Paqk two TL-l-t-- 1 - -Ji'-J-l GERMAN AIRJiim RESCUED 4.FTER BEING: SHOT DOWN- ARRIVALS VANITY MAID Ultra. Smart F DRESS STREET SHOES In Elasticized Gore Pumps with Spanish and Cuhan Heels. Dependable Shoes, Plus Class and. Value. AMILY SHOE STORE LTU. The Home, of Goodj Shoe. THE DAILY NEWS. PKI.NCE RUPERT - BRITISH' COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert, Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN, - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation, Telephone. 98 By Mail to all-parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By Mall to all other countries, per year ; -Thursday, September 19, 1940. EDITORIAL DOWN IN SOUTH SEA ISLES .02 .25 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery,- by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance. $5.00, Paid In Advance, per month iO.i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. MEMBER, OF THE UNAI)IAV tKESt Tbt Cantaun lr U CKludvcly enuQed to use tor republication of all iievu dtepatchea credited '4 11 or to the Associated Press to this rPr arid also Uw local atvt mibllsiiea 'therein. , A picture made in an English . a wjv&T two German aviators boarded a military tender under escort and under the ey:j C cur.ous BrrtWrxrillagers. The picture was made utter a German ii.-nciug plane was brought down at sea. and these two members of ihe crew ot five were rescued uninjured. Canada's War All rlzhfaot republication ot Bfxclti dipath thef r in ere Mm reserved porj called Libau DAILY EDITION, - - CAPT. J. 0. COSSETTE Naval Secretary Chiife By KEN CLARK, Canadian Pres. Staff, Writer. (Copyright, 1910, by The Canadian Press) Capt. Joseph Oscar Cossette. once a Montreal newsL" iiignting tne Jiolshevists, the ship CapttCossette was on 'he wasn't naval secretary then butjlst a'founc: o Sublieutenant .. . vmS 1 in tho RnlHi. a J He went ashore filends .comfortably. IS abundant one iust falls over it. The lanmuirrp rhPv wnoIj? man ls Packed trim disappeared." h iafd durlni an VVUW aw, cuci vviiii,aii oi pmce with had employment paid it out to a pro-f&6or, at Dalhousie University' who rammed English Into him two hsurs. a night, six. nights a week. Itx Navy hired the same professor to tea:h a class of ratings !,and young Cossette took that too : Just to make sure, it was a nara .life for the newspaperman. "It jnearly did break me." he says now, "but I never told anybody." ! His progress was as steady as hl hand, He served on various J vessels in the Royal Navy, served 3.oo paperman, has- attained the highest business, post in the at the Royal Naval college at 9.ou Koyal Canadian Navy. He is naval secretary, a man as Halifax. His luck held and when full of yarns as he is of energy and ideas. Once, when the "Halifax explosion" knocked me college uuwn ne was unc u. two men uninjured. He went on up. He went to n th. trr t-ngiano. 10 aiierja tecnnicai with a. seafaring idea, to procurs give injm a UtXleass tS hold in courses and recede appointment naturilly lie tioH some . soap with Tountant Olflcer'on Various t.-j-w - f Ior for a a niPnt nieajant fivenmz. PVPln?" "- him, slices off a laundry bar. That tlons he was, besides his othsr was .what they used for money, -Merchant and Navy duties, responsible for the food such had b?n trn scarcity of soap GUiing aon to seataiing mat- for ratings. Sometimes In the old for years, lif Russia. Young Cossette .s by way of literature Capt. days it was salt pork, salt beef wem into a little shop there and Cosette thinks Joseph Conrad is and hardtack, but even at the best in looking. 'about for a cloik he -re in th mer.