Seat tit THE DAILY NEws. = SSS ———————— — cae ——— a ~ slanar \ ‘PUTS HER FOOT DOWN reo - : oe Savoy Hote] coed NEWS FOR nee cco oe « Silversides Bros.) WANTED: pee ite 8 cataeemtn® cuwwnnscnn| BOAT TRIPPERS |r" "WE MOVED! Second Ave. | Angeles RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT) —_—— \ttell will neve ee iculicaae | Six Fine New Row boats Arrive his pretty youn: 5. oordon Mo EY at the Waterfront for the Use sil!) prevent it MUNRO & LAIL : : of Picnic Parties—Safe, Clean The day after Servian Labor Benefit Society | Comfortable Craft. Architects, No. 195, neal We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections again sno iecaidiatiia i. at . ‘ a Five and Six. Submit your listings. can pos-|to larger aid more up-to-date prem- ; r 4 x t ises at 209 2nd Ave., opposite For Sale 1°t 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance to Kil ie Maws Office ——— 12 and 18 months. Look this up. 0 wn} : ., bane s ‘ame I un he came I own to, Alberts Block Abana ond Avenue. ee | — | stork Building ; | very fine day during last ——j|}Paperhanging and High Class) Second Avenue + ou - held t ard 8 , i ‘ Mastin tel Te Baisintes Once aah ot | summer, and even already this |. ars « Spestatiy. Telephone 83 PATTULLO & RADFORD % mW , } season he see a shortage igs gfUART & STEWART G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM, tts ge nh & shorts : srUs AUDIT ORS Secretary P.0.Box901 President|"OW boats to take the many |P. 0. Box 120 Phone 156 Green ACCOUNT ANT woul we . “’s across arhé or Building uuld be trippers across harbor The situation will be much im Phone No, 280 P.O. Box 351 jaw-Batl prince Rupert | | | proved this season by the advent { | pee <0-050-~9-9 10 the Ms Davie Bons of atx SRIeIENENDEREEN CHENIN: es to the FF. M. Davis float of six , | seysteserse . c. ¥. BENNETT, B.A. 1 aie r ver Li ht and Power ; ALFRED CARSS, of B.O., Ontario, Sas- FRED STORK @|new row-boats, The boats are St o oe Bare ketchewran and Al- ° | pecially suitable for picnic par met , obs perta \. | : : | =General Hardware ties They are roomy, safe and For all coming soon. Estimates BR k Be utiful ¢ Glass ees Cae BTC - ; ’ lin beautiful condition. Two are given. for wiring end Ntting for wa S ut parrisTERs, NO i : $|twelve foot craft, two fourtee CS er eee ee Bt d Pi d Sil ~ Albert Block 1 Avenue. Riilers’ Hardware ?| ces Ta ‘ ( om » two f ur ue en water heating, ete. | an lerce liverware : : Office snsnsnnincinenite, @| feet, and two sixteen foot Phey Stock of lamp shades and gen eral electrical supplies carried. W. R. LOVE Electrical Contractor Fulton 8t. and 3rd Ave. P. O. Box 957 Phone 41 _— Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves | are white painted with dark wM. 8 HALL, L. D.5., vb. D.S. DENTIST. Work a Specialty. ully treated. Gas and 1 for the painless ex- nsultation free. Offices Graniteware Tinware gunwale strip, and a new supply liof beautifully balanced spoon oars arrived with them P| * SECOND - AVENUE 4 Davis is arranging to remodel buyer in BRITISH GOLUMBIA by our thorough, far-reaching mail Birk order service. We can supply Henry & Sons —Limited— wedding presents from these Crown and Bridge Alldental operatior anasthetics adm eee of teeth a . 4-42 ~—@—e—e—* — @-@-@-@-4--@-@ his boat house for the coming Prince Rupert ‘ =| * Helgerson Block. rt : oe season so as to supply the pub- : lines to any customer aoe o" Jewellers and Silversmiths igi Ip e °, , - nn nnn | fi) (lernaAnd more readily. ABE ATTELI Prov in08. pl omptly and at mo Geo. E. Trorey ! eae + ORL erate prices. All goods will be Managing Director prepaid to your nearest railway express office and money will be Vanewaver -:- B.C. returned when goods are not en- tirely satisfactory. Cur illus- 7. Williams,B.A., L.L.D Alex.M.Manson B.A W.E Ss : WILLIAMS & MANSON ateth aaa 4 Prompt settlements the strong} fight headquarters, She was ' S : Is brought within reach of every , rs, Solicitors, etc. ae Sh SHOOTING feature of the Mack Realty & | weeping bitterly and said she ‘ “Prince Rupert, B.