gays | 0 myself, ali ws news Is the paper to buy says | THE DAILY NEWS (@ \ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ; Merona: ©o7 Li ——e ~ = = = PRINCE Rupert, B.C., THurspay, ApriL 4, 1912, PRICE FIVE CENTS KING BRITISH COLLIERS G0 BACK TO WORK | ISTER PRINCE RUPERT AS =, ™*T OUP" 8 MINERE GOING mtmerconmsonen FACIES FLAP THEIR WINGS |Goodeve Appointed to Vacancy A BOAT BUILDING CENTRE. “’""""" | BACKTOWORK 6" "=" AND DO FINE BOXIN Chaque fois quand au villag | Special to Daily News | 0 G STUNTS JINGTON’S SPLENDID NEWL AUNCH NOW ON Les ee : : ‘ apna soe Ottawa, April 4.—-The vacancy ee eet CAPTAIN BABIN es Bars tapent sur mon chein| Majority Against Resumption is)oiu the Board of Railway Com-| REFEREE DUNN LETS LOOSE SOME CORKERS—BUD CORLEY : THE STOCKS IS AN ee car ee LOCAL EN- N importe qu’ il nest qu'un} too Smal! to Make Vote Effec-| missioners, vacant for ‘a long INTRODUCED AS THE CHAMPION SLUGGER 'm TERPRIS . pauv’ chien, | tive Declare Officials of the time, since the death of Thomas OF KAIEN ISLAND. ef —— ; ; Ils cesseront a maltraiter inon| Miners’ Federaiton. | Greenway, has been filled by the —— ian \t his boat building yards at underdid local enterprise and chien. —_— jappointment of A. 8S. Goodeve, The Eagles soared and| ing, but when Bud Corley sound- lat .n Gove H, Johnson 18 have besides the disadvantage of —_———_—- —-————~ | Special to Daily News.) M. P. for Kootenay coche pik : a aes, ed his spittoon gon t the el { e rogress with the} not thoroughly appreciating local | 7 "j] 4—** 4 ere screamed last night and never P : ' bin seaman : making good progt : ; J a Renew Power Boat Thelma. London, Eng., April 4 It will | scsi fda lade fe : a eee irds| °f the second round the referee 1 wilding of Captain Babington’s| conditions, while the owner of With new house work and a|be peace with honor and the men Mississippi Rising. did su0k Oo et ae announced the rest of the con- ts randsome and powerful new/the boat cannot stand by to see} yew 4 horse power Buffalo en-| Will return to work,” said sec-| St. Louis, April 4.—The Mis- raise such a merry din. The test was postponed on account of | aba as wwuch. The new boat] that things are done as he de-/ gine, the power boat Thelma, be-| retary of Miners’ Federation last) sissippi river reached the danger| )oxing was the chief attraction! the snow storm. When Corley ; now all planked, and partly} sires. Those interested in the longing to Mr. Burrows of tne | night, The officials of the fed-|mark of 30 feet here last night and during the first four round stepped into the ring to face Ben eked, She is 46 feet over all,| progress of the waterfront of}Lester W. David Co., will reap-| eration are arriving here for aland is still rising. bout between Alexander andj Seif there was immense applause. fi feot 2 inches beam and draws] Prince Rupert hope to see the! pear on the harbor this season| Conference and for the scrutiny| sitios cating cAEUCE Hanafin it was a common remark} But the referee cut this off with : fet 6 inches. She is tremend-/contract for the new Prince Ru-|as a runabout. The boat is now| of the ballots this afternoon. | Already Competing. among the spectators that it was)the announcement that all bets . Jy strong, designed altogether} pert coast mission power boat} undergoing transformation at|The majority against the re-| The “Grand Trunk Pacific has| Detter boxing than Bayley and} were off, as information had hard service as a tow boat or placed locally and the launching Johnson's yard, }sumption of work is too small| announced a reduction of the} Scott showed here, George Leek) reached him that the mateh was a ug Her framing} ceremony made a_ function § to ‘ s ed hs ag a {to make it effective, declare the|freight rates from Edmonton to] Presided over the revels, of the/a frame-up to get meal ticket plate ioe ar ee Presbyterian church will hold| OMicers. Twenty thousand men|Fort George of from 7 to 3 cents| Smoker and was ably assisted by| gate money. posts stoutest yellow cedar, : | in Staffordshire have returned to| per pound. a committee composed -of S, A. nied bee ie ier aa ee guard of Australian MAY LOOT GRUB pervice vomorrow morning Good the pits and work is Sateniter ae ees Corley, W. J. MeCutcheon, J. W. BTShh Pree ee er power is to be a eS Fe Friday, in church hall at 44 j becoming general throughout} Piano for rent. Apply Keeley’s| Williams, 8. A. Phillips and Prof. soog: eal sir iranian case. aoe horse | Standard engine.| Striking Laborers Plot to Starve} a.m. | the country. | Drug Store. : : Kaufman, The latter presided at and then there was another fistic 7 » boat. which is as yet Out Men Working the piano and directed his or-|event between Battling Swede uv in appear- ckalginiania chestra, which filled with merry} Peterson and a gentleman of pro- paraphernalia of fistic war, Nick} were represented on the mat by gs he boat, says that he] Northern Railway here there is a | s had | built in Prince Ru-|danger that the striking laborers Alexander and P. Hanafin stepped} Bert Knox and Eddie Hardy, the der to show to all con-|on the line near Yale may loot into the ring. Referee Dunn in-! latter scoring two falls, the last i that it is really possible|the commissariat camps in an = toned their obituaries to the}one taking nearly nine minutes audience and with a zip, flop,|to accomplish. have a good, substantial]effort to starve out the men who thug, they went at it. It was a Prof. Kaufman gave an ad- i = nice to the Rever, but larger and Special to Daily News. | music the pauses between the}color named Smith. This was a & | g very Way Captain Vancouver, April 4,—Accord ABOVE greal events. rattling good go from start to j ) g h s naturally in-|ing to information received at} With bucket carriers, bottle} finish. his 4 1 ested in the the headquarters of the Canadian holders, towel wafters and all the Frank Goteh and Dr. Roller Pe | re it, most suitable for all] still remain at work. With the ses, built locally at/object of preventing this, special fast and a good four rounds,|dress on how to make an Eagle ss cost than by sending| police are being sent to the dis- Emil Kauffman Starts up His Contract for Sheds on the Provincial Hanafin having much the best|lodge successful and there were ith. Owing to heavy|triet by the government. of it. songs and instrumental solos ead charges even the best a oD A at: Government Wharf---Sensational Activity on Deck Level--- Roy Barnes, 140, and Bobjand the large crowd had a jolly cannot possibly Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. Simpson, 115, kept the fun go-| good time, Below Deck Original Contractor Manages After Many dala IPERT’S FIRST DROPPED. TWO Weeks to Get One\Brace in Position THE RED DEVIL'S LAND DISPUTES Tremendous excitement at the; the same time-honored Govy-;ces be lowered to the men plac- B REAL CANTATA == HUNDRED FEET iis Sn sessing Gs the i pen ae en ae ae at LIGHTNING DASH ON GRAHAM Lumber Co any’s premises ; : of we ees I a almost the first memories of the} work of Kauffman’s men, for the Emil Kauffman has begun work | : : earliest pioneer. apertures in the decking have to} ae ees . ¥ | Record Turn-out by Fire Brigade| Special Agent Fletcher Believes to Majestic Theatre Alarm They Can Be Amicably Settled ss inal Rehearsal of “Christ and| Famous Aviator Dashed to Death) on tle sheds and warehouses for Mr. Kauffman expects to haye|be avoided by the men passing His Sodliers’ Held Last Night.) With His Bi-plane in Califor-| (he new government wharf. He Adio PaNG. WORREOOTA Tater int qiuckly to and fro about their ‘ The Rendering on Friday Night) nia, After Successfully Amus-| has a gang of some twenty or) 1 P&l Paes business. Yesterday Afternoon—Smoke/ if Disputants Will “Give and {. 