You Will Find Solid Comfort and Dependability In These Shoes Onyx Arch-Grip Shoes " r N-, Perths Plio-Pedic Arch Supporting- Shoe sen j ff v Uracia s UzhU Comfortable, Snu? Heel-Fitting Lines, Widths to EEE "Miss Atlanta" Shoes For general all round wear Q Q ft ff V, and priced from . . QO.VO Family shoe store ltD. Th Home of Good Shows THE DAILY NEWS. PB1XCE RC?BT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PObSahed Every Afteraosa, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Utxu Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLZK Managing -Editor paid in advance, per week Paid. La adraace, per racath , ., . . By can to all part of Brltith Colombia, the British Empire and United States, Jearly period, paid in adraace ' By man to all ether countries, per year - Classified tatertliinj, per -ord, ptt msertioa . Local readers, er ilnt. per mssrtion Aartrtiuar and CtreoUUon Telephone 51 f(ewi Department TelepLone k ' daily tumox Member f Audit Barest ot Llrralauetu EDITORIAL 07 -50 03 Friday, January 5, itZ9. in aeveioping personality and it is used extensively by statesmen and clergy. Another UnUward Incident la Cherkrre Career Chinese Junk Til Ping OCEAX FALLS. Jab 5 Another uate-rard incident has oemmd iA fine cnecarrcu cmirer h velc wun- ese umit tsi Pin? in wmen uapi John Anderson, feu vile sad cmr !aude a beetle Toylfce across the Pacific Ocean from the Orient u the West Coast of Vancouver Is- iUad txr. year, only to be caught o a storm as they attempted the trip from the West Ocsjt to Seattle and Iwere carried to Princess Royal Is-land there the wre east op. later ben; rescued and taken to Ocean PaH. Sinee then the Tat Pint xas salvaged and taken into Ocean till' There at was been prepared tc be loaded on a sew and taken to Vancouver, vhen she sank in 100 ; reet of water. S'ov a direr has ar-! riTed at Ocean FaBi from Yaneoti-; ver to endeavour to locate the junk i and raise her. Stewart Girl Is Married Mm Maririe Week Becme I. Bride f Edward Cartis Of Alert Bay I A quiet vrdding took place at the An; Scan Church. Alert Bay. , Outstanding personalities today include such men as witnejsed during the oat flftr , dramatized carols. A nttlng dose years. Ther stressed the need for iuanaima uanani, aiussonni, niuer, tewts, nooseveu. Chiang Kai Shek and Winston ChurchilL These men, outride of the positions they hold, have had a great influence In their respective countries for good or ill They have their strong personalities. thPAf RITQ5PHVIPP gehre the men employed there is bound to become a live :bne pretty soorf. Also it will be necessary before long If improve the road leading to Seal Cove, either that it present used or the one the other side of the Creek which wa; formerly used. Two methods seem to offer themselves in regard tc lhe bus service. Oile would be to grant a charter to some i responsible concern which would guarantee a good servfc "knd'the other would be for the city to purchase a couple of abuses and put on a service, thus keeping the franchise ir -lis own hands The" cost of this would be from six to eight thousand dollar?, it Is said. It will be a matter for the city i Authorities to arrange and, if a franchise is granted, we rjasurne it will, have to be voted on by the citizens. CONDITION IN GERMANY Edward G; Hawke, who is associated with Sir EVelyh yfench In thd publication of the magazine "Overseas," ' .writes as follows 'Thousanrls of political prisoners in the Nazi concen- 'friftrri igmna urtiof Viov Phricii'ine nr. Tpwr. hnvp hficn nnrl Caxp, Margaret Oowans, Ounner Sa)ierstromf Erelyn EcklantL Col-leej Zeilke. Iry JohnSon. Betty Join Loper. Marryn Asncroit Port Simpson Nominations Dominion Constable A. J. Wat-klnson, visiting Port Simpson yesterday, received nominations for village councillors for the year 1940, the election to take place on Wednesday of next week. With four to be elected in each ward, the nominees are as follows: Ward One James McKay, Ste phen Morrison, Phillip dreen sr., Peter Wells, Jacob Morrison, Moses J. Wesley, David Denny. Paul- Price. Ward Two David iohnson. i..... t.f- .i.A-j i t.. i ,!.l . .i- i .i e Henry Helm, Joshua McKay. 