ere | age NEXT MAILS say? LF b er to buy he News 4 ve pap For South Chelohsin,.....Wednesday, 9 p.m. Princess May.......Thursday a.m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist MINERS VOTING AGAINST RESUMPTION OF WORK | OHIO FLOODS AGAIN VOTE OF BRITISH STRIKERS _fumument enonacuag One tent game ro snoueno —RATCEC AND PRAISES FOR THE Drives Premier McBride Leaves re [S AGAINST RESUMING WORK’ *""" "=~" ve" Ss en veo en” SUPT. AND LIGHT PLANT STAFF houses ssf Special to Daily News.) }Of Parliament prorogued yester-| Louisville, April 2.—Along the . RODS Sot na out oF TWO HUNDRED “THOUSAND BALLOTS CAST BY THE «ay afternoon with the custom lbanks of the Qhio tremendous ewe eae April 2.—-Premier MC- iugeattaTiON OF NEW UNITS SUCCESS—SUPT. MATTHEWS, UNION MEN TWO THOUSAND ARE AGAINST THE |ary formalities. The tariff com-|damage is beimg done by the| ,' it is leaving on April 12th for A. M. |. MECH E., AND STAFF ACHIEVE A RECORD IN RESUMPTION OF OPERATIONS. | mission bill ‘was passed on Sat-| spring floods, iti Kentucky and|\°¥ York, en route to England, SETTING UP SWITCH BOARD—THEIR REWARD. a cbs urday and is now law. There wi is/llinois principaMy. The town of where. he will. ‘try to obtain ml ea : settlement of the complications Special to Daily News. ) | dee aria gy estimated these ah oar legislation of an im-| Hickman, Ky., is submerged, but bétween 1h6cH. CG. Biehiels Mall | Ina series of ful! reports to the] stallation work when they took I ) i sre; number 23,500, le are acte s of , , Shasteaes Soin : ; : : sliver ke o tondon, April 2 That oS re ( Pe sama sis bee os aracter enacted during| there eee los f time, the way and certain municipalities City Couneil last night Superin- delivery of, unpacked, set up, ' sts among the striking ion. | people having had ample warning|\;, iia : ltendent James Matthews. A. M. I.| Wired, tested and completely in- ne WANTS BETTER ACCESS SERS RCE ONE | to get out their effects before the aqpacent: (i: yemoeurer | Sondent Sate ‘| stalled the new switch board be a emselyes a strong op- 2 | 5 petore 2 saree * PN iy as a. ge stalle » new s ie posers (em lauses of the ee | Lost His Little Boy. | waters rose t@ a dangerous] a | Mech E., of the city electric light) jywoon 5 p. m. on March 8th and position to certain auses nae Northern Produce Manager Peti-| Gustave Anderson, of 337 Sev-| heisrht. | Indoor Baseball. | plant, gave the details of the pres-| Phursday, March 21st. Mr. Mat- minimum wage Dill 1s shown by tions—Nothing Doing. enth avenue, had the misfortune ee slants | Pirates vs. Crescents at Audi-|ent efficient condition of the light| thews expresses perfect satisfac- the voting, Al an early hour —— to lose his 9-month-old son yes- Wanted Position as exper-|torium tonight. Game called at} plant and his work in order to|tion with the workmanship of jhis morning 200,000 had The manager of the Northern|terday. The interment will take|ienced saleslady or chamber-| 8:15 sharp. Skating ufier the| aitain this efficiency. The new] the switch board, which is all voted, and of these there WA8 @) produce Go. wrote the City Coun-| P!ace tomorrow, part of at once. Phone Black eee it units, generators and_ switch} Canadian. majority of 2,000 against the re- cil last night asking that access board are now complete, running} In consideration of much ardu- f worl It is feared , ee Faand satisfactory. There is a coal| ous overtime put in by the staff ha i majority will be largely | te this company’s premises |} saving so far of at least 30 per} 1 installing this machinery the jnereased, as i! the early part of} through the lane between First cent, working out to about $6,000) Council last night passed reeom- the balloting it was largely con-/and Second avenues and Sixth per annum. Current can be pro-| mendations for a $50 considera- #5 and Seventh streets, Contractors duced at a cost of 4 cents per| tion for J. Black, $35 for H. Hud- ito those who were In :avor Seiitih ne are al present working at the k. w. hour for coal. Mr. Matthews| on, $25 for J. Little and a pro Labor leaders are using every Sixth street end of the lane, the Bese not doubt whatever that at} rata amount for the superin- possible effort to « mbat the op-| other end being ungraded. It was the end of the year under his} tendent himself. A recommen- posit ind are looking with | the opinion of the Council that} Leena the department will} dation that Mr. J. Black receive ney he men who have| nothing can be done meantime,} show a profit. }a $25 increase of salary, which themse @ ‘iting for the|the applicant to this effect. | achieved a record in electrical in-|@ year, was also passed. | saket 1 t to go back} and the City Glerk will “es ——_— ne ra The superintendent and staff|has been promised him for over | | All the Passengers Saved and Comting i in ee Train---Run on Reef - , a (OST OF THE NEW CITY HALL | Owing to Heavy Snowstorm and Punched Big Hole Amidships 5. P. M MORDIE APPEAL CASE ---Vadso Will Take Off Cargo---Salvor Steamer Wired DETAILED INV ESTIGATION * for---Boat’s Pumps May Keep Her From Sinking | ASSISTANCE FOR SOLICITOR or EXPENDITURE "BEYOND es a The new steamengVhelohsin is, which was increased when the) ships, and this hole seemed too} ABOUT $1,200 | COMPETITIVE ESTIMATES HAVE NOT BEEN ACCOUNTED meeting with very | j | JUNIOR COUNSEL WILL BE “APPOINTED BY MR. PETERS HIM- hay “d luck on| pumps were set t work and the; big a proposition for the captain SELF TO NOTE EVIDENCE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS oats rs Mts shed.| to he » The passengers’ bag-| FOR TO THE SATISFACTION OF BOARD OF WORKS. bthe opening of her service to this| boat began to be launche d.| to handle. The pa engel bag | IMPORTANT CITY LAWSUIT UNDER APPEAL. natin | inant’ , t There was a slight jull in the! gage was got off and the steamer} wa ; port, On her last trip she struek} ‘ “te rg as|further ad malas ‘ Areport by the Board of Works of this matter before adoption of| ' os 1) I a : |storm which permitted the near| Vadso will stand by and take off} An important suggestion has|further showed, however, that ‘ Pane’ ne . ;on a reely anc ast nigh sne| ‘ . € » 6 , assiste¢ .@ . ¢ “p . Is on the financial position affeet-jthe Board of Works’ report to} : shore line to be seen, and this|the freight. Seeing that this was | been made to the Council by the}assistance of the nature sug hei score roundly the position of the| again strugk)on the same, iden- r" faethe Norribla feai | Rie a panna taai~tiereds to tity Engineer to the effect that| gested would be valuable. th Trew city ta uNnGer Cone serves o alla CP TOPPiIne 2ars | é é co e uy 3; c = : : : . : | police cells, which he described] tical reef, but with more dire ef-| ; ; = the City Solicitor should have the A motion granting the assist- was read In counen fasty as regular dungeons and a dis-} gee; The reef is between. the }of the passengers who wereefaint|tain wired to Vancouver for a | assis stance of a junior counsel at}ance of a junior counsel was night, It set forth that the archi-|gpace to the city and the archi-|. | hearted, }salvor boat to be dispatched. |lcast to take notes of the evi-| passed. , per* ; : | North Pacific and Dominion ean-|} | dence in cross-examination 60 as irefully over) tects designing the new city hal!. +} i Without any mishap the boats Meantime the pumps