THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEWs THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA , Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING on application. —50 cents per inch. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DarLy, We per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE 4 Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98 By BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES i New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ii LonpDon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Suspscrisers will greatly oblige by prompily calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. al dusebay, Asia. 2 DAILY ae. “NOBLESSE OBLIGE,” MR. MAYOR. and room” The petty squabble between Alderman Clayton Newton, beginning in politics and ending in “bar per- sonalities, may be said to have added “to the gaiety of nations’ for the moment, but it is high time in the public interest that the whole matter should be dropped, whether apologies are tendered and accepted or not. Both gentlemen when their per- sonal heat cools down must realize that they are representative men, chosen by the city and pledged to give their best interests to the city, and if they them should have the idea that such an unseemly quarrel is a good advertisement of the Prince Rupert, they should, if solely matter immediately purge their minds of such an erron- or one ol morality of as a of public duty, eous idea. There matter, this point pear remiss, of the of the Upon would ermticism be divided to the demerits naturaliy is regarding every public fuss. opinion. It friendly the Empire. opinion br may as as there The however, taken by The editor of that leader ci heat of the last night of the references to Alderman C mayor the editor tion was This he improperly is not the question. But as editor he publishes nprejudiced opinion News ventures did it its contemporary, pul campaign In bor to give—whether no Daily refram trom a course the personal made ital ylik in certain oflicial as after properly layton. his standing was called upon an apology the elec- over. declined or editorial which certainly must to add to the dignity mayor of a ¢ soon to be one of the greatest in a vulgar “You're Another” he * * as soon as we realized we were being played “The Empire touched him the “He was stung.” used this an fail, in the eyes of an u observer, of the office of the Pacific ity on the coast. editorial writes: for suckers.” Empress Theatre the following Just few the torial. Prince Rupert is to have the honor of receiving royalty this The Mayor of all the people occasions. He should be a man in keeping with the city offers to the the representative and member of the reigning house of the Empire. man iD night.” a specimens of vulgar phrases in edi- is the on such fall. representative honors the head of Dominion government and the His dignity should be impressive. Many mayors in the old country, some in this rew one, have for their conduct on such occasions and as a royal recognition of their high oflice been accorded titles. It may so happen here because the eyes of the world are upon this great transcontinental terminus. Therefore, Mr. Mayor, as you return to your official duty take as vour motto from henceforth *‘Noblesse Oblige.” Your quarrel with Alderman Clayton may be accepted as a personal one; on that you are not called upon to recognize in your officia character. Be that as it may, your own personal character reputation and standing in the community, however, is a matte that deeply reflects upon the city, and it is in that connection we make the friendly suggestion that the Mayor should apologize to the citizens for the editor of the Empire. HOW ABOUT RECIPROCITY? Borden is beginning to understand that the con- uniform, with cocked The Premier Premier sumer pays the duty. He imported a siate hat, sword and all the other extras, from England. had to pay $385 in customs duties. Ce eens SAMUEL N F. G. GAMBLE (Q8oTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. :Real Estate and Stock Brokers? APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert Stewart and OUR PRICE: INCLUDE ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POSTAGE. weet " UNIVERSAL HAIR CO of Hai ad Gonos TRANSFORMATIONS Sovcrisc2 on Sees seni fas sihe Dayo Hou pos ANY STYLE €9.50, or extra full of Hair 13.00. Powal order to your "" measurement required is circumference of Head. ff,<*""*" ov Humans Hair 16 inch,,. $1.10 18 .. 81.35 20 .. $1.86 22 .. $2.50 —_ 425 26 ~ 85.00 ae Any lengt! te orde oo Lig Ns Send tor New Iustrated Catalogue No.18 icy Lists, Gow, — to CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, an oxra , 449 Spadina Avenue, —_. is made TORONTO. OF PURE LONG HAIR, B4 FOX BERR V BROCKLEY nee WAVED CRIGNON very light in weight, most easily adapted, only 96.50 to complete this effective Dressine "trom $5.00 ROAD a Lonnoown Mayor ap- | ] 5000 WATCHES 5000 GRAMOP.\ONcS| 5000 AUTO-HARPS FRE, “THE FAMOUS TYRUS COBB AS BATTER AND BASE RUNNER ::. Railwa a Fort G George $2500 GIf TS FREE WRITTEN BY A PLAYER FROM | a PLAYER'S VIEWPOINT—CLUB ‘'F bor ca: rf FAIR APPRECIATION — i S LOYALTY HAS NO PLACE IN jal I END NO MONEY. OF GREAT BATTER. : tim hs Simply for octting SO caaas aaa a a : He Picture Poston! of famous Actresses, ! oy LSSION- My = | Latest Cinemst eS = a } Loyva his own club and his rits have aroused the attention) props iF punted Cards. @e.. &e. Worth wi a should be a leading his fellow players, and now)? _ ‘ Cb cents, al! at two cents —_ 5 ; ‘ UR TOW and i¥ you a Kandsome char ristic f every ball} demand that recognition which w W A vO Joven mead ao to to cana ; fe rick jeserve A e wom your name and and we send playe and I think I have always; the richly deserve eA Incest cats orue mia qver Op beogtitel A heel va i I would like Phe day of the .400 hitter was | aig ‘ar ; Fa \ Eine Prins Prizes Watches. Russian Pur , be able say that a National} supposed have disappeared aj th i ——_—— Ponogre phs, Gramophones, Yd , ‘ VANCE \ a SGelodeons usical Instruments, V4 \ League laver, particularly a Chi-| decade ago. The introduction of) wii 4 1 Roller Skates, Rifles, Dolls, Toys, c = F stn” aeons the 4 . ‘ 5 ssigned | in I et Cinematographs, Genuine mute cago club play was the great-/the foul strike rule was designed : 5 ‘ i eee, Says an corde Sell or jest in the game I have said, and/as the death blow of this re-! prope: ’ lays tee what Fo 1 can ah we eee jI still say, that Manager Frank|markable average The tremend-| jike” ppt,?" co — a cording co lilies ‘Den otek gue. If you do not } Ohan s » of the most phe-|ous slump in batting during the oon CLOcKS FR ee we | : nis rs meries has| rs that followed as compared! bro a — member you just the same. j nomena plaver Ameri¢a 1as| yea thal llowed a mpared | Droy . me ' i ‘TT NEED NOT COST YOU jever knowl In fact, I would £0} with those which preceded was Sane . me . 5 ONE CENT OF YOUR istill further and say that he has|evidence of this new factor in PRIN > i OWN MONEY. WRITE | ; Oe RUPERT AT ONCE—NOW TO Inever had but one superior. But/baseball. But Cobb, ever since he| 7 a * block : ris t 5 sh ‘ ; 7\B5F — jt hat one superior I am forced to| startled the baseball world by his} two | t ACTE & CO., id (Dept. 9 7) 85 leet St. London, Eng. | admit in fairness is not a Chi-| meteoric rise to prominence, has| ,)08", bala0 t }cago National player, nor in fact|steadily advanced toward that) Tt ate hock a in” oie oh HOR Li ee a, 2a lseemingly impossible goal of the} one ior, wih }batter, until during the season | fi,°°)) of : . - } that has just passed, he finally ao ; | one | ! attained his ambition and reached cash | the grand batting average of .420.) 9%, Jp ; : The new cork centre ball has) One lot Ck P ms been held responsible for much rwo ee ‘ ; f the good batting in the Ameri-| ,, hye Calanee 7 can League, but it should have 1-2 cash, balan ' had the same influence on batting | '%./¢' Reece 64 jin the National League, for the) or, jx NEW HAZ! OF Ed R |ball used by both organizations oe 38k ' i 'was practically the same. I can-} & coD om ya not say the mew ball was not} Th. COLLART > livelier, or that it did not favor} SAA eee OIL the batter, because ccmpetent} more ‘Roent judges everywhere admit that it " cae Resources Becurity Oo. Lg, did, and it was in fact designed|~* en et Phone 88 for that purpose. However, it did not account for TY COBB Cobb's remarkable average, noi IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS do I believe aided him materi- ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS a National League player at all. @!ly im gaining that average arm Eve Dp, Cures Cou hs s nan s Tyrus Cobb, and his “bb has always been a star at te ke Tat a. I iper wonderful record on the Detroit) the bunting game. He has beat Pric age American team ever since he/@Ul many a bunt eve season D) and a Si Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil roke he game has been the | Sheer speed, and in fact depends ih > : . ome sensat the hasehbs oO up his skill in this directio ! is a great Tonic and not only stops a cough i he ba a nan a : 1 sf , this 3 Agents for imperial Gas Motors : . a lot alone in this high/| ‘or Much MS CHOCMVENCES -O5 but enables the system to throw it off. pit Ty Cobb's work. This/® batsman rhe new ball pre- Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 967 There should be a bottle of it in every home. w of mine, I believe, is shared: Vented him from shining in this |-——— by practically every other mem- | G@partinent of the game, so that Large size bottle 35c. Sold everywhere. ber of the National League. There!" Dunted safely ee 145 ACRES _ are good piayers there—many of|three times during the entire J. L. MATHIRU CO., Prep. SHERBROOKE then some of extraordinary) Season. He was compelled to re- ability. It is natural they should|Sert to straight batting and de- ( have their friends and backers, | Pend othing but driving the and they do have them. But/ ball beyond the reach of the JOHN DYBHAVN Cobb’s career has been so ex-| fielders. The hits, which made + bs traordinary, so much above; UP that remarkable average of Scri e or e y ews everything that was