agles Sixth ridge Party $1.00 v-niidren's sleenr nv m,i ftlONE 95c first, iron b the Eagles Locrge wA i AU,r ' SWEATERS . women's all wool pullover sweaters, long wort sleeves- V $1.25 Children's Jersev wool drese. 2 tri 4 rears $1.00 Sif .T ,'rnv.ntf. i'lincp oy cushion forma, 12x12., Kapok filled. Each 35c Mart... rNAI'IYliXCl i aufria nanklnu o,W l hulnr .cly fnr' $1.00 0r- dozendpklnS' 18x18, ?1le q"aIIt 8 fr 1,25 $2.25 IT Will. - - BLOOMERS, PANTIES and VESTS Worm's silk knit blbotners, panties and vests Watsi.n and Harvey quality. Rich- 59c k ;tti t. . PYJAMAS and NlftliTIKS Wat; m i.-Jfc Jtnl.t pyjamas fend nieruics. Eacri $1.00 PYJAMAS Pure illk crepe pyjamas, lace trim. Each $2.75 i ' ' - ' . . -' JUmVm& ' " NIGHTIES Pure silk crepe nighties, white or pink.Efcch- , jl50 SLIPS" . ; Satin or silk sllns, tea ros or white. Each $1.00 VESTS Vamen's winter welghk vests, short sleeve Ea. 45c SATIN HLOIISKS (Loq; sleeve satin blouses to $3.95. " Pri-winW y' from knight until 2 ajn. to fIY tiWMCt w,!T? f wwmg the strains of. Jean de Carlo hR ANClllS 7' Iad?es t. Mrs. Norton- 'ntra. about forty coouples 1 VTU1 VAJIU second; Mrs. pit.,. o. .' taklntr to the finnr i. i.-. .. . iu. or Ea. rure silk crcue hosei newhkries fiic 2 Drs. for $1.25 U A vnTxr otr trvitricf "ajon silk hosef hew shades.iS pairs $1.00 1 Bah. IftJiUUnrtiJ, ! wy ui kimonos, nlrtk or bluelh' UlftJb6x. Each- r ' ' 4- - ir - -f . . ? : - . : . it - . .nii, men s ' ft 1, II L seCQM. II. Wan. iP"'- ?We door. nri it " wuii frank aikon Ed at the todsi hail la-t nl-ht f&S J. ""A .pt dellc1' re- t ' - . l. T""t UJ"c wa enjoyed Robert McKay ivas master oT"1 iiftlYIi IXAiT ceremonies, Henry Smith, presided. . . j at the door arid F. Ellison, Angeilo IinAFlJlMPC! SnLT cmV ' WIlDDlWuo superintended the serving of re- . freshments. .. i.- . , Dollar Days Friday&Saturday $1.50 CORSETS Corsets, CorseletUs and -girdles. Each $1.00 aprons I Print aprons, large1 size, assorted patterns i for FLANNELETTE White flannelette, it inches wide, d yards $1.00 SHADOW CLOTHS Shadow cloths; 30 Inches wide, assorted oatein? 3 yards ., $1.00 1'H.I.OWS Pillows, art tick covers. Each- 85 c CUSHIONS Cushions, cretonne covered, assorted patterns. $1.00 PILLOWSLIPS Uleached pillow sliph. 4 tor $1.00 TEA CLOTHS Check or stripe tea cloths. 0 for ; $1.00 TABLE CLOTHS Rayon table cloths, assorted patterns, 0x50. 2 for $1.00 RUNNERS Chenille runners. 12x42. assorted colors. $1.00 CHENILLE COVERS Radlc top chenille covers. 8x24. 4 for $1.00 . BRIDGE SETS Embroidered bridge sets, boxed. Per set- $1.00 for- CURTAINS Frilled curtains, ready to hang, with ties. Pair 75c CURTAIN LACES Curtain laces and marquisettes, assorted pat-ems. 4 yards $1.00 TOWELS Fancy hand towels, 15x30. 0 for $1.00 TOWELS Fancy hand towels, 20x40; 4, for $1.00 VELVETS Figured velvets, green or blue. 2 yards $1.00 COMFORTER BATTS Comforter batts, 72x90. Each 95c , SHOPPING BAGS Fancy shopping bags. Each 25c FLANNELETTE SHEETS Flannelette sheets, grey or white, bordered ends. CCx76. Each $1.00 9 WcClosc at 6 p.m. Saturdays THIRD and FULTON Celebrated Jointly FRANCOI SHAKE. Nov. 21: The farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker wa the scene of a-weddine and a golden anniversary on Tuesday afternoon last. Thewedding couple was William Galr of Forestdale and Prince Rupert and Miss Lillian Jessie Adella 'Walker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walker. Rev. Adam Crisp of Burns Lake officiated. The bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father and was attended by Miss Edith Galr of Forestdale, wore a gown of white satin with necklace' of white pearls; a long veil crowned with orange blossoms and silver slippers. She carried a bouquet of pink, and white carnations tied with white tulle streamers. She was. preceded by her little sister Hazel who. as flower girl, was dressed in sky blue : . entf. the commodious dlnlne riQlnrr tllHMnrI (ntn . ArHnnv...kU 1 ...... ".