¢ Insurance Co. It’s worth money| was broken hearted. MONTREAL. @ to you in event of a fire or acci-| “I can’t stand it,” she said, ‘‘to| re : Pe PRINCE RUPERT STRENGTH dent. See the Insurance People.| have Abe beaten up this way. If THE STANDARD is the National trated catalogue is the great me- Pi, BOX #8 Phone 150. tf |he loses the fight to Tommy | Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion | dium peeneee. a mre and ste ; buyer. Write for it; it will be mailed free to your address. JOHN E. DAVEY SI MPLI C ITY se eet ee | ee shall never step into|of Canada. It is national in all its TEACHER OF SINGING |the ring again.” | uims, | | Mrs. Attell ascribed his defeat I Mrs. § t uses the most expensive engrav- . WM, FOXON, ESQ, ARAM, 1ON«y BNG The essentials of a perfect gun, are " pr OF WM. FOXON, ESQ, A-D.A.Mo, 1O0Mor BNC ‘ nature: . ; TT { » hi s ane cer 4 port ee putatanding features of the GREEN- SMITH & MALLE al the hands of Kilbane to poker.| ings, procuring the }hotographs from Sy Its shooting capabilities are a THIRD AVE. Abe didn't want me to live at) an over the world. GEORGE LEEK & co Ce A be aaa tite atta Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and the fight camp, but T knew that I) a, articles are carefully selected ané a et e 1 co egate, i eener ins § 2S are Care y se B Se ag . ty 7. c z have won the world’s highest Sheet Metal Work jought to be there, Just what | Siias : | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES owninal 3 " £ - 4 . MEROANTILE ACKEES iter athensth of thé Oreener ‘as Office: ard Ave Workshop || anticipated has happened. They its editorial policy 1s ‘thoroughly e ° U 8 . -” N ND IPC Ss . re e Greene J > » 2nc . 7 < “ > > | COLLECTIONS AND REPORT tion is” phenomenal ian Grednar Phone 174 ad Ave. bet. 7th and8th Sts J) jad him up until 1 and 2 o’cloek independent, ; Fire, Life and Accident Insurances ei aa ses, Sa - ‘ oo oe levery morning playing poker A subscription to The Standard Skeena Land District—District of Coast . ons stronges nec ste ; ’ : , es & ' Kanged. 8 ard Avenue Phone 2 8 and Green 252 imitated by gunmakers all over the — = | ssc aUa I at costs $2.00 per year to any address in Take notice that I, SSROLINE JOHNSON, RINCE RUPERT worle ; e ‘ | of Vancouver, Bb. C., occupation marrie ; PI one “Pacile Princeps’ action 1s . ’ Best room in town at Savoy. Canada or Great Britain. | woman, intend to apply for. ermission to ay i - simplicity itself, works easily, Pe as gel Ue ee iia |purchase the following described lands: : — smoothly and the striker Is a fra¢ Little S NEWS Agency ” TRY IT FOR 1912! | Commencing at @ post planted at the t iN DYBHAVN tion of a second quicker than any |GOTCH KNOWS FEW southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south JOE other se ea aie | WRESTLING HOLDS! Montreal Standard Publishi c Lot Bloc! p 50 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence : ou get a 1ese advantages if + P -als :: New ontreal Standar ublishin 0. 40 Oock ricé|north 60 Chains to tke southeast corner of Rea! Estate Loans your gun is a Greener Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers . . i i2 16 $2 100) 42% 3062, thence west 40 chains alo! al Insurance ; : . =“ Limited, Publishers and 2 ) D2, J} south line of Lot 3062, thence north os $c6.00 to 91,000.00" CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS| Can Name Only About Six and , {7 16 34.050 | aan plong ‘weet line ot ot aie) eee é ne i ‘ % Ve | cs 4 chains @ilu 50 ie $19 rd Avenue Phone 384 [7p w Bothers His Head Little 3065 to puint of commencement, contain- SEND FOR CATALOGUE P. |. G.T.P. WHARF j ; cc a OP 188 with Oth Call and see us; we will give}!