ihower For Miss lyrtle Gemmell Night or Day PHONE February 4 M! Myt-.ii' jiic mi'iTird Try a Classified Advertisement. 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Treated Cars Clearance V v . ALL LADIE'S COATS Half Price Sale WALLACE S MAKE YOUR FUEL DOLLAR STRETCH And YOUR FUEL BILL SHRINK Buy Bulkley Valley Goal The Economy Coal SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! MllinMt OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert everj TIIl'RSnAY; 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. A. Steamer for Ketchikan nd WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For itc, call or writ Jam, vvupv CT City Ttcklt Otflc; 528 Srd A. V-9-40 .Moose Women Bridge Party Ten Tablrs at Successful Affair Held Lat Night Dancing The Women of the Moose hart Legion held their fortnightly bridge party last nljht with ten tables In play and the prJze-wlnncrs as. fol-jlows: ladles' first. Mrs. Sim Hou- nan; second. Mrs. A. Jacobsen; (mens first, J. D. McLeod; .second, if Oroimra who is beOJe Stegavlg; door prize. Fusilier I to Lawrence Pierce. Pierce. iBlake Blake. Afr After . " uviuk ccuwru win a was (renpral mnvtnnr U .jy evening at the home of bwuUful shower cake. r A Di'-Kfivs. senior, in nonor -n,e brtde-elect r, tsr.nxi t'o.vt itXn-f i us CASEY and MORRETTO Stone Mavonarj. Itrlck or Concrete Work L'xravation and landvape Oardeninr Micadam Itoadi or Sidewalk I'hone 33 for Morretto or Green 5S7 for Caejr wm presented with a model scow laden with many beautiful and useful jilts. Those present besides the hostess and Ue bride fleet, were: Mrs.i A. E. Dickens. Junior. Mrs. A. Oo-m. Mrs. F. Comes, Mrs. Jack Woods. Mrs. O. Sellg, Mrs. W. Qa-airier. Mrs. A Ronald, Mrs. F. Barber. Mrs U Long. Mrs. J. Pleree. Mrs H Aden. Mrs. W. Rothwell. Mrs. J. Bond. Junior. Mn. P. Bond. Mrs. Wimner. Mrs. R. VanderSUiy. Mrs. J. Lawrie, Mrs. Alexander. Miss E. Oandy. Mlai O. Sehaeffer. MUs M. Schwlfer, and Mrs. C. Mlrhaloff PIONEER IS DEAD The death occurred quite suddenly on Sunday morning of L. E. Moody, well. Juiown Interior mining man. at his home at Usk at the age of 1i years. Vfx before the railway came In .Since then he had worked In the ' mineral development of Uilc dls- Uict.. Quality is onderftil rful Lettuce -Extra large "heads Each led Cabbace Lb. . Apple Rome Beauties Doz. Box i.-jj.'- THE PAQETHREB 1.0GAL NEWS NOTES For prompt 'and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi tt Tommy Fraser, foreman of the" Dally News composing room, met with an accident In the snop yesterday afternoon, sustaining a severely cut triumb In a nietalj saw. 8tttehVswereput In byla pHy'slclan and he will be.off duty for a few days. "Boys' 'Band Dance February 28. . United March 7. Mrs. J. G. Johns, March 1 Tea, Mrs. Bert Morgan's. The funeral will tike place at Valhalla 'FWrmen's Farewell u .onowing arnvai oi oeceasea s Danc 8 son from the coast Frank Morris. . . manager of the B.C. Undertakers'. Prince Rupert Operatic Society returned to the city on last night's and Hodgson Dancing Academy Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, who have. been, on a trip south, re-! Chilean. turned to the city on the Prince George this morning. j , Stephen. Cheeseman, Port Slmp- soiy Ur.'niJJtn t... .hrimpns, Lleut.-Col. J. W. Nlcholls Is leav- I slL&wartk 3t jBmaha, C.N-B-: .Tom tag orfthis evening's train for Ot-! Pre's,T?rrace;'y Miller, Ket-tawa to attend a meeting of the cfelkan, C. C. Mlllham, ilcBrlde. Fisheries Advisory Board. Royal "Mrs. P. M. Conrad. President of fh rltv nn fhp Prinr nenr?P this llf f'VPlUIiK Was SOCnt nlavlnglfrhmnt. ......... i .i. Ml nKlriH Acmh1v rf Rrit.tihr 1 bridge, the prizewinners bong Mrs jAdcpclc and Mrs. Overend In Columbia, arrived In the city on the C. Mkhloff. first, and Mrs. A. Ro- charge. Dancing was .then enjoyed Prince' deorge .this morning from I Lieut. Cecil Fitzgerald, one of the n.Jd, M f.u d i with music bv Mn itnmM n Vancouver to Day an official jvlsit Wmlvr hn is nn arllv service. Khnupr w. .'U,rr wu ,erved- and IIuh Smith. Mrs. Hugh Smith f to the local lodge this evening, pro-; was the speaker at the regular tceedlng east by train Friday night J-weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru to visit interior lodges. pert Gyro Club today, with the Announcements Mr. Moody lived the rugged and Anglican Tea picturesque life of a pioneer. As p 'February 29. baby he came with his parents bver'j .the old Oregon trail and was! All advertisements In thb coi 'omn will be charged for a