Thursday January ,4J1 GOERING i Weather Forecast c: o o o 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o o 0 o o o o g o 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o s o o 0 s 8 0 DICTATOR (;hen Full Control Oter German War Industry WHK View To Reich Victory BERLIN, Jan. 4: Vice Chancellor Herman Ooerlng was today declared dictator of Oerman war Industry He Is given full powers to plolt Oerman Industry with a view to bringing about victory, for the Reich. Field Marshal Ooerlng, In deciding to take over supreme dlreetloh Giant Ban Wheat Puff -Each o p 0 o 0 0 & t 0 0 0 A Ilcautiriil COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oeneral Synopsis K pronounced low pressure area Is centred weator Vancouver Island whrr hiirh winri. I B. O. N. meeting and ' are reported. The weather remains "on officers tonight. unsettled throughout British Ckl-t timbla. t Oeneral alterations and I We Coast of Vaneouw Island- made Prion Clue 317. Struns southeast winds or galp. ; C'lottdr. and mild with rain. lng Oerman economic. Ing th war. PHONES 585 5Sfi I Collates Toilet Soap QC( 1 iiowl All for 3 Cashmere llOuqufl Roap, 1 Buttle Lotion- 9f Alitor Hlrno Oral 1 large 1 small For I n i Deal 1 tarce Lai 3 Lux Soap 26c 35c 25c Itrd Arrow 22C Ter pkg Sucar Crlp Corn Flake J pkgt. Oilltics IUk Per pkg 25c 10c flood I'reah Ground Coffee -Per lb. L ti I). Tea Per lb. . Toruatoev-2'S-Per tin FREE policy dur Tlie manner In which the an-ncuncement was made lent some meature of confirmation to reports that Ooerlhg might be supplanting Adolf Hitler as Germany s dictator. of the entire war Industry, an'-l Quarrels beUeon Ooerlng and nounced today that his purpe was Ifelnrlch Hlrnmler. ehlef of all Oer to concentrate everything concern- man police, ar reported LINZEY & DAVIES 40c 55c llipolite Mallo Whip QCn 3 flavors Per Ik Hn4 Grade Butter - l.nsltn Peaehe 4 AUV' Per tin fork and Beana 1 XUV ftp I lb. slae. each Oranges Dozen 20c 25c 35c 12c DecoratedTiimbler With Kvcry Purchase of Effervescent , 1 Fruit Saline (EnRlish Tj-po)' lloth For t It1 1 39c Ormes Ltd. Jli Jhoheer Drttqgtats ,on,!, 81 The Itesall Store Open Dally from s a.m. tm 10 P and Holidays from It to 2 ." 7 to 9 p.m. ami 4 oeodbaooooooooocoooowowooooow I) UK TO INCREASK IN TRICE OF Nanaimo Wellington Coal At tlie mine of one dollar per ion and the ,nCr? 0 "Vell-rale. commencing January I. 190. our prices on Mna.n infton Coal will be as follows delivered. Per ton IJJ- Nanaimo Wellington Lumji-Sacked, Nanaimo Welllniton JUne Run-tiacked, del., Per ion Na.ulnv Wellington tump--Bu,k;3ielTvered. Per w . 13 00 ton delivered. Per Naiulmo Wellington Mine KuniBulk, Albert and McCaffery Ltd Phone 116 and HI Army and Navy Dance, Armoury Hall. Jan S.Ladles 25s. men In uniform 25c, civilians 50c. 4 ) Idora Roller Skating Arena, Cor ner 2nd. Ave. and 6th, 8t. After noons and evenings. Open Satur day, tf. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Vander Slays were among the organizers of the New 'Year Eve dancing4 party which was held In the Metropole Hall. i Alex Sinclair, manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co operative, Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Van couver. Dr. Monty Franks and Dr. Irving E. Snyder, well known Dawson dentists, were naasengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, accompanied by their daughter. Nora, who will resume her school studies In Vancouver after spending the Chrtetmas and New Year holiday season at home. Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Elsey, who have been visiting In the city for the past couple bf weeks as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Car ter, sailed by the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon on their re turn to Vancouver. They were ac companied by their two children Brigadier John T. Ollllngham. dl Ylsional commander of the Salvation Army with headquarters at Wrangell. and Mrs. Ollllngham arrived In the city from the north on 1 the Princes Norah yesterday af ter- ' ; noun ana proceeaca uy wmn wj Prince Oeorge and other points to 30000000O000000000O00000O0000000OOOOOOOOWWWWVUWW TUU the varlous mterior corps. Efforts are being made to or- o'.ganlze another first aid class in the city In connection with the air raid precaution movement which was recently Instituted. A I 5 1 meeting of those Interested In the' g first aid feature