2? H f S-y tf: Hi 8. PAQE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS DOUBLE a.S.W i if HHHHIHH I -. . . - I HERE'S ADVENTURE PESHAWAR. India, Dec. 11: 'CP' Seven thousand enumerators have been appointed to take the census among the warring and wandering tribes on the northern, frontier provinces of India. JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of the Seal Cove Trucking and Transportation Co. And for Your Service Offers 4 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YARD CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but the bigger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please TOYS DOLL CONVERTIBLES 18x8i inches, handle height 24 inches, rubber tires. Each ELIO S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING -:- THIRD avenue TELEPHONE GREEN 91G ft m For Boys 15 And Girls WAGONS 24 inches long by 11 inches wide. Made of hardwood, rubber tires KIDDIE KAR Seat board length 14 inches, height of seat from floor nine inches. Rubber tires SCOOTER Strong, well-finished, with brake. Very popular price VELOCIPEDE Strong pressed steel, ball-bearing front wheel. Suit age,ifronr3 to 7 S2.95 S2.50 $4.50 a $9.50 IS k i PLAY YARD Keeps the little tots safe and out of mischief. 9 ............ . . . . . ... en sturdily built. 38x38 inches, folds up completely In one operation 7.50 n $3.50 B8 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. . SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES 4 Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT QQf? Ofi FromPort Simpson $39.75 ?0UU n (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also appiy-to Vancouver ' from Intermediate' points.) ' (Five years, of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1910 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 . ' Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver .S.S. CAT ALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CARD EN A Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 56S If Convenient. Tlcase Purchase Tickets at Office SORE BACK? It may be your kidneys. Gin Pillj, th widely known, reliable kidney remedy, help bring relief by eliminating pao-j causing toxic wastes. Moneyjbacktjf ,i not satisfied. ' - . "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" mSOk C0AL tJ&sJ Try Our Famous Edson Hard Coal tTSW PRINCE RUPrRT FEED CO. j RffuUr tin. At Pills. Lartt sin, U PUIs EDSON. NANAIMO WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEV &ft -t uH,M soi Office and Coal Bunkers Trotiers Doek Phone 58 - Weather Forecast ( General Synopsis A moderate disturbance is approaching Vancouver Island while the pressure is abnormally high on the Northern Coast. The weather has hppn rfair throughout this province. West Coast of Vancouver Island moderate to fresh northeast rwinrts. fair with frost at night. fnncc Kimppt inn rv,.n " u..u VTUL Lll . lotte Islands moderate norihonct to east winds, mostly fair and'T colder at night. i Advertise in the Dally News. Headquarters for Box Chocolates Moire Lowneys Ganongs Guaranteed fresh stock. Our assortment includes all sizes at prices to suit every pocket. Call at our store and inspect our stock. We know we can please you. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone 1"9 GREATER SAVINGS IN QUALITY FOOD Ketchup Heinz Handy size, bottl Chocolate Eclairs New stock, lb - 7c Peas Lynn Valley. "flQf AtJl Sieve 5. 2 tins Baking Powder 9Qp Magic. 12-oz. tins Pineapple Marmalade CQ 4-lb. tins Prunes Santa Clara Large size. 23 C Royal Crown Soap Deal 4 bars Royal Crown Soap 2 Glasses JM All for 19c Pork and Beans Bestovall. While stock lasts. ffn 16-oz. tin w Dad's Cookies Special package. Contains Qp fl, 6 doz. Each Devon Bacon Our special. Lb 29c Baby Foods Heinz. OCfi All varieties. 3 tins Picnic Hams Boneless. Lb Shank on. Lb, 25c 20c : ' i Navel Oranges Large ilzek Special. 