8am are iJein? exnuBeu tu loriure aiiu ucaui uic ,mnu ui,Hughes Jamej e. mi&m their ruffianly S.S. guards. The Nazi government allows'Keiiy, wmiam sampion, Charles the warders to exercise the most disgusting brutalities on iDudoward. their yictlmjs." When a prisoner dies under torment his) Ward Three-James uvson. eii tvldnu' lit ehnrvpA fiflO mnrk fnr tfiA urn whiph is said to Po,,ard- ioshtea Bryant, Tom Oos- u: t:.iT: " : "J ':z::: : .. Mather and John c. Tv nunlshed for complaining about her bereavement to her friends. That a German government should treat Germans so barbarously is incomprehensible to ordinary civi Talt. Weather Forecast lised people, but the facts are beyond dispute. Both the; u-rtllers and their agents are afflicted with a persecution! General syopptrre re-mania that puts them beyond the pale, and it is terrible to j ;XBpJ&5 contemplate the future of the German youth tmit is reared I thu province, The weather has under sUch (HsgUBting ami abnormal influences. The been unsettled over this province, White paper reveals the true nature of the enemy that we'1"1 n the coast. tinJ.fl tUU A r,,.rtnrr,r. tn iUa DaU nf tUr, n,. I West Coait of Vancouter Island v. ul it.wVl . ' ' Ui Fresh to strong south winds, cloudy and cooler with showers. f Vlt'a interesting to know when reading the Daily NewN JuVe'w bring ihit the people of the whole district are doing the tame, suits. the Dill) daUy re- 1" . jsupjln sTuHuHBKisllB??''V - - CPMBfllfaKdBiSiBiLKlBw v Jos scme tot sonxewhere 3 Gercxit l r land be".ee:. t Oeraiaa Wesivall a.-d Frai"i lL, i WATER LINE IN VILLAGE recently when MarJorSe, younger iaUllation Costing iHM Cm daughter of Mrs. EL- Weeks of - fttleA M Kiuegnkla And Daly 3teart and the late J. Weeks. Celebrated IfiO'.m married to Edvard Curtis. g Mi eider son of Mrs. Curtis and the at Alert Bay. Mr. Curtis Is a wire- carried oot under the direction ef lea operator there. W. V. McDonald of VaneouTer, "" Concert At j PERSONALITY Some people have such wonderful personalities that people are naturally drawn to them and they create a loh Ipwing for themselves. That ii true instiTecraf t, in business, in the church and In labor. PuBlic'speakine is a help Burns Lak( Fine Prof ram f Iasie Presented At Entertainment In Interior Town partment local assistant was George H. Mil-ten. A total of 4360 feet of pipe was laid and the Job took an eren month. Every house in the rfilage has running water at the front door now and there is flTe bund-red feet of bose for fire emergency. On epEDpiettUoe of the work, the peoyte oi u raiage teacered a BURN'S LAKE. Jan. 5: A sue- banouat as a farewell to Mr Uc cessful Christmas concert was glr- Donald. Speakers during the ere-en; by the children of the United nln? referred to the changes of Church Sunday School consisting customs which the natitfj had uj fraiauow. swas. Boiwux ana i"""1 jjro.i- eaucauon as tne naures took tip aa of Santa Claus with candies the wars of the white peoole and fruit for aH present. chief Alfred McDames MreeBted Taking part in the program were Mr. M'DonaH with an old tndlan Beaiie Anderson. Howard Horn. Vistoha utu t . . forced themselves into their present positions became of tin Jean Patterson.' Kenaeth down throuth siTeral eneratlons dmiih, Ellen Anderson. "Wayne a a memento of his sUr here Adroit. Jessie Anderson. Valerie Jeffer John nresned Mr. Mc- t. rierDen Asncroit, Tommy rnA with a beautiful Indian t8,', &Hn w Horning, xt "it t i L t i i . i. . Now that work has started in real earnest on the ai i H Patterson. Wallace ifacia- base at beal Cove, the tiuestion of a local bus service tc Theima Eckiaad, Miss m. ff.- hi if in Vsnxnm,.. , w w w c a. Bert Rurs'll was master of cere- Oer patrol 1 ey - t. the ra-Jiort or sta-kL:-2 t 1 j. ' - any f-k r b-Li2: -t..e ar so far consols texx.j .k r.r.J-.e bt'.ie bands c! akirmiihers. toonwa and young prop of the tillage vatted on tab The people of Kltzegvkla are now looking forward to inataiUng an electric light plant before iong NEW YEAR DAY FIRE late Mr. Curtis of VancooTer. iutzegukla. ian. 3: The .in- f The Ber. Shall conducted the aUHatioo of a ttjOOO water sysiem . oean Tall. Waman and Fireman In marriarf serrize. . - .in the Tilkiie of KiUerukU was tn.r smrimrni Ft::- fc'j" ir. 