PAQE TWO CAMPACS If you have not seen the new crepe soled steel arched, ventilated designs assuring the maximum comfort, wear and durability in the very latest styles, you are missing something in summer footwear. Ladies and men's. Priced from 2.50 T0 $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, limited. Third Avenue IL F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations EDITORIAL serve under the new leader. 93 CHAMBERLAIN RETIRES Ritrht Hon. Neville Chamberlain has retired from the V.7 - leadership of the British government. His last speech to the people of Great Britain and the Empire was full of confidence that the Allies would win and that the world would be saved from German domination. He expressed horror at the tactics of the enemy and his abhorrence of all that they stood for. lnt npnnlp will Vip nlpnswl tn knnw thnt Chnmhpr- THE NEW PRIME MINISTER , . The new Prime Minister of Great Britain is an able, brilliant man who should prove to be more than a match for Hitler and his minions. He has courage and initiative and will satisfy most of the people of Britain who look for action in the conduct of the war. His appointment will also prove most acceptable to the people of Canada who today are looking for leadership to inspire them. WAS FORCED TO .MOVE The Germans were in a position where they were forced to move. Economic stress and the mentality of the people demanded action. The move was expected so the Allies were able to prepare to resist. Once more the Germans have had to break cover and in doing so exposed not se4 how he could have done better than he did in order to please the Allies. It is hard on Belgium and Holland to have the fighting take place in their territory but it had to be sopewhere and it was hardly likely it could have been where there was a highly fortified line such as on the French border. FAITH IN OUR MEN Canadian people can have full confidence that their men and the men of Britain and France will make good in the struggle. There must be many casualties but we shall most certainly be proud of their achievements. All we hope is mat iney oe given a iair cnance to meet tne enemy under anything like equal conditions. If they get this, they must win. The navy has proved itself more than once already in this war and we look for the soldiers and airmen to do the same. There will be no surrender or scuttling of ships. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PrtDcv Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia ADVANTAGES IN WAR ARE ALL ON ALLIES' SIDE (Continued Irom Page One many crepe-hangers are expressing Quite openly. The remark that it is not a question of when we win the war but If we win the war may not be disloyal but such a remark can do a lot of harm and. If made in Germany, would put a person in a concentration camp or up against the wall facing a firing aquad. The facts do not warrant auch remarks. ! "Thank God the men of our nary do not think that way. The crews of the AJax and Achilles and Exe ter did not say that when they chased the Graf Spec into Man tevtdeo. The. men on the destroyers who went into Narvik and smashed live German destroyers thought dif ferenUy. The men of our air ser J vices who risked their lives night after night bombing the airports in Norway. Denmark and Germany i certainly do -not .doubt their abttlty to win the war. "Here are we in Canada sitting back en toying all the comforts of peace time. Our farmers are a We 1 to ship their wheat, our miners their metals, our sawyers their lumber. Our shores are safe from Invasion and our wives and children safe from bombing attacks. This all because we have the British navy to save us and keep our sea lanes open to our produce and protect our shores. "At the srart pi the war we lad an (inferiority complex about our air fleet Now we have shown that our air force Is equal, if not better, than the German air force. At least our men are superior and have taken the InlUative. As the days go by it Is becoming so superior that In a few months it will be so far ahead that the Germans will be afraid to tackle it. "Last September the BrlUsh standing army numbered 80.000 men pi us 4uu.ouo territorials or civUlaat. ' Today they have In Eng land over two million men In unl form. Those men who are Joining up in England. Canada and other parts of the