.MM PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December Gift j; Lounging Kobcs S Evening Kags Lingerie Purses 5 Sweaters Hose You'll Find It At uyers Diamond Rings from $15 to $1200 I Rolex Watches jft Are the only watches ever awarded Class A Cer-. & micates for timekeeping by the observatories of 3 England, France and Switzerland. Also many f& other lines of watches. m W LdAUl&Q lUILitVl OiVlO MEN'S .MILITARY SETS and BRUSHES Roger's and Community Silverware i i and Flatware M Our enormous stock of well assorted and popular priced gifts makes shopping a pleasure. We invite if. your inspection. Sj? If Don't Fail to Visit Our BASEMENT STORE fc? For Glass, China, Pottery,. Brasswarc and Novelties I Max Heilbroner 4 Diamond Specialist ' CHANCE FOR WIDOWS " BENGAL. India. Dec. 11: (CP) One clause In the new Hindu Widow Re-Marriage Bill provides that widowers re-marrying must' marry widows, of i whom there are 300,000 between "five and 25 years of age In the province of Bengal, THE NATIONAL ANTIIEF ? ITlrvrirtnn TriAnr inn nmAtn KUrliKI YWIW blUKt Her Favorite Store Distinctive 5 Gift Selections ! Aft ' - ifiSfl Rupert Peoples Store When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Kcgular Hates a9 MELBOURNE, Dec. 11: (CP) Pointing cut that "God Save the Kiijg" as sung In Australia contains only the three original verses, a writer m "The Argus" suggests It should have another verse, bring In the Dominions and the Empire. ! i resident at Noralee in the Fran- i ols Lake country. Mr. Muir had veen ill for ssme time and was a He was a veteran of the Great War, having served in France in the C. O. A., and was a membei r the Bulklcy Valley Branch of Ministry, of National Service has Don't De ay Christmas Is Only a few weeks away "'fore you know it Christmas H' be hers. Purchase jour r'hristmas cards today. MRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING, SEALS, TAGS, ETC. Enjoy full selection, leisure in shopping and delivery at your convenience. DIBB PRINTING I Company FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIEU'S ' DOCK Central Hotel Modern Steam-IIcatcd Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Hath and Housekeeping; Apartments Mrs. C. E, Ulack, Proprietress VICTIM OF LUFTWAFFE rftl M WW I ill ill i 1 1 Ill I Hill MlH li iMi ! iw I i m Her head wrapped in bandages, a severely m jr.;d woman m placed in an umbuUnce alter Nazi raiders swooped down on London, England, and lo cd tU'ir cargoes of deach and destruction October 8. Returned Man Of Lakes District Is Dead In Interior BURNS LAKE, Dec. 11: The icath occurred In Burns lake Hospital on Sunday of Sidney F. Muir. i Man in the Moon Now that the Irish are thinking Annual Banquet Of Fish Packers Francois Lake Home Wedding Miss Martha Sueden Become Bride Of Wilbur Staunton FRANCOIS LAKE, Dec. 11: Last Friday the farm horn? orMr. and M. Joseph Sugden of Fran-cols Lake was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their daughter. Martha, became the bride, of Wilbur Staunton, one cf the I akcs District's most cooular youns men. The big lop dining rocm was tastefully decorated with flowers and fern from the conservatory of the home cf Mrs. J. II. Hnkel. P-v .Tams WhlMlM of St. John's Church, Burns Lake, officiated. The bride, gowned In Robin Hood green, was given away liner faher and pftended bv rr sister. Ellse. dressed in wine tafet-ta. Little frur-yrar o'd Peggy Staunton mnde a charming flower girl while Bobby Long was groomsman. Immed'atlv fallowing the signing of the register, a sumptuou wedding sunoer was served to some thirty of the Intimate friends of the family. The pwrty adjourned to the Francois Lake Farmers' Institute Hall where the Burns Lake Orchestra was already entertaining a goodly crowd. With stories that they like. Ufe Abcut slxty members were ton. father of the bride operates a iTfsent to do JuUlce to a fine farm on Francois Lake and en- The story is told of a high school fare pft-r whlsh the tablss were BaSes In commercial fishing at! atlent Jn Smithers hospital about teacher who broke the speed limits clearpd and the members got down times. Joseph Sueden, well known hree mnnths ao but rerurerated in an American town. Shewastak- 'o comTiunlJy sine'ni. yarns and, rom Prince Oeore to Hazclton, sufficiently to return to his horn' en beore the magistrate and order- of course, the Individual sinking was born at Zephyr. Ontario, cam? for a time. ed to sit down and write a thousand by various members. Refreshments west in his early youth. He enlisted . times: "I must not break the speed were in the capable hands of m me uk.t. at vanderhoof in limit." Jock Allan with the President, le cany stages of the Oreat War, W. Gordon, ktfeping member settling near Prince George aftT, Voter: "I wouldn't vote for you walkinS up to the piano where its conclusion. He then brought his 'ht C-npdian Le-ion at Smithers 11 yu were St. Peter himself." Gorman Davmson dispensed music w rrancois i.aKe where , p4 5n his usual style. A feature hey have been prominent In all He was 51 y?er, of and leaves Candidate: "If I were St. Peter his widow residing at Burns Lake. MAY WAIT FOU BABY LONDON, Dc. 11 you woman i De in my constituency. ' w u uiwC j ....... MUutJt .o I'd see to that." Colussl and his partner. President of the Tweedsmu'r park A Swedlrh proverb says: "He who has lest his freedom has nothing ' (CP) The else to lose." ! The affair came to a close about . ana uun Club' a member of 11 o'clock. ITALIANS THREATENED announced a decision that Dost- a phan cHrtori fmnn tkt nntTOMT? n. ponemcnt of liability for military his wife and hnw shov hr.in., Australian nntwiH... 1.,1.. V. .-j ., . . o.o . " -Wii- i ia, w B.anitu wuere ms ing lessons. ing for two men whi. nolne as man's wife is an expectant mother in an enemy-bombed area. the executive committee of the Francois Lake Farmers Institute and .also of the school board. Th sincere good wishes of the people of the Lakes wiU follow the young couple .throughout . . "That's nollr. WItn a fair-sized list of passen nii-P for n t r.htninoH nrnAr.0 t. "Oh, no! I have to push my flng- Italian woman bv threatening her f ,1"! y freJght f rCN- ers in my ears as soon as sh, starf nusDand with Internment. "vc practising." . . "T 1 I t . . . . . . iier singing as Dad as that?" A "SDOt" CO. vl nnlv half a "No." he said, language is," but the neighbor's dollar. Try it in the Dally News classified column. (tf) wrs. m E. Nedden. arrived In port at 10:-30 this afternoon for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening Santa says: LAST TIMES TOximSS 4 cl...... vi.lii . . "'D iimuuv. 7:03 md j! Spencer Trad In "EDISON THE MA! (At 7:21 and 9:31) ADDED reie Mnltn's "(at Co!!,. Cartoon "Lucky Da(i SANTA SUGGESTS -ell special Amas Gtr f or the handy Thi ,i maV? the idea' " f v-ujrinjr iiMir i John StIn Rnk , "OF MICE ANDMf.V Auld Scotia I There'll alwry 1 And ayo the H The ehielan cn i Anc :he blurb ThrreH always bo incl 19 rt in bon: ' From far and near came friends in" "larcn wi pibr-of the young couple, both of Wl'hearfs ba'th lr whom are extremely popular In social and athletic circles. about leaving us, what shall we be slxtv Persons Present At Enjoyable mp. wm "KC , , . uie coupie io jasper wntnee tney trUco net i c- . for tall stories? doing , Affair Saturday Night ,, iZ. ...... 1 I wish that I were Irish ... hiuvu iu tinc; ui jcatui'iitc; at Fort St. James. j The Fish Packers' Union held Its parents oi ootn the con And cou d tell of Pat gatu tractlnR parties are we, , I sure would fill the lassies up .. . A, ft,. . the Lake District nmn .,. There'll nlayv t? : Tho 'ni irrass n Her ; rw'iinsr ii;i . The freehold of 1 There'll alway; . Her ttlins are v u But when auld Sr They're right thivv We pray, oh God. I . homeland As our fathers i We know she's in -..i, In the hollow of th "Make the whole family happy with a GENERAL ELECTRIC this Christmas" A G-E Refrigerator is a gift that will bring happiness to the whole family not only for Christmas but for many years to come. Any G-E owner will tell you that the savings more than pay for their G-E Refrigerator. Let us show you how the big storage space, controlled temperature and correct humidity enable you to save by marketing on bargain days and buying in quantity . . . how the low current cost is a mere fraction of ice bills . . . how little food you lose through spoilage . . . and how with its sealed-in-steel mechanism you never have repair bills. You'll be as enthusiastic as we are when you see these magnificent new G-E Refrigerators. Come in today. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED by ThereU alway:. bo u 0 Part of tho Emj uv u God grant us f i v , To face wha' ':r be - HELEVC I u-ti WAKE up m LIVER BILE And Youll Jump Out of Bed f Morning Rarin' lo Go Th llr hould :r tw p-r HqnM MI Into jrourbow ' in Ha knot flowfnfrlr. ' irfi-4if--'ii It iust drtmn In tlx b vw. t,. . a 'trourtomch.your-t t1 ' !- ' H nnk nd tb wmld I - - i A lHr bowel movrm i. ts t thccatiM. Yon n d m '.!. f IhsK on tn Hf well. It tnk II f Carter! Little l,hwf:i!- Ii - !' pound of Ml flowlni freely and tit feel "up and up". HarmleM andr make th ell flow freely. Th r LV1 i or calomel but hirer octlomrl ir them. Ak for Carter' Little (. 1 ; 1 aam I Stubboml rciit anrthinf tlx. nix - . .. iii 11