PAGE POUR Expert Optical Service Watch Clock and Jewclery Repairing, Hand Engravinr CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest In eye-wear Thone 26$ (or Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STOKE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived The Latest in Novelty Jewelery for Ladies'. Summer Frocks Don't Forget Mothers' Day Sunday, 'May 12th WATCH OUR WINDOWS TERRACE POUNDKEEPER TERRACE, May 6: Terrace vil Per dozen Large She 176's. Per dozen Medium Size 238's. Per dozen Radishes 3 bunches Lettuce Large and firm. 2 heads Swift's Pure Lard-2 pounds 5c 19c Green Onions 3 bunches BAK UOIJ) lage commissioners have appointed LONDON, tCP) The Montreal Mr. Tiffin as the new keeper of price of bar gold on the London the pound In place of Mr. Oreg- market was unchanged today at ory 'who has resigned. $37.54 per fine ounce. OVERWAITEA LTD. CASHorCO.D. Phone 813 j Tree Delivery on Orders of $1 and Over Butter-"rf,re 95c Burns' Sliced Bacon OQp f Fir Bars-Ormonds. fO Ptr lb. Perpkt iac I - Soda Biscuits- 16- Offp Kellogg's Corn Hakes 0 I - o. pkts. 2 pkts. 2glantpkts. Sea Maid Shrimps-Wr 19 c i "-, Miracle Whip Salad CCp Libby's Tomato Juice-Off! Dressing Quart jar io oz. 4 tins -5DC Aylmer Golden Ban- "I ftp Grapefruit Juice QOn tarn Corn-Per tin XUV 50 -oz. tins -5uC i Aylmer Cut Wax Beans I Qs Per tin Xt7l ORANGE PRICES ARE ADVANCING Whv not take advantare ' Of lhc Inir nr!r Pard Doj Food 2 tiny 25c 5c 15c 23c MacKenzie's Furniture LA SALLE CHESTERFIELD SUITES KILARXEY CHESTERFIELD SUITES In latest covering. Guaranteed for the "Rest- of your life ' Easy terms, no Interest charged. Call and see them. Phone 775 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) , DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One ""- TIIE SJ5a Aning & smelting vwiut i uain ADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates. Ammonium Sulphate. Superphoi-phatcs, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold - Silver - Lead - Zinc - Cadmium - Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust-Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Gemral Office and Works Trail. B.C. Whifflets From The Waterfront -i nence sne is due back here to morrow afternoon southbound. season. Picnic parties were hurriedly organized. The Salt Lak was a popular centre, many going In for their first dip of the year i Installation of. a V-8' tcJPx -r"y- reponea to I U!&JUmhe way has been doing considerabTe run-' nlng ground the harbor. ' L The dry dock yards continue a' hive of industry as work of gettln the plant In readiness for the war, .Uilpbuilding program continues .TVl mi,k t 1 I ...v -ut mciuaes reoair and novation of the railway tracks through the vard a la, n j Keep np to da Aciue reeu rlT Plan Your Holiday Now. The 8ANQAN CAMP near Ma. sett offers a splendid holiday for uuug ana oia good bathing 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, a beautiful spot with separate Cottages or Tents fully equipped. Ex- eellent meals served m Dining' Room at reasonable rates Rfr.r.! on premises for campers. Badmln- mhi, oui-aoor games, beach and boat picnics. Bring your friends and enjoy a real vacation with your families Children over 8 yearn rilthn..i . parents carefully looked after and given a good time. Fr full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP M. Massett, B. C. fhones 18 & p.0. Box 575 Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos, Candy Mussallem's .CONFECTIONERY ywauc uanaaian Legion i R. crew being stationed there with I in own irain. THE DAILY NJT.V3 Hi Colonial Days Are Recalled Atlr f. CnVr Aft Milnr . . . . . 1 Terrace Board Of Trade First btg yacht w. ot the season to; visit Prince Ruper. the Princlplai TERRACE, May 6: -The Terrace of Seattle Is leaving today for a Board of Trade held ita regular three weeks' cruise to Gardener monthly meeting on Wednesday at ; Canal and vaflious waters here-4 Willie's Hotel, guest speaker being abouts after having been in port A. Attree who chose for his sub-since Thursday tied up at the floats Ject "The Barr Colony." some ex of the Armour Salvage Co. The periences in connection with which hanrfemn vessel was brmieht north h"1 speaker has had In the past frAm .fi-atMe br her crw and was 'rhe address proved very ? rrs 1rlnd veterday by hr owner, -ng. Some ot the episodes cvjkcd Klngslcy McCombcr. an Eastern memories of pioneering ambitions United States business man. and : among those present -of bogged party who arrived on the steamer wagons, refractory horses, lost Prfncess Louise from the south. The, tra,1 and, not least of those re-PHnclpla Is a vessel of ninety feet rnembered miseries, the armies of . Lk, ft , M U JJ --.