WAOMW"v"" - I flfr.t Roosevelt, utucui , fisti fhe outset oi ine new I" j,.i..h viuterdav that' , t ',ed BUtes can ultimately; . . -1.4 ... a I ftcw.t a icaacr ioi uiu yv.v ltd e must likewise oc prcicu like ire ui ouitr ..v o:i r atuun pctcf . ne said, ne mmh r rrr7 a:.d nary increase which I " mrr.n Sf.VM I Th Prrs drnt proposed thatsuf- r- ' idd '.ional taxes De levied P.r- ":.? r.i of emergency de-fpr.dlng. He said "there i (inference between keep- t rv..- war and pretending j bit f ' i none oi our nun- j Ho rnrwed hit pleflge to i r 'fd states out of war. ir- .r P'sideni jiooseven niki at ri4e i-irreemenU "shoukl be itr-icd t. an indlspenslble part .... .. . Vcra. nepereuisions of wariwl : ... . -. . . ..u Birai delcnce I Third, rxtension of reciprocal xitt airecmenU as a foundation cr irdiai international under- The Prr,ident announced budget u'ur'.on.s in all Item except na r. drfenre The President, who BAR GOLD 11 ?f bar Rold oiviihe' Iflndon "ret via i.-u;."rTj H uiivilUMKVU They Are Taking 4: CP Oreat r.- x ; ,n me reu 01 we iu Iulv ta leM r(UMni openly ad- tt be url 'o be felt In this coun- mttUng that she U sending men r ird a world dominated byiand Mu)DmM,t to the aid of the 1 c state coura not oullnnru Iwrt r '.9 f 'ri-is I Three Point. Plan TTj pt. irnt submlUed a three1 T' -Cam I r.' rr,ue In the amy and iri ; of world uncertainty Ser :r.d, S'ldlttenal taxes to meet! b tT.ers"nry of spending on na- BRITAIN IN FINE SHAPE Former Premier Bennett lens Defence Program Of NEW YORK. Jan. 4: Speaking before the Canadian Club here yesterday. Former Prime Minister R. B. Bennett declared that, dur ing the past eight months. Great i Britain had carried out ine greav- K t-veu a srest ovation, failed to est defence program in tu nisiory. jfake art remark on the aublect of. Airplane were being turned out I The 6c rotary of the Navy an- prencrd Irgi.siaUon which would the President to bomman-'cr Bpourr p:,uc dipping In connection fiAi :.onal defence. Budcet Presented Prc:caUng his budget message vt President Roosevelt urged ("nsrc d ta slash farm, relief B'Jtfe irks unenrilnir and asked r S40ot().ooo special defence If all the recommendations h r.iiowed. the President fore st thr:e would be a net deficit f the fiscal year beginning July w $l 750.000.000. This' deficit he spared with almost $4,000,000.- p lor the current year. 'ne President estimated cx- CfndlttirA, At a ftfA aaa rvAA m w WrVW.WU VI VlMm less than this year. No provision is made for con tinuing work of the Alaska Hlgh- fy (.Ommlsslon which rreelvrd Vm last vear. ! "e President asked for defence rPPfOprlatlons tntAlllnir 2M- P.000. the hlahest in twentv J'Vl. gnpclnl tnvit In mAf nart P' ihlj burden. The nronosala ren- rwnt an lncrenxi nf nimntt tnn . r.wu from the current defence Fpenaitures. at the rate or one vnoumnu month and warships at the rate of one per week. The DriUah wat policy was one of preserving life to as great an extent as possible. Clipper Forced SlBack By Storm . i 1 . .1 Turns Around To uama.m n.n 9IA Miles Out At - " - nAiftJtND. Jan 4: After After Sea rtovionrf vMttprd'av on account been delayed almost two daya leaving. Off To Ottawa To Attend War Supply Board ir a MrvMtvim Jan. 4 I ! War News get- ting 240 mile out to sea on a Honolulu Honolulu ana ana u """ w flight flight to to :: of .nrm Th Sh P Has Btieuujr Id REQUISITION SHIPPING LONDON Sir John Gilmour, minister of shipping, announced tonight that the British government Is requisitioning all ships of the United Kingdom and the colonies to facilitate its wartime shipping program. The scheme, following that used In the First Great War. Is designed to enable economies of tonnage and more effective use thereof. Already steps with this end In view have been taken In Canada, some of the more Important companies having been advised that their ships will probably be NO ILL FEELINGS nUENOS AIKES Interned German sailors from the Admiral Graf Spee drank beer with British sailors from the British cruiser Achilles here