unlay May II. iWflj f I 00 will Mnd 300 lwt CK a- lb. Old VrgM pip Mfcta. (a KilM M"l M United Koig4oii and Franc only. Ar "8MCMf f ,C Bo 0000. Mul, Qw. RAISING COLOIt PAY (i:r.)RiA May It: ugh the latest Union A' ira education budget 'WW did yoj toy in ih t7" " 5nd Cop at one I " SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES TAr puttil frm in hUk tohw cn he imoitd." CP - African native teachers, .h university education but -r.y years underpaid, have anted an increase In sal J)i:iJJl IDOL MISSING NEW DELHI, India, May 11: j CPi There was mile a stir among the Jains ian east Indian Uuddhjst sect when the silyer a despatch. IHURCH NOTICES PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY ttS Cth Avenue West Next to the Armory PASTOR W.J. JJUEKIA' : "mon Topic The Family in Rclropect and Prospect" Jy the Male Qvaxtett Rev Brandt will speak at both services FIRST UNITED CHURCH OrianlU MW Swanna Olafon A.T.CM. Leader 8Jlor Choir J. S. WlUon Leader Junior Choir II. T, Lock MinUter Iter. J, C. Jackkon - MothejV Day Service In charge of the Canadian Olds In Train Mrs. E C. Boarrfman. Speaker. Miss E. M. Earl. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Ith and 9th Ave East I M, Myrwant. PaUr Rev 237 4th Ave. E-Phone Black 982 "te Valen, OrianW Mrs. J. II. Mjrwan. Supt. Sunday Srhool PENTECOST SUNDAY, MAY 12 Festive Sei-rlces In Fntlhh. Special Music. Pentecost I Ti Junior Choir will sing "God Who Touch est Earth With una the opening chorus of "From Olivet to Calvary." j Special Musical Service. Sacred Cantata. "Penitence, Pardon J It Mauudcn Augmented senior choir. BoJoUls Mrs. R. O Large and Dr. R. O. Large , .Offering Will Be Taken 12:15 p.m. Kundijr School .Mothers' Da Service. Program presented by the Sunday COAL IANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. !P0NE 116 PHONE 1" k Rev. F. ' A. Anfleld. superintendent of the native Industrial school at Alert Bay. arrived in the city on the Carripna IM i in spue oj mciemeni weainer, Uhe annual spring sale Thursday afternoon of the Woman's Auxiliary of 8t Peter's Anglican Church at Seal Cove was well attended and the financial results were very satisfactory. The affair was opened by Rev. Captain R. J. U. Durn-iford who referred to war acUvl. ties and the part this parish ai well as all others .must sf;ve. The .hall was attractively decorated .with spring flowers and follase. i hear Evangelist Johmione's concluding meesasf ou vital The President of the Auxiliary, .he- vital times. Airs A. J. Croxfrrd, .received many 1 a m The Coming of Jmi The Hleed Hope of the Cliurrh guests. 30 p.m Are the l.ijhU f Civiliiatiori Colnc Out? Monday. Z pm. -The Coroluc CaUslruplie Tuesday 8 pill- Wlist Time Is II? Wednesday 8 pjn The live Uorte men iA JCevrhUlon Thursday 8 pjn Armaftddon We Welcome. You FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ' 1- Brandt R.A, R.D., MJnKter mon Topic- "Parenthood" Special Mother's Day music will house. by tt Junior Choir under thCdlreetton of Miss Kay'UVatson In charge of the tea were Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. W. Garllck Serviteurs wepe Mrs. Inch, Mrs. Henry Skinner and Mrs. W. McLean, members of the new Eve ning branch of the Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. David Scott was cashier. ; Others in charge were: i Home Cooking Mrs. George 'KcUey and Mrs. J. W. Moore- Sewing Mrs. D. Slevert. Music i Miscellaneous Mrs. A. H. Hill CA1U) OF THANKfc AJi the Mothers are cordially Invited as guests of honor. Also all f I W. A. Canadian Friday, Seventeenth of May Tea, May 15. p Horse extraction and all others, sympathetic to the culture, the nesday. May 15. Empire May 23. .1 and Mrs. Henderson. rout Plants Ernest Meadows. In a sale of old gold, ofwhlch Mrs. Henderson was In charge, $20 was realized. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late John! Joyce will take place on Monday! at 2:00 pjn. from the chapel of Junior Uie u- c Undertakers. Carnival. Moose Hall, Evening Branch WA. Tea, May 30, Mrs. J. B. Gibson's. Old Guide Association Tea, Mrs. J. R. Morlson's, McBrlde Street, June 1. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm.Lamble. June 5. ! HosDltal Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home June 0. P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, June 7. Lutheran Sewing' Circle Tea and Sale, Mr Murvold's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Mrs. J. W, THE DAILY NTWfl LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's tf. Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. executive meeting Monday. General meeting Wednesday. Mrs. Richardson and children arrived In the city on the Car-dena this morning from Vancouver to join Lieut. Richardson stationed here In naval service. R. W, Sinclair, manager of In verness cannery, was a passenger Miss Wllla Dyer sailed yesterday afternoon pn the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Joseph Naylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor. arrived on the princess Adelaide last evening from his studies at the University of British Columbia to spend the summer vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert White of Juneau were passengers aboard the aboard the Cardena this morning Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Kleratu .on can nery business. going through to the United States. Mr. White Is to attend the Republican National convention this Rupert Fulton, son of Mrs. and the m- W ' Fulton of thu south. He will visit th Naas uivcr and Queen Charlotte Islands. St. Peter's W.A. Spring Sale Is m-jdol of Xord Parsunatb in Jain Wall Affanrlof .of iMandlr was reported missing, says' " CI IIC11UCU ceeded In passing his third year in arts at the University of Brltlsn 'Columbia, examination results an i nounced show. He has Joined the i staff .of his father's law office here for the summer. Next Thurs. Friday Special Stage and Screen Show Dance Revue Presented JJy JIOGSON DANCING ACAOF.M 80 Minute Stage Show Featuring a-ASSICAL, COMPJJV and OVfJ.TY JUUTJNKS 40 I'cople-100 Costumes On the Screen RONALD COLMAN "The Lfght That Failed" Xine Complete Show Nisbtly at 8 pan. ALL SE.TS RESERVED PRICES 50c and 5c Seat Sale Now on at Theatre Hox Office Open Daily From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m-Evenings 7:00 to 9:H Get Your Seats .Now Mrs. H. T. Lock and Mrs. James sailed last night on the iKrikevsky Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to attend the British Columbia con- w,. ni7lsh to thank Jerence of the United Church of all khid friends lor their help, for :canaaa. floral -tributes and Prs the Isaac White-ol Taylor, prom,nent sympathy J" "'I horse merchant, and Mrs. Taylor, LCW "ZZTZL aJ ed by their son and , ,, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al- . . COnSlderatlOn. l -,,nr nninirpre nhnnrr? Announcements All advertUetaenU tn ihJj oi-amn will be charged for a full month at 19v word. This being the NaUonal Independence Day of Norway, an Ktmnrhi cortiir .tn k hrtt tn nrrfor in nrcommodate all Rcbekah Hospital a v WV V T V W W Legion Spring Dance, wea- "4 d spirit of democracy and .religious and naUonal freedom and - . ,,,.,, Il and all the ai"c , ...... - - - -Sance that have eharacterlzed the Scandinavian h i aeaklnir twmV. iho urvirc ulU hoM In the Fulled .Church. l0- "r-' ardlally Invited. A very .excellent uroisram IU be given. This I United May 22. Tea, Mrs. R. Q. Large,1 i ' " - tthe Princess Louise yesterday af- I ternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin BV The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant lite. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors V. II. MaJkin Co. (P.IL) Ltd. FOR SALE Sealed Tenders for the purchase of Ben's News Stand and Gas Station as a going concern will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Thursday, May 16th. Particulars as to stock, building, lease and equipment, will be furnished oh call at office. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Cash. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Tourist Bureau Is To Be Active Will Provide Information Of Value To Visitors At an informal meeting of the local tourist bureau, called by the secretary, Trevor Williams, it was decided Thursday to provide Information of value to tourists to the Canadian National Railways for use In the bulletin distributed on the northbound boats. The bureau also will discuss with the Canadian Pacific authorities the question of suitable nuoucuy on that company's boats. Owing to the rather slim at tendance It was decided to defer election of a chairman to take the place of W. J. Alder, who has left the city. Presbyterian Tea And Sale Friday Under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary al the First Presbyterian Church a delightful tea I and sale of home cooking was held oo Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs T W. Brown. In spite of the Inclement weather .many guests called, being received by the hostess and Mrs. D C. Stuart. The tea room was In charge of Mrs. Robert Cameron, assisted by Mrs. W. Sandlson and Mrs. C. G. Ham. Pourers were Mrs. G. A. Hunter. Mrs. J. L. Lee. Mrs. L. W. Kergln and Mrs. T. McClymont. Serviteurs ' were Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mrs. Robert Strachan and Mrs. J. H. Carson-Cashier was Mrt. J. Slmpn.j Home cooking was in charce of Mrs. Harry Calderwood and Mrs.j a. u. Leslie. Funeral Of Sam Olsen On Friday Large attendance at the chaDel of the B.C. Undertakers and at IFalrvlew Cemetery yesterday after- noon as well as numerous floral trl- fcutes Indicated the respect and esteem-In wWrtKthe-latesim "plien I or jap inlet was held. Rev. Canon W. F . Rush brook officiated and Peter Lien presided at the organ to accompany hymns which were "Jesus. Lover of My Soul" and "Lead Kindly Light." Pallbearers were Oscar Edwards, Martin Johnson, Jack Dean. Louis Locker, Ted Fuller and Michall A Joint communication of Tyeei and Tsimpsean Lodges. A. F. iz A. M. will be held in the Masonic Temple, Sunday, May 12, 1940, at 2 dju. for the Duroose of hnldiriff a funeral service for our late! brother William Duff. Sojourning brethren are Invited to attend. A public service will be held at the JB. C. Undertakers at the same hour. E. B. BAKER W. D. VANCE Secretaries. IDORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Pal Nites, 7 to 11 Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to 11 Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 pjn. 6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties Handyman Home Service Palntlnr, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now. Phone Green C20 for the Handyman. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE .837 364 Days For You. Make The 365th Day (Sunday May 12th) FOR HER. Mother's Day Suggestions We Will Pay the Postage on All Out of Town Gifts KAYSER HOSE $1 DAINTY SLIPS $1.25 FANCY NIGHTGOWNS $U5 HOUSE COATS $L95 WOOL SWEATERS $2.95 HANDERKERCHIEFS 25c DRESSY COATS $12.95 PURSES $2 GLOVES $1 STYLISH DRESSES $3.95 SHEER SCARVES . .' $1 Enchanting New Evening Gowns Latest arrivals In all the new breathtaking colors and styles for that -all important" formal. Charmingly designed to catch "his" eye. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night B. C. Furniture Co. Mew and Used Furniture 1 Garden Spade-Price - 75c 1 Large-Size Lawn Mower Perfect Condition .. 4 Baby Cribs From 1 Bably's Play Gate-Just like new latest styles and coverings. From - 30 Table Lamps In latest colors and designs Phone BLACK 324 1 Harden S3.50 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers to 75c 89.25 $8.50 S3.50 16 Reconditioned Typewriters Monarch, Remington and Under- 24.50 $45.00 2 Sessions 8-Day Chime Clocks At - $9.95 NEW FURNITURE 4 cohmsand,'ads $14.50 to $18.75 12 Studio Couches In Argonne red and green, rust, brown. Can be made Inta double bed or two single beds. QQfvO Three cushions .. , ?OUUU 3G Three-piece Chesterfields In rust, red. mahogany, green. In $69.00 t0 $125.00 $1.95 to $3.95 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! tilling it OCEAN FALLS ud POWELL RIVER Steamer leave Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leate Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For or, tc., call or tcrits City Tlektt Office, 528 SrH At. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ! "In jlhe Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Ileilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 V-9-40 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Jiupert for Vancouver: TJS.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TJSJS. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 pjn. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone &U