PACJE TOUR Expert Optical Service Watch Clock and Jewtlery Repairing, Hand Enjravint CHAS. I)OI)IM BAD Optometrist in Charge Licensee for NumounU The very latest In eje-wear Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds GUARD SOLDIERS' FARMS PRETORIA, May 11: (CP) Re LONDON' SI1.VFR LONDON, May 11: Silver closed' at 21 pence per ounce on the Lon don metal market yesterday. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Ran Rldg. All fnr SIT DOW?' RECORD calling marauders' damage to GALAX, Va.. May 11: (CP) farm homesteads of service men In Robert Wadlow. 21, is 8'i feet Ult the First Great War. vigilance weighs 491 pounds, and so that he committees have been formed In can slt down comf0rtably a local some South African areas to piant u maklng nlm a chalr 6V guard lands of soldiers servinE in ,!, i BACK FROM QUEBEC Mrs. M. A. DuduIs of Havsrort recently returned from an extended I visit with her numerous relatives in the province of Quebec She says that when she left there a little over a week ago there was littlA H rrrt Af a IT . I a MacKenzie s Furniture 36 Only END TABLES Finished walnut r4 t Special , Act Quickly To Get One of Them Phone 775 r 327 THIRD AVENUE (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One . 'IMPROVING OF GROUNDS This One of Principal Matters at Monthly Meeting of Hospital I Board Last Evening With business of a routine and' not very Important nature, the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was in regular monthly session last night. president Franc dido was in me chair and others nresent were W. O. Fulton. F. A. MacCallum. Arnold K Midi, V. J. UVAIAliU, VJ . and Mrs. H. L. Landry, directors;! Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady sup- l erintehdent, and H. W. Birch, man aging secretary. Improvement of the new hcwoital jit.ii ui nil tile w CvS I THZ DAILY iw. Waterfront Whiffs were bare of leaves and the grass) aifn cnalrman, reported negot- Capt. s. K. Oray. arrived from' had not commenced growing. The at,ons Proceeding with the Depart-, Skagway and other Alaska points,' whole country was brown. Shemeit Pensions and National sailing at 5 pjn. for Vancouver. The' paid a brief visit to Prince Rupert i Haa'th nd Department of Indian Princess Adelaide. Capt. John Wll- this week. .Affair In connection with contracts Hams, arrived at 6:30 pjn.. sailing ICOVeiin? trpatmnt friw Honirfm.nt fit 1ft rt. m n 1 . . NEW CHART Dominion Chart No. 378 River's Inlet, B. C Price 50c Complete Stock of British Admiralty-UJS. Government and Dominion Gov ernment Charts for Pacific Coast Waters SPRING Writing Paper Special Good Quality Linen Paper and Envelopes 2 Note Size Pads and 1 pkp. Envelopes or 2 pkgs. Envelopes and 1 Pad O C n All for Ut 2rLelter Size or Ladies' Size Pads and 1 pkjj. Envelopes or 2 pkgs. Envelopes auu x i au t) Halibut landings Still Ahead TJiis Year Catch For Kntire Coast Also Up mower for the grounds was riven for catches of 33.000 and lomnl Permission was also given for the pounds respectively. erection or a marker for a tree recently planted by the Girl Two Canadian Paolflo II - . .vut ui- UUiafS. I fTI In rr .-.t I... .an The ....... finance committee. Arnold . the steamer kuuuiit . . v . , niiiviu pm. h Prinrru I i v . v uhm,,ui.u- " v ,411. mi nrr reium to van p inuvuu ui n uuiuiki. iiu uc- wct ana waypoinu. mere were gotlatlons are In connection with forty-seven passengers aboard the revlslon,of rates. The finance com- Princess Louise, six disembarking mlttee report for the month this port and five going aboard. cB.cxpenauures tor me month of at this port. $4958.65 with capital expenditure iqf $18?.79. There had been 1294 Unton steamer Cardena Can! hospital days at cast per diem of John Boden. arrived in nnr .ti-m i . mwiuun.jiijia me soum, sail-1 I Miss Jean Harrison R.N ladv'lnz at 11 am nn h.r IWPerlntendent, reported the has- Vancouver and waypolnts. J pital not quite so busy as usual at 1 , this time. The work was going According to figures of the Inter-1 along satisfactorily. , national Fisheries Commission the' The existence of a radio nuisance uke of halibut from Area No. 2 by In the hospital was again drawn to the Canadian fleet this April was i the attention of the board. Receiv- 22920 pounds as compared with 'JFCrf-'bemr spirited into, the hos- -713r616 pounds in the same month SPfe!