last night, telling each other that they harbored no ill feelings. GERMANS WARNED IU KI.IN The Nail public was told today for the first time of the possibility of general war over Finland. Editorial comment from the Soviet military organ Kransnaja Swesta was reprinted by the controlled press of Germany with approving German comment added. This accused the Allies of trying to widen the scope of the war with Germany and charged that they .had encouraged Finland to resist Hussia. Indiscreet But K"rJSTS -"-i., Not Disloyal n.t i riinrvr uim forcea 10 Minister cf Education Makes Comment Regarding British Columbia School Teachers VICTORIA, Jan. 4: (CP) ;'Our teachers are not disloyal," says Hon. Dr. G. M. Weir, minister of rHnentlon. 'h'ut some of them !fnrtunatclv a small number miffht bp more discreet In what (CP)- .. W.;they v say w about the war." w i ijvj u i - r. Woodward. iinw w - . xeacners snouia msm m mm " war' ... . . , member of the uommw" -'pupils, the minister saia, a wve Supply Board, left yesterday ior )f country but not hatred of an sessions of l attend Ottawa to n board. On the way ne w ' Dr. Weir made his statement of days at Mmoiwn i, complaints ror a couple ,,ng dhioynny ... ..iinn with his biwuir.vv ner fin j there Interests . . . fa PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTOniA, B.C. Weather Forecast If c.n,r. TRAINS ' . - onrf Onn Char. For the East-Mondays, Prince inlands ivuict Strong - northeast Wednesdays and Fridays ,otte .. shifting to easterly and fl pm. winds, From the East-Tuesdays, ,hin eale r before night. and mil! occasional Thursdays and Cloudy Saturdays 11 p.m. E w 3 rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol xaia ..tr. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940. PRICE: S CENTS ri Invad ers Plight Still Worse MS FOR ! MORE CASH Tt.idtnt Roosevelt Proposes Ad-j Jillonsl Tases w "", ' Nl,jWould Lead In Peace Mart Three Point Plan a n..i It A t. fnltfd State uannoi im ..- Ifeclrd by Conditions in m World, Chiei t-ircunTo Declares ..-! -rnvr jn 3r Prwsl- I CREW OK SUNKEN NAZI I -HOAT EN ROUTE TO INTERNMENT CAMP Men of an tfi-fa:M N.. I . . - hey arrive somewh re in Bna n" supi - if war The are tnowr. rr,T..; fr ai ::.. :.ava. v w:.. i. caitusrd Utem in ba:Ui a :ea The war Is over for them an inurnment mp ww b'- their hume ' for the duration of the struggle. HELPING FINLAND Orrat Itritain, France and Italy! Make No IUtnes About Side ' !5f r v nation oi any qenevA. Jan tnu pti " BrlUln and France have advised m i s -S.t for unity in stnv- lh t--,,,. at Ktum form all v totards the malntenanee of--t flf jj,ve i, 0,1 atj (tc? ri fiemocracy. rrewaeni pjni-n in K-r war acaliut r.rl id nst the dangers of dlc-lRllSft,a M lhe war u1lh Qermany TWEEDSMUIR WILL LEAVE ,muir as Oovernor General of 'Canada comes to an end during the coming summer. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King said yesterday that Lord Tweeds-mutr had declined to accept an 'extension of the term. The Prime Minister did not hint, however, who the successor might be. DISCUSSING WATERWAYS Negotiations Between Canada And United States Are Kesumed, Prime Minister Announces TREATY BELNG RUSHED WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 4: (CP) The United States Department of State announced today that a delegation headed by A. A. Berle jr. would leave for Ottawa Saturday to con clude a treaty with Canada for the development of the St. lawrenre deep waterway. The treaty would also provide for hydro-electric projects. The announcement here followed that in Ottawa yesterday of Prime Minister William Lyon Mackemie King of Canada that Informal negotiations had been carried on recently. OTTAWA, Jan. 4: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie, King, following a cabinet meet-i ing yesterday, gave official assur- r ance that negotiations were again.' under way between Canada and) the United States towards an' horsepower electrical development Is contemplated. British Trawler Victim Of Mine