r u i t j-. PAGE TWp THE DAILY NEW3 Thursday, Decent, r a PRESENT TO I MISS MILLS 7ul Qif& juteuforUL Retiring Principal pf Borden Street ; tt m m it mv m School Given Tea Service by Colleagues and Pupils Feature of the Christmas closing a$ Borden Street School this morning was the prestation,' by? staff and pupils to the retiring principaL Miss S. A.. Mills, of ia ; handsome tea service. The presentation was made by Miss Lillian Halllwell who voiced suitable sentiments. A letter accompanied the presentation. Miss Mills responded. The program Included Christmas carols, recitations and other items. i FOR SAlp, FOR SALE 9oat MlnneUe, 38 f p et by 10 feet. Reasonable price. In-! quire ' at Metlakatla. F LeaskV j (2971 4 ROOM House for eale before , rented out: Gth Ave. E., 4 min- j utcs walk from Drydock. Vacant January 1. Terms. Apply' 1203 7th Ave. R. 203 t 1.1 1 fT XT rt t 11 f . Luivinu ujwii juusi. acn lew ai- ticles of furniture. Cheap. Suite 9, ' Summit Apts. (298) FOR SALE Beatty electric washing machine. $10. Phone Black 23G. 279 FOR; SALE baby cart. Good condition. Phone Grnen 977. 297 FOR SALE C.C.M. Bicycle. Phone " Blue 898. (208) FOR SALE Modernistic walnut dinette suite. Phone Black 603. j (299). j FOR SALE Furniture. No dealers.! Phone Green 577. FOR KEN'l (299) , LEAVING TOWN. Must sell few articles of furniture, Cheap. Suite 9, Summit Apartment! 293 FOR RENT Large furnished office . Including heat and light. Daily -JjgfVICCS Ol FOR. RENT-l roam cabin, partly ' NllfSCS AlC lunnsnra. wear pryaoT- fnofie Blue 822 between 5 and 7 p.m. TV ANTED OflO . WANTED at once, laboratory boy over sixteen for approximately six we,ete. Fisheries Experimental; Station. See Dr. Bailey at building on wharf. 297 Giye Her A LOCKET This Year i We never had such variety In lockets and necklets as we have this year. Some are round and some heart shaped, Others are various fancy shape.. Some are hand engraved In beautiful floral designs and some are machine 3iigraved with modernistic lines and many are in several shades of gold such as red, green or yellow. Prices range from $?.50 to $11.50 except a few in heavy ' solid gold a,t from $15.00 to $25.00. Also we have silver from $3.50 to $5.00. And. even the baby a not forgotten at prices from $2.00 to $5.00. Also we have some ijew designs jn necklets which are very beautiful. We WH He 0laJ to Sljow You It; (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK CHOCOLATES Among the many war activities of Prince Rupert are the first aid and home nursing classes which are being conducted each week In the Fire Hall. While they are not as large as a number as would be expected from a centre of so large a population, yet a great many la ddies are benefiting by the? excellent courses. Th instructions and j demonstrations are 'given by fully qualified and capable nurses and doctors and are of the mQst modern and approved methods. Much time and work on the part of the nurses Is expended and, In appreciation of their voluntary work in this connection, ihs members of the Tuesday night nursing classes entertained their instructorsMiss Priestly, Mrs.Lam-bly and Mrs. Sloan after their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, Third Avenue. Members of the class voiced their pleasure In attending the meetings and the benefits derived from such instructions and presented the nurses with small gifts. In reply, Miss Priestly, 0n behalf of staff, stated that they were glad to give their time to such important and necessary work and willingly offered their senses srs part of their contri-tution to war work. A-delightful lunch was served by members of the class. Arrange ments for the evening were" in tha hands of Miss Sharp. Locl Scpqt Gets Badges Final Mectfng Prior to Suspension of Activities for Yulelide At the final meeting of the Jocal