.i page rcr?. Tez djlilt irrrrs tn&rjtu Sep Sf&sj's Kzirt brni Kzieas be Smrt CRIPPY COUGHS It ulc a iac a Krart is fee ka w . -kV7. G. ULCma. OndM Lata. EC air:! aii ad a trxrc 'crtp- CMyi w in 1 1 wjfc aat a 1 ncrfi af KviV'ffaxn. rfvoi. ta k. I aaa a my ftt l-m Yaa auy aae tM letter I kt tax warM lwr Utzaar auic te oe one I fTVC nur1 -a i.mc rr fraca IWWI--I1! -.rrr:.i I.3 OY1I lO KOjJOM BO"LSS SOLO ' I The Canadian Letion'i War Ser-W'es are undertaken with the ap-Poral and aetrre c-peraUon of the Canadian Corernnient HE FACE5 yuyn-i.mml John A. f.ann, C. Ui.. VJt.O.. VJ. rretldrot llricadlrr-Ornml Alex C. Kom, CJfJ MJMJ V.I. A.Ii.C Nailuna Campalcn Chairman LtOI. K. A. OHrr, DAO, VJ Campaizn IilrwUir Col. Tb- llm'irable O. U'blte. C. IJ. K V4N 11'nwntf Jtr-murtr Uriol. W. ti. llutll, CJI.K, Vlr-ttUx. . tlliXl r " Students' Music Club Meeting Vaeal onto. -Whither Beaa-ifEi MiDer Maid Miss E D Priestley, oj Mix Ehae Heap. Vocal solo. 'Impatience" Cycle,' -Beaoufal Miller Maht CyrJe." Mra.! ley were, ten pins. J. Coaudma; Mha MarybeOe fire pins. B. Withers; fire poos, B Jean si-fai leea Bvry. A fifty cerr. often make yaa ctaaoir ad. doBarz. : A atfles Mas Young People Of Churches Meet Preaeaiattan Ta Um 3UrjbeB ; Staes One of Featare Of 0pen sUon inda,. with Par. Gathers Meoday Nlzbt J entl And Friends Present The Students' Mane Clan bead i-.j nnnih:y meeting Monday night ib bit a; the home of Mia Florence psoases Society heat Its Parker. Second Arenae. with Ua weekly 11111 ilin to the Bernard lanrtahl, the president, in nn Chnxh Kail on trs cnair Tae 1 jut at stmxj ..i the comprised "The Life and Works Winnie flmiwi hi the of Frame Schubert-" A paper was am I lag w opea read by Mrt a L A. Tarr. . . ent and frtenas hreised. Tne program mriuaeo use 101- 1 The wdUp aervtoe Kay Wataon. j The reatalnder of was spent in phvyinc Clonal Yoan charge Monday with a the eeenhag the dtrectaon of Mha Winnie Caav- aad Car Thome. Refresh BOHX1XO PRIZE "XV-VtRS Bernard Londahl. aceopanied brj aJetoaed with a pray Las wee j loee.a. mdaai xirs Jean McLean. ' w rTTV y - - -av- uhk. aiaw sj giaoaaaaj Women's Auxiliary WRESTLING Moose Bridge To Local Battery j BOXING Parly Another Series of Enjoyable Affair .... of c Show ti Lined I. r r Fm. lor Mr. S. D. Johnstone fa Fressdeat laterestiar Twefe - . - mm II . D -m-m. . . M wvun . 1 ew irxaimauaa 4 j.mwx ti o . o o o : o o o o 0 o aar;-'" The boxing Five trvHinjif a recent illness art follows: Don McCoavor. prince Revert, 15S pound, vs. Private A. L. Mc Donald. Canadian Seottiah, 14 peeads. Howard Hoagan. 136 pooaas. va Ahttatr Crerar. 17t poanda amort Hanktnson. lai vs. Stan Seherk. 11 WAS DROWNED NELSON Jacob AHes and Clifford (Ma ha f fey. employees of th hydra-eleetrie company, were drowned in the Kootenay Kiver when a ronerele slab smashed throarh the pier. pr r9d Uie Dsliy " '- 'hetr know have to sell 13 SISTERS CAFE News n : what Tt OPrNS FOK BUSINESS THURSDAY. : A-M. Your Patronage will be hifhl appreciated "Aim to Pleae i oor Motto-Thank Yon L1ASS1FIE FOK bALfc FOR SALE Boat alth 5 h.p. Kelvin engine in excejent order and equipped with new skiff, going at a bargain. Phone 843. tf. FOR SALE Terms: strietry cash: Lots 9-10. Blk. II, D. L. m. Terrace. Hugh M. Adams Estate. 1500A0; Sub Lot 1 of Lot KM,' Range 5. C. D. Laketse Road. 10 acres. Petor De Boer Estate.! $100.00: Lot 20. Blk. 11 S. 0.1 Prince Rupert, George Maeklln Eatat: $900.00; Lot 4. Blk. 37. Sec. 5, Prince Rupert, J. D. Peel' Estate. $125.00; Lot Zm, Cas-star. 103 acre, situate near Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate. $100.-00; U subdivided portion Lot 21 W. R. 5. C. D.. 1 42 aeres. and cottage. Estate Nefl McCarthy. $30040; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6. Blk. 2. D. L. 45. Port Eattngton. Estate Mary D. Holland, $200.00; Unsold portion Lot 3322. Caattar (Alice Arm. and cottage. Estate, John W. 8trombeck, $$00.00. Official ;Admlnltrator, Prince j Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR SALE English pram. Snap at1 $12.00. Apply Mrs. Joe La Breche,! Whfte Apartments. f37 J'RRSON A I. HOW TO GET A OOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Assents. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. niack, Proprietress (Central Hotel) Table in Play OrsaBiaalam hoo been aa of "- T aic matttac ubiM Uit a Wonwn'a Anantoy to the mmi TVT nlaht at aaodaer of the lenee of en- Bauery. itafat Qanadwa AitSery. ,'fJt--r nteht ta the Te athhje drhti beinR heid at in Prinee Saveet A larfe ba :7 . . . t the M00M.H0II Sentnc of delk-- of wires and aaotftrrt at the leeal Beetaoo foUoajs: . . - 1 kmu remanawnu rauwro uir U TherealB be fire event, with the Prta of card, after which danr 'atairtliatT a vrtang wate be- enjoyea of ofArea malted as wn Darrow Tboaapoon of the! T prise-winner at cards were cr.. k.iw k.' ladles' first. Mrs. A Jarobsen. see- Preaadent, Met S D Johsarinn I 1 , r ttar Tantanar ihatiVt " " ft lira hi aaiiajiii 111 mm, ajcx -. ? -1 h m taa 04- - rax- Tutaerr. Wiled as af the MB- 1 A. Teas. l.. a-tt-r tim. .ease to Miss MarybeOe Stiles who ftederlcr Point. jtiah. paeidhax the latter is well 'cock and Mrs. W. R. Oeread featare of the evening to .is to be aMrried ahorUy to J. B. the presentation by Mrs. H. B. Barclay. tnu Rochester, on behalf of the eavb.j Delicto of a aeaatifaDy fitted traveMag serred. U wa WILL YOU HELP HIM FACE FOR months he has undergone intensive training for war. Soon, we hope, the war may be over. Shall he be turned loose with no training whatever in the pursuits of peace? The minds of our boys who have enlisted must be kept focussed on the life they left behind. Their training as good Canadian citizens must continue. Education to fit these men for the pursuits of peace must be made available to them in Canada, in England and on active service. Educational and Vocational Training for Men In Our Service Forces In providing educational facilities to our service forces, the Canadian Legion is assured of the technical assistance it needs. The Canadian Association for Adult Education has offered its complete facilities; and its long experience in work of this kind will be invaluable. The departments of education, universities and vocational bodies throughout Canada are lending their support The cooperation of British and French educationists is assured; Enlisted men will be able to continue their education, to take courses in agriculture, economics, technical subjects, various trades, bookkeeping, stenography, secretarial work, Mia J O w to Haddoa. aeetiacs be heM March 1. Dairy Xew caasstfltd Ads brtez LIFE? etc Courses leading to matriculation and college degrees will also be available. We Will Help Him in His Personal Affairs The Canadian on service far from home frequently has troubles of a personal or business nature on which he needs trustworthy advice. Representatives of the Canadian Legion will be present wherever Canadian troops are quartered. Through 1100 Legion branches located in all parts of Canada they will be able to have such matters investigated and corrected. . . Entertainment and Recreational Services The Legion will assist in providing entertainment and recreation, and in organizing sports