are kept F 5 ee Boe ; detail of the expenditures] They are unfit for human beings,| ®¢Ties on the Skeena slough, ant to leave the City Solicitor freer DELICATESSEN SALE Kel i a that all] Whether criminal or otherwisa,| the new vessel arrived at the| were launched and the passengers| working but with small hopes of| to conduct his work for the city —_—— S| ' a nditure| Pe considers They are in the! point during a snow storm” sol safely landed, They will come in|keeping her from going down} !" this important appeal, Church Social and High Class US 4 pene e the estimates seems|Yt!Y heart of the basement with-| heavy that nothing could be seen.| by train. The pumps were kept/unfil the salvage boat arrives, Alderman Morrissey very Musical ER Ah Oren eNerh ted for sat ui so much as a glimmer of day- She had a fu oad of pas-| going at their full capacity, but| Exactly the amount of the dam- strongly supported this, taking $ : r id 81.200 ig|tight reaching them. They are of ; : cs Hathold : I } = aan ee the same ground as that taken by [he Ladies’ Aid of the Pres- ne . Ar old conerete. reinforced: swith] 8°msers - and everyone of them) still the water rose In the hold,|age to the ship cannot be ascer-| +h. Gity Engineer that the appeal} byterian Church beg to announce : tl i . jchilled steel, On three sides of| Wa ised out of their berths by| It was found that the reef had} tained because of the peculiar lo-) js most important, involving a|{that on Wednesday afternoon, ; B t 4 ithem is the living rock faced with) the shock of the impact Phere! punctured a big hole in the ship} cation of the hole, which is right} sum of $38,000 and difference} April 3rd, they will hold a deli- ? “ i setween : wl Fr © f > » ve » » zf . > . — © ! ind March 45th}¢onerete and plaster All hope!) was some confusion at first,| right under the stoke hole, amid-| under the coai bunkers. of $25,000 at least between the | catessen sale in the church hall, | | opinions of the opposing sides,jeast of McBride street, and the abandon ve who enter here” might excess over bi. well be graven on the steel doors and that every possible assist-|same evening, at 8 o'clock, a ‘ a . \ Sane of them, it seemed from Alder- ance should be given the City So-| musical entertainment, An ad- : s *~! man Montgomery's view livilor in order that the case, if}|mission of 25c will be charged. AE fhe only sum f entered int6, may not be lost for 1: 3 1 tol eepinepnlbaslclionnnestettccensieshiede ‘ nily u 1e- The Council, however, took : ha ; Dee Ree ’ rs want of proper precautions. Do you pay’ your bills? Gould , aS $41.¢ or the rest} aetic this aspect of the new a rae f meee Ree ON) Wa Le ASD OE . rhe council held that the as-|you pay them if you were burned 4 ag te sae ene ithe aie pi | Mayor Says ‘ ‘The Limit i 1S Reached”’ But Maintains His Attitude sistant should be allowed and]out? Get a policy in the Com- irgeable with} to e¢ " the previous counc J , \ condemn the previt c that the city solicitor should be} mercial Union Fire Assurance ” cote { $9,000 as cal-) and board of works for. embark of Mystery on Financial Aspect of Matter allowed to select his junior coun| Corporation, Assets $1411,000,- ues counell, the} ing on the enterprise of erecting 1 = se 000 » Mack ralty & sur- he ereection| this hall without any sort of ; and th) t with the uthorities on the! fact that Mr, Collins, of the Cold el. : : 7 he Mack Realty & Insur ie ‘al ' th a How do matters stance with, tion i 0 ‘ apy ’ it i Addressing the council himself|ance Co., Agents. tf ) ie we 0 fe es ates, eo Ss Storage 10 é sé é . ‘ ‘ complete ¢ 1 IINAave ite. bl the hydro-electric scheme? Is| position, tora * ee ae nat he