PAGE FOUR Hnri.Ywnon Green Virginia Field; Ann Sherl- HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 26 CP It's dan-George Brent. Leap Year and the boys and girls have been pumping from the gossip columns to the altar In numbers and with glee. Clark Gable, Douglas Fairbanks r. and Tyrone Pow Hockey Standings er were among the leading stellar The league standing to date: eliglbles until "recently and so was Rangers 25 8 9 75 56 the debonair William Powell. All Boston 26 4 are benedicts now. Toronto 21 5 Tabulators of romance are find- Chicago 18 6 Ing plenty of interest In the ro- Detroit 14 6 mantle associations of big-name Americans ..12 3 peoole like: Canadiens .... 9 3 Norma Shearer and George Raft. ' They did the New York World's! Fair together and, since their re 10 143 70 15 106 89 17 93 98 21 73 92 26 82 119 27 73 131 PriscDla Lane and Oren Haglund.' . Dally advertvsma -tt. e's an assistant director on her NewAt'is Mire- tn hHnn He' lot. They've been that'tway a long '.wits me daUy 34 27 re- i NEW LISTS OF VOTERS , Dominion Elections, March 26, arc Held Under Enumeration and Revision System OTTAWA. Feb. 28 ( CP i Canadians go to the polls March 26 under a thoroughly revamped elections act, the result of two years' work by' the House of Commons .elections committee. - - j The biggest change in the new ;act is abandonment of the to rumors that they're I m manent- vote inaugurated aecreuy marriwi riBtiiu miiU- wlth 0UMtlonable success for the Ur J "no." But Hollywood still has ' 1935 electlon preTlous sysUm LIT A D V17 A D 3 hunCh thCy may h3PP y lof "eating a new list by enumera-Lill I LirllV aftera11- tion for each election is being re- Jeffrey Lynn and Doris Carson.1 storei , Established "flame" this one-she's j There are ako many chaites re. Norma Shearer and Deanna Durbin a singer and dancer. He's the lead- Jgartnng the printing and distribu-Amonjr Names On Screen ling man. jtlon of the voters' lists, limitation Gossips Lips utner movie romances are: ureta . Garbo Oaylord Houser; Richard of the use of radio, the banning of written pledges by candidates, immediate payment of election staffs' (where they formerly might wait! ection expenses, the feature of ex tensive and heated debates In the 58 House of Commons and In commit- v astM wvvv ka avftj e-w j vc t. nent voters' list introduced by R. B. Bennett, then prime minister. - Ixtlnn nrHVtln fmiv n ub, Xi t V. of Jules Castonguay. chief electo- s? . war.AotVtbot- P- a, 4. a . '7 1 1 I ' ' x. Vjhati&ft the natioa's Lu&icas i THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday Febr Soffered or Two HoniHi iron BRONCHITIS BaciJeg'j Mixture Cleired It Hp Ertrjr (uffr'rer from bronchitii, Rripp, coughi, coldi or aithna should benefit bf thu Pttcrboro' man's ciprincc, and get quick relief, flit ton, Mr. J. Dewnorui. up: Mr father hat wiffered from bronchitis for the part two month ami nothing we gave him teemed to do him any good, Finally we tried Buckley! Mixture. That at just two wee.! ago. Today he u)i he feeli lite a new man. Bronchitis and tough, hang-on colds yield quickly to Buckley's Mixture. You can tell from the 6rtt dote that it is doing you good. The cough ii relieved, hard, tough phlegm begin! to com up easily, breathing becomes easier, raw air ducts are soothed. Don't experiment. Buy Buckley's Mixture. 3 OVfft IO HILUON BOTTUS SOLDI aiHwum strictly fresh. w: -cd by enumerators during tliti seventh week "Feb. 5-10 belme polling, day un- Hai Ka . . f Ha it Tt must day. After that revision, a voter has I no further chance of having hlsl ; niutm ivul nccoa. WUfc fcllc , i . . . , . r-w . i . . m . I .TULTt Tn 1 HT II H Tf If WU AmilLPn Hl ' i-apiam Mct-nerson. cnesi expen system was discarded after one ',n"aSU "7"" .7u,"" "" ' lnKaW to ote on taking an oath. ,u from Ottawa, arrived m the dtv tn! 9ithh m.Ht .lmli, S,- ?OTle C!,Piia1' !r thCm today ln connection with local mil- yste'ms .ttn use in Britain and J' J,"" It's been dining, and dancing, and lfaPV nhvtiMi e-ramtn,ie elector of the same subdivision. r , I t- ,3; ...