- v n . . v aunt I tsuft Atlas diesel engines. Luxuriously ol-doors meals with the hardy appointed and fitted with every- experienced, though venturesome iuu( vi inc idtri, Dotn ior navi- iivw nc uiun ui gation and comfort, this is not the 'old England. Principla's first visit to Prince Ru- President Harry King added tes-pert.' Capt. Walter Smith Is the'Umony Irom nta experiences at Skipper. I farming in the same period, I The meeting was fairly well at The new Anglican mission boat tended ad some progress was re-Western Hope. Just completed here VTtA b? Secretary Kerr with he for service on the Queen Charlotte rallwav authorities In regard to Islands.' will be leaving today or to- con"rtlng the waste land near morrow for Massett to be commls- 1)01 mto an ornanental aioned In her ecclesiastical duties park- ,wih Rev. Alfred Abraham in n i rl i Dride-tlect At With an almost capacity list of Rurnc I oL-n Ic passengers on board. C.P.R. Kramer - U1 liariC 15 Princess Louise. Capt S. K. Gray PL TI arrived In port at 8:30 yesterday OllOWer HOIlOree iiui,iuiS sauea ai io ajn. for sxagway and other northern polnU BURNS LAKE, May 6:-A large ""-C iUC IS QUe OaCK ner HTt 9thrini rmr,nin n.n .1.. .11 - ' ' ww.4tptMUi6 IIIMIJ U irnaay afternoon southhminrf ih hHin nr p.. i.. - " . mmm MKWUiCU (Fourteen passengers left the Prin-,at th home of Mrs. John Oowan ,ces4 Louise here while seven went to honor MUs Olga Hamre who . aboard at this port. 'will be married shortly U Ted ,,... . , Thompson, popular farmer of Tat- fornt .TrtheayfreighUll8e- were Mrs. F Earner catiur ? Unlon Trousdell and Mrs. Oowan who Pt- Janjesf,lnd-!were !rJiS i ably assisted by ladles of Sued f ,1 ?uthMd k e presented U the brjde-Ued a couple of hours - r - later lot for elect, beta carried in bv ntti. Stewart and other northern points Misses Margaret Oowan and-Klrky Oowan who were costumed as a ;bride and groom. The fine afternoon yesterday at-1 The brlde-elert appropriately extracted many to the water and lt,preswd her aPPretiatlon. might be said to have been the1' inauguration of the harbor boating by JOHN CLINTON Si I Juit taw a raori that you ought to M. The trouble U, I don't know how you're toir.j to our engineers mad it a whfls back, and it's a dilly. It iKowi wKt hipptntd U two neton which tUrUd ot In lift without ny trton In thtJf cyhn-drt. Thty tr ttch drlvtn 6000 niUt o tht Mini rotdi. At Iht nd ol thit lime, th cnjlnttn took tht tldi oflf th moton, nd M 60 yo think thty fovnd? Nope, not Scarlett O'Hara. But in the motor that had beta driven with one kind of oil there wa a lot of carbon. Enough U make the motor ping on tht least excuse. Howtvtr, In the thtf motor the ont thtt htd bttn dritn with Triton Motof Oil, on my Word ol hann. thtr wtm't tnouth to mtlt the Jetit prtctiul differtnet. Whtt "JSf.tnt'e wii, wi i toft yoy Cjuld tcrttch It with year ftneei beil. . Trjton forms very little carbon lUelf. The movie showed thet. And bteauH it forms so little, It will allow your motor to burn u most of the old carbon forme) by olhtT oils and Mow it out the fxnausl pipe! la other words . . . Triton changes Ping to Purr! ons minim yoe'rttibtptic and ye don't btlitvt mt, of tht movlt I iw. you htvt your Oinketie filltd with Triton Motef Oil this r y dy. Then drivt 2 to 3 thouMnd milts, and ttt for your, self. You'll never uit tnylhlni elit, I ctn promlit you. UNION OIL COMPANY! v-OF CANADA LTD. Tib RING 103 YEARS OLD A very charming wedding of much Interest wag solemnised at the Deanery on Friday eventtig at S 30 when Miss Elisabeth Ruth Chandler, daughter of Mr and Mrs. ? W Chandler, was united in marriage by Very Rev. J B. Olbaon. D-D Dean of St. Andn-Wi Cathed-al. to Lance-Corporal James Cow-Till of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals whose father and mother are residents of Lethbridge. Alt. The bride, given In marriage by -ier father, was beautiful in a white aUn floor length gown with matching bolero and finger Up veil of white net with orange btomoms She also wore glove of white lacel and white shoes to match. She carried an exquisite bouquet of rosea' and carnation. Mlas Eva Chandler, a sister, was bridesmaid. She wore a floor length gown of rose with white accessorial to match. Her bouquet was of snap dragons, lrix and carnation The groomsman was Sergt. R. s MacNetl. The bride's mother war mt frock with hat and glove to match. As the bride and a room entrH the home of the bride's parenu where a retention waa held, the Wedding March was played by Mlas miaa Bond. The bride and groom received the gueat under a large white wedding befl. Muaic was supplied by J. Bond. .on me accoroian, and F. Cameron. I on ine piano During tee course of me evening Miss Hilda Bond sang "I Love You Truly." At 12 o'clock the bride cut the wedding cake. Their many friends lolned In wishing them a long and 1 happy wedded life. The happy THE SEAL r QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockcye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the wily salmon canning company with an all tha year round payroll la Prince Rupert couple are making their home at 316 Second Street Of outstanding Interest in this wedding was the wedding rm and keeper which waa presented te the , groom. James CowgUl. by the lath- j er of the bride, r W p Chandler This was the wedding ring and keeper of the great grandfather and I8"-mmmanaaassassMM n Allan Jones ? Mary Martin ssfiv Walter Connollv n r r- juuiui Dii i en-oudnna rosier - I iU .aotciij . 'ins 1 LITTLE nEARS'' -roruAit scienci.- fartoon "LITTLE LAMBKIN" TONIGHT TriS. k WEI). crandmother r and Martha f very happy t!v to the year 183'' three years ar-tenhlrr. Engl: mm 11 Tnii nkv . try a Claanfied f COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery L td. rnoNi: us OOOOOOODOOOODanr.rv,... ' I WARWICK I BOX CAMERAS i MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-T x 2 UV SPECIAL $1.30 Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druqjpiats The Kexall store rhonea 81 U Open Dally from i a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to t p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. k i i k riioxt if I