the city solicitor explained that Seperate imate ¢ i appe , ly ‘aceable | - i us going to t » £ ory str g . rr , Alderman = M ry Kh Bae ices he i lat Bi r-| there anything in the way of its Finance Minister Douglas as-|W* Boing to make & MS ee he had never yet sought assist- Piano for rent. Apply Keeley’s gome eing a rouge e ate Super ore & 7 “| or ¢ ater s , . s > . : MEMS Ht OUeR ODS Py +6 f - ; sured the enquirers that in the] °'#! for a water supply for his) anee in his work for the city; he| Drug Store. & the discussion] intendent MeNeill, progress at present? Is there any rks and if it were not forth- ! hands of the tinance committee reason for the attitude of mys- coming to arrange for a private well-known favorite hymns, fre-| tery maintained about this ques ” , Ipply. | RED quently sung in private and in tion? Cannot the publie be tak- Ald. Montgomery did not seem The mayor declared that Mr. | en into the confidence of the]re-assured by this and = asked Collins-had: bese seaticaroawetas CONCERT FRIDAY. cs itesctcuazigehos noms someon 8 go os rsa tow» these cer oe ABRIL FIRST SALVAGE WORK . ) s yregna ork, and why it could not be| personal assurance pipe tinct but yet kindred subjects Questions of thi pregnant) 4 as First, the life of Christ: second-| nature started off by Ald, Mor-| told the public so that they might) would be laid from Shawatlans, Leading Soloists of the City With | | mee + oO . His idi rs and|rissey and followed up by Ald.jsee where they were getting to|along Sixth Avenue, whenever it! Brilliant Gathering in Siceneie! Captain Babington | with the Ro- : y, the lives o is soldiers ane SS¢ ant UM WoOS : “4 jarrived, and that a water supply ade at the Auditorium Last ver and Derrick Scow Despoils Choir of aara . scheme Twenty-Si Sorve 8 Montgomery In reply the may-/in the seheme Will Render one gatieied ye . : s ad f id ‘ ae bt: or sh cee area " s.. OY the Baptist ohu ‘ot lie en : committee, which had been put-{authorities so as to proceed’ with|the critical issues of the ques-) jy spite of the inclemency of the alvage work at the seene of the eh kind ' Pon} ales. : in : this business./ the work without further delay,” | tion until sometitne in the fut-| ee ’ satt i | wreck of the fishing steamer ‘ i sted) by local Soloists—-Mrs. Jarvis MeLeod,| ting overtime upon this business. ' Aas , unexpectedly wintry weather the | Grant n Banks Island, Captain Palists wre Ay : ’ , . ¥ ld orrissey mentioned e; ure, ‘ 0 : e Saes 2 ya , rumentalists,| Mrs. Neher, Mr. J. E. Davey, Mr. They were now in communica Ald. Mor n | First of April masquerade on} Babington, with Captain Nor- Friday Apr BAe on Good} H, Mellior, Mr, windell, Mr, Clap-| — . rr wt tee ree roller skates was a great success./iman Broadhurst returned jn the trod cantats 7 when the fine} perton, Conductor, J. I, Davey. a ’ S T WORK SOON The rink was brightly lighted andi Rover the other day, bringing Boldiens irist and His The choir have been fortunate / 4 A with activity and merriment the|with them a good deal of ma- Farmey Bal of “ed by John}in seeuring the services of Mine feral Wiis mee. pa Hs oh evening was passed Costumes|chinery saved from the wreck. late : ege, Oxford) | Frou .C.M., as accompan- | : eo ia ae . re , s and winches form the A ganis : roud, A.l ! serve as far as the new site of|three steam shovels with an en-|!" all the colors of the rainbow] Pumps anc nt 0 iusie masterlist, Choir of twenty-six voices. | In a week or two Prince Rupert were there in throngs to enliven|most valuable part of the sal- When the tug Escort II/gine and ears. The landing of| ; Mngland, willl G “al ¢ 5 1) the Inn ree Mae ys Sh thins give Sand, ne ion 950c,, reservec i " ‘ ards}! | ’ g but th teamer’s boilers » Siven oe . aaa sal t Orme ‘s| waterfront and railway yard arrived the other day with the} hese implements will herald the the gay scene, and the contests ser al a .d . 