!i You Will Fim Solid Comfort and Dependability These Shoes Onyx Arch-Grip Shoes Perths PHo-Pedic Arch Supporting Shoe . .tin--- y Light, Comfortable, Snu? Hccl-Fitting , Lines, Widths to EEE "Miss Atlanta" Shoes For general all round wear QQ (K and priced from O.VO Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL NOT A SPIRIT OF HATE . There does not seem to be any spirit of hate among the British people in this war. It seems to have given place to a; spirit of sorrow that the German people should have been so easily led away by powerful rulers. The British war is one ot defence; The fact that the fighting does not take place on British soil does not change that attitude Athletic Club Of Kitzegiikla Ready For Year KITZEGUKLA, Jan. 4: The Kltzegukla Athletic Club held its annual meeting recently and is There is nb desire to secure more territdry but only to de- preparing for an active season In night following the Christmas and fehd British SOU against aggression and also to defend the 1 1940 under the leadership of Her- New Year holiday season. Alley rights of the smaller nations. As long as the Germans or any other people insist on overrunning other nations they must be stopped. ? fa seems too bad that, in order to stop aggression, it is necessary to kill people and often innocent people, even women and children It is too bad that the whole German nation has to be forced to slow starvation in order to prevent it overrunning its neighbors and enforcing its will on the rest of the world. Yet it seems that there is no other method except perhaps for the pacifists to convert the Germans to the idea of leaving their neighbors alone. We hear the pacifists talk about the spirit of hater bert Russell as president, complete list of officers for AM.InH T T-l The the year is as follows: Honorary President, Jef f ery Johnson. President, Herbert Russell. Vice-President; Arthur Sampare. General Manager, D. S. Manager, Ben Woods. rct&iauiiit manager, utuim n.U3-.j sen. Treasurer, Arthur Sampare. Grand Secretary, Peter H pervading the world. When a person from Poland hears Br'ela that his mother, his Wife and his children have been vic-J C" Wallace Johnson" Milton tims of German aggression it is difficult to cultivate a I Baseball captain, David Milton. spirit of love for the German people. He at once realizes Assistant Baseball captain, as, sever before that this agression must be stopped. When i Wesley. lshrroanplyinShiscalHngintheNorthSeafindshirn.1 sell' fired upon by German planes or submarines he is Howard. bound to feel resentment. Such action tends toward de-i Announcer. Jonathan Brown. Velbping that Spirit of hate. Sbor'ts Committee Fred , Sam- Qn fa. roMQ,15nc cvponf fWp whn fmirrhf in tnoPare- Edward Wesley. Sam Sam- pare aRd Jacob mUm- First Great War,- have had little cause to hate the Ger- ma'n& They have read of the German aggression in : Chechoslovakia and Poland and are determined that this n"Tl7f Jirt rriiist stop; because it is a danger to the world and even to 'JDv Yf Lilll VJ Canada. As a part of the British hmpire this country is in real d3ngei So Canadians go to Europe determined to (lb their part in staying the hand of the invader. ; ; The German peonle have ben taught to hate the Bri-:Maikins tisn people because Britain is the one outstanding nation that is in the way of German aggression. It was the British who were the chief factor in stopping the Germans in the previous war. In saying this we are not making light -pf the work done by France, the United States and Italy. The very fact that Germany resents Great Britain rrioiV than any other country tells the tale of which country is RESUMES and