if i r ! ! Ir ii m BUSINESS RALLY TO LEAD CANADA TO NEW HEIGHTS IN 1940JIS EXPECTED Position of Farm. Factory and General Industry at Year-End Ili? Factor for National Prosperity in 1940 1934. The annrovaaeat in the IS BETTER By ALEX r SINGLE "T LT m 1935. an terease of 01 IMf UIHV " - 5300,05 ahont 1 onnnnnunnnnnannnnnasnnnw COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertiliier PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. fW if and Ul NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. CartiQ Proprtelcj A B0MK AHAT FKOS1 HOME" Rates SLN S9 Rooms Bet & Cold Water Prtace Rspert, aa riwnt Ul rXL Bex 1H per cent Towards the lexer the total for the period of IKS. declines comparable j Launching of the commonwealth lair training scheme Is expected call for greater output in numer ous Canadian plants to equip the many trainmg centres. The i 'scheme is expected to cost abort WO) .000IO0 in three years and to' reraire personnel of WOO &tn KTTwANGA. aside from the numbers in train- Ctourcb Amy lag- Industrial production in October nj Indexed by the Dominion '.Bureau ioureau or of Statistics szausucs at at 139.7. us. the Canadian business swung into a spectacular sprint in highest lerei since wss and the dosinc months of 1939. partly on the stimulus of wars than is percent w the lewi of demands. iiassiriF the 193S level and n'vinp nmm?;p nf cpf. October. IMi. The Tateme of ont- tine a new all-time peak in 1141). in laci. auauiru a new lauauiau wum,' in me lasi ' . ....... ... ...- quar-'or soldiers sukhcxs boosted ooosjea i production nf ter ot the year, snowing output lully a third greater than i footwear by nearly percent ow far the corresponding petted of . output in the last quarter of 193S. ivir Vrtl nrt rv- lire , Ml in - "The S3 Brst 1 ; - '7227'' Vv.TTZ . T, i tain of 66 cent or mare on the Tahse of Can- can at ior jrmr gm w s;ki,ji, -tj industry had percent in nine months of 1339. the months of IMS wns on a conserra- . Lr-K. ;l Fleer production gained 22.4 m the 10 months to the general aTerare. "2. the end ef October Planks and . .. . . . icac m uk irar ice mm?s rre re- . ... ... show a small fccrease and mLL andeeo a smaH decline. .because of exZljZ January i u DKembtr U-Scx&i the unfaTocable showtar Oaaada exported 17199 beei cat-' soowsng. tie aad 79.549 carres to Jh CrtM ics. recorasg gaud; cS lit rr- r- eent aad 71 percent respeetrrerj. j tre ci ine newsprt-t ta- duslry tmcsnrred ruiij a the last' months f ia. nartrr orr.r tn" the pmsfea on United States t-M uocreasea tnccc from v CaaadUa sales ta the U . S. by ' ' . " . jaa X Qua EMt t r , Arrow Messenfer Lea GrifSUts & Co. PHONE 459 ReamuVle Kates Part.! aad Baggage SerrSe SUad Vesexia Orootry F"!iUcq KJrert Whifflets From The Waterfront 'fcent and oarthr cr-H tx -. imn iv. rM p. i. MtftHg ahfcssents to the n r th. hirh u ,r. rrtK tra r - threatened teraoon swsthbosad from Skagway 5caansTUa ensatries. Exaoris cf to Vaacswter. were nsnety-eoe p-ZlLl' fc ae 11 ckbUls for seageis of whom tea dfeeabirted or better thas nfeie percent " i i Frank 7aterhwase freighter Chfl- immt . Bwack saBed ioday on her retnrn T tfiarm( c ,,, socth after baring been here since W. IS iii . - m.. - lerttt, 5- x" Six xrT f piieM 8310 60011,01 "e X ssar jc i. K.