Bpy Scouts Tuesday night prior to suspension of activities for the Christmas and New Year season CNfford Wanamaker was presen ted by Scoutmaster Ernest Meadows, with the first class Scou apd carpenter's badges. Games were played to bring the ev&nln? to an enjoyable conclusion. THEY ARE WONDERFUL! The kind you like to give and receive. Always fresh and delicious Chocolate lovers every- where thrill to a Gift of Neilson's Fresh Chocolates! g CHOCOLATES THIS CHRISTMAS FOR PERFECT SATISFACTION Keel is abcut U be laid at the Tsumura boat works iri Cow Bay of a new 'fifty-foot powe. cruiser far Dr. R. Q. Laie which, when completed will b one cf th; finest power yachts in the harbor. Frb-rlcalion of Jhj fints and other pretailnary work has already been started. JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 VEAL SHOULDER pf YEAL Per lb. -VEAL CJIOPS Per lb PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lb SWIFT'S BONELESS PICNIC HAM, AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb. BULK PURE LARD 3 lbs. POULTIIY ROAST CHICKEN Per lb BOILING CJIICKEN per lb. GRADE 'A TURKEYS per ib'.'....:: '." DUCKS Per lb I'lione 957 SPECIALS ih:i:f ROUND STEAK ; Par lb. 'SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb RIB STEAK ' 2 lbs! , BONELESS STEW BEEF- I 2 bs." I POT ROAST Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb T-BONE 1 Per lb. 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c EVia:ia:ii::i:i:alCKi!:icM;n:iil'!a:!nxB:ii;!a SOc 25c 30c, 30c! Is Advised To Place Orders NEW YORK. Dec. 19. The New York Times advises Great Britain to place orders for $3,000,000,000 worth of war supplies in the United W V'L -' - W lMxD) MONEy SAVING PRICES v. v- "v . vvi" vi" v,- Recognized Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps WEEKLY ORDERS States without worrying too much about United States capacity to pro- Saturday special rifle competl-'duce them or where the money Is lion at Canadian National Recre-eplng to be found to pay for them, ation Association turkey shoot. Celebrate Right j This Year ! Turkeys arc scqjrcp so order varjy and get the best birds We have a large number of Capon Chickens direct from IheiSinltliers District. Splendid young Mnls 6 to 8 pound!; each Bulkley Market CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PUINCI RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, G p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer haves PRINCE UUPEKT for VANCOUVER on Thursday. 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN QQI? Hft Tickets a sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb, 28th, 1911, ipdy V'U nnal retym Umit March 31st,. 1941 V For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone ?C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines 3 8. C. Furniture Co New and Used Furniture 1 Chln Cabinet Large size-Special I Really Washing .Machine In perfect condition 4 Dressers From , 12 Reconditioned Typewriters Of various makes (n A-l condition from 16 Enamel Wash Basins At very low prices, $75.00 TO $104.00 821, 32, 57.50 TO 810. New Furniture S22TOS 4 End Tables-Irt walnut. Special w C Coffee Tables All-walnut In latest " 9.' styles . 4 Waterfall Design Dressers With round mirror of 22i' finest materials. Special V 1 Chiffrobe With 2 mirrors and hanging space and 39 J 12 Snrinprillril Vclt Mniirtti.nf flnpct quallty.Reeular $22.50 Nnw v 8 Sludio Couches-That can be made Into single or 239,51 it ian.j)i cuiuia. opri:iui 10 Chfslerflelds In latest styles-and colors, all 3piece suites lrl rhone BLACK 321 TIHRD AVF-M1! Next Door to II. C. Clothiers When Von Want a Reliable, Comfortable, HepemU iir . i M lle Itl! PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rales -n inn"!! UUnnfnrl U.... L.. Vt4i)itP.T Shjp l j, K( okmhEIM, Trlnce Rupert, C. Kcprcsontin HUDSON'S HAY COW