I re. m P.- i PAQS FOUR 8 MacKenzies Furniture "A Good Place to Buy" Christmas Gift Suggestions M Card Tables, Bridge Sets with four If Chairs, Smoker Cabinet, Smoker 5? Stands, Wall Mirrors, Carpets, all W sizes, Blankets, Bed Spreads, Floor 5? Lamps, all kinds, Odd Dressers. 2? fhone "75 g Ontario Women Send Gifts To Naval Ratings ' Sixty ditty bags, gift of the women of the Navy League of Canada In Ontario, have been received by the local Navy League and Ribbon Icicles 5c tXmas Crackers 40c to $1.50 Wreaths 5c to 50c fcj? Xmas Snow 10c pkg. 0 Fancy Candles 15c. 25c 33c pr. hjl Xmas Napkins 15c pkg. of 40 xicc iu5 iiiiuuiai riuwers tic. 32: 3rd Get Your Toys Quick Children's Tea Sets, Breakfast Sets, Kitchen Sets 23c, 50c, 93c up Pin Ball Games Various kinds -a "Oc, $153, $1.93 Target Shooting Games 35c, 5c, Si .20, $125 Mechanical Trains ...-...... $1.50, S2.00, $20 up .r Electric Trains Complete with transformer $11.50, $14.50 Drums 25c, COc, $1.15 Toptsletoy Sets 30c, $1.00 Tricycles $5.50, $6.50 Wagons $3.50 to S7.50 Wetum Dolls 75c Wetum Layette Sets $1.35 Telephones 23c, 50c And Many Others at Lowest Prices They're Going Fast enausoeommi turned over to Commander Geoffrey Borrie for distribution to naval ratings stationed out of Prince Rupert. Some eight thousand such ditty bags have been distributed to the naval .forces In Canada by the Ontario women. Each Is well filled with a variety- of articles appropriate to the season. Reach ten thousand people with I a "want ad." in the Dally News. READY FOR YULETIDE (Canadian Lesion Completes Ar-i rangementfor Festive Season- President Borland Resigns A special meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion was held last evening to complete arrangements for Christmas and New Year activities. The committees reported that parcels had been sent to all members of the forces who had left Prince Rupert for service overseas or In other parts of Canada. Arrangements were also made for the supplying of hampers for needy families of ex-service men. The usual Christmas dinner for single ex-service men will be held and tickets may be had on application at the Legion rooms. In co-operation with the officers commanding Prince Rupert units the Legion will provide suitable Christmas cheer for the men In service in the district. Members present were Nell Cameron, S. A. Cheeseman, John Armstrong, J. M. Walker, George Abbott, Jack Preece, C. L. Barker and H. A. Breen who occupied the chair In place of D. G. Borland whose resignation had been received. Hundreds ot people try a "spot" In the Dally News classified column and get good results. (tf) SO I Al 1.1. 11 if I I I 1 liik iplipt wprp vprv rr. KING THANKS VICAIt nTLHAM. Rn? Tlpc 10- PP. Pancv.each 10c and 15c cJ i'-omDea oui oi niscnurcn ana n:s Electric Wreaths, each .... 85c home- Rev- B- E- Peak. a former jJ Tree Candles. Pkg. .. 25c truck driver, has been thanked by ! uic xni5 ana vuttii lor nis woik in r Jji 7 . r i ritai ni nir i 1111 rvim nan n rm niapn t n i o -1 ire urnaments Tinsel Streamers Honoki Rope Stars $J ' " Raw Furs We Have Ordeig For and Require Immediately 3000 Marten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fisher 5000 Mink and 25,000 Weasels In order to secure these articles for our customers, we are prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. We have SPECIAL ORDERS for Dark and Dark Brown Marten and Small Dark and Dark Brown Fishers and we are prepared to pay you SPECIAL PRICES for these, two articles. For Highest Market Prices and 100 Satisfaction, Try Your next shipment to us Do it Now! Thanking you In anticipation, we are, Trappers Furs B-l Standard Bank BId?., Vancouver, B.C. I 1 St THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, De cember 19. it 19 BUCSARE MOVING UP Portland Scores First Victory of Season Over Seattle in Pacific Coast Hockey League Seattle . 5 4 Hockey Standings National League Toronto 13 Detroit - 7 Boston ..... 