of the air raid J o protection organization will be! a held tomorrow evening. I Si ! g' A few business matters were o dealt with-al the regular weekly g luncheon of the Prince Rupert gOvm Club yesterday. President W ojM. WMts was In the chair and g'.ther was a .ood attendance of 9 'members with guests In the per-g.'nl of Dr C. R. Elsev of Van-ojwiver and Andrew Borland, bro gither of D. O. Borland, who re-gjeently arrived from Vancouver, o. 81 Mrs. O. A. Bryant and son. Lieut g I James Bryant, will sail tonight or gilhe Prince Rupert for Vancouver ? where the latter Is to be married o'on Saturday In Christ Church Ca-S.thedral to Miss Olive Corder of Oat- Si land, California. Mrs. Bryant will 8' be Joined In Vancouver later by Mr S j Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mc- ICaffcry for a motor trip as far soutn as the Mexican border. Provincial Constable and Mrs Charles Bennett of Atlln were here aboard the Princess Norah yester- rtav afternoon Rolnir through to Vancouver with a party of prison ers. The party was Joined at Prince Rupert by Constable Irving of this city with two more prisoners Vic Hogan, who will serve eignieen months for forgery, and Connie Moody, twelve months for attempted suicide. There was a meeting yesterday afternoon of the council of the Chamber of Commerce .to consider making recommendation for nomination of officers for the coming year. Several names were mentioned and It was recommended that W. M, Watts and Weldon McAfee be asked to allow their names to go before the board and to this It Is understood they have I consented. President J. T. Harvey and Vice-President Philip Ray are unable to serve. Today's Exchange United States funds Duylng. spot, 10 percent premium; selling, soot. 11 percent premium. Sterling funds Duylng, spot, $t.; selling, spot, $M7. THE. DAILY OTEW8 PAGK THBTfc LOCAL NEWS NOTES repairs 4i For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 Taxi tf. Tonight's train, aue from the Kast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Mrs. Stan Morin and daughter are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Emll Rlchttr, pioneer Skagway Jeweler, and Mrs. Rlchter were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through or. a vacation trip to Seattle. Charles M. Doty arrived In the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan and proceeded by the evening train to Lloydminster. KISS YOUR" TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pcplcis Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know lU TV Wffillat tiitat atoet Jaw Wood eovat It that you can weigh about u muck M you rr did rr look a1iJiyn4 Itronf. jet yon caa ( a if yaa had Uad ia jou Irri, ioptr. timt add lpla. Low Mood count nnti 70a barra't rot Much r4 Uoe corpuadr. It U their tul to tarry Itfe-crriaf nrm from roar &h an UroufhoBt raw hod. And just a it takrt 01 rem to explod gaaolin la roar car and DtmW the power to tara the wbeeja. to you rou.t have plenty of oirrra to axptod UM eaorty la. roar body and girt you f olag tkower. Get Dr. William pink Hfc today. They are wartd-fanuat for th hJ they fe ra laereaaias th Bunker and rtrenath of red roraoarlrt. The with your blood raaat ap. you U feel like bounding ap th ttalrt aa If you were oaafc aa air. Ask your drnroiat (or Ir. W attara Tiak fill today. James R. Oaudln. superintendent engineer for the White Pass A Yu kon Route at Whltehorse. and Mrs. Oaudln were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver on va cation. Mother Superior Marie Adalberge of the Sisters of St. Anne from Montreal and her secretary. Sister Mary Magdalen, disembarked here yesterday afternoon from the steamer Princess Norah after a visit to Juneau and proceeded East by train Also aboard the Princess Norah were Sisters Mary Flntan and Dorothea of Victoria returning g south after makinK the round trip.'o .o How To Relieve Misery of Your CHEST ID (V Massace throat. 