'Hat no man "I a-. , ' adrane on v h may lurk behold p;rols (.a? and Almllar Smithers Ushers' In 1940 With Big Athletic Dance of the fire brigade started in on gathered earlier of the apartment house on Front At midosght the usual New Street on New Years morning The Year't t taunt -was accorded to B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture Used Kitchen Ranges in good Condition, of various makes Price S20, S22.50 and $25.50 1 3-piece Chesterfield Suite Jtt like new . 9 Dressers From t Sessions 8-day Chime Clock-. Just like hew :. . I Violin . . ' t Vacuum Cleaners At l 3-plere 'eloUf ChesKrHeid- Latest style 1 Chesterfield Bed and 2 Easy Chairs At . 1 3-plece Chesterfield In rust and the .latest style . Phone BLACK 324 $64.50 57.50 to 13.50 S9.95 S9.95 $7.50 10 10.50 New Furniture Nest Door to B. C Clothiers $89.50 $89.50 $98.50 THIRD AVENUE - rrlBaf. January S in 'Easy Winter For TH1 DAILY Kt.y.3 1 - BY - GERMAN-INfANTRY IX ACTIOS IS "N'O MAN'S LAND IDOGGED ; Bulkley Farmers BAD LUCK SMmiEnS Jan 3 r nets of thi- weather l predated by the fartn- much easier on their and .n thrtr hay--., householders of the , h i hv to buy lot w -xJ durtog the ordinal. r. apprrrtattog the u -".Hv i-old ureaUier I RUTTHERR Jan S: The hOD- - and iWoiC ibcre In a long time. I Year's Ere happened to that New on TZ!,?J?:""t oner y hM afltr mid- of Indian Affairs, whose astrow bat for the promot aetion nteht Ithratb a large crowd had FOR SALE FDR BALE Cary 8a f. FUR RALE Cheaternd vrtaH artieW 344 Ft w Phone Orftn 80" POU SALE - Seaied be rreied by the . i a to noon Saturday 1 Nth. for the purrfi, . halibut boat Kyr:. , ,' 41 feeet. beam 12 ! b IIP Rapp e- 1 bnat may be seen a' Ftotoemen's FJoats af Instant. Terms in Htfhest or any trnr. cewartly aceepted ' mmlsirator FOUND WANTED WA.VTED Woman d-work. Apply Path N WANTED-- Housek.r; aged widow pr ' Boa tl Daily Nr fire -m ctwrered by Bpwd Murphy 1 1M vtth taueh node and tinging jTT who tried unteceulry to fltht it of -Auld Lang Jme" and the 7 himself but. before the firemen had crowd was .n excellent ptrtt to their hoses connected, the upper enjoy the donee about to begin tUrey was ablaze. I It lasted well Into Mondar LOST Mrs. Cowan J In hospital, suffer-1 mom In but was a ttirely occasion LOST -Man i Oruei ing from mlvrfes reeeired In es-'throwghrmt Phorte Blue 770 eaptnt from he burning hoUdinc FirenMn WtUlam Dennet w aim In ! hospital, with race burned and hands lacerated CbnaiaMe WUBsml Delhi also reeeited bad cttU while aUUng. The damage to the bonalnf ws not rry great aHhoufh it was bad ly scorched upstair and most of the , furniture was damaged with smoke and water. HOTEL ARRIVALS PPJNCE RUPERT Ueut and Mrs J W Kllpatrfck. Prince Rupert J Bums. Edmonton Imprria: stock eertlfVate return to Daily IN F -4 ' Tb Wit!,. day season In Souther eooed FOUND Wans blark i-i with a big dance pot a by the lined glote. Ovn? r-, Smithers Aethletle AJaoeMttsn. It same by paying : : to be one of the HrgeM Uaetnent enjoyable damea hed " wwm iMMiPirn 4 a. 4 16 T---Fa"unwuuuUMuuuuuuuuuuuuMui -vuuuuunut LINZEY & DAVIES PHONES 585 5SG I Collate, Toilet Soap Offp Good Freh flround A(n I BowlAl! for Cofffe rvr lb 4Ut 3 Cathmere Bouquet Koap, 1 L 1 D. Tea Tri Bottle Lotion - Off n p,, Ib ' iJVv Ail for lllpolite .Msllo Whip- OiJfl Rln.o DeaUl large tfip 3 flavors Ptf kg mH 1 small- For Ul ' .-..11 Rt r,rade nuttc-r Q7f Lus fleaUl larte Lui 3 lbl J Lus Soap uULt ... . - FnUm Pearhe iKl Olant Bags Wheat Off- Ptt Un Puffs-Each " " "-" 1 rork and Beanv- -J flp Red Arrow SU- AUL Agl? " ch " Oranges Dozen n'S 25c 20c 25c 35c Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS- m For Hio we will deliver a bok of Klppeti to your friend's w In any Etpres, point In BC. or any Cansdlan Nstlonsl Rsll AiDerta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. i?nliJ,!ier.W,,h eh'qoe 0f c"h t0 CANADIAN FISH A CpU STOItAOL CO. LTD, Prince Bupert, B.C, will, name and sddrf of consignee. We will enclose card wllh narrte of sender, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert f- I 1 . u.