Empire are willing to sacrifice their lives for us who are not privileged to wear the uniforms lain was a bier enouch man to be willing to continue to!and our duty to say the least CUSSIHE0 iiOAJiD AMD lt(JU.M ROOM and board. Phone Ore en 997. (114) FOR RENT FOR RENT Store opposite Post OfHce. Apply chandler's Studio, Fourth Street (113) WANTED themselves to an enemy that is welcoming them. We do J help wanted Middle aged housekeeper, no encumbrances. Phone 741 or write Box 952. U12) PERSONAL NOW is the time to get a govern ment job as steno., clerk, post man, customs clerk, etc. Applica lions for next stenographers' ex am to reach Ottawa May 25. Free booklet and information from M. C.C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. . tf. VACANCY THROUGH DEATH Rawleigh Route now open In Northern part of British Columbia. Dealer who recenUy died sold there 17 years. Trade well established. Exceptional opportunity. Write at once. Raw-lelgh's Dept. B. C.-166-202-E, I" Winnipeg, Canada. tf. you can run a Home Kindergar ten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Manitoba. tf. LOST LOST Brilliant clip. Finder please return to Dally News. tf. FOR SALft FOR SALE Size 38 steel gray color suit, hardly .worn, also blue overcoat. Mark Johnston, tailor made In first class order. Owner going on the next draft. Room 14. Pioneer Rooms. FOR J3 ALE English pram, good condition, $10. 1213 .Second Av-fnue. (no AGENTS WANTED INCREASE YOUR INCOME Sell j Shoes. Highest commlssolnsj Free Selling equipment. Write The 1 Rltchle-Bart Shoes Ltd.. 455 Craig 6t. West, Montreal. H2) THE DAILY NW3 to keep cheerful, keep a proper per. specUve and let courageous thoughts flow from our minds to those of our relaUves ancr iwn rfno are willing to give their all nonUu ago things might have been the Unjgd States he came to the conclusion that Mr. Roosevelt would run again and be elected but would not have the support of Congress n hl schemes which had been ried and found wanting. The biggest problem facing Can ada today, .said the speaker, was haw Canada would finance her own war effort and also how England would pay for the huge amount of goods she required from Cnada. He urged economy In spending. The Oo minion would have to find a billion dollars for ordinary expenditure and war costs. In addl'lon another half billion would be re ENGLISH WAR CL'P Second Hound Two-Oame. Total Goal Series I Rochdale 4. Everton 2 lEverton wins round 7.5j. Blackpool 3, Burnley 1 Blackpool winds round 5-2;. Manchester United 1, Blackburn 3 "Blackburn wins round 4-3 1 Barrow 1, stoke R Stoke wins round 8-1 r Hull 0, Huddersfleld 1. Hud- dersfleld wins round 2-1 1. Leeds 0. Sunderland 1 (Sunderland wins round 1-0). Sheffield United 1. Barnsley 0 "Barnsley wins round 3-1 . Newcastle 2. Mlddlesbro 1 (Newcastle wins round 4-3). Westhara 3, Leicester 0 (West- YANKS LOSE i ONCt AGAIN "v "v ... ... ....... i.. Wu, V'b u-uii praiLsm. we snoura Uve Kw suffered seven c.ra....i - be filled with optimism. A lew ivcrws, . ...,kt (irratcsl (ireatest aunioer in Raw l'r Ten Years ..4 k h Hvntat u nowon - - i Yetterdflv's Bit league urores: National league New York 7. Brooklyn 2. PlUsour 8. Chicago 3. Only wwnea. American Lraeue Boston 3. New York 2 WaxhlRirfon 7 PhtKdelpbU 8. HiWn) 0 Detroit 3. St IflHh 4. Cleveland 9 JENKINS IS ! NEW CHAMP quired to be expended by Britain in Canada this year. This money NEW YORK May 11 CPi Lou would be raised by selling English Jenkins of 8weetvater. Texas, good in Canada and by selling in smashed hU way to a three-round Canada English holdings of Canad-' technical knockout victory over lan investments. Possibly also there Lou Ambers of Herkimer. New might be borrowing In Canada. Er-.York. for the world's lightweight ery hundred dollars worth of good boxing championship last night,1 Durchased In Great Britain would Jenkins floored Ambers both In enable Great Britain to buy one first and second rounds and hundred dollars worth of goods in smashed him into helplessness in --anaaa cutting down on person -.the third round. expends would b helpful. J The bloody fight was stopped In one minute and twenty seconds HU r J C the third round V1U V.UUUU Y OUCCdfl Fight opening odds were IS to against the twenty-four year old j en Kins. ham wins round 4-1 . Fulham 1, Norwich 0 (Fulham wins round 2-H. , ( South End 0. NoO Forest 1 Notts Forest wins round 4-lt. Crystal Palace 8. Arsenal 2 (Arsenal wins round 5-1). Coventry 5. Wolverhampton 2 (Coventry wins round 7-2 . Swansea 3, Bristol Rovers 6 (Bristol Rovers win round 6-3 1. West Bromwlch Albion 3, Bournemouth 1 (West Bromwlch wins round 5-2). Reading 0. Birmingham 2 (Birmingham wins round 4-0). International England 1. Scotland 1. 