if si II If Buy early while sizes complete are The Home of Good Shoes AMILY SHOE STORE LT THE DAILY NEWS. PR1XCE RUPEET - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publislied Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN -.-,- Managing-Editor AOVERTISINtJ RATES Jjocal Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion u. &' .25 :02 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations " MEMBER OF THE PANAMAS PKESS T&e OunirtUn Press is ticluelrcly entitled to use lor reputilictlou of U sevi deccatcries credited v It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. AK rttbts ot republication jot special deBoaXcves therein are also reserved. rWLY EDITION Lesson Of The War - France, speaking last week, told of the French being with out mechanized war material and without any real leader as a result of which they were beaten by the Germans. He said: y m " '- ' "Let us look squarely r at the facts. France, lost the war because she was disunited, without discipline and strong leadership at a -time when .she had to face, with an armed force which was numerically far inferior to that which Foch had at his disposal in 1918, an enemy who was disciplined to the point of complete unity, whb was armed to the utmost necessity by the tremendous labor sixty, seventy and even eighty hours a we ek of the Ger- men men and women in the factories who was in large part' fanatically inspired and under the spell of that 'wicked man' Adolf Hitler. It is for us who are still fighting this war, if we want to win, to learn a lesson instead of wasting time criticizing others and that lesson is surely that we will have to nut everything we have of courage, of work, of skill, of loyal obedience and of sacrifice into the task of beating that tremendous force of evil which Herr Hitler has built up and holds ready to strike at us again. "We are still free but these people of France, of Belgium, of Holland and all these other countries are living day after day in the presence of their conquerors. Can you imagine what their feelings are, what yours would be? Monstrous Outrage - - I "And now Hitler has piled this new monstrous out-' rage on conquered France," said Mr. Phillip. "As he did in Alsace, he has turned seventy thousand good Lorrain-ers out of their homes, pell-mell with a suitcase and thirty dollars of all their possessions. Their rich farms, their industries, their businesses built up through long patient years have been stripped from them to be given to Germans so that, f orsooth, the problem of the Rhineland shall be settled forever. ; What nonsense. Joan of Arc was from Lorraine and she wasn't German. . And then didn't Hitler build his whole career on the alleged injustices to Germany of the Treaty of Versailles? How then can he justify this far greater injustice than was ever done to Germany? ! To make a new world? Hitler's new world. Is that how it in going to be made? If it is, it will be a world filled with new bitter hatreds, far deeper even than those Hitler has nourished in his heart and installed into his people. Its policies will be dreams of vengeance and its ambitions, will be violent and evil. Oh yes, there was plenty that was wrong with the old world, It was just as men make it and they are imperfect workers. But we did seem to be eettinir some where and surely the interest and fun, and perhaps, even the meaning of Jiymgr is hot so mUch in accomplishment as in tjie enoft to mane the world r'oriu a a better better p 1 PETERSBURG INVINCIBILITY PROVES MYTH; LOCALS TAKE OPENING BASKETBALL GAME so well played and generally pleas-sl.ing that there will undoubtedly be 'another and probably even larger iii , turn-out on the occasion oi me sec ond game this evening. any, chances that he let by. BASKETBALL TONITE McClymont vs. Fraser Street Jrs. 8 p.m. Petersburg (Alaska) Vs. Savoys (Rupert) Exhibition Hall Adm. 50c Students 25c Hockey Standings j The National League standing Is place to live in. w n imperfectly or course, for life is always changing its Toronto 10 o forms, but all together, helpfully and with faith, hope and Detroit 6 4 charity. Jf 5 3 What impertinence it is for this man who never did Ranms 4 2 an honest day's work in his life a failure from the Mun- Americans 3 1 len Dreaa-nne-r-to tnmic tnat ne can snatter tne world to canadiens 3 bits "and then remould it nearer to the heart s desire," sowing dragon's teeth of hatred, spoiling the lives of so many millions. L F A Pts. 2 40 19 20 3 32 25 16 5 44 33 13 5 27 30 12 6 29 32 10 S 19 40 7 7 24 36 3 Reach ten thousand people with a "want ad." in the Daily News. High School vs. YJU.C.A.) Y.M.OA. Stogren, 7; Brown; Sutherland 6 (3); Guelpa; John son, 8; Lawford 2; Tippett, 3 2; total, 24. High School-Oliver Santerbane. 