-UI1.V..J .lThe 1935 act dosed the rural ltst.i cidedly st-dy series of dates. ' P. H. Linzey Is scheduled to (JctobVC After 7ev the'f " h,d n open S,n Deanna Durtjln and Vaughn Paul. ;speak to the Prince R t Rota - 1,,. 6 mxm Deanna. 18. is stUl going with the:club at lte luncheon torrow. Us ws Triie&l thVZemmt , ?! n this time also sllghthr older assistant director who suhWt hp.n,r -nntui, T.r,..m - Includes all those who will reach dance and date regularly have . CV.R. TRAINS says they're lust good friend . For the East- Robert Preston and Dorothy La'; . Mondas, Wednesdays and Frl ApIrl,.MfiSnd' J.une of 1935, the hnuaiftyri"- tool? place, but i the'' InltlalTfor- changes rested The work aytjped upon volun- M.VaVJ UTTIs I UlklXJl CU V UO.Te9 ,, At TJ TTjt w.-t.- T-f . ti , , ' interested In several eliglbles but From the East- ' 1 h, h tV" now her Interest is all in Preston.j Tuesdays. Thursdays and "aJnSJ; Thernnori Qn4tK0w,,,.im,l snrrf,.. some Tidinv. confirming the view 9M V. ill UJVlb itlUlt j UHbUl UU J O -- , , , , JJJJJ are steadies. Dotty's knitting him' a sweater at the moment. I 121 manent list. . The me 1930 iju election election cos cost 'rai ral nf officer, fi.- that -I- city voters' , , ... i llsts,about $2,200,000 whiu th iq .i Dalit anonths. oecome. practically , obsolete In six Lctlon '.ecuon. with ith sqiro- 5,918.20. names r,-. Z on . .V the I xew inA '"' -PPwunaieiy mamwwq. L thy &i itl Z: kJT118 current election, with an ad- Si V "cjanional 500.000 voters enumerated will cost between J2i00ooo anrt $3.000J)00. In the past employers have been1 asked to give workers two hours. apart from their lunch hour in! (which to vote. Now under section1 45 of the new act. a nenaliv provided for an employer falling to comply. Ktn ud f da larlv A'.'kfe reirn Dr. R.r. Bamford Succe-isnr to Dr. B. Ll'NDAHL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry ln Itooms 1, 2, 3 Bcsner P.lock SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDOKA HOLLER A KEN A THE SEAL o' QUALITY 2rvrr J GOLD' SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye i'LNK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the only aalmun canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert LOCALS It was announced today at the Ca nadlan National offices. There will be a thirty day return limit. TERRACE open an- wui apply, a quamied.dauahter. PhvUia of Prince rtiinrr are spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinsou, Mrs. Brentsen's parents. Coldest temperature this winter o for Terrace reached on Sunday morning when the thermometer dipped to 7 above sero. The cold wave is eontlnuta and TNieariav years of ate on or before poll-, the sky became overcast with a uig uy. wnereas previously mey.mut of snow naa to De 21 at the time of enumeration. Those becoming 21 after that and before election day could apply for revision of the list. .Revision to the former systeli of establishing the list Is expected to be cheaper than the so-called per LINZEY DA VIES PHONES 583 Butter 1st grade. 3 lbs. Ajlmer Vegetable Soup Per tin Cut Green Beans-Per tin Toilet SoapColgates. 