full month at Kv mora president. G. A. Hunter, in the chair, and a good attendance of members with a few guests. March 10, 9:00 pjh. The musical treat of the season. - - ( W.O.TAI. Tea, Mrs. 142 5th East, March 12. Presbyterian tTea. Little's, March 21. Lmeham'. Canadian Legion Tea and An-Inette's Fashion Show,. March 14. , L, . O 'B, A, Daffodil Dance; jAIarch 15, Metrbpole Hall. Play Iflgh School Auditorium, f brought up In the State of Oregon. - io2nd Auxiliary Dance, Odd'fel- March 14 and 15. He.came to this district over thirty -joVs hall ' March 1 ; - - ' years ago and made hU home at MarflJ; -L.S Patrick's Tea. a. - m ... ... . . ' I. m LP . ' W. tit Eagles 'Brfdge, Mfreh 6. Krlkevsky, ?vsky, ,' Ted, Mrs. Catholic Hall, Mrs: J. J. .Daffodil Tea, Mrs. Parkin's March 25. United Spring Sale, April 1J. train after making funeral arrange- benefit concert for local Red Cross Presbyterian ments Society. Capitol Theatre, Sunday, 18. Spring Sale April THRIFT GASH AND CARRY EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! We Bought a flood Por(iorVf tTie iVesh yegetaWes 'from the lisaf)fctl Ancri- can Steamer 'TONfi NfiASS" Which We Arc Offering for Sale all ThisWeek The And We Advise You To Shob Early. 8c 5c 25 c $1.95 Celery Fancy UUh. At,V Oreen. 2 lbs. Itrorolli Large, fresh 9f bunches Each Hothouse Rhubarb No. 1. 2 lbs. Est Plant Medium size. Lb. Peas Well filled pods. Asparagus Tender stalks. Lb.- - turn lie 30 c 25c Pears Extra fancy. QQn Doz. Potatoes- -Grade 25-lb. sack A 67c 2r;.,.20c4-o;n.'38c UVIUC Nahoh Strawhcrry Jam ii i.. .it .... .i c.- m rvl: only. 4-lb. tin 49 c Nahoh Cut Reans Kentucky wonder. 17- -OETp ,pT tlrjsJor .v Nabob Red Plums Fancy quality. 17-oz. ifrp carrots. 4tZn 2 bunches Green Onions Bunch - 32-oi Jar tin xuv '6 c Parsfejr Large green AV bunches Green Veppers Se- Qftp lected quality. Lb. OUi RadlsfTes Bunch fWtV?pWKT:&: .fW HH1T Nabob Pure FoM auk thp: finest vou can huy-prices will xeWr tYe K6xm . Nahoh Tea Still the most popular g9C brand. Lb. Nahoh Raking IWdcr Quality at a price. JJJC ,i;.ox. tin Nahoh Tomato Juice LarKe 18-oz. tins. 2 .this Nahoh Spices . AH kind. . Tin ' Nahoh StravI)oVrIes l aney Quality. l7-ot. JJq tin Nahoh Coffee Keeutar or drip grind. Lb. Nahoh Extracts ox. bottle' Na'lxob Jelly l'owders All flavors. ?QfX 2 pjUWia Klfjo m a foc" v Red rje.'fiand packed Ap M Wiim Jhrru Pure, 4-ib tJTC Na,1iobXlacSyriip Pure., Pint 29(5 bOtllS inmi Nlboh Grange maie C 4&C Scott's Eggs Grade A 5C laree.'Doz. 2'i-doz. trays Mc Pork and Beans Aylmer. 16-oz. tins. l-n 2 for Granulated Sugar ft7f Di' 10 lbs. Helnx Ketchup- Urge 2QC 14-oz. bottb 2 for 37c Clark's Soup All varieties. Tin Jewel Shortening OQp 2 for Clover Honey OCp 2-lb.tln Pineapfe Slngaporestlced. No..tIns. 25C Empress Peanut A l Af Butter-V, 2's c pitEE DELIVERY ON ORDERS $1.00 ANI) MeR Hofel 'ArhVafc , Prince Rupert ,'D. v. Main. Sunh'iTde; E. T. Ken-ne'y, Terrace; L. C.'Raicllffe. ket- At the (Central J Mrs. M. Pedsadny and MUs Pid- Mrs. A. M. Dowther, who haj-sadny, Kltwanga; Magne Robben. Veen on a trip to Vancouver and , city, elsewhere in the south.' returrfed to . . . Quklcl use this specialized medication for the nose . , . where, most cold tart,.HelpvJrrtrnf colds developing. Vicks VA-TRONOL , New Fresh Stocky EASTER CAN. nijKS . arid NOVEIrte From 1c to 73c now on dil.iy. You are invited to look, over (he assortment whUjjt Is complete. Those wishing to can have goods held till Easter JcpNFECWQNEHY . Opposite Canadian Lc;l'n J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Ktlc Fresh Shrimp BOAT f.U Daily at 4 p.m. TBQTIEK'S DOCK H C. Furniture Co. New and Used rurmture I Heater At 1 Brick-lined Heater Just like new . 1 TypewriterIn A-l condition At 1 Remington Typewriter 27.00 Speeials 1 Underwood Tjpewriter 1 C.C.M. picycle Nex tires, in good condition At .-,-.. :, -Jtu(pr-t.Mr - 1 3-Pieee Dinette Suite In red and cream, table has leaf 1 Kitchen Range Special NEW FURNITURE 1 3-rieceiesterfieId Suites In latest 1 tJle trom 1 Chesterfield-Bed and Occasional Chair , Blanket .jtcrlng space, 3 Two-tone kitchen Ranges Of various makesall-enamel, from 30 .Slattresses From rhone BUCK 32 Next Door to B. C Clothiers S6.50 813.50 S24.50 S29.00 S16.50 12.50 24.50 69 10 89 6.50 65t0il5 7.50 w 100 THIRD AVENUE COAL v n- , ' 1 t - ?: - nanaimq wellington Alberta sqotless . bulkley valley Albert and McCaffery Ltd. ERT BRAND" j Smoked BLACK COD l l Canadian Fish & ( Smbked Daily 5 Prince Rupert Ltfl 'old Storage British Columbia -t. J . 1- t, ! 4-'