Thursday, December 19, 8lQ, THE DAILY XmHB Bill Mckpw or Boots m em fnTPWpf tot chltdren anct adults' Announcement ' ' Ross Ingram, after six years wh the Thrift Cash and Tarry, M$ .v:rd, his connection and, nass taken oyi'X Llnzey 4t Davles Grocery which henceforth will be known as Llnzey St In-'Tarn. Mr Ingram and ttte tome Jl who. served yon at the old Thrift Cash It Carry ex 'nd a hearty welcome to you to call and see them at thrir new location. Phone 585 and 586 Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Defrmber 20. Moose Hall. 0 V. ..t LOCAL, NEWS NOTES jul $ar 'Hirer 1Q nJwae. Bev and Mf..R. W'Qatef slcd velwday afternoon (ft (he, p,n.e,e fomert for Stewa.rt.. , CapitcJ TJiMtr'e liav t Lutheran Circle Christmas Tree Dfcamber 30. Metropole. Jus 8ay.'Thre Two nlease." fi W meelMw loiiwrpw night. ana replaced United, Church W- A tea, Jan, 16. six weeks. II 297 Sergeant W. H. King of Prince , Rupert area headquarters Is leay-' pg on tomorrow evening's train for xiome at Edmonton on jeaye. Staff Sergeant C. A. Purdon, of Prince Runert area headquarters is. wiling tomorrqw night on the Qar-dena for his home at New WVst-mlnller on Christmas leave Mrs. Nell Mac Donald arrived In the city yesterday from Bralorne to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season here with her sister. Mrs. T. H. Priest, Graham Avenue. Westvlew. Mr. MacDonald wttl be here later. Lieut. R. Thistle, acting adjutant of the Prince Rupert garrison area following the transfer of Capt. J. W. Kllpatrlck to Victoria, will sail . ,, , J" a"u w" ior gyis omox on unnstmas leave. Ulf Dollar Store. aoiiar. Parker's Oarage, is leaving tonishV Highlight the holidays with 'SHU marvellously flavoured. still extra tender! Once again your dealer Is up to his tars in Christmas orders ioxSwiJt't rtmium llamt Canny hoUJCwites just aren't going to risk disappointment in getting a mild, richy?4r . . . extra Undtrnti in that tradi-tional Christmas dinner ham! That's hy they're ordering their Swift's Premium Ham carlyl Remembcr.youhaveyour choice from among three famous Premium Hams , t . reguliutylc, in the hUp plaid wrapper, is simple to. bake or roast without parboiling . , . wift's. Premium Quick-Sent style, in the red wrapper, is all ready to eat col J, or heated through, and boned-ahd-rolled Premiumllam iYready for convenient slicing, quick fry ingorbroiling.Chooseyourwift'i Prennum Ham for Christmai pow, today! It just isrj't :'ChrisjpM Dinner" without Swift'l Premium Mirni Swift Cinadian Co,, Limited. He will Nothing wer.a ' leave the steamer at CampbelJ Rlv- itp er ana tajce tne stage dpwn yan-' Rt. Rev. p. A. Rlx D.D.. Bishop of uhen. h- i. . v-y Ca edonla. delivered a Christmas PREMIUM HAM Swift's IF YOUR FAMILY CIRCLE S SMALL. . . GET SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAM IN CENTRE SLICESI No longer need small families forego Jic mild, rich flavour of piping hot Swift's Premium Ham because a whole, or even half ham seems un-economical for a small groupl Just one Centre Slice pf Swift's PremiM lUm aerves two people generously! Once women discover the economy of Centre Slices, its these easy-to-prepare . simple matter tp satisfy the family's Jemands whenever they clamour for ham! , Section .4. 4 Rifle Range Notice Is hereby given that NATIONAL DEFENCE. TRAIN LATE. TONIGHT 'mpWJlfffl in trio Prints T?iinr Pa-' nPrtnloHt' train Hno fiYim fhfr i range practices will be earrtea out dally between-the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 pjn. until fur- j ther notice on the Irish Pusl- , Jier's Rifle Range located on fj Park Avpmip. on Prince Runert T .-- . . (In iUn Cno.n. f. V.I. Vinma of . .. . ..ton - ' Mr. and Mrs. w n T-n.n itary clu at lta "gular weekly Ea?t at 11 o'clock, was reported! ing tonisht on tho PHnL n 'unchcon today and Dr. Neal Carter, ihls afternoon to be three and a- J for Vancouver to . sptnd . v-r the Christ fw.u hi-w xear holiday season Mrs. Stanley W. Coitnn nrr after a brief viit with mi.ii.. vtwqijver, ruurnrd in th ffwii the ut)i ypsterday. city the president, showed moving pic tures of local and northern scenes. There was a good attendance of Members wtl guests. F&revyell Tea For Miss Mills Held the south. elation cxpresjd Uieh- 4eet ferret in losing Miss S. A. MiUs froni their Mr. and Mrs. George Kltagawa Association but hoped she would! returned yeterdav from Vnnrnn. continue her interest In the Girl. Cnulne Hogmany Dance. Odd-' Vcr where Mrs. Kttoawa has been 0ulde I" Victoria where there is fellows Halt, pecnber 31. dicing treaiment for dtahete, ,h a .w.!de DLlvly- .. . i half hours late. Christmas Cheer Late