6 Chicago 5 Rangers 5 Canadiens s... 4 Americans 4 W D L F A Pts 3 52 29 28 i 5 59 59 1ft & 5 49 35 7 31 38 7 37 38 8 29 41 9 27 50 Advertise In the Dally News. 15 13. "I in 1 SPITFIRE CAMPAIGN At the instigation of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby and T. W. Brown, the Prtncp Runert Gyro Club, at Its regular weekly luncheon yesterday, SEATTLE, Dec. 19: The Portland went on record as suggesting to all Buckaroos scored their first victory tne 0yro qi of Canada the ln-cf the season over Seattle in last stilting of a campaign for the night's Pacific Coast Hockey League purChase of a Spitfire fighting fixture and, as a result, moved Into piane to aid In the pursue e a tie with the Seattle team .for r a special Issue of the club's third place In the standing. The bulletin to start the campaign in score was three to one. Seattle was motion will b put out by the bul-saved from a shut-out by scoring in committee which consists of within a few seconds of the i-nd of or- Brocklesby and Frank Dlbu. the game.. Copies will be given by special de- Th'e Pacific Coast League stand- livery to all Gyro Clubs In Canada ing 'to date: ito focus attention on the proposal. ' Spokane 9. 2 5 41 38 20 The feature of the program at Vancouver 8 2. 6 42 39 18 yesterday's luncheon was a demon-Portland 7 0 11 48 54 14 strtlon of turkey dressing by H. 7 43 52 14 s. Meadows who is evidently a past master at such things. Mr. Meadows donated the turkey on .which he worked and It was ratified for the Christmas hamper !Xund, the winner being William .Crulckshank. In addition to a good tum-out members, there were guests In Ihe persons of Dr. C. H. Hankln-son and G. T. German. President G. A.- Hunter was in the chair. In view of Wednesday being JO 1 Christmas Day. next week's Gyro 1 luncheon will be on Friday when .the festive season will be observed 1 informally Mfstletoi tifLli f V ; ." !"s 2s 1 Ii!lSner5uta i mis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbi Decorations Tree Lights n Complete Sets 95c, $1.10, Sl,:5, i" 2.00 S2.25 fir Extra Lamps, each .... . 5c, 10c vj DODGING CENSOU $11.50 ECLES, Ens, Dec. 19: (CP) A,!? Lancashire woman who sent a let-ter to Eire In care of an airplane ; passenger Instead of using the mails M TX70 Tmon 4 4 "VI en I " rrV. 1 n o atmir J. cnin I J ' I . . - was em luicu the 1.11c U.- t"i contents jii A Lrn a. ts ni of Incriminating.' Four More SHOPPING DAYS Until Christmas We Invite You to Inspect Our Stock of Gift Sets Attractively Boxed and Reasonably Priced liy Yardley Lentheric Elizabeth Arden Harriet Hubbard Ayer Adreine Jasmine and Gardenia Gerrard and Woodbury Ormes ltd. Pioneer Drum? fats The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 9 "SQUIRREL" LID COHTEST W Livlnt; Room Tables Each $jf Coffee Tables $10 and $15.00 A Magazine Tableli-Each $11.00 Eovl and GM GIFTS that all the family , will enjoy 'Squirrel" Brand Peanut Butter around Christmas time. Do your best now fa get th most lids from No. 1.2 .J !nner 0et British Bicycles, Wiijt Watch., etc Watch this January, telling how to tend lids in. Contest dotes Jan. 31st, 1941 CANADA NUT CO.. LTD. 689 Hamilton St. Vincauv.. JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of the Seal Cove Trucking and Transportation Co. And for Your Service Offers I DUMP TRUCKS TO 1-YAKI) CAPAC ITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but the bigger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please 1 -- 4 t 4 V1 Occasional Pieces Occasional Chairs E.v Smoker Stands E.i- SUM I $1.30 Cedar Chests $31.50, $37.50 and : I: 50 1 Furniture Values 5?. . t m 8-piece Valnut Finish Dining Room Suite Consist Ir W3 extension table and six chairs. 09 50 'Sfl 4-Picce Bedroom Suite Chiffonier, vanity dresser 1 r oencn and full herf It 3-plece Chesterfield Suite Chesterfield and Jgf two chalrs AS W 5 few Floor Covering Y-l Sr. Jaspe Rugs Size 9x12. Each Jto tj? Linoleum Rugs 9x12. Each ... S M Congoleum Rugs 9x12. Each $J M Seam,ess Axmlnster Rugs 9x12. Each tS W Axmlnster Mats Size 36x63. Each '& i5 T JMf Axmintlr Axmlnster Mats Milt SIzp CIto .v 27si 7K r- rk -v. TOYS Wagons-rMade of hardwood S72.00 K'jJ "vnvu UilU tun OAtr 7t iCU . -T- - - - y S135.00g ddstiftrdi ! Simmon's Beautr r Rest Snrinr p ' Ffllrrl d Mattresw Maffr i a," "L" S42.50 sPeclal 'fer of $5.00 for your old mattress. Vou pay onr $370 it itted Cases ,...tf $13-5() $nj0 and S1G.50(H . 1 ackrite Cases J7.00 ..nrl I2-$0 f! sm.50f 517.00 $11.00 J Slv.vv v nr. I CCU .iAJ1, jjcn o.uw ai'u K. Axmlnster Axmlnster Mats Mats Size. Sizes 2751 27x51. ttoi, Each S3.00 $3.00 Atmlntipp fii C(A. ot-je iAw w r. imj ultra ai.i fzirn f5 S "eversivie Iledroom Mats-25x48. Each ... ?3 2f H $1.00 ss.oo n $S.75and JiWjH Kiddle Kars $2.50, $2.95 and $ 00fi Scooters . $1.50 and SG00j Velocipedes $8.75, $9.50 and $l!'5j Doll Carriages .... $3.50, $60.0, $8.00 and S11.00f my Yards Each aby High Chairs $5.00 and S7.50 Haby Walkers Each $- J Kindergarten Set Table and two For the set Raby Swings Complete $1.50 and ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDINd .:. Tml) AVEXUE fk TELEPHONE GREEN 916 S art