FINANCES ! FROM U.S. Charge In Regard To Irish Itepub-t-lican Army Made At Opening j ! Of I)ail By Justice Minister Powers Given De Valera Accorded Sweeping Fow err to Smash Outlawed organization in Eire United Stales was made by Justice Minister Gerald Boland In Par-! mnt of EJre.yesterday as legislators met in special session to draft drastlr laws to combat any iDn"'( to public safety. With Its war. chest of United State funds. Brtand said that the IRA. was a hlphly organized body. Anion? other things It had been found that It maintained a laboratory where members were trained to make bombs. There had been at least one hundred members Involved In the Phoenix arsenal robbery. . At the demand of President Eam- onn de Valera ior an emergency quiet. IS AGAIN CANDIDATE . J. O'Neill M. P. Receives Ite-nomination For Kamloops In Federal Election agreement on the gigantic seaway and power development of the St. KAMLOOPS. Jan. 4: (CP) Lawrence River and Great Lakes Thomas James Ocelli, railway en- waicr aysiem. imormai uituHms gmeer and sitting member, has have been resumed. A 2.000.000 been renominated Liberal eandl- date for Kamloops In the next federal election. His opponents will be Hon. II. H. Stevens, Con servative, and Mrs. Margaret Mc- Nab, C. C. F. The Liberal convention passed resolutions asking continuation of the Big Bend Highway, enlarge- Iment of the roads between LONDON, Jan. 4: Four mem- Spence's Bridge and Revelstoke bcrs of the crew are believed to and between Golden and Banir, have been lost when a small BrU commencement of construction of tlsh fishing trawler. Young Harry,' a highway between Blue River was blown up by striking a mine and Jasper and reduction of the off the southeast coast of England, old age pensions age from seventy-Wreckage was washed ashore. ito sixty-five years. MURMANSK RAILWAY OUT OF COMMISSION; RUSSIA'S WAR IS DISMAL FAILURE Finns Raid Soviet Air Bases on Esthonian Islands, Doing Much Damage Mannerheim Line Holds Propaganda Leaflets on Leningrad HELSINGFORS, January 4. It was officially by the Finnish authorities here today that the Leningrad-Murmansk railway has been virtually put out Dublin. Jan. 4: cp charge 0f commission as a result of the activities of Finnish Da- thtt the Irish Republican Army trols and will have to be abandoned by the Soviet. Many no was fin financed norl writ with n mnriPV money from from t the TIP ... - . nazes have been irreparably smashed and the line blown up at many points. The land pa- BRING DOWN TWO NAZIS Fiench Tursuit Planes Dispose Of German Planes On Wednesday Canada can best help Finland in the war against Russia was dls- cussed by the cabinet council yes-; French Get Important Information terday. Prime Minister William I Also Take German Prinoners ryon Mackenzie King stated. Ways and Inflict Casualties and means of economic assistance' are being considered. PARIS. Jan. 4. A French patrol j penetrated one and a half miles in- ' to Oerman territory today and brought back Important informa-' tlon in regard to Nazi troop concen-IraUons. This reconnaissance was In the Saar region. Also in the Saar a German patrol was ambushed and several prisoners were taken. In the Vosges Mountain area twoj German patrols were surrounded, by the French who Inflicted casualties and took prisoners without suffering a single casualty themselves. The German losses were quite heavy for the two detachments of about 100 men. . Otherwise the front continues Bulletins MINISTER TO CANADA WASHINGTON James H. R. Cromwell, New Jersey economist and husband of the former Doris Duke, tobacco fortune heiress, was nominated today by President as new United States minister to Canada. EXPORTING FISH OTTAWA The Fisheries Research Board of Canada concluded Its annual meetings yesterday. Among other things, the board considered the possibilities of Canada supplying Great Britain and France with fresh and froien fish and fish oils during the war. RUSSIAN FOOD RIOTS LONDON Desperate food riots I by starving Russians in a