TUNNELS FOR SAFETY IA.':0 5VV. Dec. 11: (CP) Tun- ald shelters are ,the hilly districts of Olas there Is no reason why uidn't be constructed, re- H Dr a. w. i-yreiij a geo-i a . . i ..I fcu e::peri, uin-r inspections.. WANT MORNING TEA rpNEY Australia, Dec. 11: Sulked for Two Montis from IRONCHITIS iuckleg's Mixture Cleared It Dp Brrr lufferer from bronchitii, bc coughi. coldt or atthraa. Luid benefit by this Peurboro Jn'i (ipenence, and gee quick re- Hit ton, Mr. J. Uetmond, uyit r father hai ufftrrd from bron- fctii for the past two months and idling we gave him teemed to do i my eood. l-inally we tned Duck- iMiiture. That wa jutt two weeli Todiy he ayi he feeli like a new an .t t . K- Droncnitii ana tougn, nang- i colds yield quickly to Buckley tir-.re. lou can teu Irom the nrtc 6 i! at it it doing you good. The ugh it rc'ieved, hard, tough phlegm to come up easily, breathing tomri easier, raw air duett are Don t eiperiment. Buy :j -y'l Miiture. 2 bv 10 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD I ms $750 1 KODAK DUEX More pictures for your money I ith this new modern Kodak Miits 16 album-size pictures a roll of No. 620 KodiK Kim. Spirai-threded lens tube; Doublet lens. Only $7.50 with Deck cord. Meet it here today. RAILWAY LINES Pjl' ' "Mil i SUSPEND PARADES Home Guards Break Off Until After '" First of Year The final parade of the Canadian region Defence Corps before sus pending until January 7 and possi Employees m a munitions bly later was held last night, there L . ' m I nrill T nn ni T n a 1. -. .-- ar.jiin Because me man-, Norman a wft o,,! i" " " ' " ' ,n refused a five-minute re-'ade that 7 lt for morning tea." Authorities tics, it might be deemed ade" t.6' to mak KTvmo Hrarfl. U.. u ... w . onu wiaiigcg . procedure and line of action. Brownie Reflex, with its famous reflex finder, shows you the picture in full size before you take it. Fixed focus. Snapshot and "bulb" exposures. Complete with braided neck cord. Makes 12 pictures, Hi x 1H inches, on inexpensive Kodak 127 film. Price, $6:75. in I Acknowledgement was made by JO. P. Tinker, on behalf of the corps, of the splendid work of Regimental iSergeant Major J. Simpkin of the j Irish Fusiliers ln directing the prac-j tical work of the Corps whoe mem- ,bers would Join ln extending him ! Dest wishes for the future. Regimental Sergeant Major Simp. Kins, in reply, stated that H had been a-pleasure for him to have been associated with the corps. Any assistance he could render in the iuiure would be freely given. H wished the Corps future success, i The parade wound up at the : miniature rifle range of the Canadian National Recreation Association where there was an hour of ' shooting. ; Alex Mitchell was In charge of the parade j Hundreds ol people try a "spot" in the Dally News classified col-.umn and get good results. (tf) CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via ocean ra..s - j SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. vAwrnilVEU DIRECT PRINCESS wnRAH-Dccember 9th, 10th, Jan. 2nd, 18th, 30th Canadian Pacific Services with Connections at v.nrnuver Tickets and Reservations from . Acent .., - Prlnc ice L COATES, ficneral Rupert, B. C. 102nd Auxiliary tea Thursday to 6. Legion. Hall, Funds dren's Xmas parcels. A- Wednesday, December 11,. 1940. THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE ollow the Crowds To the Variety Store and See the New ; ilk Washable Baby Bibs. Sleeping Babv Trnn. u . , , rasie and Powder, Collates Shamnnr. , gaies m Bath Salt, in tOhnr! l. .umcucs.and, Stationery, Card, for all occasions. aT- THE VARIETY STORE RED 120 ephone 330 TInU) LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Orange bridge tonight 8:30. Basketball Savoy bure tonfte 8 n m, vs. Peters-J Just say "Three Two please." , t. .. . . T "u " . Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. month- Jimas gilt tickets -or books in gin envelopes tor children and adults. Drop everything! It's Basketball m - ... lP nltel ffi r ' "I . - itfS for chll- folks J. K. Rush returned to the city the Prince Rupert this, morning selby from a trip to Vancouver. . Footwear. COLDS from developing at start Put a few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol up each nostril at the very first sniffle or sneeze. Its stimulating action aids Nature's defenses against colds. VICKSVATRO NOL W. p. Arnett, who arrived in the city fast',, week-erid from Usk, sailed on the'Catala last evening for Vancouver. I L. W. Patmore K.C., following a trip here and to Alaska with the International Fisheries Commission of which he Is chairman, sailed last evening by the Catala on his return to victoria. Dale L. Pitt, former .managing director of the Premier Gold Mining Co. and now residing in Seattle, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today going through to his former home at Premier for a visit. He will 'be welcomed by many old f ri-ends in the north on the occasion of his H rst visit ln several years. If you cannot be home with the jfa this xmas, why not send ln need of it? The party is known and will be charged with theft If he does not comply. Geo. B. Casey. BASKETBALL DANCE TONIGHT, BOSTON HALL Serenaders 291 I Mrs. Wanda Crawford R.N., lady I superintendent of the Premier Hos- Ah them, your photo? Benson Btuaio. on' Shipment of the new Murray- ftS shoes just arrived at Fashion J'fi "9 Canadian Legion Christmas tree Mr. and Mrs. George Kelsey, who h December 21. Members having' have been on a trip south, returned children under 12 kindly give in . home from Vancouver on the Prince W their names. Helps Prevent C0) I - '5 Will the person who took my m house Jack return same, as I am f . pitai, is a passenger aooara ine , rnnce Kupert loaay returning ' north after a trip to Vancouver. Mr "" "" "' ' an inspector in charge of air raid town for a brief visit to headquart iB,'n:; T.r. I protection organization ln the prov- ersjhere on official duties. i?twuiiwe"wOT. the r- t 1 IS' Prince Rupert this morning from James Cunningham, 'dame Com Victoria, being here on official dut- missioner for British Columbia, ar ies. He will speak at a meeting of rived in the citv on the Prince Ru- the local A.R.P. organization to- pert this morning from Vancouver' morrow night. in the course of an official tour. He - will attend the annuaj dinner of f'WEBtr::rBiimairBmBa:iras, Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club u. f . LnLf PVPT1IT117 HTlfi nmrppn hTtrtav ntr. IflNEQ' en,nS y train to Smithers and UVXluU 1 Prince George. Inspector T. Vary P A RIIT V M A D IVCT Dyk d,strict game warden with I4 AlVliL I lYl AKlVEi 1 headquariers at Prince ;George, ar-.. Q rived in the city from the interior I"""c""" on last night's train to meet Kerrembc:' Avoid disappointment Cunningham. and order your Turkeys early. We have turkeys coming direct from the prairie to this store. roitK SHOULDER of PORK Prv !b. SIDE PORK 2 'bs LEG of PORK Per lb ' LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lb. $J AYRSHIRE BACON c per !b .JS r!VIFT8 PREMIUM HAM i$ wvin- t hal' Per lh SWIFTS SLICED BACON m Per lb $j EONFLESS PICNIC 2 5 C Mi Per lb PURE BULK LARD 25C 3 IPS VEAL SHOULDER of VEAL 4 lbs VEAL CHOPS Per lb. BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb ROUND STEAK Per lb T-BONE ROAST Per lb PRIME RIB ROLLED Per lb CHICKEN Per lb FOWL Per lb OlIiK :b:ib:e:::::; LAMIt SHOULDER of LAMB Per lb POULTRY 15c 25c 25c 50c 25c 20c 25c 22c 15c 30c 25c Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Game dinner. December 11. THE SEAL of QUALITY "o5ci-vJ GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Mr. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Legion Hall. 3C December 12 " 25c 30c Eagles Bridge December 18. S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance December 26. Moose Hall. i Lutheran Circle Christmas December 30. Metropole. Genuine Hogmany Dance, fellow's Hall, December 31. Tree Odd- to who has been spending some time 8 in the United States, arrived ln the , city on the Prince Rupert this ik morning from the south and will proceed to the interior on this ev-' 1 enlng's train. TOYLAND at Gordon & Andersons Is Interested ln the property, will be here aboard the Prince, Rupert,. tomorrow evening going south after having spent the past week making an inspection of the mine. ' Raw Furs We Have Orders For and Require Immediately 3000 Marten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fisher 5000 Mink and 25,000 Weasels In order to secure these articles for our customers, we are. prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. We have SPECIAL ORDLRS for Dark and Dark Brown Marten and Small Dark and Dark Brown Fishers and we are prepared to pay you SPECIAL PRICES for these two articles. For Highest Market Prices and 100 Satisfaction, Try Your next shipment to us Do it Now! Thanking you ln anticipation, we are, Trappers Furs R-4 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltor., IM.'.l'h.C Willar.f Block. Phon 4I. DANCE J EVERY SATURDAY BOSTON HALL. 9 O'CLOCK J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rnvl Rank Rlrtt Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoN S7 Hear the call to arms from the toy trumpet! The rhythm of the marching feet of wooden soldiers! TOYLAND IS OPEN ! This grand, exciting Christmas girl-and-hoy-land has opened Us new 1910 wonders. Here are colorful arrays of gifts that will cause small eyes to pop with surprise and pleasure. And Santa Clau3 is here too! .In fact, everything is here to make this the greatest Toyland of all time! GORDON & ANDERSON THIRD AVENUE nerz CANADA'S POTATOES E. T. Kenney. MIA, for Skeena, ( the city on the Prince Rupert this OTTAWA, December 11 (CP) and Mrs. Kenney and son, who have i morning from the south and will JlCanada's 1940 potato crop is esti-ibeen In Victoria during the recent proceed to their home at Terrace on increase ui iu pci ui uici toot Ian year's production. Corp. Lance Potterton, chief of jthe newly created Ocean Falls dis-i John H. Scott of San Francisco, trlct Of thfe provincial .police, ar-1 mnnnirino- rtirprtnr of thp Riverside Major S. F. M. Moodle, now iden- rived in the city on the Prince Ru- ,mine In the Portland Canal district, tlfled with the provincial police as pert this morning from the paper and D. A. Hall of New York, who session of the Legislature, arrived ln this evening's train. Nlussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" WE DELIVER PHONES 18 & 19 Old English Paste Wax-'T 59c COLGATES SOAP Assorted facial. 6 bars Dutch Rusks Hek-mann's: Large pkg. Ammonia Wizard. 23-oz. bottle. Each 9c Lynn Valley Peaches 2 tins 25c 24c i Old Dutch Cleanser 3 tins A HOT SPECIAL! KHz Bisctiits J J Christies. Cp Per pkt M.OI j Facial Tissue Sovereign. A"n Large pkt. Small pkt. 10c 29c i 28c Cut Green Beans Lynn Valley. "I "I p 16-6z. tins. Each . Tomatoes . Red Hill, 2"2's. 2 tins Malted Milk Bor-dens. 16-oz. tin Cheese Kraft. 2-lb. box".'.'..'.. TEA Blue Riooon. lb I 25c 39c 65c 62c Prompt, Free Delivery Servjce Throiv:hout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Carciul Attention MacKenzies Furniture! 'A Good Place to Iiuy" Solve The Gift Problem v Phone 775 Give a Pair of IIi;)i Grade Pillows I ?3 They are sterilized. Priced 3 from, per pair ff $3.25 TO $9.00 327 3rd Avenue V M