-.hanit. mnrin. linp it was monotonous. "Tuesdav Down in the South Sea Islands, far away from the saw a sus?i::ious looking object -wt if It is suggested that in" that boiled ham, Wednesday, sausagf tumult and the Worries of war a man, who VVno has nas bepn Deen Jd pcrapjn? away the dust f3und . a nayy man. might look at and mashed, Thursday,. boUed ber ZVnklt JIm ii 0I.war! Z two packages cf a Canadian tobac- Cinrad down his "sleeve, he pro- etc." arOUnd.a lot told o local a. service Qlub yesterday, the Poly co (name censored). Thes-he had 'ss. TIs Better Now iieMdij. get, along very nicely mey UO not nave to worry ior on slice of soap much to the ii2 barriers between the mer- . w v, rr, nhnnt rlnt)ipc a inin lnf K. iu oil fkm. rn, satisfaction j1 hi ninp -Konf v, i Nowadays ... we nave retrjg- 7." . . " ' V4WW. lia" icurtuu uic xuuu - - - :-- : 4'i5T "a,e erators. We can keen anvthlne for. any length of time. The diet Is. varied and wholesome." t . i i mci. l nas never reizrtfL- - - - , -. l(tiAXU& r--c aipnauei w. i -w .v- nqz f.v. a. v gold buiu engrayed nijiajcu iiiu to n have nave a. piivut; income -r . " Only twelve letters. Ihev mav he. simnlf flnwn ttio bow slune on a. maderatolv win. wh'ph tv. to ,, ted his life on. the ocean wave. He borne ofc tile more enlightened of us: mav be disoosed to fclack ribbon' i as varlous a s voun men not wsii zti financially. aomlei that for a rating n in- little missionary Work, might be good for them. He J startS out io be a news- SSS SflSUfSi to taterestin8 travel and healthy aj(;uvmiiwi icumo us iu reiiecL mat some 01 Our SOr paperman on isi Patrle lrj Mont- back.. H up, he can f get" to the top, cr- called' civiiizea nations lOtiav mav. not hp kd pnih:. -i. , pov in hh are mnm- The. class riisMncfnn -hftwppn t.h "And ,f 1 were 25 a8a'n and had Jill. Pfti;i!"lv tnn nf ton i a Jnnnntrl mnrr.., .'. . if he will, ram them with death andTdestruction, but Hitler duress, has made that abundantly clear. The harder he is hit, the harder he-vyiU fight. That is the Briton. Even; thpugh. the rest of the world cowers and leaves stout Britain; alone to lay low the aggressqr, Britain, will succeed and in the world; once more it will be "Live and let Jive." fins oi leisure m?ys snin. models. avv and th merchant sailor has lu v.iiuVc Are the- greatest barbarians to be found among the .. least enlightened ? Is civilization,, as many oi! us. regii.d it, such a great sijccess.-after-all? Or has civilization de-.' Possibly, we may l.earn; a lesson from, the simplej Polynesians, SIMTTERLNG IHUTAIN "Nothing.' less than trje shattering of the British Empire's capacity to. produce will win. the war for Hitler. Smashing, England's cities will not dp. that. It is. evident now that such methods will not even break the spirit of. the- British) Deonle who worry little about Hitler's bombs PEKSUINAL to a great . nbruntly left he fourth, estate ypu think." They wer so sure he wouldn't stick they promised to years' .. . , J"!l'lc:u ill Jiuiliaji, Ha. found himself a rating ln Halifax with no English except 01 iV f0 aui V1M' V1" yes and no whlch was alright will win never never brekk oiea the old oi. British xrnisn snirit wniu Britain rniiam,. unaer undprl OOR Subnormal? Try ostres, ashore .but bad onoat. n could . Literary youngsters: a career ' I ... . . liicaouiv. v-ivjiif,- .. j. , ,ii i i . ..... would not hssltat" n. mnmanh fi ation oy na yai:aSt.qU ot economic accomplishment, the Z7n 74S": . and TSSto ; i 1'" the navy." h5 said. -The ex-acquiSltlpn, Ot learning,, the development ot science an He explained, "You ssat your will" disappear wtirely before P"tence obtained as a rating has i.wc aumijiucm, ui. tn.ubui; (jijiuouisnmencs. in tne una analysis, wJio; are- the. civilized ? Surely a. nation, thafc submits itself to. the lust for, power ot a, iew men; who, would foist their principles or lacK ol. pijn&iple.s. on; the rest of the world) cannot oc- con sidered, mocd ctvilwed than thq simpie Polynesians? CtJtssiFlE r,Q i' ween mvaiuaoie jn my various-ap Cant. Cossette himrelf Is the Polntments and principally in the champion example of hpw the sort Psent one as Naval Secretary. I' cf man he describes corner ta. th? was wlh Pleasure that I saw my top but on th!s rr7aTtf he 'showed Ion nter the Canadian Navy two a sudden salty reticence. years He ls now ln B't- ,.ii,,. t! Navy- ? haven't had news of A.ifBrt tr t that ' Af.Ked ii it wercchance that , ,, , . . , , " . ... v,i him for some time but lit, I know ht U?fm 5 m ,fthU,e...nW' aboa the battleship Valiant b,n a "lng in a sister ship, the th,n, thing in the k b ped." His father, Wttptte- veloped beyond" bonds and reverted, in the case of certain for sALE-r-cary safe. Price $60, vr,iieyfi-id out- wa one of Capt- Cossette Kassur mothers nations, back to barbarism? Daiiy. News. tf. ,h?J8 twice.arpu?