4, Hi; B. Delldal, 2; Don McCou-ver, 2; Dave Oland (1); Stan Scherk, 2 1;; Alex Bill, 2 (1); Mel Mussey, 13: total, 25. Credit Is due Art Murray for his fine work in organizing this series including the new features such as public address system and recorded musical Interludes. Bob Shrubsall was announcer. Thanks Soccer For Good Legs World Series Star Harks Back His Experience in Football to CHICAGO, Dec. 11: (CP The most talked of legs off the musical stage belong to Jimmy Wilson, aged 42, recently named manager of the Chicago Cubs and he thinks soc cer did the trick. Wilson's legs broke into the news when it became apparent that the Cincinnati Reds would have to pin their World Series hopes on the veteran coach's underpinnings. Taped from ankles to thighs, the aging legs carried him through the whole series. He even chalked up a stolen base in one game. Now soccer fans and Jimmy says he thinks so, too say that the major league soccer Jimmy used to play for the Erie$ contributed much to the 'good condlUon of hU legs throughout his baseball playing career. Skiing's Great If Set-Up Good U.S. Girl Champion Advises Necessary Preliminary Exercises MONTCLAIR, NJ, Dec. 11; ICP) "Get In shape before you ski!" That's the advice of Nancy 'Reynolds, United States open and amateur women's slalom champion. Half -the aches and pains' which follow the winter's first excursion to snow covered slopes could be avoid- Toronto Argonauts squeexed out a 4-3 rictory over Samla Imperials. O. R. F. U. champions at Toronto 151 . 1"e,I"yrfHu, Vtt,?"l"?.""" rjuVVi "::;V.VTi. " Dominion rugby title. Areas 1 ! Petersburg DasKetDaii team, suupu&euijr uie uu.iv DrevJously whipped Winnipeg. : Sgika. did not work out that way last nignt in uie opener oi WMtern winners. i3-o in if it. r Tu;nnn Dimnvf fiw tha Inonla h!lfl no fllTTI. .l- - i r nn I me bcIlrS Willi llllic uujjcjw avji mw iuv.uio iiuu UJC mtjuj-jim. innifv in winninrr nnitp handilv. Excent for the opening onrl mitip nut ! One of the most memorable Young Men's Christian Association tomorrow night. Crashed to the had a sentaUonal finish which ice by Eddie Shore. Irving lAce) gave the victory to the Hl?h School Bailey. Toronto forward, was rush-hv a score of 25 to 24. The High ed to hospital with a serious brain School was never ahead until the concussion which ended his play-closing moments when it succeeded ing career. Shore was suspended game was the few changes of play-. d for. j ers made throughout by either side, j johnny Comadina was the refer-: Jack Campbell played the first five ; ee- 0f the Petersburg-Prince Rupert ' minutes for Stiles. When MacPhee game while Art Murray handled the was banished and Jack Campbell, whistle for the High School-YAI took his place. MacPhee's shooting . CA. affair, eye was deadly and it was few, If , . , . The Petersburg team is a well balanced quintette and has a finely co-ordinated' forward line. Pick of the side were Heindahl, Pedersen and Nickolson. With better developed shoo tine eves Wednesday. December 11. 1940., tonight, they should give a good .' account of themselves. The vis itors are also a clean-playing outfit. Only five penalties were Percy J. Phillip, Canadian correspondent of the New; xork Times and formerly newspaner correspondent in against Prince Rupert. The lo cals would be well advised -to watch their step tonight. They had all the breaks last evening. Half time score of the Senior game was 21 to 15 for Prince Rupert. Thrilling Opener The opening game of the evening between High School and , UIC UIU1V1UU.U MJUIUlg 111 illC i games was as follows: f Petersburg vs. Prince Rupert Petersburg L. Pedersen, 8 (1); LEADERSHIP IS CHANGED Big Sisters Displace Savoy Swingers From Top of Ladies' Bowling Big Sisters moved Into the leadership of the Ladles' Bowling League last night by scoring a clean sweep three games to nil illelndahl, 8: L. Nygren, 8; O. Nik-(victory over Knox Hotel while sa-jolson, 11 (1); B. Conconnon, Sjvoy Swingers, who had been on l 3 1 ; total, 41. 'top, dropped a two to one decision ' Prince Rupert Holkestad, 129 to Rangers. Blue Birds, who have 3; Jack Campbell: Angus Mac- been In the cellar, also came Phee. 22 (4); SUles. 9 (2)! Morgan, through with a clean, sweep vic- 6 U); Domlnato, (3); total, 7. Vice-President, Wm. Duff. tory last night over Annette's "League last night by defeating Ea- while. In the fourth game of thelgles 11 to 7 In a play-off to settle evening, Stylettes defeated Lucky Strikes two to one. High average jcorer last night was Dora Arney of Annette with 199. Individual scoring: Annettes I Selig 131 mey :. 