December 11, 190. r : " Carving Sets Xoleman i Lamps 85 THIRD AVENUE CO., LTD. PAGE FIVE J received by the local organizer but VOLCANO CRUMBLING BIG YOUTH most of them felt that the work Mike Colussi wa worth while Cor the satisfac ' WELLINGTON, N. Z, Dec. U tion of accomplishment. Junior CP) Observers report the crumb- Accordionist and Tearher GATHERING Club work in Central British Co- nB ot tne top of Wount Nu-lumbia AJlA. GREETINGS New only ctlT iCertKJcate was well organized, consid. hof' Ji?lands, PHONE RED U of distriet. volcano, which was in a state" of ertik the difficulties the ADDRESSED The Importance of this work was eruption for a. month, widely recognized as it was "quite i 4 V O ' (Robc' Souikey. 1114) As a Christmas Gift or for Yulctide and year round entertaining "Black & White" is aways right. bureau of Circulations, w w v aA? Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding memoerfinip these organizations. Coleman Irons Pocket Knives Fishing Tackle THOMPSON HARDWARE We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn?t freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer Phone 101 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' ; The c.lrs are painted irk two-Cone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with, comfort Call us at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' Ruperts LARGEST taxi Service - Nanaimo-Wcllinglon Bulkley Valley Albert fi AIiniIip.irl SootlCS It Pays to Aiways Buy ihe Pest 1'uel Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. . I i . t 1 A J. J. J. A. Ill AHstttfltaf'""'"" PUONE 117 1 ff.. - -LI BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY 2C1 oz. $3.75 40 oz. $5.C0 James Buchanan & Co. Limited, Glasgow and London DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND Wi idvertUement fs not published or displr yea bj the Liquor Control Board or by the Government aaiaiaio of British CnlumhU USEFUL GIFTS "(JOVF.KNMKNT I.IQirOK ACT" (Section 28) Cj N'ollce of A p pi leal Ion Utt IWr Urenrr SZ NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that on I I I I Si I V 4- The Tiflti,," v,-"i ornber ol tht? Canadian Daily Stho CanaMss and ot the building known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street In the City of Prince Rupert upon lands described Ballinger & Stafford Repairs of All Types Typewriters, Cash Registers, Adding Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Etc. Location Corner 3rd Ave. and 4th St. Next C.P.R. Ticket Office Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert x Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in. Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX PRUDHOMME Proprietor RIC. DISCOUNTS Off All FUR COATS Our Season is Open to Buy Raw Furs and We Need the Money Goldbloom The Old Reliable GUNN'S ) Variety Repairs General Repairs on ail Rubber Footwear and Garments. Tires and Tubes Vulcanized We are fully equipped to do all bicycle & wheel goods repairs Service and Economy Ctli St. opp. OK Harber Shop Newly Wed. .Creeled t 'w f these ciubS( , By Trygoon Mtfirany) i,, take on the I ' responsibility of agricultural pro- I Secretary of the Boys' and tflris Clubs of British Columbia, ad Ipllshed, he spoke briefly of the J' "1' imixt 11 main objects of these tlubs first. JJ& fib .undersigned undcrtkmcd Intend Intends to to eoolv apply , to to the' the. . . . 'i i 5i?!uluor Control. Bord for licence to, to , keep the young men and . wo-1 O.reepect to the premises being part of men on the land where there was a security which did not exist In the floating labor market, al though farm training Is of great 14. Block Nine (9. Seotloa One ri).value t0 and S11" ln Map 933, Prince Rupert land Re?ls- tratlon District, ln the Province v of British Columbia, for the sale of 4eer by the elan or by the bottle for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. DATED this 19th day of November 1940. ALEXANDER J. PRUDHOMME Applicant. any walk of life. Many hjga -positions m "industry ana government; were held by men whom as boys gotj their early training on the farm. Delineates Prospects Mr. Phillips went on in a delln eotlon of the many projects spon sored by the Boys' and Olrls' Clubs which give them special training that was useful if they I remained on the farm. These pro Ijects Include calf clubs, swine; sheep, poultry, root crops, grain and seed growing. He stated that it was also intended that club work fit in with the general farm program of the district but that it was quite obvious that ln most districts there has been little study !of a definite farm program. In the Junior Live Stock Clubs training was given in care, management and feeding of livestock. In the crop clubs training wis given In the preparation of soil and cultivation. Most Important Of all, all club members were requlr- ed to keep careful records showing ' ...1 1 a - - , ! A . . . . . wutujcr or not a piuui, naa oeen made ln the operation of the project. Club members were required to carry on judging competitions land the winners of local competi tions were eligible to take part Iri ihe provincial elimination .contests. ; The winners of the Provincial Judging Competitions were given a trip to Eastern Canada as the, guests of the Canadian Council on Boys' and Olrls' Club work. Here they competed In judging contests ,wlth teams from every part of Ca nada and it was not surprising that, when they returned to their homes, they would have acquired much information which would be useful in the development of agriculture in their own districts. The success of this work, of course, aependea to a large extent on lo cal support. The organization of the clubs ln a community was under the dltect supervision of the District Agrl . .. l-A ..! ,1. L cunurist dui it, was more man a one man Job. It is necessary to have the support of all local or ganlzatlous and In the past,, they had had magnificent support, speaking generally, particularly from the