-.5?11- wmeUmeAvtite;. use of lait 'ear From Area No. 2 the Am-ther jfrovlhg ailiscoxlffort and crlcan nee look 291303 pounds as annoyaiice to Other patlentsr lt was compared with 2.397,996 pounds last ' left to pie lady superintendent to year Canadian boats took only regulate the entrv and 44.155 pounds 1mm Ars4 v tut. iwv tau ' v a ttsu) los In the hospiUL Notices will be April u a8alnst 112.105 pounds In ui urawmg attention to the ine American catch regulation that tvrmiciinn u. from Area tin 3 fhi in I ...-w. uilMt LTC . . W uj;iu V. ai J, obUined before any radio receiver 141-330 pounds as against 2,600.326 . wun iiiuj me nospital. k""" iasi year. The house committee, F. a. Mac- CaUum. chairman, reported the ,lUSY "--VWRIOHT necessity of maklnz rlmtments to some of the operating LONDON, May 11: (CPi Play. wm eienuzers. tKnt oi me wartime season U Reference was made to a letter Em,yn Williams who has "The wi miss Blanche ni 01 "eart" . Curtln vuuiii express- express- . running uuui at m the mc ing appreciation for the treatment 1)0110 and who 13 Paying In an-accorded her mother, the late Mrs other of hu PUys' "The Corn Is Curtln, In the hospital .Oreen" at the Piccadilly. The monthly report of the fire " aTndLk, rtvted the alarm Da,,y New" :naM,I-Q Aa sy terns housckPlng i.Jnd condl- results, tlons nn both In hnnitai .1 "u "ursey wcrc ,n g0CKj ordtr Canada At War 25 Years Ago May 11. lot.'L-iv.i, . . avIVA4 tiuupg Carenrv onA ik . Arraf area Belgians gained ground mixia 01 D1nude and ... . n u British forpM fr,,t-.t.j . sirong enemy attacks near Ypres. Austro- " ' anVe 10 1116 San River ' ' -""- ----1 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery AU Types of Gas Engines , Repaired and Overhauled ' Plan Your Holiday Now. . The SANOAN CAMP near Mas-sett offers a splendid holiday for young and oldgood bathing 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, a ' beautiful spot with separate Cot-' r tages or Tents fully equipped. Ex- cellent meals served In Dinin I Room at reasonable rates. Store on premises for campers. Badminton, out-door games, beach and boat picnics, Bring your friends and enjoy a real vacation with your families Children over 8 vears without parents carefully looked after and given a good time. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANfiAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Nr. Mainctt, R. C. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C, E. Black, Proprietress m f Vancouver Big Missouri. .09. Dralorne, 9.70. Cariboo Quarts, 2.43. Dentonta, .01 V. Filrvlew. illV. OoW Beit, .23. Hedley Mascot, 9. Mlnto. .02 fc. Nobl Hve, .OOVi Pend Orielie, 1.70. Premier. 1.10. Privateer, .57. Reno. 5. ReUef Arlington. .. Salmon Gold. .03. Sheep Creek. 1M. Cariboo Hudson. .03. Oils A. P. Con.. .1414. fcalmont, Jl. C. & JL. UO. Freehold. 02 rtlome. 22i. Paealta. .06. Royal Can.. .17 VJ. OkalU. im. Mercury. .05. Prairie Royalties. .16. Toronto Aldermac. J32. Beattte. 1.04. Central Pat.. 2M. Cons. Smelters, 36i0. East Malarttc, 3 JO. Fernland. .03. Francoeur, 2$Y4. Oods Lake. J5. Hardrock. 8. Int. Nickel. 36.67. Kerr Addison. 2JI. Little Long Lac. -2.40. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.73. Madsen Red Lake. J9. MeKenzle Red Lake. 1.17. Moneta, .67. Noranda. 63JX). Pickle Crow. 3.06. Preston Bast Dome. 2.10. a San Antonio, 2M. Sherrlt Gordon, .92. Uchl. 0. Bouscadlllac. 03 4. Mosher. 05. Oklend. 