-...s I.U1.1CU wui vuiwctyawjiy oy and Dest wisnes and congratulations the huge bunches of flowers which wprp PTtendfxl tn Ilia t arrived by every. carr some Just off I their mates. U t. a ' , I r, wPC7 Cn An announcement was made by , splcuous k by their fresh u beautv and I fragrance and a tub full of golden , chrysanthemums sent by L. H. Eyres, A. L. Eyres, H. A. Eyres and Mrs. W. Blow, all of Victoria, esnccl- j ally for the golden wedding celebra- I II 1 t - t . 1 m w iion. wnicn was io iouow. The Wedding March from Lohen grin was played by: Mrs. Adam Crisn, as the bridal procession en tered, and "Promise Me" during, the lgning of the register After the serving of.the wedding UDDer. .a. further rMnt nn n-n. ?icld; bride tod'grohinjeing showr exea wun congratulations and good wishes. Toasts proposed to the bride and groom were fittingly, fes- OCUded to. Then (h ivf ...... b viiug couple were lutroduce3f;to the continually arriving guests, most of wnom had known them for many years. The hosts of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walker who were commemorating their golden wedding anniversary. They were given a rousine reception whir fully equalled that given to "Lucky our Galr and their granddaughter Lillian. John R. Walker was born In La- chute, Quebec, in September 1869: He lived in Quebec until he eighteen, came to Colorado, and wintered there in the snows of the high altitude for eighteen months, then moved to Manitoba where he farmed until 1904. Here he met his boyhood sweet heart. They were married in ldao. In 1904 they moved to the Fraser Valley and developed one of the show places for which Chllliwack Is lamed. This became too clvill?ed for the pioneer, whose father had arrived -in Montreal one hundrerf and eight vears aeo and five kt whose brothers have also celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries, and he moyed to Francois Lak In 1Q91 ra.H-- l 1 . . .1 ItJiWIlg III BUttCSSlOU iwo Oi the best farms on the shorp nt Tchesinkut Lake within ten mllpvif Burns Lake wher? the couple are spending their declining years In a life of active retirement.' ; Big, neception Following the home reception, the wedding parties adjourned to the more spacious Francois Lake Farm- lx ers Institute Hall where arrange-1 Jiua Deen maoe Dy the families for the entertainment of au who might be able to attend. In response to a wldelv circulated tr art eral invitation, a record crowd flll- "fiOVERNMBNT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 2. Notice Of Application for a Rett Mrrnrc NOtl(V fa ' hAfhir fftv.n U A . IIWT1IUL OMiV HIT LltNWnr. A W n . n - ' . v . inv to the- limiar rvrntml Rmt . 14 vji In reapeot of premlsea beta rrt ..WA. BILUHiTJ .r NO. IAI Thl . I . ... ' ATQUUC. wesi. rrinr- UniTwrt. nni, ,.- . w -r - uu. vjiq 1.1 . . ii ii08-8 Bik alte. Map 923, Prlwe Rutert of -Britih oj zzsz rnr T-.,."! " Oe for pne or else- where Dated Hits 2flth of Op.tau, 1' r. 190. " JOHN HOSKINS, Applicant. FOR SALE Nash sedan, inquire, Empire Baths. (274A FOR SALE 2" pairs of skates. Sizes 7 and Call at 130; 4th Ave. R FOR' SALE Household furniture. McCIary enamel range -Also Pori-tiac sedan. Cheap for cash. Box 45, Daily News. (275) FOR SALE-Household goods. 885 Borden Street (275) FOR SALE Trolling .boat 28 feet long,. io H.P. engine. Box 46, Dally News: (273) SEALED tenders will be received by' ther undersigned up to noon of ! Tuesday, November 26th, for the ; purchase of the Cottonwood Cafe : building and contents, exclusive of ground rights, Hyder, B.7, ' formerly operated by David Allen, ! deceased. Business affords snlendid ocdop- ; tunity as wage proposition. I Premises iuidc,opte.nts,may be lnj- ! spected by calling on David Ged- : des, Stewart.