Donations Ta further Contributions to Fund Are Acknowledged Cash received fey the Daily Newys j. Affaif at Home of Mrs Macintosh , V . vaion ;SO M b' rrlee Itywi ri; flyules' Assoeiatfoii In appreciation of her work and her willing co-c;:eratlon with ev- try effort on behair of th? Olrl RJd Dickens and Mrs. Tom Guide of Pfjnce Rupert a (arer Mulhern are sailing by th- Prince w tea wa held qj h home of R'Tt tnnhht for Vanronvcr. Mrs. Macintosh. "Cllffsyde", on T)iey will spend the ChH.tYnne Fourth Avenue, on Tuesday sifter. SON Christmas tree ai.d dmrinduN? d3nc6'hubands Year season wlt" eir loon In honor of S. A- MlUs! rJ:'.r25 .".lff5..a,,d who arc In Eervlc m Members cf the QUI Guide Asso- inciuae: i Prfivinnlv nrknnuulprffpfi $74.00 Radio auction Gilbert Campbell 3.0 Mrs. T. C. Wilding l.Oj)' II. S. Wallace & Co. 5.00 . Pioneer Laundry 10D01. G. W. Nlckerson 15 00 iKlncolith Preceptory r. 5M- COMEDIES ;i ARE SEEN 'Over (he Moon" arj4 "Hanrho Grande" Are' Double-Billed t( Capitol Theatre Valhalla datice Meropole Jan- " n fnirt n for eye by the entire ccmmunlty but heri "Ovpr the Uqon," a gay, color P;' tin U7 3. .iOuble. One eve was taken out work and Influence vfiU ve pn in mance vlth Merle OtierOR.arid pex Tney were away for the lives of the youtji of Rupert. Prjnce Harrison in the leading-roles, and . Rancho Orande," a film loy buljt 1 et n 1400 r. pecot" RUlfl. V A tip to Santa Clavs! Swift's Premium Hams makf, wonderful Christmas presents. Order them from your dealer now, in gay holiday wrappings, to be, sent out later on. Or deliver them your- Premium Ham Plenty pf flood Cheer for the Holiday Season JKhBHHSB McCallum'sPerfection IRPHflHHIlHHiV Scots Whisky is a popu- ifj 4 IHHI! 'ac favourite tvtryu'ben. WM- 1 t I HHHF Uniformly smooth, with pM a real Highland pot-stijl . , gPPI t'f varies jipj seafed ' Lpecfand bottles VVHPH QRPERIJIG SCOTCH, ASK FOR "McCiLLUM'S PERFECTION YnU advertisement Is not published or qMspljyeo bj tb Liquor Control Board or by the Government'. of British Colurnbla - arouri4 the popular song of the pjicatlng a romance with a country max when the couple go to itaivyp sqme name wltlj flene Autry In the ' doctor, played by R.ex Hanlspn. test their love and find it again- Ieadlpa rolt, are featured on a They marry and start on a gay There are many elaborate rctttoss jd'puble blU picture program being . honeymoon but the groom oon and the gowns used by Miss o;q;- shown at the Capitol Theatre to- tires or the mad round 01 pleasure eron are among ine leaiurc. night and Friday. and d-scldes to bow on. The bride "Rancho Grande" Is a madcap in "over tpe Moco Merle ooer- goes on but eventually Becomes un- sort 01 picture wun pieniy 01 muu. 6n l ca as a Yorkshire lass who: happy herself and decides to re-. Adventures in saving an old ranch overnight becomes the richest girl capture the man she loves. Tne irom mortgage lorecipsure are ea.- jj me wurio, me inheritance com- corneny reacnes an unexpecica 911- vnreu. These specials have been carefully give you the Most Value for Your Money , Phone 18 or J9 for Free Delivery. Prices Effective December 19th to December 2-Mh 1YQRYSNOW Lare p.kt, Soap Flakes and a Paring 9ff 'BifeBoth for 41 'TiVBWJ TASTIKS ICii Cheerio -J ffp ChristiesPer pkj. ''t Tabic Raising , ..dojmar. igrpx. pkt. M'eetGheVklni-' Helnz, 12-oz. Jar Sausages 'ir'Llbb'y's, -5-0?. tin " Assorted Risruits Pe'k Freans. Per lb. Mixed Nuts "Prlb. Shfllf d Almonds For jjfjanchng. Per lb. . 59c 45c 49c 23c 55c chosen to ' lS&. THE PUTV IS QFF NAVEL ORANGES Iirffe Size. Per dozen Small Size. Per dozen SEE OUK WINDOW For a Display; XMAS CRACKERS Price from, per doz v itfc 10 81.95 Assorted Cheese Spreads-Kraft Swankiswig. Jar Xmas Hampers Made up for Delivery Anywhere in the City Suggestions for Xmas Dinner 1 Tin CUT GREEN BEANS Gardenslde, 16 oz. All For 1 Tin G. B. COUN Royal City, 16 oz. J Tins TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn, 10 oz. OQn Medium Size. OQft Ppr dozen 19c 33c Tin BAKTLETT PEAJtS Ifatzlc, 15 oz. AU For I Tin SLICEO pINEAl'PLE-aarden Isle, lVVs Ql J Tn II El) PLUMS-Klng Beach, 16 oz. UPE PLIVESLlndsayls! 16-oz. tin HOLIDAY OLIVES Libby's ice box jar 23c 47c FRUIT JUICE Apple Julce Kelo, 11 oz. pineapple Libby's, 13 oz Grapefruit Malkins, 12 oz. Lemon Libby's. 6 oz. Tin Port, Cherry Malkin's. Per bottle . 2 tlm19c 2 ,ins23C 2imi23c WINES YE OLD PAL Non Alcoholic 13c and (linger 25c John Bull's Ginger wlno with Free Tumbler. ISi 28 oz Don't Forget! We Carry a Complete Line of Xmas Wrapped Cigars and Cigarettes Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" WP DELIVER PHONES IS Si. Iff ! 1 w " i f s