2 . san i six eke ‘ met ” 5 Will Delight All Listeners. | ing Large Crowd of Specta-| (liriy men on, any amount of le than six weeks, and looks | \t the present rate of progress) but No Blaze. Fake a Eittie, a | tors. lumber there and yesterday af-|like achieving this end easily. h the hrasas it leoun aa if tea _— —— 13 ght in McIntyre Hall] ternoon was fairly making things| He has got started with the work with the braces it looks as If the \ splendid smart run was made} Victoria, March 28,—By the Any Hy BR ave condupted = ane Special to Daily News hum with activity Ths air Oftaceanh deal sooncrtianmind pean wharf would not be complete and} by the red devil and attendant | time Hon. Mr. Ross returns he i ! hea f the cantatal Long Beach, Cal., April 4—]somnolent, go as you please,|expected, for it was thought he| fii for heavy steamship traffic) helmeted fire fighters yesterday} will AG wae him’ the wenars Soldiers” in thel. P. Rodgers. the famous avia-| wait for the tide or for MeBride| would haye to wait until all the} until about Christmas this year. afternoon. The alarm was rung of Mr. 8. me Fletcher, who was ] Z ie choral render | lor, and the first man to cross] had vanished Kauffman’s men} ferro-concrete braces had been} Until the braces are in position| !" es ak Majestic pases Seat ae ‘ to OF ae ae hich he has worked as-| the eriean co nt i were busy amongst the lumber) fitte etwee the iles. Mr.|the structure is not in shape to|®2¢4 @ Smoldering, smoking pile} various land disputes on Graham las worked as-|the American continen in an \ fitted between : p . , : "4 : of rubbish was found far back| Island, of tne Queen Charlotte stand continuous heavy boat tra- “ fic in spite of its highly modern| i? the premises behind the the-}group. Mr. Fletcher proceeded The| atre and F. Keeley’s store. There| forthwith to Masset, visited all , sparingly for|aeroplane, was dashed to death} as bees in a honeycomb, the cir-| Kauffman is glad lie didn’t have ths. The final reheasal] ere late yesterday afternoon,|cular saws shrieked and buzzed} (o wait until then, for as a mat-| sled eye his own keenest| when his machine dropped a dis-| continually, hammers rang, and|{ep of fact vesterday afternoon! railway buffer spring boom. : ; : , ’ , as actual outbreak of flame,/the settlements on the north ghied a num-/tance 200 feet Rodgers had| the building of those sheds was) there was only one of these bra-|impact of a deep water steam- was no é t ’ panes" OF & " aA we and the cause of the incipient|coast and on Masset Inlet, and }ship making even a Barney John isteners wholbeen amusing a crowd of spec-| going on in earnest, Emil Kauff-|ces in permanent position, The ston landing at the government | braved the blizzard to hear it.|tators by flying over the sea, | man himself was there with his} work of fitting them appears to : ae ; ala, the first ever ren-lamone the flocks of gulls and on} coat off actively superintending| be as tedious as the construction} wharf in its present shape would Prince Rupert, is going} returning apparently lost control| just as he did on the big ware-jof the famous sea-wall which} strain the unbraced piling, but blaa® is mysterious, even suspici-| made careful and exhaustive en- ous, says the fire chief, At any] quiries as to all the disputes in rate. no reason can be found for} question. From Queenstown he it. The brigade deserves con-|crossed by Mexiean Tom's trail | . ° ‘ ea rea al treat on Fri-|of his machine, for when just] houses he rapidly completed for|depended on the state of the vesterday the Government snag- : a a oe e3 : eae 4 g. The singing of the] above the shore the bi-plane shot| the wholesale district by the G.