#8 6° scres, more of Ee JOHNSON ers. eye CAROLINE JOHNSON, | R. Carr, Agent. eee W. W. GREENER es = = ee Le ' Par 6 Pr you a good deal on terms. | Dated Dec. 23, 1914. 63-65 Beaver Hal! Hil! 1 TIRE ; > NOTTCR oug ere are an i > THE IR OQUOIS Montreal, P. Q. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ts ee . oe ee New Pub. Jan, 18, 1912. Scilaisidieilnmieaingdaccetibaiasenmaiiactioans Be eisablie } POOL | Goteh, world’s heavyweight | Skeena Land District —District of | Coast Skeens . " » ‘oc ; J ake notice that Kathleen Agnew 0 on- Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. | , hampion knows the names of treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se- English and American Billiards Qrmermmermesemermern srermermsrmermsrme | attic, Wash, occupation woodsman, in-|ouily six of them The echam- 0x ¢. R. Naden Co Lid desctibed lands: Re ee 2 a & post planted at the ‘i . | tends to apply for permission to purchase ane Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. | fe deeunitier 14 ipion knows how to apply the Commencing at TEEFRO al Hotel | sme ite Tat oe tae clinted mnie “ P's . SECOND AVENUE | withess post of the northwest corner of Lot _ . " | miles east of the Naas River and about 1OCKS but does not KnOW tne | 035, Range 56, Coast district, ‘distant 13.73 Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St five miles north of Alyansh, thence wesat| technical terms of one-fifth the ote : : jE on ns eae ete ea ee tiatial wate rd wanes : ° eighty chains, thence south eighty chains.) 14. which have resulted in the! | }iess to the east bank of the Hocsall River, |thenee southerly along said east bank to thence east elghty chains, thence north |mouth of Falls River Slough, thence fol- First Ave. sigh “ha . snceme Hotel Centra Cor , eighty chains to point of commencement. | (jefeat of so many challengers ser Pees ont ee lotsa aeinnek eiaiinn ee ee tan arte Gatch ‘lacknown. to aeestling asl BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS lowing bank of Falls River Slough easterly European and American plan, steam The best equipped Dated Oct. 31, 1911. — Ot, AGEN... ‘3 Sf . |The New EK. Hotel i the E }and northerly to point of commencement, {heated, modern conveniences. Rates and steam heated. Pub, Dec. 14." , the originator of the toe hold,| op® “Sy secines Se at aii theLavetiaiern }to contain 40 acres, more or less. _ $1.00 to $2.50 per day Hotand cold baths. : : ‘ } j } r ohe 20 I sl ireiees or ts. Pet a BEDS 50c Ur KATHLEEN AGNEW. eae: cenren aed }but the big champion says he} Improvements. oie ccdilicdaieias ae Augustus We gnew, Agent. Peter Black Proprietor ate ebruary 1, ‘ Tae T tteme: sc Pub. Feb. 10. Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol, of | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, / —— FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER1 |p, Range 8. Prince Rupert Ledge, 1.0.0.F. og No. 63 | i erm aa recite? for ae ee paton sto erase ine | hy hae ee tae o | Prince Rupert Land District—District of uu“ — ) y for p 88 3 . Coast. 0 x described lands F M DAV A | om om 3 Corle & Bur ess Pro 5 Revetenns ties a a ae planted at the = . IS a Meets in the Helgerson Block Garant noree Sere eine eee _ | southeast corner of Lot 5130 (being ap-| err mne eee ate “ 6 eee , ’ p a Least a DOS ee reel i : % nities tend to apply for permission to purchase HAYNER BROS. | plication to purchase No. 1683), District General Machine Shop and Ship’s 5 Every Tuesday Evening | the rolioutie denerioed jands: p ‘ UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS | Grrmesemecemmermmermmercesrmeermesrmesoms fof Cosst Range Five, che Gnaiea, ihenes Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- | All members of the order in the; Commencing at a post planted on the t. Funeral Director | lhorth forty chains, thence east forty chains banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline city are requested to visit (eran panaary aheely, “direcsion eo ore i Phone No. 86 } | to point of commencement, containing 160 Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- the lodge. }ience 20 chains north, thence 2 chains 4 & _ — acres, more or less nae URIOI cessories carried in stock. west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, - > = DAGOBERT A . 4 : peaiteak }ihence east along the shore to point of Z = . 4 Fred E. Cowell, Agent Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf te si ee ie commencement, containing 40 acres, more i = Vi as Dats January 26th, 1912 é A. DOL GLAS, N. G. lor less. : t Pub. Dec. 9 , 1 > @ LEMUEL FREER. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. Dated Dec. 7, 1914 ) ® . Pub, Jan, 5, 1911, . - ate District of Coast G __E. L. FISHER | Wan erage, ot eorgetown coeway jseet tand Diet pies ot co uneral Direct« j DOR ON | eae } Range 5. ae Director and Embalmer gs Sa to purchase e SONS OF o | Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of ; \ N : lant ‘ . - | Prince op 2c C ‘ na Ave Oo Pat Dante abo Sawmill Co. Ltd. | «is 224, ane, sth Sendays at 7 ase nis 16 At prmaton to Ron ENUE - PHONE 356 four miles west and three miles and a 2 * |p. m., at 349 3rd ave. All Nor-| purchase the following described lands: EN DAY AND NIGHT 4 5 |half south from End Hill, Banks Island, : |" Commencing at a post plafited at the L's : thence south 40 chains, thence watt oe wegians are welcome. [southwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5, = hain thence north 40 chains enee . Coast district, thence south 40 chains more east 40 chains to point of commencement; Lumber lor jess to east bank of Hocsall River, thence | containing one hundred and sixty acres following said east bank northerly and e m ess : fe a | westerly to mouth of Falls River Slough, WILLIAM FRASER | and |then following bank of said slough easterly | 1c or : March 5 tots Dawson, Agent x A SPECI A | TY io point of commencement, to contain 60 ° vated March 0, . jacres more or less. 5.8. Prince George Rob, Mant 49) eer Mouldings Pre: AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. CS tree ec | Dated February 1, 1912. f Skeena Land District—District of Coast Pub, Feb. 10. s | Range 5 ictrolas | Take notice that I, ree Graham, of A large stock of dry finish Dressmaking and Repairing } C V Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation brakeman, ; ne! Skeena Land District—District of Coast, lintend to apply for permission to purchase ing lumber on_ hand. Boat Cleaning & Pressing Work Done Skee ‘ ‘Range 5. hie SAILS the following described ante Sd lumber a specialty. Delivery soo HOPE Take notice that, Michas Beganls, cook, # | Commencing @t & pos anted abo cree aa _ > ic rie . of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- Aas ON The four miles west and three and a halt miles —— ' made at short notice. |533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert} fission. t6 purchase the to lowing de- , south from End Hi janks Island, hence) caldor throw an oppo | seribed lands: Hornless Gramophones horth 40 chains, thence west 40° chains, an the “shail Our prices are as low as any | ; Commencing at @ post planted on the From $20 to $250 peat ‘of scence! ement gontain- Byte ane Lge ss om re : {north side of Williams eae wwoere the ; « chains to point of commencement; contd ore tlock E a toe } before ing. Kitimat branch of the G, T. P. Ry, crosses { ; ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or)!!! lock than a toe, Call on us’before ordering Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains i Y 0 Same prices as sold for | less GEORGE GRAHAM jhold, ana st it to trick oppo- | Shalg “b Sree OTe, ie taua Sor . » } iE AH/ , : one at a gig chains, thence eé B B ANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE throughout Canada. ane mu _ Pred Dawson, Agent. | nents i ns where he can $0 chains, thence west 40 chains to point 28. 