11 Jill J I chest, and back Ir-H lwjth plenty of VicksVapoRub at bedtime. Then spread a thick layer on chest and com with a warmed cloth. VapoRub'a double action brings double relief. It acts as a poultice to penstrate the surface skin; and its soothing medicinal vapors are breathed direct to the irritated air passages. Try it, to loosen phlegm to clear air passages check tendency to coughand also to relieve the tightness and ft soreness of If lvld chest muscles, Jg VapoRub Announcements All adverUserr.ents in this col-wmn will be charged tor a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge Jan. 10. After the Show Drop in and try our delicious Milk Shakes and Sodas Also our Candy stock is com plete and f resh Mussallem's Confectionery J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Rldg. TODAY'S (CourtMV B, D. STOCKS Johnteoa Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .13. Bralorne, lOiS. Cariboo Quartz, 22$. Dentonla, .01 Vi-Falrvlew. .01. Oold Belt. XI. Hedley Mascot, .52 '2-Mlnto. J0VA-Noble Five. XlVa. Pend Orille, 225. Pioneer, 2.15. Premier, 129. Privateer, .82. Reeves Macdonald, 2Z. Reno, .58. Relief Arlington, .13. Salmon Oold, MVz. Sheep Creek, L2I. Cariboo Hudson. .03 V4. Oils A. P. Con., .19. Calmont, .45. C. St E-, 225. Home, 3.00. Facalta, .05. Royal Can., .18. Okalta, 1.25. Mercury, .06. Pralri Royalties, .19. Toronto Aldermac, 21. Beattie. 1.14. Central Pat 2.54. Con. Smelters, .47. East Malartic, 3.75. Fernland, .04. Francoeur. .58. Gods Lake-, .63, Hardrock. 1.38. Int. Nickel, 468. Kerr Addison. 2.60. Little Long Lac. 325. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.45. Madsn Red Lake. SI. McKenzIe Red Lake. 2Z. Moneta, .91. Noranda. 78.00. Pickle Crow. 425. Preston East Dome. 228. San Antonio. 2.40. Sherritt Gordon, 1.16. Stadacona, .11. Uchl. 1X3. Bouscadillac, .03. Mosher. .09. Oklend, .13. Smelters Gold. .OOi. 2 19 a o Dominion Bridge. 39.00. Dally advertising m tne Dallj News is sure to Bring dally re sults. "lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMlOOOOOf"" MISS Yl'KI Dressmaker Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiH VALENTIN DAIRY PllflN'F 57 THE SEAL QUALITY "ower" GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tracked by tbt only talmon canning company wtttt an' all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert 0 a a 0 0 0 Ladies and Children's g Alterations Moderate Price S Phone GREEN 880 a 7!7 PRASER ST. 00ooooaoooooooooo0oooooopa NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Areniie Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.SX. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK Quality Counts Most "SALADA TEA LOGS ARE SALVAGED One Million Feet of Timber, Lost In Hecate Straits Storm, Recovered In Alaska The J. R. Morgan has been successful up from the shores Straits, Alaska, some Logging Co. In rounding of Clarence one million of three million feet of clear Sitka Spruce logs which the company's towboat J. R. Morgan had to cut adrift in a storm in Hecate Straits on December 7 last. The logs were (contained In two Davis rafts (Which the Morgan was endeavouring to tow from the company's camp on Moresby isiana to tne mainland. The salvage operation was dir ected by Elmer Palmer, the com- pany's logging superintendent. Alaska beach combers obtain considerable work thereby. The salvaged loss were loaded on the log carrying barge Mono- gahela and towed south by the tug Mannlon. The outfit, which belongs to the T. A. Kelley Logging Co., passed southward to Vancouver a couple,. p days ago. NEW. YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Jan. 4. The price of copper was unchanged to '.5c higher today with March at 11.28 per pound. 1 Gas Gas All Time itra. Jaa. Hller aayii "Uaa oa mr aim. arh waa to bad I coaldn't eat r alaep. faa Ten aeamed to pre aa my heart, A41-rlka brought m qaiek relief. Now, I cat a 1 wleh. Up f.. fweer fert better.'- Sold at All Drug Stores MacKenzie's Furniture On Saturday before Christmas a customer whom wc cannot locate left a small parcel in our store. ' Claim your parcel at our store, please. . . . Phone "5 fir EASY WASHERS FOR 1940 EASY Has Everything Long Life, Super Safety Wringer, Lifetime Guarantee, Latest Styling and most important PUOVEN GENTLENESS With all types of Laundry The BETTER WASHER for Less 3Ioncy Prices From 63.50 On Convenient Payment Plan Home Demonstration Without Obligation sS)f SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! illins it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVES Steamer leayei Prince Rupert eyerjr THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. ' Trains leate Prince Rupert for the Eait Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart erery WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fare: etc.. call or writ City Ticket Office, S28 3rd Av. TM-M .1 14