- iso. v Caka Saauhrp Co. vhich recently LftL,57, a it Xai j took oxer the VTitertoese Aervac fi,fu Jt csasa tu iateresM. n Cfcieact Nww aurac sao fee t Ki 1WT im ut w. Sresloa a oC Stw VCzmJ Art. R. s.1 aa eart l&li mure. ii, wm r, ri serx Anerca tast ( 4 eir ot Jcr. im. REORGANIZE CANADIENS Fasos ITjtflf Freneh- saen Line MONTREAL. Jaa 4: CP Re- organlratQ of the Jioctrexi Can- adltas Xaticoal Hsckey Leagae teaa has corr: -reared with an-noaceat of the sa of Johnny Gagaaa. rzteraa right wEtger. to the Xew Tcck AserJcans. Kaewn as The Chlcostfcal Black Cat Gagaoa m the last mriiateg seaiber of the farsecs ILxrzu-Jci-hU-Gagaca SUrJcy Csp B nf lf30 aad 1S3L XSsess has heea kwpfeg hl oct of th? TMst the1 . j(x of this jear i Officers Of ' Church Army At Kitwanga Edvard Tait 'secretary' n E Jan. 4: The of KKwanra has oalr.rtsErl nfBftai Kl enva a f &i jiows: Honorary Captain. Paul Benson. First Captain. Edward Tart Second Captain, Solomon FYeki fopUsn. ThonMis VTeget. f i"? u continued to rise in the M "enttnant. DM Benson. Pt snc-i indu Industrial production. L. rCT .-T J!!!: Second Uentenant. Arthur Mat- thew. Third Uentesint. lets. .... Fonrth rwin HaroM Dan- v x a s UNMMH. narota &hi- j cnur test . Sreennt Major. Siraon Ftrrter. The eonoefl of St. Paul's Church hs bfen ehosn foAw: Mat- me stole tat the saansner xmd "ZZZ to the year, steel prodne- 'TZL ST. as Y m t-k. m.h, 'cc'tr PPttTe rise of ataiarL. . ., ,t . . antes Bright. Charles Smith. James riw tv,. fw , s 'r .v7 RTan- WMbas. George . . . from liJ mau to 1S39 iu esusated ' . Moor. Henrr WttHsou. ' Fred Joha- peak wns hnt an intenaedtete re-' ,.-.,-, aL S5r. pig iron and motor twoH nrvFL rK aa nnisuu. and Harold Siaclair ier we yew aeons exnt per teas' . - eifHns m u monins m- lTir, J3t5 " for hieber tht of 143 bo,H. oslce creased M nerceat ! " " From- gota m ranartnin cerrericy. " , ' . The long period of ncertainty o,Wtv.4I ... P0"4 511 prrrtnt 0541 iTn P" pmedlngtlie.rthfenkof hooaltle; iSTkf Ct3t 41x1 chff had fostered a hnnd-tn-xwth rl- Sl, Sff' SUkiJi,y f lcjinCnabnstees, The nwfc SJ.J! ClBXdUa exierai1 -to enfarge hmntortes ineterr lLZ. ues Rs strong upward trend STORY OF MARRIAGE fcantagtbe nr declaration moeed C"": Th Ui of domestic exports in the wheels of tarfwtrr into hteh T 5tmTT1-fat 11 months of 1J wxs S334ai2l Modern Drama in "In .Name Only- gear eT before w orders beraa iTr15 f ?ed with $70JSJ32 in the t to make their anpennnce. f.f w Cxaiil first 11 months of ms. a gain in Friday ilrnmLfmcnt Farm C at L'?, 5"XMiJN J5iiS4AH, or mere than seeen vitrlTl, 11 ectils 1523 perrt. An nBr absorbing "T ' " - " ma in 11 months of t , -t, v,. r. PaBet Errs Arr.rag Friday Dx 3 dflsec 24c Craaalited Sarar Ise to ad-eanre toon CQ r 0C it a Feb; N'aptha S4 3 bars Peas Hoyal CSry. SseTe 5 Tin 20c lie Aytsaer Sp Ttcuto or Vegetabie. 4Sn, 2 tins Peaaat Better ?few tsablerx Eieh 15c New XaTd Oran; Uednsa Sae For Jsace 19c 3 52c Onhr- THREE OF THE SCREEN'S GREAT IN A GLORIOUS Heart-Thrilu.no DRAMA! . . . An exciting stcry oi Today's matrriago and Tomorrow's dramatic answer 1 ' she refwes to grt p her sasr.-on and threaUns s:andaloni ooc if Grant dares to take any steps A At Capit. Theatre Tonijbt a " P"T". TT . .,r-tn. Ada lev rkn iilllnii rftmr . Mse uut are uocm ,M and the best jssa. , d?rfiSf ,T ZZTZT: VT- TJT. Helen SHice sare 1 iNt. tin. anns am,, -vnn with the um roK.c.Me eonsent v-i vi jjrrcca wane sae - wai. w.ok ""ji'u xfcksl exports were ua 29 oer cent fmv. k.,,. .. v... tv, w v. arosBd fVAofv-r i nrtiNtji . '7 -u" " P oi tncustnat actirtty. were np 34 ws mercenary interest K her JnftSeS. Ti!- r at- rcent in 1 months orer the terrain, her fens jrrtng , .v. " : remoenag and of rrabie 1932 serfed ban his freedom so that he "T; JTTn "T. ifcrraft Indus. Prospects hare briehied . -arry the wnan he reafc leee rWstLaTrtolel S f tCT ta recent Grant and Miss Francis are the n- erTiSi iTtT 1 demands of war The British months. Cartoadfags for the year bappily arried pair. Grant the son 4LTctrSma! SITff W Pe-ent o of a millionaire real estate operator tSnS ttoaeS? f ins. snd the Norember and De- Francis as a thoronrxre feg 5a2oSerS" !f? U sbow sane weekxy o has married tesln SSSdfLSiSll than the Doo- gains f 15 percent. Earning, are him only for hu prpecU and soc- fV;r-v" ? hi N83 aas erer had arafJaEe for cp eorrespoBdingly. iai positioti StTT " Ci3liUa BansSTSSi are nniforly Grant eeu iDss Iha.