6 for Quaker Oats Large size Purity 49's i. Flour-- & I. Tea Per lb. Cream Cheese 2-lb. pkg. Niblet Corn 2 tins Wild Hose I lour Paitry, per sAck Kitx Iliscults-2 pkgs. Sandwich BUcuits-Fresh, per lb. Shaker Peaches Per tin 95c 10c 10c 25c 18c S1.85 55c 55c 25c 40c 35c 25c 9c 15c Try Our Fresh Ground COFFE rrlb. 40C Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized Mirk OPENING CAMPAIGN Hanson to Speak Tomorrow Nlsht at Burns Lake this morning from a trip to vlc-i toria. I Olof Hanson leaves on tonight s I train for the interior to open his John E. Davry returned t0 the federal election campaign with a city on the Prince Georat this meeting at Bums Lake tomorrow morning from a hoUday trip to atfht, working westward from Vancouver. Seattle and Vancouver there with lame meeting at Usk Island. and Terrace March 5 and 8 re- ispectively. Mr. Hanson will be ae- There will be absolutely no ex- com panted by E T Kenney. M. L tension of time from March 1 for A. for Skeena, and in the eastern motorists to renew theft licenses part of the riding will be assisted for the year, tt was stated this by M. M. Connolly. M. L A for morning by Inspector C. O. Bar- Omineca. O. W Nlckerson will join ber. provincial police. There wtH be the party later In the interior, immediate prosecution In eases probably at Smtthers where cars are found being driven In about ten days' time Mr.Han-with old plates on and after that rn and Mr. Kenney will be back date. here to visit coast points and then Queen Charlotte Islands. Effective March 1 first class round trip steamship fares from months), prohibition of disorderly j by no w and co pies d i Prince Rupert to Vancouver and 1 conduct at election meetings meetings and and:. T P.1? . bLn!W.u.lT.,;, i,, , 'return return for for men men in In the the active u aer- ser i triuuieu tu every eiruiAi ui cttra Pavniaster Lieutenant Comman der Philip M Ray R.C.N, returned t to the city on tne iTince ueorgei , PTatr"nre8'11i8-, of m Tn 'ore. be reduced $$7 "".I"""! . ! other areas. Sittings for revision of the preliminary list. will be held in urban ridings on the 14th, 13th and 12th days' before the election Lieut. C. H. Playart arrived in the city on the Prtr.ce Oeortje this morning from Victoria to become medical officer of the 102nd Battery ' I sUUoned at Barrett Point NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated i Mrs. C F- Black, Proprletres 'Central Hotel I L 1 t I B I II LAST TIMES Shows Nlghtl" 13 Its ...vulur ''iiraclcl "WIZARD OF OZ" With JUDY (..UilANn I'KANK .M(),AN (7:26 and 3 EXTRA "GIANT Of NOIUVAV Skiing -SNOW rAlLi CO.MINO TIIIK, m Gloria Jnn c "the rsin it ri p SISTERS r CAFE 0 IS NOW OI'IN oi m;si.itss Your Patronage apprn . "Mm to I'leate' h our M;.U-1 Thank Yea aooooooooooooooooooooooofrooooooooooooooooo:;:;;;;; AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES DevelopinK and Vrintinjc Sets Complete $3.85 T"r. C'hfmlrals. I'lmtoflood and Pholofb h Isrr Kipoiure (Juide indoor and outdoor. Album I", ters. Carrying Case. Ormes ltd. Jit- Pt oncer Druqjjtsts The llesall Store Thonet It I V, Open Dally front 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Suiulaya and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou USED FURNITURE Axmlnpter Bcutlrn-d nun. 27x51 2 0S. Wilton R-a'" 5 $353. Kitchen Stool 93:. Extension Table. Uun-holstcrcd Chairs to match. 7-plece outfit S37 50 Ex' and C Diner Chairs $17.50. Chesterfield, converts tn , Walnut finished bed with centre panel, ooll sprlnu tre-s. complete $15.00. Quebec brick-llncd heater $1 arch Range for burning coal or wood $31 00. ODD ARTICLES Pair Tubf! Bkates and. Shoes, size 3 $2.05. Pair Tube rk Shoe.:, size 8 $2.95. Eastman Kodak, size 110 $4.05, C v: . 7 Jewels $8.50. Double Barrel Hammcrles Shot Ou.i $20.00. Stanley Mitre Box and Saw $5.50. Slnale Ditto. A Hunting Knife 95c. 3-eallon Crock 95c n ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE (Irccn 91G THIItn AVi:M'E More Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I.I v A I i l I I j V 1 1 A 1 1 f v i i . im mmt&iAMrjnm i phone h- ' n ssMIVssssssssssss -asuu-smF.i......j I 1 l t f i ... IB " -v iia, uuvcmsi; IUI H