04'. Smelters Ouid 00' ? Domini n Bridge 30.62. DOUBLE AyiqMATic szt Phones 18 & 19 P.0. nox 575 Every Mother Would Appreciate a Box of CHOCOLATKS On Mother's Day Our Assortment u Fresh and Our Price. Are Reasonable Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Pseked by the only ,aira8n canning company with an tbs year round payroll q Prlaes Rapert FILM BILL ENTERTAINS "Television Spy." an imaginative romance of the world of tomor row. and "Unexpected Father," a lively comedy romance, comprise an entertaining double bill program billed for the Capitol i Theatre tonight. TelevUlon Soy" Dreents. In Halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the week end- dditkn to a conception of the vctlo, , .; .,,.., , o tl r (Hi ann battle which may come for the j up to 3,o60,5b9 pounds as compared with 3,188,500 pounds . of novel character with winiam ).ai .ui i c&ijuuuiiiu utuv idM tccti. iul- uiituuuu lutiu wuuiwv uarrfu piarmg - tnis year to date is i,bui,zuj pounds iii comparison with inc pnipai p. The story re ! 1.476.600 pounds and the American , lvM lUelf into a thrilling pat il total 2,059300 pounds as against l.-j (JUAT l) 1 i OLKl) ;tm f lntriSue and romance an and d 711.900 711.900 pounds pounds last last year. year. The The uuruf a u juuu u.i peeds to a dramaUc denouemen denouement grounds came uo for discussion and the grounds committee, of which landings for the week Included D. O. Borland Is chairman, was au- 282.400 pounds Canadian and 427,-thorlzed to nmreA xrith nlan for 500 DOunds American. For Can- the efecUon of a wall along the adlan fish the high price of the mm Avenue lot une ouisiae or was iu.jc ana c wrucn me which alongside the sidewalk there Bruce was paid for 17.500 pounds ui re a smauer euro wail me o$t wnue me raw was vc ana oc paiai of which will be borne by the cltr. the Peerless and Blue Boy for! The walls will be of reinforced con- catch w of 9,000 pounds and 9,000 1 crete and will conform with the Pound respectively. The high price J color of the hospital. The inner for American fish was 10c and 7.5c! wall will be 117 feet long and IS hkh the Heligoland. Viking and! Inches high, tapering from ten iz Wild Rose received for 40.000. 13.- aix Inches. The cost of the tvo 000 and 16,500. pounds respecUvely. walls Is estimated at $250. Author- The low American price was 9.3c lzatlon of the purchase of a lawn and "c paid the Lltuya and North ana a thrilling climax. William Henry. William Collier sr . Anthony ,Qulnn and Richard Denning are 'also featured members of the cast Infant charm. hlUilou comedv 1and romantk Intrigue are effectively combined In "Unexpected Father." The infant charm is supplied by Baby Sandy, who has already caaptured movie audiences In a big way. The comedy comes largely from Mlecha Auer. The ro-Imanttc intrigue is provided by Dennts OXeefe and 8hlrley Ross. 1 The story is about an orphaned (baby who Is taken by a group of theatre employees. Their unconventional methods of taking care .Gf htm provide the basts of the medy. Ilk TONIGHT nv.? Z Showi. v . Coming M0n, T nriw. IT-I! 1 n. an I and j "UNEXPECTED FATHER" 'At i 91 and Hii Plus W'm. Collie, gr In Television Spy' i TM and l t SHOOTING GALLERY Adioinln I II OKA ROLLER Agtx, SBBBIBBSlSBSlBBBSSSBiiigl Bht or Day Phone 112 Tan Prompt Serviced ,tllfnifj 1 OOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOen, x 10 0 o 8 o o 0 Announcement SMITH and MALLETT LIMITED Me Wkh to Announce that the Nsrne of this llrm hi, tv unsnjed to Smith and Elkins Limited ... , . 1 UUMns e pan twenty years, Me take thU opportunity of thanking the public of TriM t.n " rriauons will continue under the iftaistt SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocUoooc: ooooooooooooooooooooooootAooooooooooooo5:::::5osK WARWICK BOX CAMERAS MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-4M x 2 1-4" SPECIAL $1,30 Ormes Ltd. "Jim Ptonecr Vrtuiffists The Retail Store rhone, gl u tl - Open Dally from t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. oooooooooooooooooooooci66HaooooooooooorcfoooaDooo;a Our Famoui Edsun Alberta COAL llulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheal and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Thone 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZarelU Proprietor -A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold WiW Prince RuDert. B.C Phone 281 r.O. Bi II