Farmers' Institutes, Wo men's Institutes, local fall fairs and Boards of Trade. Possibly the most Important factor in carrying through any or these projects was the local organizer. This was usually some pub lie spirited citizen, whether farmer, school-teacher or business man, who devoted a great ,deal of hU tune to organizing and seeing that the Juniors received proper training, There was no remuneration , k 5 Newlywrds Greeted dressed at Francois one of the Mr. Phillips was just getting into greatest gatherings of young peo-jis stride when the Burns Lake pie ever assembled in the Central Orchestra stole quietly in. The Interior. Arriving after short no- crash of the opening bars of the tlce he found the front benches wedding March from "Lohengrin" occupied by old timers and eager introduced the advent of the latest dancers awaiting the coming of newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur the Burns Lake Orchestra. fiUunton, and their entourage. Introduced by Hazen D. Lpng, Equal to the occasion, Mr. Phillips president of the Francois Lake fciseed the bride who a few short Seed Growers' Association, and by hours before was Miss Martha Sv.-John H. Keefe, president of tbV clen, prominent member of all Farmer' Institute, Mr. Phillips Boys' and Olrls" Clubs, kissed the had an appreciative audience, bridesmaid, and even the flower Drawing the attention of the boys ciri, wee Peggy Staunton. and girls to the fact that the: in ;a neat congratulatory speech first grain clubs were organized in fit conveyed the compliments of Central British Columbia, and tha the Department of Agriculture to (the first calf clubs were organized Jthe newlyweds. His toast to the at Uncha Valley and Danskln. he: bride brouzht a crowded house, tshowed them' that the responsibly ,fUi) .of intend listeners to their leet -lty of production was theirs Dwel--and, at the request of the groom, ling on the Importance of Junior the District Agriculturist, S. G. Club work he commended their Preston, responded blushingly but organization which had been re- showing an intimacy with the cognized by the Minis r of Agrirhome JIfe of the Central Interior culture and especially by the Dep- which further endeared him to the uty Minister. J. B. Munro, At the 'people of the Lakes District. mention oi Mr. Monroe s name a I roar of applause went up and it; was apparent that he was well; known to the young audience. Mr,' Phillips reminded his audi-: ence that they must not forget 'that their parents had made great .sacrifices, endured all the hard--I ships of pioneers and carried all the weight of development. Commending the organizations for-; much they had already accom- For Mother, Sister Daughter, Friend, Sweetheart Fpr months we have been preparing to meet your Christmas demands. The following list-may give you an idea of our ttock. Wrist Watches, Silverware Carving Sets, Necklet's, Diamond Rings, Signet Ring, Compacts, Manicure Sets, Clocks, Jewel Sets, Bridge Sets, Bread Trays, Watches, Coffee Percolators, Mirrors, Birtbstone Rings, Brush Sets, Schick Shavers, Lockets, Chains and Crosses, Pendants, Brooches, Earrings, Tie Holders, Fountain Pens, Bracelets, Ladies Purses, Evening Bags, Silver Chests, Baby Gifts, Military Jewellery, Casseroles, Cocktail Sets, Cut Glass, Umbrellas. China, Leather Goods, Toilet Sets, Silver Deposit Ware, Perfume Holders Lighters, Cigarette Cases, Bill Folds, Identity Discs. MANY, MANY OTHER GIFTS JIt.i Jewellers THE' STORE WITH THE CLOCK i our ;Pre-Christmasl PARTY Is not complete 1U unless you i serve wiwi we reiresuniems . Lithiatcd Lemon Buckingham (linger Ale Lime Crush Rickey In 6 oz., Pints and Quarts Parties will be heightened with pure spamung , aencious ORANGE CRUSH I Order from your dealer NORTH STAR ! Bottling Works ! B. C. Furniture Co. New and' Used Furniture 4 DRESSERS- 7.50 T $10.00 3 C0S1 $14.00 TO $10.50 8 TYPEWRITERS Of various S22 00 T S4 ' 00 makes. From 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Just like S.OO new j. 1 COT In good condition $3.95 dt - New Furniture 14 FELT MATTRESSES Sizes 3-3, 4-0. Q7 ffft 5.DU Special . 20 SPRING FILLED FELT MATTRESSES Q1 ?ft AD'?U Of finest quality 12 SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES With silk COO C(l striped covering material 8 UNTAINTED DROP LEAF TABLES Very strongly Qft ff built. Special V3 2 4-piece BEDROOM SUITES Consisting of bedstead, vanity arid bench, and chlff robe, in waterfall $92 50 4 DRESSERS With round mirrors, in waterfall QOQ fZf design, a real snap WA&tvv 1G CHESTERFIELD SUITES In all colors and styles. From $75.00 T0 $104.00 Phone BLACK 324 TniRD AVENUE Next Door to B. C. Clothiers Ship a 10 lb. Box of Rupert Brand Kippers To Your Friends For $10 we will deliver a box of Kippers, to your friend's house in any Express point in. B.C. or any Canadian National Railway Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We first made this special offer last year; so many people took advantage of it we are repeaUng it this year at the same price, notwithstandius Express rates to some points have advanced, Mall your order with cheque or cash to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert CO. Ltd. British Columbia With name and address of consignee. We will enclose card with, name of sender Appreciated by the recipient Convenient for the Sender MADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT lor the EAST Monday, 'Wednesday, Friday, 6 Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for' VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN Si A 0 ft I oa NoT- lsV 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1911; Vtf Final return limit March 31st, 1941 Fpr Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines A WARM HOUSE minatte ff you JtavtM& proper JKLeatr Aids In making the Christmas' season an enjoyable one Pfople have been known to use a ton of coal as a Christmas gift. Clean coal, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 652