hlOXES 18 and 19 H 1940. jultana lUWnv - Australian. -,Cy 25c Canidian Cheese QQ, M -Jund tasty. Lb. uaK e'irlfr Orance Marmalade F ':: ,i Turn nlrt JWtih 51c - S3.7S rnU advertisement Is not publUheo t,r dismayed by the Llquot losoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PURESTEST TABLET 5 Grain Fur fold, Headache, Neuralgia, Uheu-mntism, etc. Does not depress the heart. 24 Tablets & 100 Tablets .... 65c P.O. Box 575 iussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" irumwick Sardine Tasty iiitous. HC UtITY IXO r It -For all your buklns ,.i.'k Pastry Flour U. tt K.. good for vour bakin?. QQf OOK' 10-lb. sack S1.85 Koyal Crown Cleanser-Brightens the home. UVy excellent value Tin Koyal City reaches Famous for flavor 2 s sat 29C 2 Urn Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Pure and wholesome 10-oz. tin i'limY's TOMATO JU1CK "Gentle pressing" protects vitamins n wen as flavor, arsurM full count In vitamins jp A, B, c and G. Per tin Mr Powders Malkln's Best. A ortcd flavors. Qp ; ii KseUtn. 4 for " IJbby's Spaghetti anil Meat Vour family Is sure 07 u C to like it. 2 Uns Ve carry a complete slock of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In ptasoit at rninntiKU n,ii... it... in riisiif lur market price, we -v uwi: jiiic.: SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Hin2 it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVES Steamer leutct Prluca Rupert everj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tralm leave Prlnctj Rupert for the Emt Monday, Wednesduy, Frltloy, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fare; etc., call or rlt City Ticket Office, 528 3c At. V-9-40 0 o o 0 g o OrmesLtd. Pioneer Druqgiats The Itrxall Store Phones ill Si K Open Dilljr from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. o Sundajri and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 7 to 9 n.m. eo:cssc9000ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t John May, who has been on a holiday trip south, returned to I the city from Vancouver on the i-rmce iiupm this morning. Back in town for the first time since the recent session of Parliament in Ottawa. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skena arrived In the city on last night's train. CATCHING 75COLD? Used at that first meeze, this specialized mediation for the no bere nvMf rvt1 ctirt Bj C nlP keeP colds f IVI from developing. Va-tro-nol il.G. HELGERS9N LTI. 21C Sixth Street See Vs For All KiniU of Insurance and Ileal r.stale Notary Public We have on our lists the following good buys I llh AVE P- 6-room house. 3 bedrooms, modern, furnace, two lots, large garden, $2000. (Olt.MK RIG OAK PLACE and P.MtK AVE.-Concrete house, $2fi00. UI.MEKSON PLACE -7-room house. 4 bed rooms, furnace, large garden. $3300 on terms Stock Taking Sale All FURS At Goldbloom's 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now W. GOLllBLOOM The Old Uellable- THE SEAL " QUALITY mm m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by th only salmon canning company with n U the year round payroll In rrlnc Rupert THE DAILY JTEWfl PAGF TIIBFIB LOCAL NEWS NOTES J H Bulger sailed this afternon on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Stewart. : The Cambral Valentine Ball has been postponed until Thursday, February 22. For prompt and courteous ser-vlce Phone 13 Taxi. it Mrs. D. Sutherland returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. T. 3. McQuillan, well known Unuk River mining man, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today -going through to 112 TAXI I'rompt Service 3 Heated Cars Eastern Star Tea, February 15, Mrs. L. W. Klrgln's. 1 T.V Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Do You Know About Our Free Premium Mail You receive cash coupons Villi your purchases redeemable for valuable premiums. Ask us atout IW .. , , MUSSALLEIA'S ECONOMY STORE i with the surplus going to Butedale I i and Namu. i AnnoWiYcfements I ... . ' r, . . mi Atltfrtuvmrnl ji'fii.-turn wlUbe chiriea Tor t tut munth ml ?6' Virn 1 Wrestling and Boxing, Moose Hall, Feb. 15. i Orange Bridge. February 15. Ad-mission 25c. ! Eagles' Bridge, February 21. Presbyterian Tea, 'Mrs, George r Mitchell's. February 22. Cambral Valentine Ball, Feb. 22. f S. O. N. Leap Year Dance February 23. Boys' "Band Dance February 28. Anglican Tea. Mr,s. J.G. Johns. February 29. March 1 TcaMrs. Brrt Morgan's. Auxiliary Danco, 6ddfellows Hall, March 1. W.O.T.M. Tea, Mrs. Llneham's. 142 5th East. March 12. United Tea. Mrs. March 14. Krlkcvsky's, L. O B. A. Daffodil Dance, March 15, Metropole Hall. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall. March 16. United Spring Sale. April 11. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms llo & Cold Water Prince Rupert,. B,C. Phone 281 P.'O, Box 131 I Hotel Arrivals Royal D. A. McDonald," Royal Canadian Artillery; E. Nicholson and Ous Hansen, city, P. Paluka, Prince George; George Oswald, Edmonton. Prince Rupert F. M. Doekriil. Telkwa: William Colquhoun. J. G. MIIHehamp. B. C. Johnston, A. H. Perry and J. L. Roaf, Vancouver; C. W. Watson, Edmonton; S. A. Cunllffe, William Hanson and T. A. McMartln. 8ml-thers; Jessie M. Nash, E. T. Ken-ney, R. W. Riley, Oscar Olander. J. jA. Michaud and Dr. S. G. Mills, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Hagen, Copper River; D. Main. Sunnvside: A. Jacobsen, Shirley; Olof Hanson M. P. .'fid S. J. Mayer. Prince Runert: C. Llndstrom, Remo; C. V. Hope, Prince George; C. J. Wright Ocean Falls. unemployed meeting Thursday 8 Mrs. Cliff Madlll will sail on the pjn. In C.LD.L. Hall. 38 jPrlncess Louise tomorrow after-1 noon for Esquimau to join herj Canadian Legion B.E5.L. month-, husband who is stationed there In' ly meeting tonight 8 o'clock. 38i the naval service ' j j Moose meeting tonigjht at 8 Mr and Mrs B. E. Morgan of jo'clock. Installation of officers at Billmor. who have been on a trip' 9. 38) south, returned to the city from! Vancouver on the Prince Rupert An exceptionally Tieavy run of this morning j herrinsr u coAtinuInblfi the harbor 1 This morning "gome seven or eight ' seiners were ftshTng. Numerous I packers are also buTty. Monday night not less than 1200 tons of the lish was hauled In and the night before. 1100 tons. The Port Edward , and Tucks Inlet reduction plant are running to capacity on the fish L) 26 OUNCE BOTTLE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. IDORA Roller. Rink Daily Sessions 2:C0 to 4:30 Children 6:00 to 3:30 Adul'.s 8 30 to 11:00 Beginners Given Special Attention J. H. BULGER Optometrist Koyal Bank Ride. toooooiaoKiiooQKHooocHecH!i 8 JHSS YUKI S Dressmaker I Ladies' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price rhone GREEN 880 :27. FRASER ST Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Vheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 V I K WBf&MHVkL REPORT 1 AN D m nkr tM!$ m t A I (u"bU ; a - II I'l ilVfl Vtot - MIM8I,j IV JI f ,w Isiissa . . J.7iWn ' "" M tW httia. UWMijA ViU llT Is Interesting to turn back the oases of time for half a century, and lo compare the figures of those strenuous pioneering years with the achievements of today. The comparison provides a remarkable demonstration of the ever increasing public confidence in the security and strength of Life' Assurance, and affirms the soundness of the cooperative principles on which Life Assurance is fpunded. Today, this, confidence is shared by over one million policyholders of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. In 1939,, benefits paid by the Company were $89,927,722 and benefits paid since the first policy was issued now total $1,295,635,071. New Business of the Company for the year amounted to $194,181,820 increasing the total assurances inforce-to $2,938,478,254. Assets now stand at $914,767,311. Th xUnt of th San Life organization and ths kigh chararttr and qualifications of iu personnel niur prompt, intelligent and efficient terries ' to policrbAlaeri and leneiiciariei at all times. Tie .iMKUdl Report uiUe nulled to all pol'ujboUett. OtSeri nuj obljin a copy on request. A. L. WiUGHT, O.L.U., Hranclt Manager Royal Bank liuildfnij - Vancouver SUN! Life Canada f H EAP OFFICE MONTREAL B. t Furniture Co. We Wave iust Receivecl a Large Shipment of RtGbnditioned imncDWAAn . iDEMfMr'f AM ananmuinuiun HP h - - . - - - - TYPEWRITERS In gtarantec.d condition. It will pay you to come in and look thein aver at these wtmdcrful prices Kenungton.tpewriter ) 7 C A A-l conditio? ........... .tlU 1 Undcrvddd Typewriter gg g QQ At . . i . .aTge-iiEe''CarTiage';Reniington Noiseless Just like hew. CCC AA At 1L.C. Smith At "Phone BLACK 324 -1, - Next Door to B. C Clothiers . i: v : --Mr. - $45.00 THIRD AVENUE DUE" JO INCREASE . TltlCE OF r Ntfiuo Wellington Coal A? he "mine of one 'dollar per ton and the increase In freight rates, commencing January 1 1910, our prices on Nanalmo Wellington Coal will be as-follows Nanathio XVeliing't'on Y,'hmp ackf d, delivered. Per ton : "flfJSk ' anafmo Welimgfbn itme, Uuh--SackedI del., Per ton ,....'$ll2i Nanalmo Welling oh tump-T-BUllc, dellvf red. Per ton SJ!5 Nanalmo Wellington. Mine Run Bulk, delivered. Per ton ,...-lljbt Mkft ard McCaf f ery Ltd. Vhohe Yl6 and 117 te S i I'M . H . - .a V