| moon and the tides. Portions of|scow Cygnet was berthed there gratulation for a Heneerne ANd pink) ane ae weve: wore’ om ght was pleasing|down like a rocket. The aviator) T.P. wharf. Nobody visiting the/the decking of the wharf have to| with apparently no ill effects to Be whole eee oe oo — vun| Ch eka One m Seni a ery 1 ues | ty > | » mir . fore many who startec oru shariotte Ully. Ar : art- ee Ne ex e, and the work s be .?P . ack ¢ |}scene would have dreamt it was) be , order to let the bra-!|the strueture, pos : ’ ng Mee oe of was badl) ee his“baok ate eg o ae {Be Lag. sn. orc ne , { for the scene from points nearer|son, a well known pioneer of the ia | g Mr. Mavey| neck being broken. |= lthan the fire hall at the first}country, acted as guide for the i i sidered by those heard something excep- \ | * 1 . ” j 7"Tann AIAL {night was intensely appreciated. | ly pride, for the “alms” of wealth,| sound of the fire bell, lirip. Mr. Fleteher is of the opin- I wl t BI 17 ZARD DIDNT | Solos by Miss Holtby, who is wel- | } place or pleasure, —————__—- ——-- j ion that the various disputes can his tatae cece |comed back to the eoncert plat-| | eS eee LOCAL MARINE NOTES ibe satisfactorily adjusted with- : ' awe { tat .y | : et Bhi will naa form, and clever recitations by| | Do you pay your bills? Could| out especial difficulty, “providing ee MK way disaps | Miss Dineen added to the success ORAT R |you pay them if you were burned ; lall concerned are prepared to ve \ Libel nae ee | for jout? Get a policy in the Com- The Prinee Albert is due to ar-| give and take a little.’ He thinks | | | of the evening. An egg hunt | Easter greatly delighted the| ha a . a nan wi) be win /mercial Union Fire Assurance rive at Skidegate today with a full] that the new clause in the Coal ‘ i exages raisnte OPS re |} whole gathering taking part en-| Rev, Father Donnelly, Leading a} Corporation, Assets $%41411,000,- | cargo of material for the Doughty and Petroleum Act, inserted last ‘ Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian) ))).,.jastically, and in spile of the Great Religious Lecture Series/(00. The Mack Realty & Insur-| cannery. W hether she will call] session at the request of Mr. \. W. Agnew of Ritchie Church Held a Very Successful) iii weather a good crowd Throughout the Rofan Cath= | ance Co., Agents. tf | here on this trip is not known. Manson, will prevent any further litchie & Ag- Entertainment Yesterday After-| spent a happy time. olic Church ,Spoke Last Night. - phere conflict or diffleulty between the he south, ve from a visit to noon and Evening. ae aE ema ae The Prince John sailed yester-| pre-emptors and the holders of D. EB. Ey eeainiaque—ape SHIPPING HIM Probably no greater oratoy | dya for Granby Bay, formerly} ccal licenses. Fi | ’ g, accompé . , . | . k Mrs, Ey npanied by After a successful delicatessen called Goose Bay, with material aps aes Se BE, Were among , . has ever spoken in any Prince ; ht etigers on the an ng the pas es edie. a flernoon the es . : » ka ie ee for the smelter. This is the be- Among the arrivals by the ieorge si yer 7 ‘ , | ‘I ehure é ] v. " , 2) 6pegular ‘eek is ial Ladies’ Aid of the First Presby-| ROUND WORLD upe whose powerful ; ginning of her regular weekly Prince George yesterday was Mr. Father Donnelly, a aeait Ak this and Queen Char- . , ervice to " - : T. BE. Ibbotson of Vancouver, who Tas Ungrateful Friend, terian Church held a delightful) evangelical address in the Roman | lots ‘Teland palaia: th iu Doy quarreled with} social gathering with games and eater ae Catholie Church last night was|jMedel Monoplane Driven by Gas) ene cca iia | | will have charge of the Prince Will and te gts Setting full| musie in the hal! on Fourth ave-|$mall Groundhog with a Taste) heard by a large audience in spite) Generated from Exploding e |Rupert branch of the Canadian ‘Verte me (landed him|nue in the evening. The feature) for Travel Is to Be Given theo! (he blizzard, which prevented Gunpowder in Engine. | | |; Home Investment Go. Mr. A, J. policeman "the