or could , were safe hits in every senst reasonably be expected that his f the word, so it will readily ap- Gr d H t l, pear that the new ball, while ee an O e . ee — = favored Cobb in some ways, Workingman’s Home 1 a handicapped him in others, and BESEae SSEEEEDLASEESOEeeEe eas iar acai it see Free Labor Bureau in Connection as iar rom being so consp - @ ous a factor his wonderful | Phone 178 , = = GAL TWO—UGBB ae oe GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor cord as has been SPER NANENE ne believed fel Cobb's marve us showing as a f B . ou Aire on the Benc eae nese een tor Business | = his reputation for all me Add = this, however, his uncanny 2m. ROBERTS' YN al ability as a base runner! an abii- Pha ole @ YOU—the Public—ate the judge. On your i in which he stands unequaltea| Mesedweing General, Backing fe) his all around brilliancy as ENS: al good opinion and your good word depends the fielder, his. quickness, dash and fe) d executior f daring feats almost . = success of the advertise article. For no amount instantaneously, and they place THE fe of advertising will induce you to buy a second time nauk of and uther nlaves is the: Westholme Lumber Co } rank Of any othe playe i t fe Ee what you do not like. No advertising will offset game today. lame h b d ff f Cobb is still a young man. He the ba effect of a dissatisfied buyer. has but reached the age when the C O A . fj average big league player is be- That is why advertisers must and do maintain anne Oo aS resen: E — h F f the nature of things he should j the quality of their goods. have several years of his best) Lumber and Movin : work still before him What he re will do in the future no one All Kinds of Building Supplies ie Advertisers realize that to turn No manufacturer can afford to a ee oe are. Serene Phone 186 @ their outlay for advertising into advertise for long an inferior article. a ae iy uss che aa. First Avenue sie: come seems ardls pose sible profit they must give good value. From the moment the adv ertising steak in Ket ri - : . ; oi ia e Ca etter is ias ears Tk ea begins, the quality must either be Se wn ee". he serait” St : all _ They are not looking for one- kept uniform or improved—to go edniinndl eanhie mnantlin that ‘ihe The Newest Thing time sales. First sales, in most Lard : OO. REY. POSS _ 4 ack means ruin. could better the record of the ; he n Chill cases, would not pay for the adver- u ‘ ee 7 i : in the larger cities tising. The day is passing when you ask oar STON MOTD '¢ SORFORE nag les Brass 6eds mers for a pint of pickles. You name a a praca pagan aR Rockers are among the lal shattered records and seeming . é To be successful, they must make the brand. = " ‘ pied est arrivals at Impossibie ac evements. steady customers. y ea nical 8a y = me a Ped ety = You don’t ask for Rolled Oats. rr . _ At The Big Furnit ture Sore i! t. " 7 : We) 7" . ) P <— You name the brand you prefer. ACGCIDENTS—The only com- Entrance 2nd advertising produces. let hai : i piele protection 18 @ policy WILD a The unknown article may be fel] |the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Thus, to be sure of quality, one good, but you are not so sure of it a ‘orporation, the largest casualty CARTAGE and a naturally turns to goods that are as you are of the advertised article, insurance company in the world. STORAGE advertised. And isn’t it only rea- w which bears the seal of quality, The Mack Reality & Insurance Co,, ; sonable? a well known maker’ s trade name. Agents. tf G. T. P. Transfer Agents fe — Orders promptly filled. ! 3 Ee UNION S.5. comeant OF A, lf shes Sealab TO MANUFACTURERS You who make good goods and do not ad fidence in your product. Advertise it. Let the public know that you stand Lack inaintain their aigh quality. Make your trade name the recognized stardard in dvertise—show your con- of your goods to your line, ‘The new stee! Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin” —AND— “Camosun ” Building. Enquiry part—so write, if interesied. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any good advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden involves no obligation on your THE GOUGH MUST BE CURED THE SYSTEM BUILT UP. The function Syrup of Tar and Cc is to do this double < The Tar cures the « The Cod Liver O1 the system engthens =| Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver : : chess No other agents equa! as follows: } ats ¢ = Chelohsin ” no other combination ! ” 7 . Wednesdays at 9 p.m.) ful as Mathieu's Syru “Camosun ” and Cod Liver Oi a fe “Ca - Saturdays at 10 ams. Wonderful is this remedY . » te Ae season fe Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | that it is ‘shipped eac we fe and Monday morning, respectively car-loads. Large bot Sold everywhere ae When headache anc fever * eens 0 Y cold take Mathieus e J 2) None safer on the coast than these two Sodens the ieee an ve. @ i S P s., Sher » . fine passenger steamers Mathieu Co., Prop - Distributors for Wester’ Can ‘ + Company, Mt ey Bros., Larsen & Co we ’ ATOOON J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 winnirco VANCOUVER 8A8*