-d P-acieaOrB Pcodacts to the British market are farorabie. Cocnserl loans, total- -rxiirw, they fai; m lore Ctea1ndrTfS wtlTSTd tM"0MiW ta S3O0O50JWQ at the each oiher He appeal .o ha word trend m the last JnaSr 6f! Oc'jot' were create, by'"- PT- his freedom h: 1J rxrept bntadtez aad larrfer i Mtat Indntries ,eperceat than at the end of KnS1 5 13 Canadian OrhxSslT IhTScwS'S- " I total- cent and bank note efcmlatWn Xr, Drriieais pak! by Canadtes enr- , vf. PT; P1111 8312 Poaaai, fa the year iggxegited L U If tf "JTr: 5 T- n V Jl 1K. Carres -T ! f?" oa. latenaonal Pro- I II I V VtaMm Kathertne Ataxaader. Hair and Manrke Mos- 5 Gvdsv Women Are Rounded Up For Robbin? Stars HOf-LTWOOO Jar. t OrPT woE&er. hae been bj a: -cc. joe wan jewesry aad acoey 05fu ber One the ew- Ueis was Lspe Te acced ar-ress Thrift Cash & Carry Pheoe ITf Better Value Specials For Friday and Saturday Batter Su -Thr.fi Firrt tradf 3 !b Peat bev-Banie: t ehace qaaiity 2 Urn 2 Economical Sixes 95c Pears All (23c Irsderleaf Tea -The best sal-ne so tea :da ,1 Q0 Lb Grayefrwtt Ji IS-ci tsna 2 Tor 15c Diamend Walaats- While ihey last n Lb. Grapefrwh Large Cahiorntaa 3 for CARLOAD SALE OF APPLES TeBtr Newt Fancy wrapt SbHj Vnwrane 10c S2.25 25c toS1.55 ,n-25c Reeoe Bea sties Graded. ESTrapC Bax Sl.80 20c Large Sire the Tabie Doe 29c 5 80c The 1-IV. Bs ef Cheates Rsffled mn Chmteias Err Was Wen By Mr. H. B. rtn FREE I)ELI"ERY ON ORDERS $1.00 AND OVER UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Sea am LeaTe Prtoce Ropert for Vxnetwrer. TS. CATAL. ETEXT TTES- T& CARDENA FKIDAT. DAT. l OI p-ea. UiS$ p-a. Dae Tancaater. Than. plss. Dae TancwiTer. Menday la ff CaaTeaieat. Ptease Parchate Tks.et at Offke rtsrther Iaforsutton Regardlag ReserraUoas and Tickets Prom FR.XK J. SKIXXER. rria Rapert .(gent. Third Air. Pkese Jt war ran? THE DAILY 2373 Thursday, January 4, lnj 1 1 ii j ii Organizing Local Women Service Club PaMtr Mfrlinc T Be Addreoted la .Near Fat we By Mrs. trturUta Of Vktrl Ma. O Wharton of Vleterte bu of of organtEki of the B. C wtth the object teenl orgnntettnn sen's Service Chttt. fll IN NAME ONLY CHARLES COBURN HELEN VINSON : JONATHAN HALE an organtsation Ccwroe and Qacij unci 0iaiL I DMRARil HRANT FRANHiS ; LtUI IUI IIIW Will llll I III 1IIWIW II r shows T 99 Li IS "WOULD NEWS FLASHES" TONIGHT and FK1IHY -Western Front, Holland, KelSium, Scotland fT'i' ! ', BL""J ". England. Firth of Forth i whleh NofJty "ttre.A Plent,-' Mmlcal "Arrs(te Varlelln- alnrf At HUM) '-ar Vietorta Recently she spke CanBral Chapter, iotpeztai o-r Danghters of the taptrr. and .x night to Qneen Ury Chapter A pnMic meeting Is pUnn- ix ttw noar fuUire at whjch Mn Wharton wiQ explain the . Mane het tt U hooed etrang orgaahwtrton vtu be ( rmH in Prince Rnperg. Fire thensaiM eople read Wte pays to let them Te to tetL Ruprt Dally News kfnw wtitt r Owins to Increased Cost of Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal At the ne and aa t.rreatc in freUht rate e hart bin J.rtH W rt the prke as f H .Vaaaim-WcllHi(tn Lamp- per ton narked fllil VMiWellntt .Mlae R Per ton jacked ma Nanaitiw-WetliaKten XatPer ton. sacked ti NanaimWeHintten SUrk Per ton. sacked n Theve Prke. Wlil r.e Inte Effect Janasry lit. 1911 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone Ul or gjj lTa uargains In USED FURNITURE Kitchen Ranges $18, 522, 325 $35 HEATERS $2.50 $6 $8 $10 - $22.50 MATTRESSES $2.50, $3.50 m $4 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVEXUC Print Rupert SlZVLl nadian Daily Audit B'ureau ofaSK It ' ti"" 1 f88 Und f Si I? S2l !L,a n0.rt.h of Vancouver anrJr Mf VVT these organiaUoM. SMU,wlon no,(lfnS membership I