1; cond lhe ¢ania seats-75c., now on sale a here the depot site is to be will a a aT eda » eee i a .}arranged for went off with exce 1-}] we re also salved, and a secon ala composed f where the dey barge George laden with creosoted start of rushed work to clear the ne Danka Island = posed of] drug store, | j Ss ha ’ OTL edetdes a8 ay pee - > hare ./lent suecess. As a Mexican girl,| ltrip is necessary to Banks Islanc¢ Ee be noisy with the eclank and rat ! for the new dock work tojgrade for the depot site, and the DAR: RIS. 9 re . ; in a most becoming costume that}to bring them across to Rupert, f three steam shovels at/he undertaken if was announced} next trip of the Escort If will be ‘ 4 - ae f° rereree ey | tle o Atos : pam sentir ver t vainrn fortwo. batea ‘loads of new rolls! auied her to: perfestion, Miss|'The services of a diver have been " | , | ACF rect retour ur 0 arge loads 0 ’ “ - work in full swing chewing up|that she will ma 1 a: in , ie tr taal ® ; 'inene Leadbetter won the first| necessary to salve the machin- , - . ) e soul oO ring ) le SLOCK, . RINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO jhe rong -ane myAbes Of. jhe a : , . prize for the most original cos-|ery, and fortunately most of the | tume She looked exceedingly|more arduous part of the work reney fit men will soon beeome experts in cur- Expanding Laundry. | er Pe aks Sees 1 has written the City Council re-| pretty and inked gracefully, Was accomplished in excellent Billy 1 | i questing that a light be placed| Miss Stella Walley won the prize} weather conditions, Dog” 4 her and Fred Peters will copyright the “Houn’ With a view to increasing hls THE WEATHER. Bes | on First avenue at the Manson} jn the ladies’ orange race, skat- eet eee aaa SUG “ax ‘ leals as ‘ ‘ ° A >| . , * —p ‘ ee is aoe opera, laundry plant, Ove Nel on ha | —$—<—$—$ << — rr Way. It was veferred to the) jng fast and prettily. The boys rhe Princess Beatrice got in ered jy ; ‘0 Montgomery: “The olive branch should be applied to the City Council for; pop twenty-four hours ending 5| Light committee, | wheelbarrow race was most/this morning at 44:45 with a ' on le t n IO RTA: ' ¢ y The . . 98 ) t » hey R ated hand, a lease of or option to purchase} a, m, April 2: Bar, 29,573; max, SRR a ae amusing. The prize was won DY) |jarge number of passengers and Mave to ohy - ‘ Sten y an ’ Lo . 33.0; ae . ‘ ‘harlie 7 bth > > re hia a the city he Bh ; hurry to get that weighing machine up later a portion of the city reserve}temp., 42.0; min lemp., 33.0; Balla Gddin’ Roiurne. iner Olsen and Charli =o a full load of freight. Phis will Vane, : time, hel 1 hi remise He is anx Precipitation rain 3.48; snow r ' ; Bella Coola ton, who made a great pace be-|pe her last trip to Queen Char- ‘ ; , s premises & é - » petur . ‘Ila Coola}, : : v ’ boos “Way behind us in straw hats and peek-a- ONAN I : 15: total ,3.33 inches @ returns trom Hea “tween them to the delight of the! jotte Islands, as thé Canadian lin R, ious to build on the ground at show that William Manson polled crowd, Pacific Navigation Company has | . The es ‘ ) s Siding ~ says Chelohsin merely went in on a_ blind once if possible oe soni a “Ways That Are Dark." 135 votes, Alex, Manson 30, Mont-| —ew ——— decided to drop that part of its ' 5 eforre ihe are oO : ; cal a cae conrad «09 r | The Westholme Lumber Co.| komers 1, Clayton 10, Best room in town at the Savoy, | regular service, PPP Peee, Orks, | a nae a