activities wherever the need arises. Leave hostels and travel bureaus will be provided in England. Concert parties will be trained and equipped. Every effort will be made to bring to the men a real touch of home when they are far from family and friends. HELP WIN THE WAR Will you lend your help to enable us to carry on this great work successfully? If your son or brother were over there wouldn't you like to see these facilities available to him? Every dollar you give Is an investment in Canadian manhood. Give to the Legion's great new cause today! )M Boaaas and OreenftehL ITS taogfh fahvwtng to appear. Btnart: seeond. Peter WnR-Oonner F A Larson was the winner of a door prise 3 M Morrajon wa ouuler of They are a hooky poor and eeraaaonles and saasic for daneins on tne tmmm and foarta Taeoaayai met4 to wmlau ssnae real ! farnished by Mrs. Harold Darejr of eacli saoath in the Canadian and H Smith. Legion Bfioaas, j jB jaai-whaaap Prank Pol-1 Mr H amlth was general eon- The aaas aad objects of the sax- of Prnce Raeert. 1M poimrti.l the srrTtng of refresh-ihary are ta sappry eoesfortt and k buVd to take on Stan Nelson. ; aaniu was dlroeted by Mrs. Bun extras lor the awn at Barrett Rock 17a 1 1 isiootioi. of the Canadian Seat-1 HaaarnaehiM assisted by Mrs. Ad- Mra Walter Longwill presided at the door. Da0y advorthssst re me Datlt News Is sere to brine dally TIRED .d AC HEY Shtzxio kidaeyi may L to bUffie. Gia PBU Mp eUausats toxic iri that tead to dov ep Lidaey action. la tk Uoked States aak for Ciao FdU". I PILLS I 1 alM ta Cmci aa4 ta CJL Ha aaS a, tars alia. HI - First Grade flutter 3 lbs Canadian Chee?e Lb. first Grade Baron Lb 24c 59c 95c 23c 35c 3 Tins of Nestles .Milk and 1 Pyres Plate- nn Both for Ithubarb 2 lbs. lettuce 2 heads Bananas While they last. Lb. Gold Coin I'otatoes-10 lbs. Sack Malklns Best lloney-4-Ib. tin B. ii K. Pastry I lour-10 ib. sack Corn Starch Pkg. Fry's Cooking Chocolate Vlb. pkgs 15c 15c 8c 25c $2.20 69c 45c 10c 20c t ICT "lf I r-. COMING Tilt RS Madeleine t arro "Honeymoon m n., BAK GOli) LONDON, 1 CP' :r. price ol bar gold :. BMrket was nnehang-o tSSM per fine ounce miocsui an Ta MHtaaarar Ta J w. A- ,M ,, Ua mt AratlW. W..r WHEJUUa am M. Ithao mjmM to u . Ittkaa otx 9Uan .nir, ( aC of it star No l -, So S Star 4. Scar s ,S SW to 7. Btr tu, "VS IS tuw,,. too sort v ' IB Fancy Assorted Bw cults Lb Chae A Sandborn " Coffee Lb Windsor Salt Irxl.r. or Plain pk Cetler Day reaches 2 (la Brentwood rcav Size 5 2 fin Chocolate Eclairs Lb. FRUITS and VEGETABLES Large Sle Grapefruit 6 for 25c Carrots 3 bunrhps Gaiety Toffees Lb. Bleach A Bottle Ammonia- Bartlett Pears 2 tins Diced Beets Tin Ranee & Hardy (JL A1.ITY GltOCF.ILS PHONES 55 and 5G (Free Delivery on All Town Ordrr) If you lose anything, advertise for it. i .1 ..tj iU.l in IT' TAKE NUT ICA ttia, -m pay aiBBUi M aT fr r . h Maw af , prcfMrtMe af it -r.. ; f-v u ia isrr Tri ttum af a Uua-i. B C ISM. BPi.pt,,, ii: . ail mat UM MM . rC VtW tmfmn . UtowraJ Ctaaaja. yaw f. . MiomJ CUau dMt) -H SMtW MAnS in :St Mai ttm tt-: r! rl Stb y of My ina & a BxaxYT Quality Specials At Very Low Prices WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 17th Grade 'A Eg rv Large from the farm Dos or 24 dozen 'ray fresh t Shoot Xlthtiy 7 W fa ?i Poaerfnl SpecUcIe cf . Emotions In TradjUo M India H LOBS nSKHZli V LOYrOWERBRENT 'At " 20 and " : AIJUEI) "fllmlnt The Fleet Bet ins With Andv r 1 1 P-t 5c 40c 9c 25c 23c 33c Hamlin A: Thompson O'lH Carrots. 10 lbs Onions 7 lbs. Iteets 7 lbs. Cauliflower- -Largr size 25c 25c 25c 25c Delicious Apples 9()C Nice size. Dozen 25c 10c 25c 10c at I"