129 Nlckerson 130 Olckens : 147 '.ow Score 89 Handicap 36 Blue Birds 1 Pierce 170 Turgeon 201 Boulter -.109 Parent :. 89 Keron 122 Hartwlg :. Handicap 05 Vtf Sisters 1 Gomez .....159 E. Bond 141 othwell .124 Tune Dickens 98 Alexander 150 Handicap 50 Knox Hotel 1 McKeown , 114 Yager lit Scharff .'. 157 Montgomery .'. 103 Brasell 139 Handicap 80 Rangers 1 Peterson 169 Robins 170 semlssen 140 James .'. 129 Balllnger 217 Handicap 36 Savoy Swingers La Belle 128 Wesch no Croxfofd .'. 209 Smith J16 McLeod 127 Lucky Strikes 1 Men lies 134 Hague Kg Bird 157 Bardahl ... 12a Moss 129 Breniner Handleap uo Stylettes 1 Stone 150 Schaeffer 115 Melon' 179 Blackball is Lautens 187 Handicap 44 1G5 241 99 193 184 36 2 too 1S1 224 194 238 23 2 212 205 270 74 189 50 j 156 123 145 152 138 80 2 170 120 156 205 221 36 2 140 157 199 145 m J 119 104 129 145 146 3 161 227 117 192 135 36 3 135 175 207 193 1G1 25 3 165 93 149 121 144 SO 3 137 116 100 141 113 80 3 160 180 150 117 152 36 3 119 135 181 272 175 3 Standing In the second nnt.. as follows: W Big Sisters 12 Savoy Swingers H Rangers ..... , 10 Knox Hotel - 8 Stylettes s ed, says Nancy, by simple kneel Bluebirds 5 bending and rotation exerclks dlr ectly connected with the sport. Muscular co-ordination, balance, poise, complexlon-all benefit from skiing, but It takes preliminary setup and practice. Annettes Lucky Strikes L 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 18 11 10 if 1 fcrf IS? 120, W 140 ,5 17, tS '? , $ 147 1J4 2? 128 ICO 2? 153 212 W 118 178 Wi 152 mft 44 44 tZ IS of th Ladles' Bowling League Is 1 1? the Issue. At the conclusion of the regular playing schedule the two teams had been led. pts.;w ' a. L 8 8e If you want something, advertise for it. Hundreds of people get what they want that way, (to 2? 2 P h n By WednfiidayEecembw- jj ?AGE TWO THE DAILY NI?V7S y 1 r " a i s 5 I: The Ideal Gift You could not fail to be impressed with our wonderful range of slippers For Him or Her a.: cpapt 1 CURLING IS (FIRST HALF u m a m . , - - UKlsANUBU; HUYY bNUEQ u .. . I ,, . ivtl, tinarl V. - I n to KtiJIS of NtlfWar R.. ...,. be Kaon Under Way at SnjHhen SMITHERS, Dec 11 At the an nual meeting of the Srnithm Curl in? Club officers xr5 elected for the enxu ing year: President, A. Dano. lllltlllimHa I - T ' . Fixture In a postponed Prince R0, Bridge League future hit 1 n Sunday tl following Sons of Norway won 9840 to fit uytr wuawinos Tnts concludes ft, first half of the season olwta the Cow Boys are winners, F A Secretary-Treasurer. L. II. Ken- Cowboys 6M40 ney. Ramblers 64090 Chairman Ice CommltU. Percy Grotto 62210 Davidson. F ot w 62210 Chairman BonspW Cntnmittce, J. Musketeers 559C0 0. Steohens. CXHA. 55800 J. L. McEwen was appointed to P- R- Dairy 52403 L" after the of Uie Quatslnos Phwitha-liustice to the visitors, i the climax for the howling .Calder of the N. II. L. organiUon was Probably the best player on the j when he scored on a penalty f "? ! for thli winter and floor and that notwithstanding the.; give the victory to the lads from i fact that he was bounced for per-scnool. It was as exciting an en-sonals. One of the features of the ; counter as any one could have wlsh- that there will be a 46210 55690 J5 CAArut ZrZiSmithers Moose hip both In the mn' ?iul In the women's clubs. j With colder weather arriving on . EMPRESS WON OUT Old Empress won first half hon ors In the Prince Rupert Cribbage Hunters Meet Monday night a start was made on ; Wif Vi uprPCC Tuesday morning towarth making. "Mill UUHCoo Ice on the two rinks ano It Is hoped , ttnat the sport will be well under : wey before Cnrtstmas. Pti w 0409. 47100 63k 47100 56180 1090 5$ 58780 S!i 60830 4C .? SMITHERS. Dec 11 As them son for shooting moose draw, toil close some of the local sporUajil nave been taking advanUje of'bl day8 sUll remaining to hurrf thnl animals. A party consisting of Pele I Mel Raymond, A, McKinno: and Oil Sorvlck wnt out on Swiftly lt bring In the animai kiileo a lei days previously by Jim Dovrcf uA party near Tatlow but h fw tht started on the return, fine ma came along to see what w,j goihf on and he fell to the gi of Feu Eby. The party then had two carcasses to bring out of t.. buh lift stead of one SERVICE OF A KETTER CUSS T X 1 (Arl Murray) "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" out Doxes Yardley of London Priced From $1.00 to $10.00 Lavender Bath Salts $1.10 Lavender Bath Powder $1.50 Lavender Toilet Water 55c, 85c, $1.10 and , $1.75 Yardley Perfume . . $1.25. $2.50, $1.50 Ormes Ltd. 37m Pionter Drtu&iats The Rexall Store Phones It ft Open Dally from a.m. till 10 p-m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to S pjn. and 1 to I pan. Mil