling boat 28 feet long, 10 ILP. engine. Box 46, Dally News. (276) game with 303 while Cy Kellett was the high average scorer with 234. The, game scoring was as follows: Armdur'S1058, 897, 1061. Lipsett's 893, 1103, 1064. Bankers 896.971.104G. Royah Canadian Air Force-'1023, '' 915,963: Home Oil 1034, 997, 1209. Signals 986,987, 1046. i Malkin's 973, 901, 1019, Philpott-Evitt 957.1009. 103. On the basis of winning points, the league standing Is now as lowst Home Oil. 20; R.QA.1?., Liberals Win One By-Election But Lose In Another QUEBEC. Nov. 20: CP The Liberals retained Terrebonne constituency In a by-election yesterday but lost Megantic to Union Skate To Reduce Skatingr Kvery Nlte'7-11 Saturday 2-5 p.ra. Gents 40c Ladies 30c Student 20c Children 7-9 15c IDORA ROLLER RINK B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 12 Reconditioned "typewriters QOO fift TO QfC ftft Of various makes. From $.UU OIO.UU i Connor Washing Machine In good shape. C90 IZft A real snap O.OU 1 Late Beatty Washing Machine QQ9 'TO In perfect condition QO&tOJ 3 4-6 Beds Qld Complete Ql.t.iJV ' 'SSS,,l'rt4 $40.00 TO 850.00 New Furniture 4 End Tables Oft m ( M:: iVXO 12 Coffee Tables All walnut, Off, Qff TO CO CA UtesUtyles . . t.DU ' 3 CHesterfield Tables Walnut, nicely QlfiffA nnlshed tJllf.3U 20' Table ramps of newest Q-f QC TO Q ftfj colorsFrom . 9M.?D. $d.JD 6. Unpainted, l)rop-leaT Tables Very strongly flJ made up PU,ID, C Cnpainted Tablev-WUh folding: leaf In centre. On Speclaf iO C Studio Couches Can be made Into double or QQQ Cft single bed 3OtT.Dl7 3 DRESSERS waterfall design with round C90 CA mirror. Special JA.OU Phone BLACK 324 NeTt Door to B.C. Clothlen THIRD AVENUE fflk RF 1 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA . POWER COMPANY LIMITED l Icl- Army Chief For Evitt. 12; Lipsetfs. 12; MalkuVs. 8; Wester LanaCI& Signals, 7. rivea in me e:f. i : UuPt,;l pert this morning tea tttl for a two-day tnspe' on raj turning south tc::.-r.uiij is acaompanted Or, mt-ibcnKJ staff.! Also artlv.:;;;. toiij. fl Payin? his first visit to- prince . Victoria wa L . r wa Rupert. Major General R. O. Alex-1 tie. officer cm... & andsr DjS.O., general officer com- Battalion. SixUta; C. .dL&l mandlng In chief. Pacific command, Ush. a company of irtHrtifj; with headquarters in Victoria, ar-ed at Prince Rup , 0000O0CK0000CmO0C0aOO0oO90KOOO0C0OC9C0C0Ki4Kl HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.00 and $1.50 ooooooooado3oooaoooooboonfiOoooiWooo6W"olW4W Ormes Ltd. 721m Pioneer Druqgtete The Hexall Store Phones 81 M Open Daily from 8 a.m- till 10 pm. Sunday and Holidays from 12 to 2 P m. " 7- to 9 p.m. OOOfiOiHJOMaHKIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO001500''000 UNION STEAMSH1PSJB SPECIAfc REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION' FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO. VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT S36UU rromi'art Simpson WJ.u vmcouvcr ' (Reduced Kates-Fare and one: half also appiy w , from intermediate polnfe.) fpi ,,.. f r,Ar twelve Half rare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1010 to February Steamers Leave' Prince Rupert S.S. SAT ALA Every Tuesday 1:30 prti: S.S. CAKDENA Rvery, Friday 10:30 P-m- It, J'1' Monday .i TMflCOUt" Tickets and Reservations from . 5C Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Twro If Convenient, Please Purchase Tlfke" at