2 late records—prices list, | Dated March 5, 1912 clamp 01 her deadly holds. His OFFICE: }of commencement, containing 120 acres, Maintair B RINCE JOHN Large Stock Pub, Mareh 23, 1912 , half-nelson and is —_——_——_ }more or less. MICHAS BEGANIS 1 mane service to Stewart _ ieee i ! favorite ¢ a hai ers t | c . and Qoeen Charletee Ieleeaanenn Prompt Delivery erotch hol He claims he beat EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. | YOUR | ey ss Fred E. Gowell, Agent. j Tri. . WIORS P ated Oct. 3 . ‘ eWeekly Fem dervice Prince Rupert McRae Bros., Ltd. COAL NOTICES, Mahima ! ieir last meeting Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Pub. Dec. 9. ' i j tiie. | reel erip, and by the ‘ ee “ahi Everything for the Office - by use 0 i grip, and py 2 a For a apply to re | Skee | District—-District of Queen} same means beat ZAbyszko in 1940 MONEY | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, A. EB. McMaster : pSkeena Land lie hasiote ; ; Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk Ree) te Ae G.T. P. Wharf t thirty days from date,| al the Goltset in the second fall —_ — of Victoria, intend to apply for permission ee Steamship Lines |, Take notice Jomes, of cashmere, Wash! of their matel ee eee 10 purchasé the following ‘deseribed lands: —_—_—_— 2 Fasten hag A eee ensncvove halt the pr | WORK cad AE a Rat RS, “Cal | ee 6 Dae O Oe col ae +i eu) rar, und I do Dol Cer anaes He. PLC | from the southeast corner of Lot 4484, }prospect for coal and petroleum iy el fa wrestlers. know the ™ } thence north 60 chains, thence east 380 y Junder 640 submarine acres of land on) fossiana ; | chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west } Graham Island deseribed as follows «| technica erms of half of the | 30 chains to point of commencement, con- j a a= Commencing at a post planted about ¢ ; | | taining 189 acres, more or less. chains south of the southeast corner of} holds Goteh said, 1 think 1} AND eonied ' “PAUL CURTISS. 2 Lot 576, Graham Island, thence east 80 t six of the locks | Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Peeioneman 1836 1911 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence} Can hame abo , Set Dated Oct. 34, 1911. west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to but there | choa difference of YOU Pub. Dec. 9. PCE WM Le i | lace of commencement - | The Bank of SAMUEL D, SOMES, Locator. | opinion as the names of the ANNEX | Dated Mare 0, 4018. holds that I never have tried to skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. Take hotice that James Ewing Mac authority on the holds em-=} |of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, intends to apply or permission to pur- chase the following deseribed lands: vub. March 29, 1912 an 2 nt | ae ¥ eee i British North America Skeena Land District—-District of Queen} ioyed by myself or other a4 Sa ee i$ By Buying Lots 1 to 5, Block | B.C, Coas 3 ’ | — Linet mous Prireess Take notice that aniety days from date,| Jers.’ 41, Section 7; $3,500; 426 Commencing at 8 Post planted about an y »s, of Cashmer as seven "Mm 2 A Strong British Bank, with ! Bamuel 8 a en a verona ote ae! , | Owned and operated by the feet frontage. direction from the Naas River, aud about PRINCESS wma iPr Be atee f ‘| ada for a license to| | Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on eight miles north of Alyansh Indian villas’, Y Connections Throughout the Comunissioner of Lands