Home Oil Winners La&t Night As Play Smarts Again In Five Pin League Malklrts won by three games to nil over D. D. S. and T. O. and Home Oil defeated Bankers two' games to one as the Five Pin' Bowline League rpsumprf ncHvltif.l f hf riiitefnrirlfair f1tinAay nf tha UWf aa nf tha ,nvl,1 ,ast n,Bht Allowing suspension ,,,u., ..vxwjj-o v..w x. Jover the Christmas and New Year ., We are all pacifists in that we all seek peace but it .holiday season, cy Keiiett of Home) . must be a peace in which each country respects the rightsloii was high" average scorer withj if ph'frh inihflr niintrV. Nn other nence is nermanentlv nos-259- I IlJ.il " Individual slble. . - ilows. ,f. The average pacitist at a time liKe tnis is one who fnvnre fArrfinnv nnrl wniilrl rrpntp rnanv Rriti;ri nnpi- ...v... , ..WW..V. ------J i 'Leah 109 fist? as possible. He may also be one who favors Russia. Timms .Z.ZZZZZ- 65 siich -for instance as the Communists who are controlled 'Mcintosh i .ZZZIlUoc fronl Rtissia, and it is the policy of Russia to try to pre-jwlshart 123 ..4pnt Ri'ifish nnnlp isikinfr aotinh tn nrpvpnt. thpfr dnr.iYouri8 103 Rations. NEGLECT CLAIMED Head of Provisional Government df 'Poland Makes Some Remarks PARIS, -San. 4:i-Gerieral Sikos-ky. head 6'f (tin provisional Polish government, says that the defeat tof'Poland by Oermany In September was due in at least a measure to" neglect, Sikorsky did hot mention General '?iydl'J'-Ryd by nam but said that the last government of Poland had "been one ,ol favor. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert High clouds, northerly wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 29.42 trailing) ; temperature. 37: visibility, thirty miles: sea smooth. Sloan Triple Iiland Scattered clquds, .Klnslor northerly wind, four miles per hour; Wight ...... visibility, 25 miles; sea smooth. K?,,ett; , - I Handicap Langara Iiland Cloudy, easterly Total - wind, four miles per hour; barom- . Ba"kr ity, thirty miles; sea smooth. Pearson. Conrad Tyler scores were as fol- S. & O. Handicap .....U...270 Total ...783 Malkins - l Landels ..125 Stegavlg ......:.....164 Skinner 91 'Conriell scattered withers .;4.269 Handicap 140 Total T ,.:..;i..,l 037. Home Oil 1 Crlpps 214 ,..119 .217 .134 .299 .104 ...1087 1028 1014, 1-.175 ..167 ,132 ...j:...197 iMorrison ..." 200 Tt'a IniPfPRHncr to know whm readim? the Dailv News Handicap ...jM 2 138 67 144 99 56 270 774 2 137 83 120 157 195 140 832 2 165 229 194 126 209 104 2 105 180 195 214 142 38 3 101 123 163 133 83 270 873 3 204 146 126 185 130 140 9311 3 167! 124! 217 132 270 104 3 ; 168 230 252 209 170 38 that the people of the whole district are doing the tame. k-$M 01c .880.1073 MIXED FIVE PIN LEAGUE Alley Cats .Make Clean Sweep Over Overwaltea Cats defeated Overwaltea three games to nil. Pioneer Laundry rolled Its scores but 1U opponents failed to appear. Individual scores: Alley Cats 1 B. Wharton 70 O. Wharton 119 C. Brlnd 172 B. Brind 135 Asemlssen 122 M. Asemlssen 141 Handicap 166 Total 925. Overwaltea 1 H. Woodslde 127 S. Woodslde Georgina Morrison Frank Morrison Low Score Low Score Handicap Total 107 .118 247 119. 70 37 .825 Pioneer Laundry 1 JCath Eastman 163 jNorm Kinslor 149 -'Steve Arlington 177 Dolly Wesch 129 Lll Croxford 163 Ted Dungate 203 . Handicap in Total 1007 2 115 . 100 226 119 94 342 106 11G2 2 134 147 163 206 100 94 37 881 2 183 250 137 172 309. 212 117 1282 3 114 106 126 67 181 160 166 940 3 93 171 163 205 87 10G -7 1 8C2 3 134 173 164 238 255 116 117 1197 - Tt.i.r di Jit THE DAILY NEWS British anti-aircraft gun ready for action ! Vancouver In Pa.ed by the British censor this official pi; ture shows a British anti-aircraft gun crew ready for action at an undisclosed part in France. Hotel Arrivals Royal J. W. Douglas. C.N.R.; M. Kewal Port Edward: T. Moraes. city. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. W S Mi.rse. Prince I The Mixed Five Pin Bowling RUpert: Private A. C Thody andi League got Into action again last private H, Rummlng. Barrett CIASSIFILO FOR SALii FOR SALE Cary condition. Apply Safe In good Dally News. tf. FOR SALE Chesterfield and a few small articles, 344 Fourth Ave E. or Phone Green 807. 4i FOUNIi FOUND Mans biacfc lined glove. Owner same by paying for tlsemcnt. WANTED kiu fleece i may have this WANTED Woman desires housework. Apply Dally News. S) LOST LOST - imperial stock certificate return to Dally $20. Oil registered Finder please News. Reward 5i B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture Used Kitchen Ranees In good condition, of various makes. Price $18, $20, $22.50 and $25.50 1 3-piece Chesterfield Suite Just like new 9 Dressers From 2 Sessions 8-day Chime Clock Just like new 1 Violin At ... 2 Vacuum Cleaners At $64.50 $7.50 10 $13.50 $9.95 $9.95 $7.50 10 $10.50 New, Furniture 1 3-iilece Veloiir Chesterfield-Latest style 1 Chesterfield Bed and 2 Easy Chairs 1 3-piece Chesterfield lit rust and the latest style Phone ISLACK 321 Nest Door to II. C. Clothiers $89.50 $89.50 $98.50 THIRD AVKNUE Better Shape rinanrial Situation of City 1 letter Than Since 1934. Flnanee Chairman KeveaU VANCOUVER. Jan. 4: (CP)- The 1039 financial statement of thr City of Vancouver, presented yesterday by Aid. J. W. Cornett. chairman of the finance committee, reveals a definitely Improved municipal financial situation. For the first time since 1934 the budget covered all expenditures except sinking funds. Ninety percent of the taxes were collected and revenue was greater than was anticipated. New York Stock Market Weaker Reaction Today After Strentlh Uurlnt First Two Tradinr Days of Year NEW YORK, Jan. 4 After sub ttKntlnt lu Itrmt in-, trorf 'I have used BOYRIL fw "many yean and raited my "two boyi on BOVRIL. "use it because I find ft "nourishing.' Buckaroos Slip To Puck Cellar ; InV davs of the year. New York ' ' Srk Exchange averages were off satye TiMni. The volume for the first n''!'1:? A REALTRKAT FRKSH CIIlTRNKf) 14 Vancouver l.i'iiu ifeieatrd El To l ite liy feaitie he ium La Nltht SEATTLE. Jan. 4: CH Bea IJawk urUnt Portly Uuekarnoa at runner-ui m Pacific QojV Hotkey hitw coiing .aiit ?lht to r4 tin-over Iher lMtiie leading Vat Lfona uUt nlihl. . The league Uandlnn to.dat WD L p 4, Vancouver 10 1 6 Kj hw vi 20.000 share. The In- "?nr c V' V' duilrlal averaee wai 153 62. off .18 ereJ? M f tV hour, and rail. 32.84, off M."" , IJMHM. at cloilna vesterdav aver- JlwwrT c,lrtn" In Sn ttfred 26.45. up S& for the day. It's the cumu.atr.t vfftct of ertlslnit that counts. ad- Yotk tedat wheat wler V tn lower -4US May rioer $108.. Advertising ti in .iiaja. SKEENA BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER .Made Locally In 7-lh. Roxcs phone n:,7 Valentin Dairy Or Your Store A Happy New Year from us Of The Bulkiey Valley to you Of the Prince Rupert District Bulkiey Valley Collieries Ltd. SHIP A 10-LR. ROX OF NEW PROCESS j Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS iwr For JLM we will deliver a box of Kippers to joirr friend's In any Expre,, point In B.C. or any Onadlan National luHJ txpress point In' Alberta, Saskatchewan and M.nltoba. irnPAl" Wl,h Chf"ue or "' o CANADIAN FISH & COlJ STOKA 11. CO. LTD.. Prince Rupert, n.C.,ltl, name and dl of consignee. We will enclose card will, name of sender, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert f a I f A ,,.,, Colum" VUi IJIU.