-irn men! XX TniX EL It iS illCOngl'UOUS these days tha.t, to preserve our" FOR SALE-WPstlnghous2 7-tube W 'n sall,ns snlrs and language Isn't so bad he tells selyes,. we are tdrced tp fight barbarism witll barbarism J Battery Radio. Compjete with ?ffUh"dA, fla f3u A1rrU!rlM, them. He only uses an occasional Even thQ UnriyiMofthe world's-people do not. re- Batteries. $30 cash. 525 Oth Ave- J. c5Sn and'S in-dl immtr. bl "D" nlmself as a sort of salty i enue West- ii PeSSJ tJ? SSSffTte th, lcTnlt0T, a laT,a"d some- KOIJNh .Wt h9t wh?n young Cosette .1 tip for Interested the writings of f one i FOUND Brown glove. Owner can nnd dived intc a life on the briny, S.",- T , ' have same by cajllpg. at Dally hi, father gave him his blessing cfnfm'l a 7 rl Newsand,payjng.for.thUad. without a murmur. . ANdannTa: "WANTED " .N ' lhe dUor? and-h? otherwise Captain Taprell-Dorllng. , : cf th paper. Joseph Tarte. Said WANTED Furnished house. 3 to Mr. Tarte: "This ls a. youthful 5 rooms. Box 22, Dally News. ' folly which, vou will regret. The or his invasion talUr LOSX-aman; parcel between. Jones, j1'5 Jo,b fof ut Hitler haiTpfomised. to erase"' English cities and his Family, Meat Market and Yama i . i j.. 1 ...111 i .1 .!.. I naka's. naltl's Rnv Box 911 23, Daily roll Moms News. (Ml (221) acts or touay mpfcate nis-wiu, uu uo just inai n ne can. Lay low. theip homes, and their treasured' institutions losi: (225) life of a sailor ls tougher tha.n DOUBLE abookiitc 1 1 .. .1 1 Jl.. t ror i.uuies anu ucuncmcns, 4. ta.bletfc Contain, tonics, stlmur read) the language nnd w 4- TAILOULNG. M' T-LEK lants, oy3tes. elements, aids, to stuffedi up on i""M Second-hand Suits, Overcoats. J: normal) pep. If not delighted 'and. tfliw ""Vdnr hut ' Raincoats, and. Working. J with, results first; package, maker ny-in h-ice" ws Pants. Bargain. iciuitusi 'V, pwtc, wan, write t,-.n" omi'r , j- cieaninjr, rresilig, llcpairing McCutcheon's and all other good Th- .iior Wh hid cived quit9 .3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.0.975 drugstores, a bit of money from his former, ill mi Thursdar "-ver , . . . . r. 1 , -,t M', 12'oEM.20- 25 s2.30- 4Ooz.'3.40 This aov-rnstnitnl is npi publmiet, or displayed Oy me Uanm Control Board or by the Qovernment ot BritUh Coinmhi. Wh iff lets From The Waterfront Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, Capt. A. W. Nicjceraon, was in port overnight, jfrom 11 o'clock last night to 11 U-'c'ocfc this, morning with an exceptionally large quantity of Alaska Skagway, C.P.R. stp;i p ,, '-uise, Capt. S. K. Ora-. a:n,'L " urt at 8:30 th!s rw-.. , uth. railing at mm u, tJ .-union or the vor.-t; jALjh whence she will call -.T lay afternoon return n 7ACI1 hrl n ltnV.4 1.... - senger going, north im 'iufluit toa who disembarked hei tr went aboard at this jior; 9cUd thrre.will be u :.trg( tt jatscngers southbound. fish, for trans-shipment east over' Nc boaU being ir. w !) .it i- vanaaian wauonai Railways. Alter " y oi r. i: n-ir tv uncharging, the vessel sailed In 10081 Fkh Exchange t.:, c ,t, . ccntinuation of her voyage from Alaska to Seattle. 1 naiw ....... uauy- aavrwtfc n cat Out) N.ews Is sure to orlng dsDt n. Northbound from Vancouver to ult.. QtUtuihaithe B. C. Furniture Co. New & Used Furniture 1 WASIUNQ 3LcilNE ' In uerfect COO Q condition i)&fVO B IIECO.ND1TIONEU KITCIIIN RANGRS COfi to QQ For coal and wood-From - V1" V"" I RADIOS Of various make?. 2 95 12 RECONDITIONED From TYPEWRITERS $22 2. SESSIONS 8tI).V. CHLME CLOCKS- At 89.95 New Furniture 10 END TABLES Walnut. In latest j2 to t595 8 COFFEE, and RADIO TAILES jg to 9,50 7 STUDIO COUCHES Can be made Into double bed, two single beds, or one single bed. Of the latest materials in rus wine, ( brown and green. Regular $45.00. 3650 21 3-plece CHESTERFIELD SUITES- jljg to gJQ4 SO SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES Of durable ticking and ;ritta $17.50; to 22.95 7 2-TONE ALL-ENAMEL KITCHEN, RANGES-In all styles and sizes. From Phone BLACK 324 ALBERT Mc I'llONE 116 LTD. 65.0a 10 $98.00 Next. Door to B.C. Clothiers THIRD A VEND. Complete Line of I.iimbcv,, Sushi and Doors,. Cement and Insulating Material CAFFERY ...v PHONE 11'