'SERVICE7 PHONE 3 40 TENNIS RACKETS To Choose From $3.00 T0 $22.00 TENNIS BAILS 35c 40c 45c SPORTING COOnS HEADQUARTERS Kaien Hardware Co. Box 98 Baseball Standings I. Brooklyn, Cincinnati Chicago Boston National W.U MM. - a- - IfiUII. J.I-LI. urskle- NE WYORK. May 11: CP-Tne The Fishing Industry worw champion New York Yankee .ritUburg In opening his address Colonel lo5t their seventh straight game American NlcholU toJd of Attending the ses- ye4tfrday when they were defeat-, Bottoti iion of the Wartime Fisheries ed S to 2 by, the Boston Red Sox Revels ml Board called to discuss the many u wat the teugesi losing streak .Detroit problems besetting the Xishlng In- the Yankees have had la teu.rhlladerphla dustry during the war. The find- years. Cleveland Indians won 8 tojSt. Louis tags of the board were In the inter- 4 ,Tfr st Louts Browns and kept Washington ests of the fisheries as a whole and pace jn the runner-up position a Chteatti not of anyone section. Its function game and a half bow the Red New York n. n A .lrD onri hlrt TVlth- ftw Th third ilir D'tMit TVtr M J lag to do with controlling prices. If blanked Chicago Whit Sox aiuJ price control comes, it will not be Hie Philadelphia Athletics moved irom any action taken by the board, xnto fourth place as a result of a 1 Colonel Nlcholls spoke apprecl- close 8 to 7 vtatory over Washing-. ately of the work oi the war supply ton Senators. hoard and of the western represen- In the National Lefegue the lead-' tetive, W. C. Woodward. He was Ing Brooklyn Dodfera were dowe- equally appreciative of the Gonad- ed 7 to 5 by New York OianU and an minister. Loring Ghrtstie. wliom bad their martin over Oie second le mrt at Washington, and Mr. Ma- place Cincinnati Red cut to half honey, the commercial counsellor, a game, in the only other Nun- The people whom he met at the al League game yesterday, ute America a capital were outspoken lowly Pittsburg Pirate defeated n their frelndship for the Allied Chicago Cubs who dropped into a .muse. tie with the Boston IJm (or UUh From what the Colonel heard tn place. league W 12 12 8 8 8 8 5 5 league IS Dnllv Adverlinr m Kew h wire i bring 13 12 ' 8 8 7 0 L 10 12 11 Pet. .890 .750 03 444 .400 .400 .357 .313 FOOTBALL M'.NDAY at T St a. 1.1. ... n itr ft, j FOOTIUI.I, IUIN,j,0!l Rain caueo :. I the Stuart Ben. : 5( 750 gam scheduled 1... fl .C8I( between Dry Do.fe I XJOOi will be pktyeg Ur l) 5Tner. to meet Yofert ,' II .42 r the tronhv net 1- . 12 .400 "J"; TRY TO BEVT Till? 1 fniiou.iB. r..,. t ine 0m' -W A. Comb ,, .. 3 dalv re- with no rosn: rtrhioj -and !. ' Your Loal rroblems Solved We havr In slork a well pre- iVfJf d essort G pared carefully screened Coal VOUSncMArdm 1 to uu your luuiruiiai re- fiotilt pur qulremcnt. At in roal, to procure the brt in Lumber and Hulldl Kujijdlv I'h a net CSI Libby'a Tender Jea Per Un Squirrel Teanut Itutter 4's. Each 1 Larte Itlnso, 2 Life-tiuoy Soap Kown tree's Cocoa l's each Nabob Cut Green Iteans 2 for 14c Rogers Colden Syrup 4 O. 2-s. Per tin ZOl Cr 65c Kellotg's Corn flakes Large size, each 23c 11c 49c 34c 38c 25c -i L - 1 ' A- the best- Ubbjr's Catsup Per bottle Layer Cakes-Eafh .. FruU Cakes 1 lb. each - Fresh Crabam Wafers- 1 -lb. package Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. SAND CEMENT 3 Day - Sale Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Spring Filled Mattresses lu The Following .Sires-Size Today'- Value HVFX'IM 4 6 ; $42.50 46 $29.00 823.561 r 1 4 6 S24.00 819.50 40 39.00 $32.00 ; 0.0 cor7 en OOO AA " t t?U I OKI ptUUtVV No Trade-Ins Accepted on Thin Spring FilW .Mattress Terms Cash ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Mooe Bukldlnr. Third Avenue. lrlnre Rupert . j Hours from s:J a.m. to S"J0 p.m. Phone ft RED" LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers Hil t: DI'JJVKRY I'hone 14c 25c 25c 20C Frfwb Ground Cotttt - )(J Fine Flavor Lb. I. & I). Tea You like It. Per lb. It. C, Apricots-Per tin . 60c is H, C. Raspberries- 2uC 2 tins