- B. C. '. ! The highest ;or any tender not necessarily accepted. ; Terms Strictly cash. Tenders should be adressed Of f ficial Administrator, Prince Rup ; pert, B.C. and marked "Tender,1 ! NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. ' " tf. FORRENl- FOR; RENT Room ire Daily NeKyte Duiiame ior oince Durnoset nrttf. Heated: . j ,i FOUND OWNER of grey Stetson hat-lo$t night of Legion banquet ma jr "obi-tain it by .calling at ..DallyiNe and paying for this advertised ment.f .. ,irij'iutn fti. V ANTED ,r SALESMAN WAOTRTT nirt laousnea uaienaar House offer good proposition td nvwfr5,'f'3lesr man. Territory Prlnce'RtiDerir to r-nnce ueorge- ana Yellow tead Pass, B.C. Write Dominion C1V enaar- v;o.k iTurpv Nova Scotld, Canada. (23! LOST" 1 LOST Tweed, purse with zlprjet PAQE JTvE ed-the haTL Immediately after the the Master of Ceremonies that if 'ions married life, h'' TVwnmv Rnm: T at. nnhAfrt.i!irt tiinftd ' fl.ll istnhttlmi Timmarrlpd ladles TVnm uiu - miwiiwii nuu iMU icmcicu bliCUt j grand-daughter Lillian In ChilUwack, and. 'TLucky- Biiriinrew ana wa3t SKUiujjy he .acted as Master-cf Cersmonles Galr entered to the strains of thecaught by. Miss MarionKfe al-. with rare ability, assisted by Barn-Weddlne' Marph. nlaved bv Mrs. ! though surrounded by a bevy of her "ev Mulvan v. Peggy Deeder by special request, basketball team mates, v ' - j r-r- -i teading the whole crowd, then num- f Among the many presents to the ' tti ' I jjk , .: ' 'taerfne- 150 with the precision of ;' Vt ..r HUndreos ot people try a "spot" 4 wciiiiB iuv wiui "lui"u" "'.older ,,, rnnnle , van a , iar nf 'rvnarijVi .. : w. , ,.;, . trained infantrymen. 7 -- "y news coi- one for each year of their harnioh- umn and get good results, tf) .m. The Grand j March, w was followed... r.A , .......... , . . . " " .....JgJ by a waltz with the .older couple still leading. Dance followed dance with John R. and his bride still go ing strong, true to-Walker tradition, proving to be one .of the most graceful couples on the floor. By midnight the crowd;had swelled to over 200. A sumDtuous sun-! per was served io a crowd which uiea the hall, lobbies, balcony, dressing room and kitchen. Stand ing room only was the order. The local boys and girls took charge of the serving of refreshments which , was handled most efficiently des-. pite the size of the gathering. The , two great wedding cakes, of which1 two storeys only were missing from the previous onslaught, were cut by the respective brides. j viv t,4pvvitiw -itiu4 Following, viiu w uifi chiffon and carried a bouquet ol. the supper Intermission, a few brief ...ll... U. . . . .. yellow chrysanthemums and fern.' Tne bridesmaid was gowned in pale blue taffeta, carrying an armful of varied chrysanthemums. The groom was attended, by Jack Walker, brother of the bride. Many of the Intimate friends and many rel atives from far and wide were,pre3 r addresses were given and the longe vity or .the walker famjly. comment-; ed on. The hope that Andrew Walker and his wife and Bill Galr and his bride would uphold thathlstorK cal reputation and that John R. and his wife might lead many Grand Marches of the future vm mutvtaf 4 n.c lUbuir; was was PMiHtO WANTED WANTED Chambermaid. Rupert Hotel. Prlncs (274) WANTED 3 or 4 room apartment by December 1. Box 43, Daily News: 277) FORSALL m&k LUCKY iSi LAGER W W A "Th Chmpsn of Bm" K 1 ftwbb x CWlr Mill brniquj J?i JL?r- 4W Wi RAINIER BEER Vf VlflMV IIHI lmm BURTON- typ ALB i1 jMTt SILYER SPRING ST9UT, 0 VHr Vancourrr B. C 12 ReconditionedTypevr)ter&V Of variofis makVs.jFiom : .... 4 End Tables . - . . jj-7 it This advertisement Is nof pubflsjied or displayed by the, LiAuor' Contror-Board .oribyheoyernmept pf British Columbia: . . , . ' -- -. ", V J 'jT?r urniture Co. New and Used Furniture ' At v.'.;.: m Coffee' Tables All wqlnut, . latest styles J--4Ui 3 Chesterfield Tables Walnut nicely '"fi'mshed ..,.r.,4$ 20 Table Lamps of newesTj Phone BLACK 324 S22.00 T0 845.00 i Connor Washing 'Maciiinerij good shape. 'Areal snap' l.:....V.'ii.. 1 Late Beatty Wasljfiii jlachine-i ' la perfect 't'ondlUoiiV. '-I. ,,.,'. . 3 4-6 Beds -v" Complete $1.95 G Unpainted Dropeat Tabiesyery strongly inaae up , 6 Unpainted Tables With folding leaf 'In centre Special , C Studio Couches Can be, made Into double or single bed vr..u.. V 3 DKESSEKS taterf all design with round mirror. Special' Next Door to B.C, Clothieri $22.50 $32.50 $14.5tf 1 Kitchen Ranges Complete wlth Qtft AA TO QCA ftA Ojljburners. From . . . JOW.UU Newiirhiture $2.45 $6.95 TO $9.50 10 SO1 rol$3.95 $6,75i $7 75 $39.50) $22.50i THIRD AVENDI, (273 -TO? I :(1 HI .1 ' M ! 1 I; vi