for a license te F.0.E. SMOKER i way eight miles north of Alyansh Indien vate Th prospec so submarine acres “on| the American and European plan, | \eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, ursda Apr World, under 640 submarine acres of land on “ | | : F : w Apel @, etme asm. Graham Island, deseribed as follows | , Wed daw| Excellently furnished, ata thence west eighty chains to point 0 : —_— ttnmencing at & post planted about 40) Man Big Event for ednesday | . aaa erene ? | commencement. y For Victoria, iver is chains south of the northeast corner of Night in Helgerson Block steam heat, electric light, and all $ JAMES PANG MACE: ; 4G. McNab WHE 5 rei D aft Lot 117, Granam eens) ‘onan 7 od |f modern conveniences, being abso- Dated Oct, 84, 1011. » Agen : r s chains, thence north 80 chains, thence os AS n een Dated Oct, 94, ee General Agent Fo gn west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to Anything th Eagles under-| lutely first-class in every respect, | = - . - 4. = place of commencement f : ‘iy results sucvesafuls| —— ; : . | SAMUEL D. SOMES, Locator take usua u ‘he a ak se ey enn Agents in Canada for the Colo Dated Mareh 21, 1012, \ and that the big smoker to be The appointments and service I HAVE Pub, Mareh 20, 1012 a \f are equal to any hotel on the | LAND LEASE NOTICE on Wednesday at their PRIN ? nial Bank, London and West “ae i? . RUPERT FEED C0. Indies, We eceanecias facilities | scoona Land District—District of Kasarhhatt An the Helgerson block, will — BARGAINS Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast big events of the) | : “4 : vied Charlotte bids of the for handling business with Great rake notice that thirty days from date, be one of tl : Take notice that 1, Alfred Christian Big stoe i) ; ' imuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash, | ison i 1 foregone conelusion, } ———$—— ip ak R t, BC. & upation mining all Sd ‘ Bi Si fl omes, 1as ‘ 4 +} seasc s ail ‘ ° | | Prince Rupert, B.O., oce ol Gard kinds of Britain and foreign countries, rancher, intend to apply to the Assistant) _, oral o will inelude a 4 Ra - $] 50 d EVERYWHERE eer, intend to apply for permission to | limothy A * s Commissioner of Lands for a license to The progra les: x to $3. per ay. | acres of land desoribed as follows: Clove ee Drafts on France, Germany, | prospect for coal and petroleum on and) wound boxing contest, tumbling, | = | Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile Grain under 640 sebmarine aeres of land on) rou ; } ren | of the ‘Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approxima’ | ficht and singing. Good - 271-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, thence South Africa, Australia, New Graham Island, deseribed as follows: la barre! Commencing at a post planted about 40 a) chains, thence east $0 chains, thence po chains (more or less) to railway ade, nee Zealand, India, China, Japan an chains south of hortheast corner ofj music Will De westerly 26 chains (more or less) following said I ; iptly Attende 0 i7, Grahe Island, thence east 80] .,,,. sand til red ; } I E. Attended to West Indies bought and sold. eehing ae aouth BO chains, Ahnece| Chal & indulged: 2p G. A. Sweet, Manager’. | GEO. EK grade to point of commencement and containing Mail Ordey wovided and @ gen- | chains, thence a | 70 acres more or less. eat 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to| wesl un enn |$ 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE be Mace of ¢ol sneement : rr Cle . Agent International 4 Prince Rupert Branch— place of CONMUEL D, SOMES, Locator Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.) Date Jan. 81, 1912 ALL KID ock Food:- Dated March 21, 1012, Phone 4 \| Pub. Feb 3, 1912 “INDS OF FRED- F. S. LONG, Manager. pub, March 29, 1012 Se 4 uy Mebane sit |