90 ' Dozen i . .i -... i Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 and Qver Mrs. James Clark Palmistry Leeds Apartments. First St, Ground Floor (ireeji.JJS. BOSTON IN Tuinn CDAT ! iw BOSTON, December 11 (Cana- t& Into third place in the National Hockey League last night ahead of the Chicago Black Hawks last night by defeating ew York Rangers 6 to 2 here in the only scheduled game of the evening In the National Hockey League. : The next games will be played tomorrow night with Canadlens at Toronto and Chicago at New York with Americans. SPECIAL GIFT RATES will be in force for a few days this year. Anyone wishing to send a Christmas gift of a if year's subscription to the Daily !ft tf News may do so this year for $2.00 anvwhere In Canada. 2.50 nnvu-hprp In tho TTntto FAVORITE FLAVOR-IT with GOOD COOKS NEW OFFER! C3I Send 15 BOVRIL CUBE wrap, pers io "BOVRIL". Park Aye, MONTREAL for FREE BOTTLE of BOVRIL sent you pott free. FOR SALE FOR SALE Sedan car. Snap for 1 cash. Phone Green 317. 290 FOR SALE Key lock safe. Apply i Union Steamships Company. 1 (202 ) ;FOR SALE Boat Mlnnette, 38 feet by 10 feet. Reasonable price. Inquire at Metlakatla. F. Leask. 1297) FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet sedan. Good condition. Phone Blue 873, 708 Fraser St. after 5 p.m. (293) FOR SALE Boat frame; 34 feet long, 9 foot beam, yellow cedar I .Ik .4 11 I wus iiuturuiiy grown Dent. Heavy build. Apply A. Isaac&on, Seal Cove. (295) WANTED WANTED 1 or 2 room housekeeping rooms from January 1. Apply Box 54, Dally News. (292) WANTED By reliable person, fur nished or unfurnished suite or home. Apply Daily News. (290) FOR KEN1 FOR RENT Large furnished office Including heat and light. Dally News. tf. LITERARY STUDY AT HOME "Modern Business" by Alexander Hamilton Institute, the best and largest business training course In a 24 volume library, cost about $150.00: Our special for only $18.00. For this or any other Home Study Course and Educational Books in , any subjqct write, to Pacific Book Supply, H65 Robson Street. Van couver. B.C. PERSONAL tf. NOW Is the time to get a government Job as Steno., Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, etc. Applications for next stenographers' exam to reach Ottawa Dec. 20. Free Booklet and information from M.CC." 'Schools Ltd., Winnipeg, (tf) II E Special Christmas gift rates X - - J ... wv WII1ILU iTff States or $3.00 anywhere in Si England. Some of these rates will have to advance soon. o. - T H v w m 2 I 1 1 IS H W sYsssssssssssssK. .sSk III Wll 6 Kaien Hardware TransGanada Is Co-0perating LETHBRIDOE, Dec. 11: Cooperation In the national war U TransCanada Airlines watchword In more ways than For Ladles and Gentlemen's TAILORING . t.lee We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth Cleaning. Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.0.975 NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. Zarelll Froprletor "A HOM AWAY FROM 75c op 50 Room Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone. 21 P.O. Box if i ARROW BUS Time Table Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459 Leaves Leaves Post Office Seal Cove AM. A .51. 7.25 7;4o 8:15 c:30 10:00 10:30 ":30 12:00 Sat. Only Sat. Only . r.M. 12:30 i:oo P-M. p.M. 130 2:00 2:30 3;oo 3:30 - 4:oo 4:30 5:oo ' 6:10 o;3o 6:30 6:45 7:30 3:oo 8:30 10:00 10:20 , ii;oo 11:30 11:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:30 5:00 7:00 7:30 10:20 11:00 Arrangements may be made for Special Trips or Parties muie rcunsuc ior me Doys at the pilots over MouCrcjn ata-Red Deer military training centre, civilian proted... i snm: TransCanada Airlines obliged the reporting the e'frr'lvrnti commanding officer recently by blackout of thu - ,n flying Its Edmonton-bound shin Mmmt. nm-.t I low over the camp during a simu- uated blackout. . j A few days later TransCanada Try a Dai!. New Wan Mi 'If WALLACE'S T r3-jLiI-l KSLi u Jig llEarly Gift Suggestioi IJoxrd Hankies In a pleasing varieV 35cTOS1.50 Boxed Gift Stationery We have ncve'l a more pleasing OEn TO QO 0 assortment. From V'3 Fancy Towel Sets All cellophane wrap? A most practical gift. 5Q(TO3 9 Boxed Xmas Cards- The easiest way solve your card problem. We have tcx suit all need, 25C TO 1.0 wrapping Tissue. Ribbon Ties and Strlnir. Tatrs and Sc Ui ' 'j Pleasing Variety . We Have Our Xmas 'Stock so Arranged that Making Setectil Is an Easy Matter rhone 9 Fl'LTOj THIRD and BUTTER MAID DELICATESSEN - Ask About Our Health Breai Silversides Block Third Ave. It's interest? that the people of the whole district are doin the W