number of large ciues oi uic out reported. AN ANTI-CLIMAX FOLKESTONE There was an anti-climax last night in the case of Unity Valkyrie Freeman-Mit-iord, British beauty, who charmed Adolf. Hitler. She was landed from Folkestone from Germany and whisked away in an ambulance. The ambulance broke down and she had to return to Folkestone to spend the night. It had been reported she had gunshot wounds in the throat but there was no bandage visible to confirm this. trols were assisted by aircraft. This mean.', that the Soviet has no railway now with which to transport troop? and supplies to the northern fronts where it has already suffered serious reverses and tremendous casualties. Russian air bases on Esthonian islands have also been severely damaged, it is announced. Finnish air raids in which British and Ital- I! 'Ian olanes were used were respon- . PARIS. Jan. 4: Without giving sible for this, any particulars, a French com-. The Mannerheim Line continues munlque Wednesday night stated to hold out without breach in the mandate for the protecUon of the hat 0 German planes had been face of almost incessant Russian state, the Datl gave the government brouht down b mnch P"" siege with artillery and infantry taat- 'thrusts. There elsewhere. Soviet as wide noweri to smash the Reoubll- can Army. Among other things it casualties are heavy. Docs Not Intend To Take Exlen- waf elVen power to intern all sus- -iflTtp ffnv fx , Thousands of propaganda. Ieaf- slon Of Term After This wcU or thse whose liberty might I , I V P H T I Y llets were dropPed on f0' Summer menace public aafety without trial' T -LJ .day. indicating the reach which ' ' The vote was 81 to 9. The bill was rpA rllkll t -if' aerial activities on behalf of Fln- 111 I4I1MI AIM II .m.j ,u. v... ,w. tv.ii land are attalnlne. I h a m a . . i wt Z 1 1 r 1 1 LI11IU 1 CdllilllL UV iAll - W . muwA, wan. : uri- me -- t An JL J I Uiuruiij lfle vear term of Lard .Tweeds- ,,u "H ici JP. .'-5 .'.f . . -.r A-detectlve was wounfled'f ataHy-" on Patrick Street in Cork yester day. PATROLS SUCCEED i' In "wiping -out the'RuwlarHUvls--" I Ion in the great battle at Lake Kl- Canada 'Considering How Best xx, the Finns suffered only one This Can Be Done, Prime 'hundred casualties whereas 15.000 Ministers States , Russians were killed. The dark clad' 'and poorly equipped Red soldiers ' I were easy prey for the swift white- OTTAWA, Jan. 4: (CP) How uniformed Fins on their sklls. Fninish troops were today chasing remnants of the shatterd 163rd Russian division and were reported to have pushed ten miles within Soviet territory and to have surrounded a second Red division which had been sent to assist the other. Reports of the second encirclement were not confirmed Immediately by Finnish defence headquarters. It was said, howver, to have occurred between Lake Klanta and the Russian border, food, ammunition and supplies of the relief division being cut off. This is the fourth sector where the Finnish troops are reported to have driven into Russia. Finnish patrols may have been responsible, It is suggestd, for a train wreck on the Leningrad-Murmansk Railway in which hundreds of Russian soldiers lost their lives. The troop train plunged over a steep embankment. Tonrea, a Finnish city at the head of the Gulf of Bothnia almost on the Swedish frontier, was bombed by Russian planes yesterday and a railway line was badly damaged. TO CHARGE ENGLISHMEN Best and Stevens Alleged to Have Stirred up Trouble In Reich ' Indirectly Linked With Beer Hall Blast. BERLIN, Jen. 4: (CP) Slglsmund Best and Capt. Richard Stevens, Englishmen, who were spirited across the Dutch bolder; last fall, will stand trial in connection with the Munich beer hall plot which nearly cost the life of Adolf Hitler, it is learned here. They are not charged with being directly concerned In the Incident but with having endeavoured to stir up trouble In the Reich. George riser has confessed to setlng the time bomb wliich blew up the beer hall a few minutes after Hitler left.