boco, A Ke-indly|of the entertainment was the| Trip of His Life. the chureh from being eet 0 peony || THE WEATHER. l!'rpate, who has been in charge ; 1 lo the lockup} re erfect pianoforte playing| “3 overtlowing The Rey, Fathet in| Leavenworth, Kas., March 30. since e opening of the office in Pou t} | I really perfect pian I . } truck the note} since th per £ ing ’ ‘© claret and this|by Mrs, Garpenter, who has only | The wanderlust of, a small ringing accents 8 om pee A model monoplane using gas| For twenty-four hours ending 5 this city, will leave Saturday for a ats for oe peut nerenery-ertived tp Pre Seen eons ee ee mie. Ries ‘ayn laaeaee Rarn-| generated from gunpowder for}a. m., April 4: Bar., 29,525;) the south. In future Mr. Tate U8 e entertai § , O , ‘ 3] Lake , 1p week » brake-| to enthuse Is t 8. ue i A ‘ : y : > j » Seg , se of ) ent '¢ entertain - and whose Seannnon 0 hs = ne aes Sans 9 estness was the dominant strain | power was tested successfully at; max, temp., ai .03 min, temp.,| will be in the Seattle office of the Pe aoe alk Roasts i Per be ‘ mihanl hs in his speech last night, There} Fort Leavenworth the other day| 30,; snow, 7 152 ink hes, company, }senger ‘% Ss > pre 3 Z 5 ‘ . ‘ mes nail S** ft Cecorenes la trip around the world. West-|was no evidence of his keen na-| by the inve nlors, Corporal), —— —_——— ern. Pacific ‘railroad men wholtive sense of humor, though to| Thomas QBrien and Richard | PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO |adopted the animal have prepared|the Protestant listener the very | Saunders of vance * ee , : | : ather slly’s| neers’ Corps. The model weighs la crate plastered with dir otions} earnestness of Father Donnelly 8) i W S T MO VU Merry Christmas Beg pardon, Kaster we mean aa * his anaes seaiinn a8 his regret at having fround in great|/one and a half pounds, including NO DAILY NE O RRO Moy Urse you can't expect tha Princess Ena to call at a travels, which will carry him east London city a family of the pane) ie arene oe eer ae and SE TID ( th y one brace. fixed, ever the Rio Grande to Denverjof Murphy who could actually}a half feet from tip to tip. in keeping with the custom of all Christian coun- th cha loday for Clayton and Newton to have it out and thence to Kansas Gity, Ghi-}confess to being alee mati wee ear tries and in obedience to the law of our land, The Daily wowdall . ; se pe 5 ' 4 s whimsical aspect, No holiday. In the earl | ‘ago, New York, Washington and} without its , Re News will observe tomorrow as a ho y y ten > for new jail just finished ready for meeting Bains, santas the ocean and}the most frivolous, however, | In the final game for the Scot- days the anniversary of the death wf the Father of eis nisisoners, They all f - spring mattresses a round the world as the special) could fail to be impressed deeply} tish cup the Celtic defeated the Christianity was observed as a holy aay, a day of pen- aegomery s oe guest of transportation men Ihy the great zeal expressed by|learts of Midlothian by 3 goals ance and sad meditation. But in the natural course of wu sat 0 % spor ‘Th. , S ’ ® ¥ wee Dr. Clayton eleeted by acclamation as member ne ; —— Father Donnelly for religion that) to 0, progressive intelligence the holy day has become a holi- i Bay. ‘Two -votessworsieast and Doo had them all. BOARD—Strictly tariff com-|is apart as th poles from the} anne ener ee [ aS day, and appears as such upon the statute books of all rk The News calls for thirty-four, lines in the sanies now represented by The} beggar!) worldliness that holds | Don't forget regulat dance ae the nations within the pale of Christianity. SE papel m ae OO MEE TOUT tp ) R itv & Insurance Co The|out blind Bartimean hands ab-|night in MelIntyre Hall, Gray's! meOk Oe tres however steeped in vasldstaphheatia it ‘ oy eee, Coe ceceees. {usurance People, 2nd ave and|jectly, SOL FELIPE